Democrats say they want to "unite the country around our shared values" -- it hadn't occurred to me Democrats have "values" -- what are they?

Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...

Which "normal people"? trump didn't get the majority vote the first time around. Many of us are genuinely disgusted with trump and his lies and shenanigans. He is incompetent.

Did you just try to present YOURSELF as a representative of normal people? :auiqs.jpg:

YOU are the one who first used the term "normal people." Not me. I just asked WHICH "normal people." YOU are the one who has been presenting yourself as a representative of "normal people." Why do you do this? You appear ignorant of the demographics of the American People. We are quite a diverse group.

Actually, Lice, that wasn't me. That was someone else who first used the term "normal people". On the downside, your inability to remember who you're talking to at any given moment reveals you for the dimwit everyone knows you to be. On the bright side, it gives you something in common with your Presidential candidate.
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...

Which "normal people"? trump didn't get the majority vote the first time around. Many of us are genuinely disgusted with trump and his lies and shenanigans. He is incompetent.

Did you just try to present YOURSELF as a representative of normal people? :auiqs.jpg:

YOU are the one who first used the term "normal people." Not me. I just asked WHICH "normal people." YOU are the one who has been presenting yourself as a representative of "normal people." Why do you do this? You appear ignorant of the demographics of the American People. We are quite a diverse group. silly Tards have always hated the word “normal” as you’ve alwayed intended to normalize all things filth, indecent and weird.
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...

Which "normal people"? trump didn't get the majority vote the first time around. Many of us are genuinely disgusted with trump and his lies and shenanigans. He is incompetent.

Did you just try to present YOURSELF as a representative of normal people? :auiqs.jpg:

YOU are the one who first used the term "normal people." Not me. I just asked WHICH "normal people." YOU are the one who has been presenting yourself as a representative of "normal people." Why do you do this? You appear ignorant of the demographics of the American People. We are quite a diverse group. silly Tards have always hated the word “normal” as you’ve alwayed intended to normalize all things filth, indecent and weird.

Do you think that YOU define what is "normal"? When did you attain this status, and how?
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

as an ANTI-TRUMPER who despises trumpers these are some of my values;

1. the police should NOT be killing people in the streets, ESPECIALLY people who are merely jogging, walking, parking a car or happen to be black

2. stop the war on pot

3. do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR religion

4. laws should be based on reason and necessity, NOT religion

5. the constitution, rights and protections, apply to ALL citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation

6. "under god" should NOT be included in the pledge; the pledge is a pledge to our country and NOT to YOUR GOD!

7. if you really want to MAGA then we need to INVEST IN EDUCATION!

8. retired citizens have earned (and deserve) the right to live their remaining years in comfort so SOCIAL SECURITY is a must!
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...
What you see as "normal" we see as QAnon "deplorables".

Look at this board.

These can't possible be "normal Americans" This is a vile collection of racists and trolls
Oh? And what exactly are “normal Americans”?..

This is the usual crap from right-wingers. "Normal Americans," "anti-Americans," "core Americans," "Communists," "Socialists," "the blacks are guilty of this," " browns are guilty of that," "feminazis," "we are under attack by gays," people "hate Christianity, "rapists and rioters and looters, oh my!" Anything that they think will help sell their screwed-up narrative. This would be funny if it wasn't so damned pathetic. They forget that they live in a diverse country of 330 million people and they are no more authentic than anyone else is.
Dims can't stand when the truth of their agenda is photographed.

Don't be ridiculous. BTW: republicans have an "agenda," which consists of taking liberty away from their fellow Americans in any way possible.
Which liberty do Republicans want to take away?

Be specific.

Otherwise, what you've just said is bullshit.

The rights of all Americans to vote, to choose their religion for themselves, to privacy in their personal lives, to equal rights under the law regardless of sexual orientation, to speak any language they please. I'm sure there are more. republicans like to attack their fellow Americans.

Republicans have no desire to take away anyone's right to vote, except people who don't actually have that right because they AREN'T Americans. It's actually Democrats who are cynically trying to disenfranchise people in order to create the chaos they know is their only possible path to victory.

Actually says a lot about Democrats right there.

It's also not Republicans who are constantly attacking freedom of religion. You're really going to try to tell us the party of "Fine that church for having services", "Sue those nuns for being Catholic", and "bake that fucking cake, peon, we own you" is all about protecting the right to choose your religion for yourself? Republicans just object to practicing religion by killing people. We're quirky like that.

Privacy in their personal lives? There are Democrats out there trying to issue mandates for people to wear masks in their own homes. Democrats have pissed and moaned for a while that we aren't tracking every citizen in America with the GPS on their phones. Even before that, we had Democrats telling people how big a soda they could buy, and telling women they had no choice but to get naked in front of whomever the government told them to (and if you don't realize that's EXACTLY what men calling themselves women in locker rooms amounts to, that's only because you've long since become comfortable being the government's property). I'm not sure how much more invasive of "privacy in your personal lives" than that.

Why is it that every time leftists use the phrase "equal rights", what they actually mean is "Rights no one in the world has had before, and only THESE people have now"? Frankly, I'm proud of opposing leftist ideas of "equal rights", because it means I'm not a tyrannical bigot like you, Lice.

I'm not sure how speaking a language is a "right". That's like saying people have a right to their hair color; it's just sorta there.

You can tell us how WE like "attacking people" just as soon as you stop cheering for people actually burning down cities, Chuckles.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

Try reading the DNC plank to find those shared values.
all bullshit
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

as an ANTI-TRUMPER who despises trumpers these are some of my values;

1. the police should NOT be killing people in the streets, ESPECIALLY people who are merely jogging, walking, parking a car or happen to be black

2. stop the war on pot

3. do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR religion

4. laws should be based on reason and necessity, NOT religion

5. the constitution, rights and protections, apply to ALL citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation

6. "under god" should NOT be included in the pledge; the pledge is a pledge to our country and NOT to YOUR GOD!

7. if you really want to MAGA then we need to INVEST IN EDUCATION!

8. retired citizens have earned (and deserve) the right to live their remaining years in comfort so SOCIAL SECURITY is a must!
you best fill the demoncrats in on #5--those brain dead assholes seem to have forgotten about AMERICAs constitution
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...

Which "normal people"? trump didn't get the majority vote the first time around. Many of us are genuinely disgusted with trump and his lies and shenanigans. He is incompetent.

Did you just try to present YOURSELF as a representative of normal people? :auiqs.jpg:

YOU are the one who first used the term "normal people." Not me. I just asked WHICH "normal people." YOU are the one who has been presenting yourself as a representative of "normal people." Why do you do this? You appear ignorant of the demographics of the American People. We are quite a diverse group. silly Tards have always hated the word “normal” as you’ve alwayed intended to normalize all things filth, indecent and weird.

Do you think that YOU define what is "normal"? When did you attain this status, and how?

Society decides what is normal and what is not.
A sane mind can easily make the distinction between the two.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

as an ANTI-TRUMPER who despises trumpers these are some of my values;

1. the police should NOT be killing people in the streets, ESPECIALLY people who are merely jogging, walking, parking a car or happen to be black

2. stop the war on pot

3. do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR religion

4. laws should be based on reason and necessity, NOT religion

5. the constitution, rights and protections, apply to ALL citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation

6. "under god" should NOT be included in the pledge; the pledge is a pledge to our country and NOT to YOUR GOD!

7. if you really want to MAGA then we need to INVEST IN EDUCATION!

8. retired citizens have earned (and deserve) the right to live their remaining years in comfort so SOCIAL SECURITY is a must!

As an anti-moron who despises morons, especially those who mistake their ignorance for moral superiority, here is some reality about your "values":

1. The police are not "killing people in the streets, especially while just being black". And by demonizing the police and driving a wedge between them and the communities who need them most, you are harming black people for your own gain while demanding that they thank you for it.

2. If legalization of marijuana is a big, essential political issue to you, then you are officially a useless person who is wasting valuable oxygen that could be used by someone who deserves to exist.

3. Do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR leftism. And don't waste my time trying to play like you're the victim, because of some religious plot no one but your own demented imagination knows about.

4. Necessity and reason should not be defined by your anti-religious bigotry.

5. The Constitution is not defined as "anything I've decided my favorite special interest groups should have". And it might help if you stopped trying to deny ACTUAL Constitutional rights to people you don't like in order to demand the fake Constitutional rights you've invented for your pet groups.

6. This is right up there with marijuana legalization. If it's a major issue to you that people are saying words that you don't like in a pledge you don't particularly want people saying anyway, then you are officially a useless person who is wasting everyone's time by existing.

7. If you think we're not "investing in education", then you're also officially a dumb person. Maybe YOU should stop supporting unions whose purpose is to waste the vast majority of the money that's invested in education for their own ends. And by the way, "throw more money at it!" is not a value; come talk to me about your interest in education when you start supporting school choice.

8. There are actually much better programs and policies we could enact to protect senior citizens than Social Security. But like all of your so-called "values", this one proves your only REAL value is the belief that leftists are elite and superior, and should have all the power to rule over others and tell them that they're happy, whether they like it or not.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

as an ANTI-TRUMPER who despises trumpers these are some of my values;

1. the police should NOT be killing people in the streets, ESPECIALLY people who are merely jogging, walking, parking a car or happen to be black

2. stop the war on pot

3. do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR religion

4. laws should be based on reason and necessity, NOT religion

5. the constitution, rights and protections, apply to ALL citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation

6. "under god" should NOT be included in the pledge; the pledge is a pledge to our country and NOT to YOUR GOD!

7. if you really want to MAGA then we need to INVEST IN EDUCATION!

8. retired citizens have earned (and deserve) the right to live their remaining years in comfort so SOCIAL SECURITY is a must!
you best fill the demoncrats in on #5--those brain dead assholes seem to have forgotten about AMERICAs constitution

You have to understand, when leftists use the phrase "the Constitution", they're not talking about the actual document; they're talking about whatever jackass agenda they've cooked up in the last five minutes and are trying to legitimize.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

as an ANTI-TRUMPER who despises trumpers these are some of my values;

1. the police should NOT be killing people in the streets, ESPECIALLY people who are merely jogging, walking, parking a car or happen to be black

2. stop the war on pot

3. do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR religion

4. laws should be based on reason and necessity, NOT religion

5. the constitution, rights and protections, apply to ALL citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation

6. "under god" should NOT be included in the pledge; the pledge is a pledge to our country and NOT to YOUR GOD!

7. if you really want to MAGA then we need to INVEST IN EDUCATION!

8. retired citizens have earned (and deserve) the right to live their remaining years in comfort so SOCIAL SECURITY is a must!
you best fill the demoncrats in on #5--those brain dead assholes seem to have forgotten about AMERICAs constitution

You have to understand, when leftists use the phrase "the Constitution", they're not talking about the actual document; they're talking about whatever jackass agenda they've cooked up in the last five minutes and are trying to legitimize.
Look on the mirror honey
You know. Liberty. Equality. Friendship, the Rule of Law. The current GOP apparently has no values. We have had over three years of their garbage. Pig politics and pig "religion." No thank you.
Rule of law, really? Murders are up all over for purely political reasons. Getting people killed on purpose is sure as heck not a shared value.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

as an ANTI-TRUMPER who despises trumpers these are some of my values;

1. the police should NOT be killing people in the streets, ESPECIALLY people who are merely jogging, walking, parking a car or happen to be black

2. stop the war on pot

3. do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR religion

4. laws should be based on reason and necessity, NOT religion

5. the constitution, rights and protections, apply to ALL citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation

6. "under god" should NOT be included in the pledge; the pledge is a pledge to our country and NOT to YOUR GOD!

7. if you really want to MAGA then we need to INVEST IN EDUCATION!

8. retired citizens have earned (and deserve) the right to live their remaining years in comfort so SOCIAL SECURITY is a must!
you best fill the demoncrats in on #5--those brain dead assholes seem to have forgotten about AMERICAs constitution

You have to understand, when leftists use the phrase "the Constitution", they're not talking about the actual document; they're talking about whatever jackass agenda they've cooked up in the last five minutes and are trying to legitimize.
To them it is a fluid document that can mean anything, like boys are girls and vice versa.
The notion Trump supporters arguing values is more than ironic, it's just sad.

The values of a Trump supporter are grounded in fear and suspicion. Therefore the 'other' must be demonized then expelled.

Immigrants, women, Muslims, Gays, city dwellers, those holding college degrees, the press and our traditional allies lead the list. Seems all those groups are either from shitholes, fake, nasty, or low I.Q.

Values based in conspiracy theory. Values that excuse criminal enterprises such as the Trump campaign. And values that eschew the noble and embrace the petulant. Values of exclusion, not tolerance. Values of hate and fear not respect and egalitarianism.
What are Dim values? Please list one that won't make us all laugh.
Fairness. Equality. Opportunity. Empathy. Intellectual curiosity. Belief in science. Humility.
Al Gore's climate science? The people who said covid is going to kill everybody, that science? How about boys are girls and vice versa, that science? The dems have corrupted science like everything else. How much intellectual curiosity is there from people who are beating those who disagree with them?
If you think about the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution...they’re all about ideas. Parties were supposed to be about ideas

John Adams was an ornery guy, but he believed in his ideas. Thomas Jefferson didn’t live up to the ideas he espoused, but shoot, at least he talked about them. Nowadays, it’s just regression to the lowest common denominator on everything. It scares me. You keep going this way of cult of personality, you will kill our Republic
Which liberty do Republicans want to take away?

Be specific.

Be specific? WTF - are you some kind of schoolmarm? Or just a pompous jerkoff?

Let's start with the right to control the contents of our own bodies - abortion, drugs, etc...

Cue the excuse train. "Yes, but ...." --- "it's different when we do it".
Sorry, but there's no such right in the Constitution to have an abortion or take drugs.
Which liberty do Republicans want to take away?

Be specific.

Be specific? WTF - are you some kind of schoolmarm? Or just a pompous jerkoff?

Let's start with the right to control the contents of our own bodies - abortion, drugs, etc...

Cue the excuse train. "Yes, but ...." --- "it's different when we do it".
Sorry, but there's no such right in the Constitution to have an abortion or take drugs.
That's what I said, it's different when you do it.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

as an ANTI-TRUMPER who despises trumpers these are some of my values;

1. the police should NOT be killing people in the streets, ESPECIALLY people who are merely jogging, walking, parking a car or happen to be black

2. stop the war on pot

3. do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR religion

4. laws should be based on reason and necessity, NOT religion

5. the constitution, rights and protections, apply to ALL citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation

6. "under god" should NOT be included in the pledge; the pledge is a pledge to our country and NOT to YOUR GOD!

7. if you really want to MAGA then we need to INVEST IN EDUCATION!

8. retired citizens have earned (and deserve) the right to live their remaining years in comfort so SOCIAL SECURITY is a must!

As an anti-moron who despises morons, especially those who mistake their ignorance for moral superiority, here is some reality about your "values":

1. The police are not "killing people in the streets, especially while just being black". And by demonizing the police and driving a wedge between them and the communities who need them most, you are harming black people for your own gain while demanding that they thank you for it.

2. If legalization of marijuana is a big, essential political issue to you, then you are officially a useless person who is wasting valuable oxygen that could be used by someone who deserves to exist.

3. Do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR leftism. And don't waste my time trying to play like you're the victim, because of some religious plot no one but your own demented imagination knows about.

4. Necessity and reason should not be defined by your anti-religious bigotry.

5. The Constitution is not defined as "anything I've decided my favorite special interest groups should have". And it might help if you stopped trying to deny ACTUAL Constitutional rights to people you don't like in order to demand the fake Constitutional rights you've invented for your pet groups.

6. This is right up there with marijuana legalization. If it's a major issue to you that people are saying words that you don't like in a pledge you don't particularly want people saying anyway, then you are officially a useless person who is wasting everyone's time by existing.

7. If you think we're not "investing in education", then you're also officially a dumb person. Maybe YOU should stop supporting unions whose purpose is to waste the vast majority of the money that's invested in education for their own ends. And by the way, "throw more money at it!" is not a value; come talk to me about your interest in education when you start supporting school choice.

8. There are actually much better programs and policies we could enact to protect senior citizens than Social Security. But like all of your so-called "values", this one proves your only REAL value is the belief that leftists are elite and superior, and should have all the power to rule over others and tell them that they're happy, whether they like it or not.

"Necessity and reason should not be defined by your anti-religious bigotry."

i won't bother disputing all of your other nonsense. This will do all by itself.

it takes a REAL FKN MORON to ASSUME someone is a "religious bigot" simply because I am an atheist, prefer laws based on reason rather than the bible, and don't want christians FORCING people to say "under god" in the pledge, or to be forced to pray to YOUR god in public schools.

I am no more anti-religious to YOUR religion that YOU are to islam!

and...yes....I am, indeed, superior to you....
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

as an ANTI-TRUMPER who despises trumpers these are some of my values;

1. the police should NOT be killing people in the streets, ESPECIALLY people who are merely jogging, walking, parking a car or happen to be black

2. stop the war on pot

3. do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR religion

4. laws should be based on reason and necessity, NOT religion

5. the constitution, rights and protections, apply to ALL citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation

6. "under god" should NOT be included in the pledge; the pledge is a pledge to our country and NOT to YOUR GOD!

7. if you really want to MAGA then we need to INVEST IN EDUCATION!

8. retired citizens have earned (and deserve) the right to live their remaining years in comfort so SOCIAL SECURITY is a must!

As an anti-moron who despises morons, especially those who mistake their ignorance for moral superiority, here is some reality about your "values":

1. The police are not "killing people in the streets, especially while just being black". And by demonizing the police and driving a wedge between them and the communities who need them most, you are harming black people for your own gain while demanding that they thank you for it.

2. If legalization of marijuana is a big, essential political issue to you, then you are officially a useless person who is wasting valuable oxygen that could be used by someone who deserves to exist.

3. Do NOT brainwash MY kids with YOUR leftism. And don't waste my time trying to play like you're the victim, because of some religious plot no one but your own demented imagination knows about.

4. Necessity and reason should not be defined by your anti-religious bigotry.

5. The Constitution is not defined as "anything I've decided my favorite special interest groups should have". And it might help if you stopped trying to deny ACTUAL Constitutional rights to people you don't like in order to demand the fake Constitutional rights you've invented for your pet groups.

6. This is right up there with marijuana legalization. If it's a major issue to you that people are saying words that you don't like in a pledge you don't particularly want people saying anyway, then you are officially a useless person who is wasting everyone's time by existing.

7. If you think we're not "investing in education", then you're also officially a dumb person. Maybe YOU should stop supporting unions whose purpose is to waste the vast majority of the money that's invested in education for their own ends. And by the way, "throw more money at it!" is not a value; come talk to me about your interest in education when you start supporting school choice.

8. There are actually much better programs and policies we could enact to protect senior citizens than Social Security. But like all of your so-called "values", this one proves your only REAL value is the belief that leftists are elite and superior, and should have all the power to rule over others and tell them that they're happy, whether they like it or not.

"Necessity and reason should not be defined by your anti-religious bigotry."

i won't bother disputing all of your other nonsense. This will do all by itself.

it takes a REAL FKN MORON to ASSUME someone is a "religious bigot" simply because I am an atheist, prefer laws based on reason rather than the bible, and don't want christians FORCING people to say "under god" in the pledge, or to be forced to pray to YOUR god in public schools.

I am no more anti-religious to YOUR religion that YOU are to islam!

and...yes....I am, indeed, superior to you....

"I can't answer your post, so I'm going to cherrypick the one thing I want to rant about." Uh huh.

It takes a real fucking MORON to think that I identified your anti-religious bigotry "simply because" you're an atheist. I hate to break it to you, Chuckles, but you aren't the mysterious, complex enigma you think you are. Your hostility and bigotry shout from every word of your post, and just because you're committed to ignoring them and pretending they're "just" reason doesn't mean anyone else is obligated to play pretend with you.

"I don't want Christians FORCING people to say 'under God' in the pledge". Unless you have some news story about people being held at gunpoint to recite the pledge, you're not talking about anything real that you're opposing out of principle; you're just telegraphing hatred. Might as well put a big neon sign above your head.

And that whole "No, I'm not, YOU are!" attempt at juvenile deflection that leftist bigots always try doesn't work with me. You can't prove that I've ever expressed any hatred of Islam in general, so all you've done is proven that YOU are a hater, and assume everyone is as ignorant and nasty as you are.

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