Democrats should pay all reparations because:

It's not like they're hard to identify. They walk around calling themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy.... 😄

So apparently you live in hick town. I've spent the last couple decades living in southern cities and no one talks like that. Just in the woods were you run away from white people because Nancy Pelosi told you, to and you're a racist and an idiot who believes her
Haha 😅 I should have known.
Why. Do you think there is anything on earth that would change my mind about reparations to any group asking for them, in the news. Let me assure you. There isn't.
So apparently you live in hick town. I've spent the last couple decades living in southern cities and no one talks like that. Just in the woods were you run away from white people because Nancy Pelosi told you, to and you're a racist and an idiot who believes her
The Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy are actual organizations that exist you moron and you're actually the one who thinks black people can't think for themselves which is why racists like you always ascribe my beliefs to being something white Democrats indoctrinated me to. By the way I support primarying Nancy Pelosi but what the fuck would know when you're too busy cosplaying? 😄

United Daughters of the Confederacy | Historical – Educational – Benevolent – Memorial – Patriotic
they tried that in Cali…then said well…not so fast
That was a classic Dem trial balloon, count on Dems to polish the reparations pitch. Dems just purchased votes by promising to forgive student loan debt and purchased GA votes with an outright $2,000 BRIBE promised by Biden. So a couple could get $4,000 for their GA vote in bribes from the Dems.

Purchasing votes with bribes paid for with taxpayer money has proven effective, look for Dems to double down on this.
The Democrats then, are the Republicans now.

Let the Republicans pay for it.
Republicans tried to claim their political ancestors at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night, casting back to Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, to argue they deserve more credit from Black voters.

The problem is that the Republicans and the politics of 1860 bear almost zero resemblance to the Republicans of today.

Back then, Republicans were, generally, a party of Northerners and Democrats were, generally, the party of the South.

Today, it’s pretty much the opposite.

Back then, a Republican President, Lincoln, tried to hold the union together after Southern states, led by Democrats, seceded.

The parties traded places​

Today, it’s a Republican President, Donald Trump, who has changed his allegiance to a Southern state, Florida, and is appealing to nostalgia for the Confederacy and stoking racial divisions, not trying to end them or get past them.

So it was factually true and sounded good in real time when Clarence Henderson, a Black man who marched for civil rights in the 1960s and now supports Trump, said this Wednesday night during the convention:

“I’m a Republican. And I support Donald Trump. If that sounds strange, you don’t know your history. It was the Republican Party that passed the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery. It was the Republican Party that passed the 14th Amendment, giving Black men citizenship. It was the Republican Party that passed the 15th Amendment, giving Black men the right to vote. “

That’s true! But he missed the second part, about the fight over civil rights in the ’60s and the dramatic party realignment that’s happened since then.

It was George Wallace, a former Democrat and a segregationist, who won five Southern states in the 1968 presidential election.

It was Republicans like Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and now Trump who mainlined the fears of white working-class voters Wallace embodied.

It was Democratic presidents in the ’60s who enacted civil rights legislation. It’s Republicans trying to undo that now.

The linchpin moment of this realignment was the passage of the Civil Rights Act, which scrambled party allegiances and led Lyndon B. Johnson, the Democratic President from Texas (hard to imagine today), to lament that Democrats had given away the South for a generation.

That quote may be apocryphal, but it certainly feels true when you look at the electoral map, where the South is red and the Northeast and West Coast are blue.

(full article online)

No, my dear it doesn't work that way. Democrats still have their past history to reconcile. And your post is just more flim-flam humbug.
Let the Republicans pay for it.
Republicans tried to claim their political ancestors at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night, casting back to Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, to argue they deserve more credit from Black voters.

The problem is that the Republicans and the politics of 1860 bear almost zero resemblance to the Republicans of today.

Back then, Republicans were, generally, a party of Northerners and Democrats were, generally, the party of the South.

Today, it’s pretty much the opposite.

Back then, a Republican President, Lincoln, tried to hold the union together after Southern states, led by Democrats, seceded.

The parties traded places​

Today, it’s a Republican President, Donald Trump, who has changed his allegiance to a Southern state, Florida, and is appealing to nostalgia for the Confederacy and stoking racial divisions, not trying to end them or get past them.

So it was factually true and sounded good in real time when Clarence Henderson, a Black man who marched for civil rights in the 1960s and now supports Trump, said this Wednesday night during the convention:

“I’m a Republican. And I support Donald Trump. If that sounds strange, you don’t know your history. It was the Republican Party that passed the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery. It was the Republican Party that passed the 14th Amendment, giving Black men citizenship. It was the Republican Party that passed the 15th Amendment, giving Black men the right to vote. “

That’s true! But he missed the second part, about the fight over civil rights in the ’60s and the dramatic party realignment that’s happened since then.

It was George Wallace, a former Democrat and a segregationist, who won five Southern states in the 1968 presidential election.

It was Republicans like Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and now Trump who mainlined the fears of white working-class voters Wallace embodied.

It was Democratic presidents in the ’60s who enacted civil rights legislation. It’s Republicans trying to undo that now.

The linchpin moment of this realignment was the passage of the Civil Rights Act, which scrambled party allegiances and led Lyndon B. Johnson, the Democratic President from Texas (hard to imagine today), to lament that Democrats had given away the South for a generation.

That quote may be apocryphal, but it certainly feels true when you look at the electoral map, where the South is red and the Northeast and West Coast are blue.

(full article online)

Two thing going on here: 1):1861 Democrats where the agents of slavery. But they had racial epiphany and changed. 2) Since 1861, AMERICA CHANGED TOO and had the same racial epiphany.
Sorry, but my post still stands. Facts are facts and the Democrats or you can't sweep history under the rug. Democrats supported slavery THEN and FOUGHT to preserve IT. FACT. And since reparations are the order of the day, why shouldn't white Republicans that had ancestors suffer and die in the Civil war demand repreparations for that from the present Democratic party? Why not?
The Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy are actual organizations that exist you moron and you're actually the one who thinks black people can't think for themselves which is why racists like you always ascribe my beliefs to being something white Democrats indoctrinated me to. By the way I support primarying Nancy Pelosi but what the fuck would know when you're too busy cosplaying? 😄

United Daughters of the Confederacy | Historical – Educational – Benevolent – Memorial – Patriotic

Home - Sons of Confederate Veterans

When I say it's up to blacks which party they support, that's me thinking blacks can't think for themselves.

But you call Republican blacks Uncle Toms because you think they can.

Up is down, left is right, and you're an idiot. You're the Uncle Tom, Democrats tell you what to think and that blacks are only allowed to think it, and you come out selling your manhood, race and dignity for them.

And Democrats give you shit for it. They do nothing for blacks, they just attack you with the racist bull shit you repeat if you don't.

You're a sad little non-man with nothing between your legs, and that has nothing to do with your race, which you sell out at every oportunity
Democrats caused and fought for the south and slavery. Democrats started the civil war. Democrats founded the KKK. Democrats fought against desegregation and civil rights. Democrats are the bane of our existence.

The DemoKKKrat party is the most racist organization in the history of our nation, and possibly in the history of the world.

Don't let the DNC denialists tell you the racist 'KKKrats all became Republicans. Virtually none of them did.

The DemoKKKrats STILL elect people like this guy:

When I say it's up to blacks which party they support, that's me thinking blacks can't think for themselves.
Are you confessing or being sarcastic? I can't tell. You have tried to attribute my beliefs to indoctrination by white people have you not? I can quote you if you like. (I didn't realize when In started this reply that you'd do it again in this response). 😄
But you call Republican blacks Uncle Toms because you think they can.
Are you still telling me what I think?
Up is down, left is right, and you're an idiot. You're the Uncle Tom, Democrats tell you what to think and that blacks are only allowed to think it, and you come out selling your manhood, race and dignity for them.
Right. Every black person who doesn't agree with you is being told what to think by a Democrat. You are exactly what you accuse other people of being.

I on the other hand don't think black people aren't allowed to be conservatives. I'm just not required to respect the decision. At least I acknowledge it is their decision. You're so racist you can't even give black democrats that much.
And Democrats give you shit for it. They do nothing for blacks, they just attack you with the racist bull shit you repeat if you don't.
I don't care which party we take over, it just so happens black and brown people chose the Democratic party to take over. You don't have to tell me it would be nice to push out the racist and corrupt whites of the party, I'm right there with you, I just don't see how pointing out the racist moderate whites of the Democratic party makes we want to vote for the racist conservatives of the Republican party.
You're a sad little non-man with nothing between your legs, and that has nothing to do with your race, which you sell out at every oportunity

Are you confessing or being sarcastic? I can't tell. You have tried to attribute my beliefs to indoctrination by white people have you not? I can quote you if you like. (I didn't realize when In started this reply that you'd do it again in this response). 😄

Are you still telling me what I think?

Right. Every black person who doesn't agree with you is being told what to think by a Democrat. You are exactly what you accuse other people of being.

I on the other hand don't think black people aren't allowed to be conservatives. I'm just not required to respect the decision. At least I acknowledge it is their decision. You're so racist you can't even give black democrats that much.

I don't care which party we take over, it just so happens black and brown people chose the Democratic party to take over. You don't have to tell me it would be nice to push out the racist and corrupt whites of the party, I'm right there with you, I just don't see how pointing out the racist moderate whites of the Democratic party makes we want to vote for the racist conservatives of the Republican party.



LOL, I'm not into your emotional shit, girlfriend. You just go find one of your girlfriends to have a good cry with

It seems like you're dealing with your own emotional shit.

You really are an idiot. There is no reason that a black man can't work hard and save for himself and oppose you leftists based on fiscal policy rather than race, yet you call him "Uncle Tom." You're a racist, he isn't. You're a racist, Tim Scot isn't. You're a racist, Clarance Thomas isn't...
You really are an idiot. There is no reason that a black man can't work hard and save for himself and oppose you leftists based on fiscal policy rather than race, yet you call him "Uncle Tom."
Yes. I call him an uncle Tom. That still isn't me saying he can't think for himself, that's me saying the things he thinks and supports are harmful to other black, even while maybe being beneficial to himself. Hence a sell out. But not a puppet or someone who's being told what to think like you think of black democrats.
You're a racist, he isn't. You're a racist, Tim Scot isn't. You're a racist, Clarance Thomas isn't...
You're a racist. Your party is known as the racist party the world over. Cry about it.
The DemoKKKrat party is the most racist organization in the history of our nation, and possibly in the history of the world.

Don't let the DNC denialists tell you the racist 'KKKrats all became Republicans. Virtually none of them did.

The DemoKKKrats STILL elect people like this guy:

View attachment 790133

Your ignorance is stunning.
Yes. I call him an uncle Tom. That still isn't me saying he can't think for himself, that's me saying the things he thinks and supports are harmful to other black, even while maybe being beneficial to himself. Hence a sell out. But not a puppet or someone who's being told what to think like you think of black democrats.

You're a racist. Your party is known as the racist party the world over. Cry about it.

Gotcha, Whitie Democrats told you that you're smart if you believe what they tell you to and call blacks who think for themselves racists. Yeah, you're smart, and a good boy, pat pat pat. I can't believe that you actually fall for that racist shit. You're in the party of slave owners and segregationists all through American history calling blacks who weren't Uncle Toms. Reality check, you're a racist piece of crap
Gotcha, Whitie Democrats told you that you're smart if you believe what they tell you to and call blacks who think for themselves racists. Yeah, you're smart, and a good boy, pat pat pat. I can't believe that you actually fall for that racist shit. You're in the party of slave owners and segregationists all through American history calling blacks who weren't Uncle Toms. Reality check, you're a racist piece of crap
All you got is yourself. Great display of your lack of self awareness and hypocrisy. 😄
All you got is yourself. Great display of your lack of self awareness and hypocrisy. 😄

Kaz: Blacks can think for themselves

Fucks Goats: Oh yeah! No they can't! that's just your lack of self awareness and hypocrisy!!!!

Kaz: Self awareness? I'm not black, fucking douche, you are. That's just your racism. I'm a racist because I think blacks can think for themselves. Makes no sense, you're a fucking moron. Probably why you're such a racist
Kaz: Blacks can think for themselves

Fucks Goats: Oh yeah! No they can't! that's just your lack of self awareness and hypocrisy!!!!

Kaz: Self awareness? I'm not black, fucking douche, you are. That's just your racism. I'm a racist because I think blacks can think for themselves. Makes no sense, you're a fucking moron. Probably why you're such a racist

It's always a great example that you allow people to speak for themselves by making up quotes instead of just quoting them directly. You're failing harder and harder with every post.

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