Democrats say NO to 1 year extension on payroll tax cut.

I built my house and it was paid for the day I walked in. this is the second chance I'm going to give you to recant that bullshit about I have no critical thinking skills.. will you do it?

No I'm not going to recan't my statement. Because if you were an objective person wth the ability to think logically, you would know that one can not conclude anything about your ability to reason based on nothing more than the fact that you were able to build a house and had the money to pay for it.

you're such a simple minded fool with the satisfy me now attitude..

Thanks for proving my point. Much appreciated.
So Bern? you gonna answer the question or run cross the road like a scalded chicken the way you did yesterday??

It ain't me tryign to dodge away from the subject here. That's clearly you. We're talking about the merits of passing this bill in the Rpeublican form or the dem form and you're the one who wants to try and stick with making a case about you're ability to reason.

fail again. I've laid out my case. and you've lost.
No I'm not going to recan't my statement. Because if you were an objective person wth the ability to think logically, you would know that one can not conclude anything about your ability to reason based on nothing more than the fact that you were able to build a house and had the money to pay for it.

you're such a simple minded fool with the satisfy me now attitude..

Thanks for proving my point. Much appreciated.

you're most welcome.
Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

Except that there is REAL concern that the Keystone will create a net LOSS of jobs. You prefer to ignore that so that you can engage in partisan bickering. Party over country. You partisans are pathetic. It's the reason we have the sorry shit sacks we have now in government.
Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

Except that there is REAL concern that the Keystone will create a net LOSS of jobs. You prefer to ignore that so that you can engage in partisan bickering. Party over country. You partisans are pathetic. It's the reason we have the sorry shit sacks we have now in government.

explain how it would result in a loss of jobs.. this should be interesting.
So Bern? you gonna answer the question or run cross the road like a scalded chicken the way you did yesterday??

It ain't me tryign to dodge away from the subject here. That's clearly you. We're talking about the merits of passing this bill in the Rpeublican form or the dem form and you're the one who wants to try and stick with making a case about you're ability to reason.

fail again. I've laid out my case. and you've lost.

No I'm afraid you haven't. You couldnt' make your case about SS. And haven't made the case that you are capable of objective reason. Explain to me why exactly should anyone conclude anything about your intelligence with no other information than you have stack of money and the ability to build something?
It ain't me tryign to dodge away from the subject here. That's clearly you. We're talking about the merits of passing this bill in the Rpeublican form or the dem form and you're the one who wants to try and stick with making a case about you're ability to reason.

fail again. I've laid out my case. and you've lost.

No I'm afraid you haven't. You couldnt' make your case about SS. And haven't made the case that you are capable of objective reason. Explain to me why exactly should anyone conclude anything about your intelligence with no other information than you have stack of money and the ability to build something?

I've made my case. Take it or leave it. I got yours too you wants yours NOW.. we get that.
Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

Except that there is REAL concern that the Keystone will create a net LOSS of jobs. You prefer to ignore that so that you can engage in partisan bickering. Party over country. You partisans are pathetic. It's the reason we have the sorry shit sacks we have now in government.

Please explain that bullshit???????????????
Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

Except that there is REAL concern that the Keystone will create a net LOSS of jobs. You prefer to ignore that so that you can engage in partisan bickering. Party over country. You partisans are pathetic. It's the reason we have the sorry shit sacks we have now in government.

Please explain that bullshit???????????????

I've been waiting for about ten minutes. I'm not holding my breath though. people like he and bern just say shit and then squawk across the road thinking they brilliant or something. :lol:
As we have witnessed--congress doesn't work anymore. The GOP house--agreed with Barack Obama and passed a one year extension for the payroll tax cut last week. After it passed they sent it to the Democrat lead senate and they sent it back with only a two month extension.

Of course Obama is out there blaming Republicans for doing what he asked them to do--and now we're back to gridlock. So what is it--that DEMOCRATS do not like about a one year payroll tax cut extension? Why do they only want a two month extension?

And why is it that Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid has already left for his Christmas break--along with many other democrats in the Senate--while the GOP house has conference members still in Washington D.C. willing to work out a compromise with senate Democrats?

Any guess's as to what they're up too?


And the Senate bill is so flawed that it can't even be implemented before the 2 months is up.

How much airplay is that little glitch getting?
Except that there is REAL concern that the Keystone will create a net LOSS of jobs. You prefer to ignore that so that you can engage in partisan bickering. Party over country. You partisans are pathetic. It's the reason we have the sorry shit sacks we have now in government.

Please explain that bullshit???????????????

I've been waiting for about ten minutes. I'm not holding my breath though. people like he and bern just say shit and then squawk across the road thinking they brilliant or something. :lol:

They just make shit up without any viable evidence..... They read bizarre social justice sites then regurgitate what they read there here...
And the Senate bill is so flawed that it can't even be implemented before the 2 months is up.

How much airplay is that little glitch getting?

I posted the problems in that area in detail in another thread. It was completely ignored by the lefties in here.
You're retarded. Both of you.

A sharp drop in UE would guarantee his re-election. How by any metric would that not be in his best interests?

True. So why did he object to the pipeline?

Your thread title is disingenuous. Pubs shouldn't need to use this as a bargaining chip. They should be in favor of a tax cut to begin with.

Democrats invented "disingenuous."

Who do you think you're fooling?
the Keystone and OTHER poison pills, silly ignorant Pub Dupes. IDIOCY as always...

Only a Democrat would call a jobs provision that doesn't cost the taxpayers a dime a "poison pill." That pretty much defines idiocy.
Democrats opposition to the pipeline is illogical....

They only oppose it because their constituents are anti-everything...

Of course they has no problem with the stimulus which appropriated money to the states which used that money to fix roads that didn't need to be fixed, using construction crews which used heavy machinery to burn oil and pollute..

Hell, everything about this pipeline is good - it will create jobs, it will lower oil prices hence help the economy...

But of course progressives would rather have us buy our oil from Saudi Arabia or Venezuela than Canada.

No, progressives would rather have more green energy and so would I.
After studying the issue, I support the GOP House option over the Senate option. BUT, I feel very strongly about the environment and fossil fuel pollution. I have studied the effects of fossil fuel pollution and it's effect on people and it's not good at all. I have a daughter with severe asthma, I have a grandson with severe asthma. Do you have a clue about the effects of fossil fuel pollution on the respiratory system. It can be deadly.
It also kills fish and trees and disrupts our eco-system.
I'd love it if the US could wean itself off of it's oil addiction. China is more progressive towards green energy than the US. Now that alone says something.
I'd rather have more green energy too. I'm just not willing to pay 6 times as much for it, nor can our economy sustain it.
Technology will mature and some, perhaps untried, alternative energy source will be developed to the point where it will compete with oil and coal. The companies that develop such a source will become the wealthy energy barons of the 21st century, just as the Gettys and Duncans and Kochs became wealthy in the last. The Progressives will worship their innovation for a while, but demonize them as they have oil and coal people in the past.
I feel for your daughter and grandson. My ex's daughter had sever asthma too. It seems there are vastly more asthma sufferers today than there were 50 years ago when emissions from cars and energy production was infinitely worse. Perhaps the cause for the increase is from something else? Logic would indicate that, wouldn't it?
Yup pollution kills trees and fish. Wind farms require clearing forests and the turbines kill birds and take up massive tracts of land best used for other purposes.
I'd love it if we weaned ourselves off oil too. I'm not an idiot. I'm a realist.
China.... Yup they are producing solar cells and wind turbines, but only use them for the most part in remote areas where it makes more sense than running transmission lines hundreds of miles. They use oil and coal in heavily populated areas. Look up pictures of pollution in Beijing. You'll find it much worse than, say Los Angeles.

fail again. I've laid out my case. and you've lost.

No I'm afraid you haven't. You couldnt' make your case about SS. And haven't made the case that you are capable of objective reason. Explain to me why exactly should anyone conclude anything about your intelligence with no other information than you have stack of money and the ability to build something?

I've made my case. Take it or leave it. I got yours too you wants yours NOW.. we get that.

What is it I want now? I just want the bill that makes the most sense for the country. I get the whole "come on, just compromise" argument. And sometimes that's warranted. It just isn't this time for a lot of reasons:

With the economy in the shape it's in, business can't afford any more uncertaintiy about what their expenses will be in the future. A company needs to forecast expenses before it makes decisions in terms of reinvestment and hiring and if all you're going to do is tell them is here's what your expenses will be for the next two months, you might as well be telling them nothing at all. It isn't enough information to make an informed decision.

Denying a project that will create hundreds of thousands of jobs and one the EPA has approved makes no sense other than than trying to score political points with the environmental whacko voter block.

Compromising with the dems on this one hoping the democrats might agree to give them what they want then is wishful thinking. Why would you do that? Will the dems promise the republicans they'll pass the year extension and the pipeline when it comes up again in two months? If that were the case why won't they just do it now?

The repubs most definately should be taking a hard stand on this first and foremost because it is the right thing for the country and secondly there is no good reason to believe that the dems are going to approve the pipeline if made a separate bill nor does it seem likely they will extend the tax cuts once the two months are up. If they were it again begs the simpe question, why won't they just extend it for a year now?

It does go back to critical thinking unfortunately Willow. There is no logical reason to oppose what the repubs want. There is no upside to the american people in extending tax cuts for only two months as opposed to a year and there is no upside to opposing the creation of the jobs that will result from the pipelie. The ONLY benefit is the selfish benefit that democrats won't have to look bad in front of the 'stick it to the rich' and 'environmental whacko' voting blocks.
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Democrats opposition to the pipeline is illogical....

They only oppose it because their constituents are anti-everything...

Of course they has no problem with the stimulus which appropriated money to the states which used that money to fix roads that didn't need to be fixed, using construction crews which used heavy machinery to burn oil and pollute..

Hell, everything about this pipeline is good - it will create jobs, it will lower oil prices hence help the economy...

But of course progressives would rather have us buy our oil from Saudi Arabia or Venezuela than Canada.

No, progressives would rather have more green energy and so would I.
After studying the issue, I support the GOP House option over the Senate option. BUT, I feel very strongly about the environment and fossil fuel pollution. I have studied the effects of fossil fuel pollution and it's effect on people and it's not good at all. I have a daughter with severe asthma, I have a grandson with severe asthma. Do you have a clue about the effects of fossil fuel pollution on the respiratory system. It can be deadly.
It also kills fish and trees and disrupts our eco-system.
I'd love it if the US could wean itself off of it's oil addiction. China is more progressive towards green energy than the US. Now that alone says something.
I'd rather have more green energy too. I'm just not willing to pay 6 times as much for it, nor can our economy sustain it.
Technology will mature and some, perhaps untried, alternative energy source will be developed to the point where it will compete with oil and coal. The companies that develop such a source will become the wealthy energy barons of the 21st century, just as the Gettys and Duncans and Kochs became wealthy in the last. The Progressives will worship their innovation for a while, but demonize them as they have oil and coal people in the past.
I feel for your daughter and grandson. My ex's daughter had sever asthma too. It seems there are vastly more asthma sufferers today than there were 50 years ago when emissions from cars and energy production was infinitely worse. Perhaps the cause for the increase is from something else? Logic would indicate that, wouldn't it?
Yup pollution kills trees and fish. Wind farms require clearing forests and the turbines kill birds and take up massive tracts of land best used for other purposes.
I'd love it if we weaned ourselves off oil too. I'm not an idiot. I'm a realist.
China.... Yup they are producing solar cells and wind turbines, but only use them for the most part in remote areas where it makes more sense than running transmission lines hundreds of miles. They use oil and coal in heavily populated areas. Look up pictures of pollution in Beijing. You'll find it much worse than, say Los Angeles.


Hey it looks like that by me presently....

I'm sure the fog will break and the Sun will shine again same visibility it not worse.....
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Please explain that bullshit???????????????

I've been waiting for about ten minutes. I'm not holding my breath though. people like he and bern just say shit and then squawk across the road thinking they brilliant or something. :lol:

They just make shit up without any viable evidence..... They read bizarre social justice sites then regurgitate what they read there here...

The cost of the pipeline and its maintenance will be passed on to customers in the form of higher oil prices. Those higher oil prices mean less money for consumers to spend which means job will be lost.

Econ 101 stuff here guys.

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