Democrats reaction to Biden document scandal shows you how objective they are in comparison to republicans

I don’t praise Fauci. I praise medial science. Medial science on a BRAND NEW virus. Have the experts been wrong on some things? Yes. Have they been right on others? You bet. They are allowed to be wrong on a brand new virus. What’s the alternative i should be listening to? Republicans. FUCK THAT SHIT.
hahah you all can’t even say what a woman is and you want us to believe you praise science???? hahahb
There's a link there you clown.

This is why people can't debate you ingrates - the truth can be literally staring you right in the face, and you just refuse to see it.

No integrity. No honesty. No brain cells.
facts don’t matter to be dembot cultist
I don’t praise Fauci. I praise medial science. Medial science on a BRAND NEW virus. Have the experts been wrong on some things? Yes. Have they been right on others? You bet. They are allowed to be wrong on a brand new virus. What’s the alternative i should be listening to? Republicans. FUCK THAT SHIT.
Perhaps you should listen to someone else.

Those who opposed mandated vaccines.

Those who opposed mandated lockdowns.

Those who opposed shutting down schools.

Those who opposed firing people for not getting the vaccine.

Those who supported off script treatment of Covid.

And the list goes on and on...

I don’t praise Fauci. I praise medial science. Medial science on a BRAND NEW virus. Have the experts been wrong on some things? Yes. Have they been right on others? You bet. They are allowed to be wrong on a brand new virus. What’s the alternative i should be listening to? Republicans. FUCK THAT SHIT.
With all due respect, science in general is neither right nor is it wrong. It is what it is. A producer of evidence, trials and probability. Nothing more, nothing less. Science makes no claims nor does it require any definitive actions. It informs. It can make recommendations but only based upon the known evidence. Fauci ALWAYS spIke in those terms. Always. There is no absolutism in science one way or another.
facts don’t matter to be dembot cultist
Spoken like a denier. Instead of listening to the educated many, let’s instead listen to the ignorant few. Good way to be wrong most of the time.
Well no shit it’s rather difficult not to do this now after the left shot it’s collective mouth off about Trump and classified documents. Let’s not forget when it was first discovered that Biden had classified documents the left tried to downplay it and do the old apples and oranges talking point. It was only after documents were found in other locations especially in the garage next to Joes corvette their tone really changed.
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38% of democrats in this poll think Biden mishandled those documents.

52% of democrats think a congressional investigation should go into this mishandling of documents.

We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”
Dems can't wait to be rid of him and circumvent Kamala.
Yeah, about gibberish. Who really talks gibberish on a daily basis?

Could we not go on for hours?

Say what you want about Biden. I just don’t understand why you’re such a pussy in not being able to admit how fucking stupid Trump sounds all the time. Like don’t you think it’s pretty pathetic you can’t acknowledge it? All you can do is deflect?

Biden is an old man. He says old man thing sometimes. He’s going to have gaffes. It doesn’t mean he is a natural moron like Trump is.
Say what you want about Biden. I just don’t understand why you’re such a pussy in not being able to admit how fucking stupid Trump sounds all the time. Like don’t you think it’s pretty pathetic you can’t acknowledge it? All you can do is deflect?

Biden is an old man. He says old man thing sometimes. He’s going to have gaffes. It doesn’t mean he is a natural moron like Trump is.
And Trump has three things working agaisnt him. He’s stupid, a criminal and an old man. He’s a loser.
Say what you want about Biden. I just don’t understand why you’re such a pussy in not being able to admit how fucking stupid Trump sounds all the time. Like don’t you think it’s pretty pathetic you can’t acknowledge it? All you can do is deflect?

Biden is an old man. He says old man thing sometimes. He’s going to have gaffes. It doesn’t mean he is a natural moron like Trump is.
Yeah I knew you would puss out again.
I fully understand your bitterness, anger, and desperation. I don't understand your nastiness. That is so childish like a kid on a playground who has had his ball taken by a bigger kid. Grow up.

You backed the wrong horse and instead of just losing the race, the horse runs rampant through the crowd, damaging property, killing and injuring people. How can you, in all honesty, support that behavior?

Prominent Democrats are not walking, but running for the door. Is your ego that massive, are you that egotistical that even when confronted with incontrovertible proof that you are 100 percent wrong, you can't do it? Can you acknowledge, just to yourself, that you are attempting to defend the indefensible?

Can you accept that what started as a scandal Democrats wanted to use to keep President Biden from running into a full blown catastrophe?

The White House promised that Biden's attorneys had completed a search of his Deleware home and everything had been found,

Then, later...

Well no shit it’s rather difficult not to do this now after the left shot it’s collective mouth off about Trump and classified documents. Let’s not forget when it was first discovered that Biden had classified documents the left tried to downplay it and do the old apples and oranges talking point. It was only after documents were found in other locations especially in the garage next to Joes corvette their tone really changed.
O they didn’t. You’re watching Fix News way too much. Biden didn’t delay the fbi for a year.
Well no shit it’s rather difficult not to do this now after the left shot it’s collective mouth off about Trump and classified documents. Let’s not forget when it was first discovered that Biden had classified documents the left tried to downplay it and do the old apples and oranges talking point. It was only after documents were found in other locations especially in the garage next to Joes corvette their tone really changed.
Trump is a civilian, Biden is president. Big difference.
O they didn’t. You’re watching Fix News way too much. Biden didn’t delay the fbi for a year.
Some of the documents that Biden had dated back to his days in the Senate and his time as VP that goes back years. Let’s not forget the administration knew about these documents back in November and kept it from the public in fact the only reason we know anything about this is because CBS broke the story.
O they didn’t. You’re watching Fix News way too much. Biden didn’t delay the fbi for a year.
You're right! Now we have learned that it is much more than a year. We have now learned that President Biden had classified documents that he had stolen and hidden from his days as a senator.

Do you still want to keep on defending the indefensible?
Some of the documents that Biden had dated back to his days in the Senate and his time as VP that goes back years. Let’s not forget the administration knew about these documents back in November and kept it from the public in fact the only reason we know anything about this is because CBS broke the story.
He’s president. He can do what ever he wants with those in his possession. Trump can’t. He’s a loser in case you forgot.

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