Democrats should work with President Trump

Seriously. As much as I find the guy distasteful, he IS the president and we haven't gotten a single significant thing done with him in charge. The republicans can't do anything, because they don't know how. Then you have the democrats, who used to be able to do stuff, but now just sit around obstructing, bitching, calling people racists and talking about their hatred of statues and history.

Someone needs to do something. I wish I could take out my wrath on democrats AND republicans in 2018 and 2020, but unfortunately I'll probably get stuck with one or the other again. In the meantime, this toxic political climate and stagnation is unhealthy, and cannot be allowed to continue like this, or I fear we're approaching some pretty bad consequences.

I realize that the chances of the dems stepping up is approximately 0%, since Trump, despite being a stealth dem himself, can't afford to lose his base, and they also can't afford to seem as though they like Trump, since their base is full of ravenous hyenas baying for blood.

What a country we have today. What United States.

Just like the Republicans worked with Obama... oh, wait, no, they didn't.
Everything obama wanted to do was like himself, harmful and evil.
Seriously. As much as I find the guy distasteful, he IS the president and we haven't gotten a single significant thing done with him in charge. The republicans can't do anything, because they don't know how. Then you have the democrats, who used to be able to do stuff, but now just sit around obstructing, bitching, calling people racists and talking about their hatred of statues and history.

Someone needs to do something. I wish I could take out my wrath on democrats AND republicans in 2018 and 2020, but unfortunately I'll probably get stuck with one or the other again. In the meantime, this toxic political climate and stagnation is unhealthy, and cannot be allowed to continue like this, or I fear we're approaching some pretty bad consequences.

I realize that the chances of the dems stepping up is approximately 0%, since Trump, despite being a stealth dem himself, can't afford to lose his base, and they also can't afford to seem as though they like Trump, since their base is full of ravenous hyenas baying for blood.

What a country we have today. What United States.
Should the Democrats work with Trump in the same manner the Republicans worked with Obama? For eight years?

Collaboration by the Democrats to help the Republicans and the Idiot Trump rob average Americans of their healthcare, Social Security, safety regulations that protect workers, regulations that protect consumers, and hand complete control of our government over to the one percent, is NOT in the best interests of the nation as a whole.

But, these facts are well beyond the capability of conservatives to understand.

Seriously. As much as I find the guy distasteful, he IS the president and we haven't gotten a single significant thing done with him in charge. The republicans can't do anything, because they don't know how. Then you have the democrats, who used to be able to do stuff, but now just sit around obstructing, bitching, calling people racists and talking about their hatred of statues and history.

Someone needs to do something. I wish I could take out my wrath on democrats AND republicans in 2018 and 2020, but unfortunately I'll probably get stuck with one or the other again. In the meantime, this toxic political climate and stagnation is unhealthy, and cannot be allowed to continue like this, or I fear we're approaching some pretty bad consequences.

I realize that the chances of the dems stepping up is approximately 0%, since Trump, despite being a stealth dem himself, can't afford to lose his base, and they also can't afford to seem as though they like Trump, since their base is full of ravenous hyenas baying for blood.

What a country we have today. What United States.

Just like the Republicans worked with Obama... oh, wait, no, they didn't.
Everything obama wanted to do was like himself, harmful and evil.

Ah, and Trump is a fucking angel sent from God to do good is he?

Obama was far more popular than Trump, and yet all Democrats are supposed to work with Trump as Republicans refused to work with Obama.

Do you not see the problem here?
The old and cynical have brought the country to this low point, so maybe some youth is what we need.

I support no NaziCon agenda - especially not Adolf Trump's agenda.

Which of Trump's proposals are really that bad, especially to be compared with Hitler?

Name ONE Trump proposal that isn't designed to help the rich and fuck the poor and middle class?

I'm not a Trump supporter. You're a Trump detractor (well, so am I normally, but not in this thread). So you should be the one to go first.

But shit, I actually think that immigration reform (reduction) is a pretty wise move, and fucks the rich and poor alike.

Immigration reform? You mean Adolf Trump's racist agenda against brown people? The entire Southwest should be given back to Mexico.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

Too funny.

Old European conflicts (Spain, England, Portugal, France, Holland...) carried on in the new world. Spain conquered much of South and Central America and in turn lost territory. You might want to look into the history of criollos.

"As the United States expanded westward, it annexed lands with a long-established population of Spanish-speaking settlers, who were overwhelmingly or exclusively of white Spanish ancestry (cf. White Mexican)."

Criollo people - Wikipedia

Seriously. As much as I find the guy distasteful, he IS the president and we haven't gotten a single significant thing done with him in charge. The republicans can't do anything, because they don't know how. Then you have the democrats, who used to be able to do stuff, but now just sit around obstructing, bitching, calling people racists and talking about their hatred of statues and history.

Someone needs to do something. I wish I could take out my wrath on democrats AND republicans in 2018 and 2020, but unfortunately I'll probably get stuck with one or the other again. In the meantime, this toxic political climate and stagnation is unhealthy, and cannot be allowed to continue like this, or I fear we're approaching some pretty bad consequences.

I realize that the chances of the dems stepping up is approximately 0%, since Trump, despite being a stealth dem himself, can't afford to lose his base, and they also can't afford to seem as though they like Trump, since their base is full of ravenous hyenas baying for blood.

What a country we have today. What United States.
first thing we need to do is stop being blinded by our own emotional needs to be satisfied or have things OUR FUCKING WAY.

Trump Has Quietly Accomplished More Than You Might Know

to say nothing has been done is bullshit. you may not like what he is doing and that's fine. i did not care for obama trying to socialize everything and i'd be fighting bernie on that front also. we are NOT a socialistic country. don't want to be. that's part of the right right now.

that and the fanatical left is just fucking nuts and far too many people are using them as a defense for their own bullshit actions.

we're not united. have not been for a long time. each side is digging into MY WAY OR FUCK OFF and that has made people see the other side as the enemy, not our neighbors, colleagues and friends.

now while i may be fighting the move to socialism, i would not have to *hate* along the way. that has come from the left / far left in far too many ways and then they hide behind telling others how wrong it is to hate. great, lead the way. but they don't. they sit n bitch.

so again - hating trump is fine. but lying to yourself about what he is doing is another matter.
Seriously. As much as I find the guy distasteful, he IS the president and we haven't gotten a single significant thing done with him in charge. The republicans can't do anything, because they don't know how. Then you have the democrats, who used to be able to do stuff, but now just sit around obstructing, bitching, calling people racists and talking about their hatred of statues and history.

Someone needs to do something. I wish I could take out my wrath on democrats AND republicans in 2018 and 2020, but unfortunately I'll probably get stuck with one or the other again. In the meantime, this toxic political climate and stagnation is unhealthy, and cannot be allowed to continue like this, or I fear we're approaching some pretty bad consequences.

I realize that the chances of the dems stepping up is approximately 0%, since Trump, despite being a stealth dem himself, can't afford to lose his base, and they also can't afford to seem as though they like Trump, since their base is full of ravenous hyenas baying for blood.

What a country we have today. What United States.

Yeah. Everyone who plays ball with Trump always realizes positive results. You nailed it.
Seriously. As much as I find the guy distasteful, he IS the president and we haven't gotten a single significant thing done with him in charge. The republicans can't do anything, because they don't know how. Then you have the democrats, who used to be able to do stuff, but now just sit around obstructing, bitching, calling people racists and talking about their hatred of statues and history.

Someone needs to do something. I wish I could take out my wrath on democrats AND republicans in 2018 and 2020, but unfortunately I'll probably get stuck with one or the other again. In the meantime, this toxic political climate and stagnation is unhealthy, and cannot be allowed to continue like this, or I fear we're approaching some pretty bad consequences.

I realize that the chances of the dems stepping up is approximately 0%, since Trump, despite being a stealth dem himself, can't afford to lose his base, and they also can't afford to seem as though they like Trump, since their base is full of ravenous hyenas baying for blood.

What a country we have today. What United States.

Just like the Republicans worked with Obama... oh, wait, no, they didn't.
Everything obama wanted to do was like himself, harmful and evil.

Ah, and Trump is a fucking angel sent from God to do good is he?

Obama was far more popular than Trump, and yet all Democrats are supposed to work with Trump as Republicans refused to work with Obama.

Do you not see the problem here?
yea, the problem is people jump to a diametric opposite and pick a fight and then think it's warranted.

"obama is evil"

there's a shitload of valid topics in the middle that would prove far more helpful than bitching at each other from ONLY an extreme vantage point and taking the opposite stance every time and again, pretending there's not good solid common ground somewhere in the middle if we took the time to simply look for it.

but instead we're back to

why won't you help trump!
you didn't help obama!!

and we spin around like idiots for the rest of the world to see.

obama was again making this into a socialistic global movement. what did you expect people who have ZERO DESIRE TO DO THIS to do? obama was forcing his will on people, not working with them much either, now was he? to you i'm sure he was so willing to work with everyone. to the business he shut down, wire tapped, opposite he silenced, news media he harassed who spoke against him - well no that doesn't sit well with those people. but you seem ok for him doing that because you like what he is doing.

but you're not ok with someone doing that when you don't like them or what they are doing.

we're in pretty much some form of a transitional phase as a country and there will be a lot of people digging in their heels and not wanting that change. this is NORMAL BEHAVIOR across the board. but instead of recognizing it and finding productive ways to deal with change, we simply demonize the other side and push on against the grain.

how's that working for either side, bubba?

no, not too well at all. but hey, people like you keep it up and that just means we're gonna be here awhile cause people feel some jacked up need for payback.

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