Democrats say they want to "unite the country around our shared values" -- it hadn't occurred to me Democrats have "values" -- what are they?

The notion Trump supporters arguing values is more than ironic, it's just sad.

The values of a Trump supporter are grounded in fear and suspicion. Therefore the 'other' must be demonized then expelled.

Immigrants, women, Muslims, Gays, city dwellers, those holding college degrees, the press and our traditional allies lead the list. Seems all those groups are either from shitholes, fake, nasty, or low I.Q.

Values based in conspiracy theory. Values that excuse criminal enterprises such as the Trump campaign. And values that eschew the noble and embrace the petulant. Values of exclusion, not tolerance. Values of hate and fear not respect and egalitarianism.
What are Dim values? Please list one that won't make us all laugh.
Fairness. Equality. Opportunity. Empathy. Intellectual curiosity. Belief in science. Humility.
Dims don't believe in any of those things. Does "equality" mean giving special treatment to blacks and homosexuals?
Equal treatment. Only the authoritarians see equality as "special treatment".
That would be you, shit for brains. How is giving preference to blacks "equal treatment?
How did you leap to that conclusion? Loading the question with the temerity to call ME shit for brains!

I can't wait until we can scrape the dofshit culture of Trump and his minions from the soles of our shoes. Maybe some latter day Lee Harvey Oswald will snap and take the orange turd out. Slab time for Donald would be a holiday!
You didn't prove that Affirmative action doesn't give preferential treatment, asshole.
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence?
YES! That is the purpose of the 1st Amendment. Speech that no-one finds offensive does not need to be defended. I totally disagree with AOC and her extremist agenda but it is her right to spew that line of BS.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?
Equal protection under the law. Equal treatment by the government for everyone. More equal opportunity regardless of privilege. Government working for everyone, not just for the wealthy.
What you just posted are good values. Conservatives agree with that. Leftists want only those who agree with them to have those rights. Leftists want conservative to just shut up and go away!
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...
What you see as "normal" we see as QAnon "deplorables".

Look at this board.

These can't possible be "normal Americans" This is a vile collection of racists and trolls
Oh? And what exactly are “normal Americans”?..

This is the usual crap from right-wingers. "Normal Americans," "anti-Americans," "core Americans," "Communists," "Socialists," "the blacks are guilty of this," " browns are guilty of that," "feminazis," "we are under attack by gays," people "hate Christianity, "rapists and rioters and looters, oh my!" Anything that they think will help sell their screwed-up narrative. This would be funny if it wasn't so damned pathetic. They forget that they live in a diverse country of 330 million people and they are no more authentic than anyone else is.
Dims can't stand when the truth of their agenda is photographed.

Don't be ridiculous. BTW: republicans have an "agenda," which consists of taking liberty away from their fellow Americans in any way possible.
The Conservative agenda is to allow all citizens their rightful rights. Especially those who can only be seen on an ultrasound.


  • Ultrasound.jpg
    26.6 KB · Views: 46
The notion Trump supporters arguing values is more than ironic, it's just sad.

The values of a Trump supporter are grounded in fear and suspicion. Therefore the 'other' must be demonized then expelled.

Immigrants, women, Muslims, Gays, city dwellers, those holding college degrees, the press and our traditional allies lead the list. Seems all those groups are either from shitholes, fake, nasty, or low I.Q.

Values based in conspiracy theory. Values that excuse criminal enterprises such as the Trump campaign. And values that eschew the noble and embrace the petulant. Values of exclusion, not tolerance. Values of hate and fear not respect and egalitarianism.
What are Dim values? Please list one that won't make us all laugh.
Fairness. Equality. Opportunity. Empathy. Intellectual curiosity. Belief in science. Humility.
Dims don't believe in any of those things. Does "equality" mean giving special treatment to blacks and homosexuals?
Equal treatment. Only the authoritarians see equality as "special treatment".
That would be you, shit for brains. How is giving preference to blacks "equal treatment?
How did you leap to that conclusion? Loading the question with the temerity to call ME shit for brains!

I can't wait until we can scrape the dofshit culture of Trump and his minions from the soles of our shoes. Maybe some latter day Lee Harvey Oswald will snap and take the orange turd out. Slab time for Donald would be a holiday!
Democrat values are assassinating the president. Good to know. That's why the democrats are dead and dust. They are the communist democrats now.
The notion Trump supporters arguing values is more than ironic, it's just sad.

The values of a Trump supporter are grounded in fear and suspicion. Therefore the 'other' must be demonized then expelled.

Immigrants, women, Muslims, Gays, city dwellers, those holding college degrees, the press and our traditional allies lead the list. Seems all those groups are either from shitholes, fake, nasty, or low I.Q.

Values based in conspiracy theory. Values that excuse criminal enterprises such as the Trump campaign. And values that eschew the noble and embrace the petulant. Values of exclusion, not tolerance. Values of hate and fear not respect and egalitarianism.
What are Dim values? Please list one that won't make us all laugh.
Fairness. Equality. Opportunity. Empathy. Intellectual curiosity. Belief in science. Humility.
Dims don't believe in any of those things. Does "equality" mean giving special treatment to blacks and homosexuals?
Equal treatment. Only the authoritarians see equality as "special treatment".
That would be you, shit for brains. How is giving preference to blacks "equal treatment?
How did you leap to that conclusion? Loading the question with the temerity to call ME shit for brains!

I can't wait until we can scrape the dofshit culture of Trump and his minions from the soles of our shoes. Maybe some latter day Lee Harvey Oswald will snap and take the orange turd out. Slab time for Donald would be a holiday!
Democrat values are assassinating the president. Good to know. That's why the democrats are dead and dust. They are the communist democrats now.
I also value shooting a rabid dog? I have no moral qualms making the comparison.
The notion Trump supporters arguing values is more than ironic, it's just sad.

The values of a Trump supporter are grounded in fear and suspicion. Therefore the 'other' must be demonized then expelled.

Immigrants, women, Muslims, Gays, city dwellers, those holding college degrees, the press and our traditional allies lead the list. Seems all those groups are either from shitholes, fake, nasty, or low I.Q.

Values based in conspiracy theory. Values that excuse criminal enterprises such as the Trump campaign. And values that eschew the noble and embrace the petulant. Values of exclusion, not tolerance. Values of hate and fear not respect and egalitarianism.
What are Dim values? Please list one that won't make us all laugh.
Fairness. Equality. Opportunity. Empathy. Intellectual curiosity. Belief in science. Humility.
Dims don't believe in any of those things. Does "equality" mean giving special treatment to blacks and homosexuals?
Equal treatment. Only the authoritarians see equality as "special treatment".
That would be you, shit for brains. How is giving preference to blacks "equal treatment?
How did you leap to that conclusion? Loading the question with the temerity to call ME shit for brains!

I can't wait until we can scrape the dofshit culture of Trump and his minions from the soles of our shoes. Maybe some latter day Lee Harvey Oswald will snap and take the orange turd out. Slab time for Donald would be a holiday!
Democrat values are assassinating the president. Good to know. That's why the democrats are dead and dust. They are the communist democrats now.
I also value shooting a rabid dog? I have no moral qualms making the comparison.
I have no moral qualms about shooting a rabid dog or a democrat. Not that there is much difference. A rabid dog is sick. A democrat just deserves it.
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...

Which "normal people"? trump didn't get the majority vote the first time around. Many of us are genuinely disgusted with trump and his lies and shenanigans. He is incompetent.

Did you just try to present YOURSELF as a representative of normal people? :auiqs.jpg:

YOU are the one who first used the term "normal people." Not me. I just asked WHICH "normal people." YOU are the one who has been presenting yourself as a representative of "normal people." Why do you do this? You appear ignorant of the demographics of the American People. We are quite a diverse group.
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...
What you see as "normal" we see as QAnon "deplorables".

Look at this board.

These can't possible be "normal Americans" This is a vile collection of racists and trolls
Oh? And what exactly are “normal Americans”?..

This is the usual crap from right-wingers. "Normal Americans," "anti-Americans," "core Americans," "Communists," "Socialists," "the blacks are guilty of this," " browns are guilty of that," "feminazis," "we are under attack by gays," people "hate Christianity, "rapists and rioters and looters, oh my!" Anything that they think will help sell their screwed-up narrative. This would be funny if it wasn't so damned pathetic. They forget that they live in a diverse country of 330 million people and they are no more authentic than anyone else is.
Dims can't stand when the truth of their agenda is photographed.

Don't be ridiculous. BTW: republicans have an "agenda," which consists of taking liberty away from their fellow Americans in any way possible.
Which liberty do Republicans want to take away?

Be specific.

Otherwise, what you've just said is bullshit.

The rights of all Americans to vote, to choose their religion for themselves, to privacy in their personal lives, to equal rights under the law regardless of sexual orientation, to speak any language they please. I'm sure there are more. republicans like to attack their fellow Americans.
Dems believe a man can cut off his penis and grow tits, then everyone has to go along with that delusion and call them a woman.

Leftists are actually trying to change the physical biological definition of what it means to be a man/woman, and then trying to force me to use language to accommodate this Moonbat ideological perversion of reality.

In this issue is the bedrock of everything we hold dear as conservatives. Because if the left can change what words mean, and what it means to be a man or woman..then anything and everything loses all significance.

Demonrats want to peddle pedophilia to children and use pop culture media to do it. Or they use public libraries to have tranny drag queen story hour for your kids.

How anyone could share these degenerate values with these Demonrats is honestly a sad testament to how far our country has strayed from decent morality in recent generations.
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...
What you see as "normal" we see as QAnon "deplorables".

Look at this board.

These can't possible be "normal Americans" This is a vile collection of racists and trolls
Oh? And what exactly are “normal Americans”?..

This is the usual crap from right-wingers. "Normal Americans," "anti-Americans," "core Americans," "Communists," "Socialists," "the blacks are guilty of this," " browns are guilty of that," "feminazis," "we are under attack by gays," people "hate Christianity, "rapists and rioters and looters, oh my!" Anything that they think will help sell their screwed-up narrative. This would be funny if it wasn't so damned pathetic. They forget that they live in a diverse country of 330 million people and they are no more authentic than anyone else is.
Dims can't stand when the truth of their agenda is photographed.

Don't be ridiculous. BTW: republicans have an "agenda," which consists of taking liberty away from their fellow Americans in any way possible.
Which liberty do Republicans want to take away?

Be specific.

Otherwise, what you've just said is bullshit.

The rights of all Americans to vote, to choose their religion for themselves, to privacy in their personal lives, to equal rights under the law regardless of sexual orientation, to speak any language they please. I'm sure there are more. republicans like to attack their fellow Americans.

IN portland and seattle, the people's rights are being deprived by violent mobs and your dem mayors have ordered the cops to stand down and let the mobs do it.

So, your claims are obviously bullshit.
When Democrats fought against building the border wall, it was clear they don't share my values.
Trump could have got a lot of wall built as part of a deal he was never willing to make. Turns out he found more value in keeping the immigration issue right where it is.
Turns out Trump had John McShitstain and that piece of shit Jeff (the) Flake trying to increase population/GDP in Arizona by recruiting Mexico's human cockroaches.
The notion Trump supporters arguing values is more than ironic, it's just sad.

The values of a Trump supporter are grounded in fear and suspicion. Therefore the 'other' must be demonized then expelled.

Immigrants, women, Muslims, Gays, city dwellers, those holding college degrees, the press and our traditional allies lead the list. Seems all those groups are either from shitholes, fake, nasty, or low I.Q.

Values based in conspiracy theory. Values that excuse criminal enterprises such as the Trump campaign. And values that eschew the noble and embrace the petulant. Values of exclusion, not tolerance. Values of hate and fear not respect and egalitarianism.
What are Dim values? Please list one that won't make us all laugh.
Fairness. Equality. Opportunity. Empathy. Intellectual curiosity. Belief in science. Humility.

Interesting how all of your platform planks and behavior completely contradicts every single one of those things, then.

Seems fair to say that Democrat values consist of spouting buzzwords with no intention of enacting their meaning.
The notion Trump supporters arguing values is more than ironic, it's just sad.

The values of a Trump supporter are grounded in fear and suspicion. Therefore the 'other' must be demonized then expelled.

Immigrants, women, Muslims, Gays, city dwellers, those holding college degrees, the press and our traditional allies lead the list. Seems all those groups are either from shitholes, fake, nasty, or low I.Q.

Values based in conspiracy theory. Values that excuse criminal enterprises such as the Trump campaign. And values that eschew the noble and embrace the petulant. Values of exclusion, not tolerance. Values of hate and fear not respect and egalitarianism.
What are Dim values? Please list one that won't make us all laugh.
Fairness. Equality. Opportunity. Empathy. Intellectual curiosity. Belief in science. Humility.
Dims don't believe in any of those things. Does "equality" mean giving special treatment to blacks and homosexuals?

Well, we know empathy apparently means destroying thousands of people's lives and futures in order to pander to a handful of violent malcontents. And belief in science, of course, means calling whatever you want to believe "science", no matter how ridiculous and illogical it is.
The notion Trump supporters arguing values is more than ironic, it's just sad.

The values of a Trump supporter are grounded in fear and suspicion. Therefore the 'other' must be demonized then expelled.

Immigrants, women, Muslims, Gays, city dwellers, those holding college degrees, the press and our traditional allies lead the list. Seems all those groups are either from shitholes, fake, nasty, or low I.Q.

Values based in conspiracy theory. Values that excuse criminal enterprises such as the Trump campaign. And values that eschew the noble and embrace the petulant. Values of exclusion, not tolerance. Values of hate and fear not respect and egalitarianism.
What are Dim values? Please list one that won't make us all laugh.

Fairness. Equality. Opportunity. Empathy. Intellectual curiosity. Belief in science. Humility.
Dims don't believe in any of those things. Does "equality" mean giving special treatment to blacks and homosexuals? .

I'm amazed you understand the meaning of any of those words as you forgot them as you cast your vote for Trump.

Equal treatment. Only the authoritarians see equality as "special treatment".

"Well, you're a bad person because TRRRRUUUUMMMPPP!!!"

Thanks for clarifying that Democrat values consist entirely of hating Trump.
What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?
NAZI Party Platform
Some Democrats express their hatred for Russians in order to conceal their hatred of Jews. Other Democrats (Bloomberg, Soros, Steyer, Buffett, et al.) flaunt their money and pose as Jews in order to make false claims of anti-Semitism.

Regardless, Democrat policies of today adhere closely to the German Nazi Party platform of 1920.
The notion Trump supporters arguing values is more than ironic, it's just sad.

The values of a Trump supporter are grounded in fear and suspicion. Therefore the 'other' must be demonized then expelled.

Immigrants, women, Muslims, Gays, city dwellers, those holding college degrees, the press and our traditional allies lead the list. Seems all those groups are either from shitholes, fake, nasty, or low I.Q.

Values based in conspiracy theory. Values that excuse criminal enterprises such as the Trump campaign. And values that eschew the noble and embrace the petulant. Values of exclusion, not tolerance. Values of hate and fear not respect and egalitarianism.
What are Dim values? Please list one that won't make us all laugh.
Fairness. Equality. Opportunity. Empathy. Intellectual curiosity. Belief in science. Humility.
Dims don't believe in any of those things. Does "equality" mean giving special treatment to blacks and homosexuals?
Equal treatment. Only the authoritarians see equality as "special treatment".
That would be you, shit for brains. How is giving preference to blacks "equal treatment?
How did you leap to that conclusion? Loading the question with the temerity to call ME shit for brains!

I can't wait until we can scrape the dofshit culture of Trump and his minions from the soles of our shoes. Maybe some latter day Lee Harvey Oswald will snap and take the orange turd out. Slab time for Donald would be a holiday!

Gosh, you're so virtuous, with your "I want him dead for daring to win election!" Practically Jesus Christ and Mahatma Gandhi, all rolled into one.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?
Equal protection under the law. Equal treatment by the government for everyone. More equal opportunity regardless of privilege. Government working for everyone, not just for the wealthy.
What you just posted are good values. Conservatives agree with that. Leftists want only those who agree with them to have those rights. Leftists want conservative to just shut up and go away!

Oh, if only it were that simple. They actually want us to shut up and submit to being their serfs. If we went away, we would take our money with us, you see.
The notion Trump supporters arguing values is more than ironic, it's just sad.

The values of a Trump supporter are grounded in fear and suspicion. Therefore the 'other' must be demonized then expelled.

Immigrants, women, Muslims, Gays, city dwellers, those holding college degrees, the press and our traditional allies lead the list. Seems all those groups are either from shitholes, fake, nasty, or low I.Q.

Values based in conspiracy theory. Values that excuse criminal enterprises such as the Trump campaign. And values that eschew the noble and embrace the petulant. Values of exclusion, not tolerance. Values of hate and fear not respect and egalitarianism.
What are Dim values? Please list one that won't make us all laugh.
Fairness. Equality. Opportunity. Empathy. Intellectual curiosity. Belief in science. Humility.
Dims don't believe in any of those things. Does "equality" mean giving special treatment to blacks and homosexuals?
Equal treatment. Only the authoritarians see equality as "special treatment".
That would be you, shit for brains. How is giving preference to blacks "equal treatment?
How did you leap to that conclusion? Loading the question with the temerity to call ME shit for brains!

I can't wait until we can scrape the dofshit culture of Trump and his minions from the soles of our shoes. Maybe some latter day Lee Harvey Oswald will snap and take the orange turd out. Slab time for Donald would be a holiday!
Democrat values are assassinating the president. Good to know. That's why the democrats are dead and dust. They are the communist democrats now.
I also value shooting a rabid dog? I have no moral qualms making the comparison.

So Democrat "values" are viewing people who disagree with you as "rabid dogs", so that you can justify violence against them. Got it.

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