Democrats Say They Are NOT Nominating Joe Biden??! Did They Just Gaffe Or Admit Biden Is Out?

I wish this story was true, but sadly not. I would much rather have Cuomo take over the ticket, or Gavin Newsom, or anyone who frankly is still relevant and not senile!!! It will be interesting to see what the party can do to replace him, though, should they choose to go that route.
Whatever his issues, I give Biden credit for being a loyal and dependable soldier for the democrat Party.
The problem is that Democrats have an absurd platform. Reperations, college debt forgiveness, free college, green deal, medicare for all, open borders, full benefits for illegal aliens, sanctuary country and many other extremely expensive items we can nowhere near afford. And we couldn't afford them before we spent 6 TRILLION on an economic bailout, much of which were on the Democrats political wish list, having nothing to do with the pandemic. The Democrat party, party of the shutdown, is totally out of their minds. So in the end, it really doesn't matter who the nominee is. It's their socialist-communist positions that will turn the people against them.
Joe Biden will win the nomination. The party that prides itself on "diversity", "progressiveness", "woman's rights" and "caring about the middle class" will nominate the oldest inside the beltway white elite they can possibly find who has sexually abused women. Then they'll add a minority female to the ticket who will have no real function in the administration, except for photo ops, just to appease their minority base. A Joe Biden presidency won't move the country forward. It'll be one speaking gaffe and policy blunder after another.
will biden even know they dropped him???

If this fiasco along with Pelosi's and Schumer's stupid stunts isn't enough to convince you that the democratic party is dying for all practical purposes then you just may be brain dead yourself. Better run out and get an EEC for yourself. A PET scan probably wouldn't hurt, while you're at it.
Joe Biden will win the nomination. The party that prides itself on "diversity", "progressiveness", "woman's rights" and "caring about the middle class" will nominate the oldest inside the beltway white elite they can possibly find who has sexually abused women. Then they'll add a minority female to the ticket who will have no real function in the administration, except for photo ops, just to appease their minority base. A Joe Biden presidency won't move the country forward. It'll be one speaking gaffe and policy blunder after another.

I love your sig line!!

January 15 - First coronavirus case returns from China to US. At the same time, Democrats march articles of impeachment to the Senate
January 31 - Trump Declares Coronavirus A Public Health Emergency & Restricts Travel From China. Joe Biden calls Trump xenophobic.
February 9 - White House Coronavirus task force briefs governors
February 10
- Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio encourage thousands to gather and celebrate the Chinese new year in New York
February 24 - Trump Administration sends a letter to Congress requesting at least $2.5 billion to help combat the spread of the coronavirus.
February 24
- Nancy Pelosi tours San Fran’s Chinatown and says, "We do want to say to people, come to Chinatown, here we are … come join us "
They can’t replace Biden because the Bernie people would go ballistic. They have to wait for a VP selection and let Biden drop out due to health issues and then the VP choice will become the nominee. If it’s a black and/or female, as the racist/sexist dem party has stipulated, Bernie then may become the VP choice.
I wish this story was true, but sadly not. I would much rather have Cuomo take over the ticket, or Gavin Newsom, or anyone who frankly is still relevant and not senile!!! It will be interesting to see what the party can do to replace him, though, should they choose to go that route.
Yes indeed Killer Cuomo or Gruesome Newsom either one. Fact is, Democrats don't have anyone whose own state didn't give them a pejorative nickname.
I wish this story was true, but sadly not. I would much rather have Cuomo take over the ticket, or Gavin Newsom, or anyone who frankly is still relevant and not senile!!! It will be interesting to see what the party can do to replace him, though, should they choose to go that route.
First off Biden is not senile. And Cuomo was not liked in New York and had a scandal in his government so it would be unwise to pump him up just because you see him on TV every day.

We've got a president talking about using disinfectant and shooting UV rays in to peoples bodies and these republicans here are talking about gaffes?
First off Biden is not senile. And Cuomo was not liked in New York and had a scandal in his government so it would be unwise to pump him up just because you see him on TV every day.

We've got a president talking about using disinfectant and shooting UV rays in to peoples bodies and these republicans here are talking about gaffes?
Biden is most certainly senile.

And Trump never once said people should use disinfectant in their bodies. He pointed out that disinfectants and UV light can kill the virus. He suggested that scientists pursue out-of-the-box thinking and look into how to leverage that knowledge.

The things that I heard, and anyone not just trying to ridicule the President would have heard, include:
  • Is there something in disinfectants that can be learned - molecules or chemicals or ways that they kill that can be replicated in human safe ways.
  • Can you use UV light in new ways - maybe in the breathing tubes, and, yes, can it be injected into the lungs? Why not?
But he didn't suggest people do it on their own. He's thinking outside the box and asking questions. In my job, I ask questions all the time that subject matter experts on various technologies didn't think of and sometimes my suggestions lead to solutions. Sometimes they don't. Still, when the hard problems come up, I ask a lot of questions and suggest a lot of things.
First off Biden is not senile. And Cuomo was not liked in New York and had a scandal in his government so it would be unwise to pump him up just because you see him on TV every day.

We've got a president talking about using disinfectant and shooting UV rays in to peoples bodies and these republicans here are talking about gaffes?
Biden is most certainly senile.

And Trump never once said people should use disinfectant in their bodies. He pointed out that disinfectants and UV light can kill the virus. He suggested that scientists pursue out-of-the-box thinking and look into how to leverage that knowledge.

The things that I heard, and anyone not just trying to ridicule the President would have heard, include:
  • Is there something in disinfectants that can be learned - molecules or chemicals or ways that they kill that can be replicated in human safe ways.
  • Can you use UV light in new ways - maybe in the breathing tubes, and, yes, can it be injected into the lungs? Why not?
But he didn't suggest people do it on their own. He's thinking outside the box and asking questions. In my job, I ask questions all the time that subject matter experts on various technologies didn't think of and sometimes my suggestions lead to solutions. Sometimes they don't. Still, when the hard problems come up, I ask a lot of questions and suggest a lot of things.

Biden is not senile and I heard what trump said. He was not thinking outside of any box, what he was thinking was idiocy on it’s face. He deserves ridicule Levant because he is the most corrupt president in modern history and people like you defending him allow it to happen. It is fine to ask questions but really when you are in that position you allow the experts to do the thinking.
will biden even know they dropped him???

I'm not going to enter into conspiracy, but one might consider that Bernie hasn't dropped out and other Primaries have been cancelled. Is this to ensure Biden never gets to the needed delegates and the Dem Party can "keep their options open"?

I'm just a dumb F from Idaho, I know nuthin' bout nuthin'. but their entire Primary has been really unique...

Bernie dropped out and Biden has enough delegates.
will biden even know they dropped him???

I'm not going to enter into conspiracy, but one might consider that Bernie hasn't dropped out and other Primaries have been cancelled. Is this to ensure Biden never gets to the needed delegates and the Dem Party can "keep their options open"?

I'm just a dumb F from Idaho, I know nuthin' bout nuthin'. but their entire Primary has been really unique...

Bernie dropped out and Biden has enough delegates.

bernie didnt drop out,,he just suspended his campaign,,,
will biden even know they dropped him???

I'm not going to enter into conspiracy, but one might consider that Bernie hasn't dropped out and other Primaries have been cancelled. Is this to ensure Biden never gets to the needed delegates and the Dem Party can "keep their options open"?

I'm just a dumb F from Idaho, I know nuthin' bout nuthin'. but their entire Primary has been really unique...

Bernie dropped out and Biden has enough delegates.

bernie didnt drop out,,he just suspended his campaign,,,

Since Biden has the delegates, he might as well said "I quit". Besides, he is working with Biden on the platform.
will biden even know they dropped him???

I'm not going to enter into conspiracy, but one might consider that Bernie hasn't dropped out and other Primaries have been cancelled. Is this to ensure Biden never gets to the needed delegates and the Dem Party can "keep their options open"?

I'm just a dumb F from Idaho, I know nuthin' bout nuthin'. but their entire Primary has been really unique...

Bernie dropped out and Biden has enough delegates.

bernie didnt drop out,,he just suspended his campaign,,,

Since Biden has the delegates, he might as well said "I quit". Besides, he is working with Biden on the platform.

or he could step in when joe is committed after he tells the next black guy he talks to that hes a well spoken for a negro,,,

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