Democrats should be renamed Communists

As the Lefty backlash from companies continue due the Capitol protest, they need to be seen to be doing the upmost to appease the Lefty community.

So Apple and now Google have banned Parler out of their App stores unless Parler implement a moderation system.

America is getting more like China everyday!!

That'll suit Xi Biden. I wonder when the American Communists will want to table the scrapping of "United States of America" and try to change it to "The People's Republic of America"!!

"But it's not Marxism. It's Democratic Marxism. The only reason it's never worked is because it's never been tried here....."


Low class and uneducated.

Sounds like Bullsh!t to me, you low functioning imbecile!!!


The editorial boards of multiple media outlets across the country this week published damning columns demanding the departure of the president following his incitement of the violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Capital Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today all condemned Trump’s role in the deadly and shocking scenes that took place in Washington.

Even the conservative Wall Street Journal said it would “be best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away quietly.”

Nah; I want him to scorch the earth as he leaves; Dems are FRAUDULANT BASTARDS!! Fingers Biden is a disgusting pos not unlike the run of the mill Chicago Dems. I look forward to Dems being JAILED for this abomination of a FRAUD!!!


You'd love living in Syria.. Assad is a gangster too.

Trump is out for revenge.. He does this every time he fails.. He will incite MORE violence for the inauguration Jan 20th. Wonder how many more he can get killed.

Now I know you're full of shit. Is your real name Johnny ISIS?

I thought President Trump killed every one of you inbred child-molesting goat-fuckers?

Looks like he missed one.

As the Lefty backlash from companies continue due the Capitol protest, they need to be seen to be doing the upmost to appease the Lefty community.

So Apple and now Google have banned Parler out of their App stores unless Parler implement a moderation system.

America is getting more like China everyday!!

That'll suit Xi Biden. I wonder when the American Communists will want to table the scrapping of "United States of America" and try to change it to "The People's Republic of America"!!

I thought you were all in favor of a business deciding what they will or won't do. Looks like you would have been better off if they would have just baked the damn cake instead of fighting for the right to exclude customers.
These fvcking RWNJs bounce back and forth. Their "beliefs" from one day to the next are predictably, unpredictable. But, whatever it is, it'll be something stupid.


As the Lefty backlash from companies continue due the Capitol protest, they need to be seen to be doing the upmost to appease the Lefty community.

So Apple and now Google have banned Parler out of their App stores unless Parler implement a moderation system.

America is getting more like China everyday!!

That'll suit Xi Biden. I wonder when the American Communists will want to table the scrapping of "United States of America" and try to change it to "The People's Republic of America"!!

"But it's not Marxism. It's Democratic Marxism. The only reason it's never worked is because it's never been tried here....."


Low class and uneducated.

Sounds like Bullsh!t to me, you low functioning imbecile!!!


The editorial boards of multiple media outlets across the country this week published damning columns demanding the departure of the president following his incitement of the violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Capital Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today all condemned Trump’s role in the deadly and shocking scenes that took place in Washington.

Even the conservative Wall Street Journal said it would “be best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away quietly.”

Nah; I want him to scorch the earth as he leaves; Dems are FRAUDULANT BASTARDS!! Fingers Biden is a disgusting pos not unlike the run of the mill Chicago Dems. I look forward to Dems being JAILED for this abomination of a FRAUD!!!


You'd love living in Syria.. Assad is a gangster too.

Trump is out for revenge.. He does this every time he fails.. He will incite MORE violence for the inauguration Jan 20th. Wonder how many more he can get killed.
You mean with the JV teams??? lmao. You are such a clutz!!! I hope Trump gets his revenge on the shitweasel fraudsters that have made the US a FRAUD NATION. Biden is the New Maduro but with a death rattle.

As the Lefty backlash from companies continue due the Capitol protest, they need to be seen to be doing the upmost to appease the Lefty community.

So Apple and now Google have banned Parler out of their App stores unless Parler implement a moderation system.

America is getting more like China everyday!!

That'll suit Xi Biden. I wonder when the American Communists will want to table the scrapping of "United States of America" and try to change it to "The People's Republic of America"!!

"But it's not Marxism. It's Democratic Marxism. The only reason it's never worked is because it's never been tried here....."


Low class and uneducated.

Sounds like Bullsh!t to me, you low functioning imbecile!!!


The editorial boards of multiple media outlets across the country this week published damning columns demanding the departure of the president following his incitement of the violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Capital Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today all condemned Trump’s role in the deadly and shocking scenes that took place in Washington.

Even the conservative Wall Street Journal said it would “be best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away quietly.”

Nah; I want him to scorch the earth as he leaves; Dems are FRAUDULANT BASTARDS!! Fingers Biden is a disgusting pos not unlike the run of the mill Chicago Dems. I look forward to Dems being JAILED for this abomination of a FRAUD!!!


You'd love living in Syria.. Assad is a gangster too.

Trump is out for revenge.. He does this every time he fails.. He will incite MORE violence for the inauguration Jan 20th. Wonder how many more he can get killed.

Now I know you're full of shit. Is your real name Johnny ISIS?

I thought President Trump killed every one of you inbred child-molesting goat-fuckers?

Looks like he missed one.


Look at Trump's history.. Every time he fails he goes all out for revenge.
As the Lefty backlash from companies continue due the Capitol protest, they need to be seen to be doing the upmost to appease the Lefty community.

So Apple and now Google have banned Parler out of their App stores unless Parler implement a moderation system.

America is getting more like China everyday!!

That'll suit Xi Biden. I wonder when the American Communists will want to table the scrapping of "United States of America" and try to change it to "The People's Republic of America"!!

"But it's not Marxism. It's Democratic Marxism. The only reason it's never worked is because it's never been tried here....."


Low class and uneducated.

Sounds like Bullsh!t to me, you low functioning imbecile!!!


The editorial boards of multiple media outlets across the country this week published damning columns demanding the departure of the president following his incitement of the violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Capital Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today all condemned Trump’s role in the deadly and shocking scenes that took place in Washington.

Even the conservative Wall Street Journal said it would “be best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away quietly.”

Nah; I want him to scorch the earth as he leaves; Dems are FRAUDULANT BASTARDS!! Fingers Biden is a disgusting pos not unlike the run of the mill Chicago Dems. I look forward to Dems being JAILED for this abomination of a FRAUD!!!


You'd love living in Syria.. Assad is a gangster too.

Trump is out for revenge.. He does this every time he fails.. He will incite MORE violence for the inauguration Jan 20th. Wonder how many more he can get killed.
You mean with the JV teams??? lmao. You are such a clutz!!! I hope Trump gets his revenge on the shitweasel fraudsters that have made the US a FRAUD NATION. Biden is the New Maduro but with a death rattle.


Of course Obama called them JV.. It was a great put down in the Arab world. God, you're stupid.
As the Lefty backlash from companies continue due the Capitol protest, they need to be seen to be doing the upmost to appease the Lefty community.

So Apple and now Google have banned Parler out of their App stores unless Parler implement a moderation system.

America is getting more like China everyday!!

That'll suit Xi Biden. I wonder when the American Communists will want to table the scrapping of "United States of America" and try to change it to "The People's Republic of America"!!

"But it's not Marxism. It's Democratic Marxism. The only reason it's never worked is because it's never been tried here....."


Low class and uneducated.

Sounds like Bullsh!t to me, you low functioning imbecile!!!


The editorial boards of multiple media outlets across the country this week published damning columns demanding the departure of the president following his incitement of the violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Capital Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today all condemned Trump’s role in the deadly and shocking scenes that took place in Washington.

Even the conservative Wall Street Journal said it would “be best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away quietly.”

Nah; I want him to scorch the earth as he leaves; Dems are FRAUDULANT BASTARDS!! Fingers Biden is a disgusting pos not unlike the run of the mill Chicago Dems. I look forward to Dems being JAILED for this abomination of a FRAUD!!!


You'd love living in Syria.. Assad is a gangster too.

Trump is out for revenge.. He does this every time he fails.. He will incite MORE violence for the inauguration Jan 20th. Wonder how many more he can get killed.

Now I know you're full of shit. Is your real name Johnny ISIS?

I thought President Trump killed every one of you inbred child-molesting goat-fuckers?

Looks like he missed one.


Look at Trump's history.. Every time he fails he goes all out for revenge.

It's not "revenge." it's called "Purging the earth of scum."

I bet he has a Hellfire missile with your name on it right now, targeted to your exact GPS location.

As the Lefty backlash from companies continue due the Capitol protest, they need to be seen to be doing the upmost to appease the Lefty community.

So Apple and now Google have banned Parler out of their App stores unless Parler implement a moderation system.

America is getting more like China everyday!!

That'll suit Xi Biden. I wonder when the American Communists will want to table the scrapping of "United States of America" and try to change it to "The People's Republic of America"!!

"But it's not Marxism. It's Democratic Marxism. The only reason it's never worked is because it's never been tried here....."


Low class and uneducated.

Sounds like Bullsh!t to me, you low functioning imbecile!!!


The editorial boards of multiple media outlets across the country this week published damning columns demanding the departure of the president following his incitement of the violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Capital Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today all condemned Trump’s role in the deadly and shocking scenes that took place in Washington.

Even the conservative Wall Street Journal said it would “be best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away quietly.”

Nah; I want him to scorch the earth as he leaves; Dems are FRAUDULANT BASTARDS!! Fingers Biden is a disgusting pos not unlike the run of the mill Chicago Dems. I look forward to Dems being JAILED for this abomination of a FRAUD!!!


You'd love living in Syria.. Assad is a gangster too.

Trump is out for revenge.. He does this every time he fails.. He will incite MORE violence for the inauguration Jan 20th. Wonder how many more he can get killed.
You mean with the JV teams??? lmao. You are such a clutz!!! I hope Trump gets his revenge on the shitweasel fraudsters that have made the US a FRAUD NATION. Biden is the New Maduro but with a death rattle.


Of course Obama called them JV.. It was a great put down in the Arab world. God, you're stupid.

Arabs have JV teams??? ISIS was a JV team?? Do you know what a JV teams is?? lmao

You're a joke, shitweasel!!! ISIS were a deadly threat...UNTIL Trump killed them.

Get a f'n brain you inept fool!!

It’s a statement that reflects a perception of the Russian threat as overblown, a sentiment that has been expressed on other occasions. For instance, Russia’s involvement in the Syrian conflict, which has since proven to be decisive in shifting momentum back to the Assad regime, was largely dismissed by Obama in December 2015 as a strategic misstep by Putin. A year later Obama described Russia as ‘a smaller country… a weaker country’ that ‘can’t change us or significantly weaken us’ in response to reports of election-related hacking. While Obama’s descriptions of Russia are accurate, they perhaps reflect a misreading of the nature of the Russian threat.

The JV team: It’s difficult to interpret Obama’s description of ISIS as a ‘JV team’ as anything but a misunderstanding of the threat it poses. In response to a question about ISIS’s resurgence in Iraq, Obama stated on 7 January 2014: ‘…I think the analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team put on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.’ Less than six months later, ISIS controlled swathes of territory across Syria and Iraq, had announced the establishment of its Caliphate and, by the end of 2014, had established transnational wilayats across the Middle East, Africa and the Subcontinent. The perceived complacency of the West, reflected in a delayed response to the ISIS threat, is often the centrepiece of conspiracy theories describing Western complicity in the movement’s meteoric rise. An example of rhetoric’s potential for unintended ‘blowback’ effects.

Nota bene: this is the "rest of the world" mocking you stupids!!!

Tears?? lmao. So you are fine with Voter Fraud as long as it is your side that does it; gotcha!!!!

Yes. Tears. Sweet tears.

You support attacking the capitol and killing cops.

IF anyone is guilty of anything then then let Justice Reign. Meanwhile I like the precedent of shooting unarmed protesters; will come in handy at the next Antifa DemoKKKrat riot!!!

Calling them communists is like, so last decade dude. Whatever system we're headed for is something that's never been tried before. A nation ruled by the delusions of minorities with a victim complex and tech-addicted femoid sexual deviants.
Tears?? lmao. So you are fine with Voter Fraud as long as it is your side that does it; gotcha!!!!

Yes. Tears. Sweet tears.

You support attacking the capitol and killing cops.

Do I? Say some more utter shit; your useful idiocy is on full display.

How many politicians and cops are you guys planning to kill?
Zero; you?

Tears?? lmao. So you are fine with Voter Fraud as long as it is your side that does it; gotcha!!!!

Yes. Tears. Sweet tears.

You support attacking the capitol and killing cops.

IF anyone is guilty of anything then then let Justice Reign. Meanwhile I like the precedent of shooting unarmed protesters; will come in handy at the next Antifa DemoKKKrat riot!!!

So as many as it takes.

I appreciate your candor.
Calling them communists is like, so last decade dude. Whatever system we're headed for is something that's never been tried before. A nation ruled by the delusions of minorities with a victim complex and tech-addicted femoid sexual deviants.
Unfortunately the Playbook is OLD!! Studied it in the 70s...just new actors. Take an existing Party, hijack it and get the useful idiots to do your dirty work for you. May be an updated version but the original was one Biden read.

Tears?? lmao. So you are fine with Voter Fraud as long as it is your side that does it; gotcha!!!!

Yes. Tears. Sweet tears.

You support attacking the capitol and killing cops.

IF anyone is guilty of anything then then let Justice Reign. Meanwhile I like the precedent of shooting unarmed protesters; will come in handy at the next Antifa DemoKKKrat riot!!!

So as many as it takes.

I appreciate your candor.
Your logic makes Biden look smart!!! lmao

Tears?? lmao. So you are fine with Voter Fraud as long as it is your side that does it; gotcha!!!!

Yes. Tears. Sweet tears.

You support attacking the capitol and killing cops.

IF anyone is guilty of anything then then let Justice Reign. Meanwhile I like the precedent of shooting unarmed protesters; will come in handy at the next Antifa DemoKKKrat riot!!!

So as many as it takes.

I appreciate your candor.
Your logic makes Biden look smart!!! lmao

Please re-consider your plans.
Tears?? lmao. So you are fine with Voter Fraud as long as it is your side that does it; gotcha!!!!

Yes. Tears. Sweet tears.

You support attacking the capitol and killing cops.

IF anyone is guilty of anything then then let Justice Reign. Meanwhile I like the precedent of shooting unarmed protesters; will come in handy at the next Antifa DemoKKKrat riot!!!

So as many as it takes.

I appreciate your candor.
So you're planning to kill as many as it takes? You should be ashamed of yourself; FBI; lookee here!!! lmao

You're a f'n joke, imbecile!!!

Tears?? lmao. So you are fine with Voter Fraud as long as it is your side that does it; gotcha!!!!

Yes. Tears. Sweet tears.

You support attacking the capitol and killing cops.

IF anyone is guilty of anything then then let Justice Reign. Meanwhile I like the precedent of shooting unarmed protesters; will come in handy at the next Antifa DemoKKKrat riot!!!

So as many as it takes.

I appreciate your candor.
So you're planning to kill as many as it takes? You should be ashamed of yourself; FBI; lookee here!!! lmao

You're a f'n joke, imbecile!!!

Please calm down.

Please don't kill anyone else.

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