Democrats SHOCKED/ SPEECHLESS that Trump's support among blacks has TRIPPLED while Biden has cratered

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

Blacks under 50 have gone from +80 points for Biden to +37 for Biden.

The writing is on the wall ladies & gentlemen, if these numbers hold Biden has ZERO CHANCE in November.
I have a feeling that the Democrat power center is going to remove Biden & replace him with someone who can pander to the very voting block they are profusely bleeding.

Blacks under 50 have gone from +80 points for Biden to +37 for Biden.

The writing is on the wall ladies & gentlemen, if these numbers hold Biden has ZERO CHANCE in November.
I have a feeling that the Democrat power center is going to remove Biden & replace him with someone who can pander to the very voting block they are profusely bleeding.

Fake news.

Biden is winning according to Fox News.

Blacks under 50 have gone from +80 points for Biden to +37 for Biden.

The writing is on the wall ladies & gentlemen, if these numbers hold Biden has ZERO CHANCE in November.
I have a feeling that the Democrat power center is going to remove Biden & replace him with someone who can pander to the very voting block they are profusely bleeding.

YouTube always a valid source
Here is the real truth... illegal immigrants do not vote. They are in fear of ICE and they avoid voting. They do not care to be tracked nor traced.

Are people just lost? Don’t people follow anything but CNN or CBS?

Illegals don’t have to vote. Just get their name on the voter roll (at least once) and a Mail-in Ballot WILL be generated, mailed out to a bogus address, collected, filled out for Obiden, Muled to an un-monitored drop box and submitted. The Signature review is ignored and presto, 20 million illegal votes dumped in (just like 2020).

Blacks under 50 have gone from +80 points for Biden to +37 for Biden.

The writing is on the wall ladies & gentlemen, if these numbers hold Biden has ZERO CHANCE in November.
I have a feeling that the Democrat power center is going to remove Biden & replace him with someone who can pander to the very voting block they are profusely bleeding.

once blacks understand Trump's latest idea, Trump support will drop like a rock. I am contemplating not voting for Trump.

Anybody graduates from a college — you go in there for two years or four years. If you graduate, or you get a doctorate degree from a college, you should be able to stay in this country.
once blacks understand Trump's latest idea, Trump support will drop like a rock. I am contemplating not voting for Trump.

Anybody graduates from a college — you go in there for two years or four years. If you graduate, or you get a doctorate degree from a college, you should be able to stay in this country.
Why should we educate them then send them home to BECOME OUR COMPETITION?
That literally makes no sense. Also in no way is that a threat to the black community like the ones the left are allowing in who drain all the critical funds and resources ment for poor blacks & whites.
Why should we educate them then send them home to BECOME OUR COMPETITION?
That literally makes no sense. Also in no way is that a threat to the black community like the ones the left are allowing in who drain all the critical funds and resources ment for poor blacks & whites.
why should they be here to begin with?
How will the blacks compete, other than sports or labor?
Blacks are getting the shaft from the Left and the Right

No more Trump for me. Done
FJB may very well be ahead in the popular vote but is behind where the rubber meets the road....The swing states.....Not only that it looks like more safe dem states may be in play the dems will have to defend.....Like Virginia.

It's the electoral college that counts.....We don't elect a POTUS by popular vote.....You know, the whole Republic thing. ;)
Any poll can be manipulated to achieve any desired result
Bill is a Democrat....he's the one reviewing the poll numbers. He has been an outspoken Democrat leader for decades.

The numbers he is reviewing are likely numbers that Biden's Admin team are seriously considering.'s over.

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