Democrats set to lose another Congressional seat (NY-9) to unknown Republican

this race is going to be about 3 points apart one way or the other. it's going to be a long count, imo.
"I lied? I merely repeated the current news stories" If it's Fox, it's BS. LOL!! Change the fegging channel!

You lied. I merely repeated the current news stories" If it's MSNBC, it's BS. LOL!! Change the fegging channel!

Monkey see monkey do is about his education level :lol:

Given his limited vocabulary, obvious mental deficit and lack of basic grammatical knowledge, I thought it might be a fun way to try and reach him ;)
now 50 - 49 in favor of weprin...

i'd say that has as much meaning right now as turner's lead did before.

in other words, not much.
2 threads eh


To my great shame and consternation I only searched one page in the politics section before throwing this page and it's links up.

Your days old page rightly took off again shortly before results could be expected to start rolling in. I grovel at your feet and humbly beg forgiveness. I shall be posting at your true and proper NY9 thread from now on.

Sans merging let the posters at this interlopers thread and affront to internet decorum be cursed and flogged to the end of their days.
0 Numbers from Brooklyn.

wonder what the hold up is?

Finding all the dead people who voted last year, damn unliving out drinking and parting all night

if you have proof that dead people voted, i'd suggest you take it to the US attorney's office.

if not, i'd stop saying that. :thup:

2 threads eh


To my great shame and consternation I only searched one page in the politics section before throwing this page and it's links up.

Your days old page rightly took off again shortly before results could be expected to start rolling in. I grovel at your feet and humbly beg forgiveness. I shall be posting at your true and proper NY9 thread from now on.

Sans merging let the posters at this interlopers thread and affront to internet decorum be cursed and flogged to the end of their days.

Ive been off work since last Friday. This forum has taken far too much of my time since. It is I who should be flogged for putting up with my misguided liberal buddies for 2 straight days now.

The shame is heavy
Ok, after 13 pcts, the dem has pulled to within 25 votes of the Republican.

Ok if I have my melt down now, or should I wait?

Anyway, all the results are from Queens.
Turner Wener Hoeppner
535 511 8

it's weprin, honey.

turner, weprin, hoeppner... :)

and right now it's 50 - 49 in favor of weprin with 40/512 precincts in... a long way to go.
2 threads eh


To my great shame and consternation I only searched one page in the politics section before throwing this page and it's links up.

Your days old page rightly took off again shortly before results could be expected to start rolling in. I grovel at your feet and humbly beg forgiveness. I shall be posting at your true and proper NY9 thread from now on.

Sans merging let the posters at this interlopers thread and affront to internet decorum be cursed and flogged to the end of their days.

Ive been off work since last Friday. This forum has taken far too much of my time since. It is I who should be flogged for putting up with my misguided liberal buddies for 2 straight days now.

The shame is heavy

As long as someone blows up da Congress, we cool.

We are seeing Republicans loose in their districts as well. Much of the electorate is seething and angry in a non partisan way and wants change for its own sake.

even if they pick a wacko like turner....

fwiw, turner gave anthony weiner a run for his money in the last election and weprin doesn't have weiner's incumbancy status.

weprin is a good guy, though. he should win. if he doesn't it's ny's loss because the last thing ny needs right now is a tea party nutter who wants to cut money to schools.

I don't know enough about Turner to determine his ideology, but I do know that New York City has the second most expensive public school system per pupil in the country and yet it ranks one of the worst in quality of education in the country, so clearly all that money being spent there isn't doing a whole lot of good. May as well stop wasting it. That money isn't being spent for the benefit of the students; it's spent for the benefit of the bureaucrats and those employed by the inept school system.

I do not think that's correct.
2 threads eh


To my great shame and consternation I only searched one page in the politics section before throwing this page and it's links up.

Your days old page rightly took off again shortly before results could be expected to start rolling in. I grovel at your feet and humbly beg forgiveness. I shall be posting at your true and proper NY9 thread from now on.

Sans merging let the posters at this interlopers thread and affront to internet decorum be cursed and flogged to the end of their days.

Ive been off work since last Friday. This forum has taken far too much of my time since. It is I who should be flogged for putting up with my misguided liberal buddies for 2 straight days now.

The shame is heavy

you're lucky some of us will let you associate with us. :razz:

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