Democrats' 'Resistance' to Trump Is Eroding, and So Are Their Poll Numbers

They are killing themselves. People see this behavior and are not having it anymore. Just look at how they smoke spin and lie here. I've sent several links to some of these America haters posts here to people I know that are on the fence, and they can't believe it...
Democrats' 'Resistance' to Trump Is Eroding, and So Are Their Poll Numbers

Should Democrats double down on anti-Trump sentiment or aim more for the middle?
We just went through a government shutdown due to congress struggling to pay the bills. Then Trump wasted taxpayer money on a military parade to demonstrate to Russia and North Korea that we have big bang weapons also. Trump is thoroughly unfit for the job of president. Just go to the Real Clear Politics website, then go to the polls page. This isn't the polls conducted by Real Clear Politics, it is a list of all of the major polls on one page. It shows that Trump is still struggling as a generally unpopular Republican president and the congressional Republicans are scoring even lower. I don't see the erosion of Trump's bad ratings as changing things because he is still not supported by a majority of Americans.

Democrats should aim more for the middle on some issues and stand their ground on other issues. Such as Trump racism and sexism must be challenged.;

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