Democrats See 'Firewall' Holding To Preserve Iran Deal

Plenty of countries have nukes, including NK. They may talk some shit, but the only ones they seem to be really scaring are the Republicans. People with any sense and the Iranians themselves realize they'd be signing their own death warrant, if they used one.
So you're saying Kerry's testimony before Congress was just to let them know that Kerry and Obozo want to finance Iran killing Americans??Kerry Acknowledges Iran May Use Weapons Obtained Through Agreement To Kill Americans Israelis - YouTube
That comes under the heading of "anything's possible". What gets my goat is they way you cry about something that's highly improbable. Man up, will ya? Remember Kerry was in Vietnam while most of the Republican heroes of the era wimped out. Hell, even Al Gore was there! Being a chickenhawk seems to be a character trait in the party, except for McCain and Powell, of course. :salute:

Amen! The NaziCon Chickenhawks are enough to gag a maggot.
And when we get hit by a terrorist attack financed by Obozo's deal, or God forbid, Iran gets a nuke, look for the Dimwit Party to be finished.
They'll blame Bush. Or the GOP. Or the Tea Party. Or President Cruz. They never take responsibility.
Leave running the country to someone with balls, like Hillary.
Here's Hillary's "balls"
And when we get hit by a terrorist attack financed by Obozo's deal, or God forbid, Iran gets a nuke, look for the Dimwit Party to be finished.
Plenty of countries have nukes, including NK.. They may talk some shit, but the only ones they seem to be really scaring are the Republicans. People with any sense and the Iranians themselves realize they'd be signing their own death warrant, if they used one.
They believe they are doing Allah's will by using nuclear weapons. They will bring about the time of great destruction and chaos.
Plenty of countries have nukes, including NK.. They may talk some shit, but the only ones they seem to be really scaring are the Republicans. People with any sense and the Iranians themselves realize they'd be signing their own death warrant, if they used one.
They believe they are doing Allah's will by using nuclear weapons. They will bring about the time of great destruction and chaos.
I don't believe you have a clue what they're thinking. Apparently all someone has to do is talk tough and you fold like a cheap suit. Thank God we have people like Obama, Kerry and Clinton.
You've been checking out the undies of the Republican field?
I don't imagine they have much under their skirts. Iran talks big and they squeal like little girls. At least the Dems have a big bitch on their side. :biggrin:
You've been checking out the undies of the Republican field?
I don't imagine they have much under their skirts. Iran talks big and they squeal like little girls. At least the Dems have a big bitch on their side. :biggrin:

I don't imagine they have much under their skirts.

Other than Carli, I haven't seen any of them wearing skirts

Iran talks big and they squeal like little girls.

You've got it backwards.

They made Kerry and Obama squeal like little girls.

At least the Dems have a big bitch on their side

You might have accidently got that right.

Doesn't make her electable, tho
They're members of a politically fanatical death cult. I don't see any real difference. I wouldn't trust the country to the Republicans, if they're anything like the wimps on this board..
Wimp huh? Coming from someone who is outraged at a lion getting killed. All the while defending the mass murders and organ selling being done on our soil on defenceless babies. I'd call your kind, pussies.
Sorry, lying wimp. I haven't posted on the lion getting killed and organ selling is a made up story. I'd say the real pussy is the person who can't be truthful.
Go ahead and stick up for the baby killing planned parenthood.
And when we get hit by a terrorist attack financed by Obozo's deal, or God forbid, Iran gets a nuke, look for the Dimwit Party to be finished.
They'll blame Bush. Or the GOP. Or the Tea Party. Or President Cruz. They never take responsibility.
Leave running the country to someone with balls, like Hillary.

The hil has neither brains nor balls. She would be perfect for nk though....propaganda for the masses.
Leave running the country to someone with balls, like Hillary.
Or Michelle Obama
So, the Dems have two women with more balls than the Republicans. Remember, we also have one in the wings that'll scalp you in a heartbeat. :biggrin:
Yes, Lizzy Cheekbones is warming up.
Hint: When Joe Biden is your last best hope you're in serious trouble.

Hillary should step aside for Biden, he has a real compelling story

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