Democrats set to lose another Congressional seat (NY-9) to unknown Republican

now 50 - 49 in favor of weprin...

i'd say that has as much meaning right now as turner's lead did before.

in other words, not much.

I guess if you ignore the fact that it is a Heavily Democratic District, and the Democrat should be a walk to win it, It does not mean much.

Even if the Republican Loses this race, but it's real close. It's a bad sign for so called "safe" Democrats everywhere. Especially places where a large Jewish Vote is in play.
Where the heck is Rightwinger? He was so obsessed with state senate seats that had no bearing on national issues. Yet here we have a seat with actual implications and not a peep from him.

even if they pick a wacko like turner....

fwiw, turner gave anthony weiner a run for his money in the last election and weprin doesn't have weiner's incumbancy status.

weprin is a good guy, though. he should win. if he doesn't it's ny's loss because the last thing ny needs right now is a tea party nutter who wants to cut money to schools.

I don't know enough about Turner to determine his ideology, but I do know that New York City has the second most expensive public school system per pupil in the country and yet it ranks one of the worst in quality of education in the country, so clearly all that money being spent there isn't doing a whole lot of good. May as well stop wasting it. That money isn't being spent for the benefit of the students; it's spent for the benefit of the bureaucrats and those employed by the inept school system.

I do not think that's correct.

that's absolutely INCORRECT. NYC has among the best school systems in the country.

in 2007, which i found just by a quick google, we were 16 out of 50.
U.S. House - District 9 - Special General
County Precincts David Weprin
(Dem) Bob Turner
(GOP) C. Hoeppner
Total 45/512 2,550
47% 2,826
52% 15

That saved weird. Turner up 52-47 on my last update. Headed outside to smoke a cigarette. :)
I don't know enough about Turner to determine his ideology, but I do know that New York City has the second most expensive public school system per pupil in the country and yet it ranks one of the worst in quality of education in the country, so clearly all that money being spent there isn't doing a whole lot of good. May as well stop wasting it. That money isn't being spent for the benefit of the students; it's spent for the benefit of the bureaucrats and those employed by the inept school system.

I do not think that's correct.

that's absolutely INCORRECT. NYC has among the best school systems in the country.

in 2007, which i found just by a quick google, we were 16 out of 50.

I think you're right jillian I think Chicago school systems is one of the worst in America
U.S. House - District 9 - Special General
County Precincts David Weprin
(Dem) Bob Turner
(GOP) C. Hoeppner
Total 45/512 2,550
47% 2,826
52% 15

That saved weird. Turner up 52-47 on my last update. Headed outside to smoke a cigarette. :)

Yep and from what I heard they are now counting more conservative areas--so this one may be over before it ever got started--especially with the former democrat mayor throwing his support to the republican in this race.
To my great shame and consternation I only searched one page in the politics section before throwing this page and it's links up.

Your days old page rightly took off again shortly before results could be expected to start rolling in. I grovel at your feet and humbly beg forgiveness. I shall be posting at your true and proper NY9 thread from now on.

Sans merging let the posters at this interlopers thread and affront to internet decorum be cursed and flogged to the end of their days.

Ive been off work since last Friday. This forum has taken far too much of my time since. It is I who should be flogged for putting up with my misguided liberal buddies for 2 straight days now.

The shame is heavy

you're lucky some of us will let you associate with us. :razz:

I feel priveledged considering how hard you trolled me my first day here.
About 10% in and it is an interesting horse race. I have no context on how these precincts voted last time.

Brooklyn so far is coming in 70% for Turner. These might be freaky precincts, but it does look weird. This can't last but it is so cool so far
There are too many wingnuts in this thread for me to read it, but this is the deal with NY9:

It has the largest population of Orthodox Jews in the country - very conservative, and they are basically one-issue voters: who is the most Pro-Israel?

A lot of smart political people thought that Weiner could have maybe re-won his seat if he had tried, because Anthony Weiner was THE most Pro-Israel member of Congress. That's a fact.

So, while it is generally a very Pro-Democratic district, if the Republican supports Israel more in his rhetoric, he will get that segment's votes, no matter his wingnut positions on every other issue.

As Nate Silver, number-cruncher extraordinaire, tweeted:

And here's that link to follow the results. Just keep refreshing.

New York 9th District Special Election


  • $FiveThirtyEight NY9.jpg
    $FiveThirtyEight NY9.jpg
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2 threads eh


To my great shame and consternation I only searched one page in the politics section before throwing this page and it's links up.

Your days old page rightly took off again shortly before results could be expected to start rolling in. I grovel at your feet and humbly beg forgiveness. I shall be posting at your true and proper NY9 thread from now on.

Sans merging let the posters at this interlopers thread and affront to internet decorum be cursed and flogged to the end of their days.

I like this thread better.
About 10% in and it is an interesting horse race. I have no context on how these precincts voted last time.

Brooklyn so far is coming in 70% for Turner. These might be freaky precincts, but it does look weird. This can't last but it is so cool so far

Open thread: The NY-9 and NV-2 special elections « Hot Air

Update: Benchmarks via Sean Trende:

In ’08, Weiner carried Brooklyn portion of NY9 52/48. Queens = 65/35. Queens = 70% total vote.There’s your benchmarks.

Update: More benchmarks via Nate Silver:

NY09 over/under line: Weprin (D) would need about 54% of the votes in Queens precincts, 42% in Brooklyn precincts, to tie Turner (R)
you're lucky some of us will let you associate with us. :razz:

I feel priveledged considering how hard you trolled me my first day here.

only because *you* came in trolling. ;)

I dont remember it that way but in the spirit of not being my usual assholeishness I will conceed it to you.

Honestly the only person I intentionally troll is BDBOOP. I just cant stand her. She never has any thoughts of her own so I play on the jungle jim

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