Democrats Specialize In Creating Problems

Just as guess, but I'd say there aren't any caravans making they way across the ocean to Japan, Australia or New Zealand. Can't imagine a caravan making it's way through Russia to get to Scandinavia. Canada is buffered by the U.S. Christ sake do you put any thought into your posts or just spew BS. And pretty sure you don't want to get started on European countries and their immigration problems...dumbass.
Australia has all kinds of people trying to get in dumbass dupe. And the EU has taken in four million plus refugees from Syria Iraq and sub-Saharan Africa, all caused originally by GOP stupidity and corruption. See Ronnie Reagan and his pal Saddam and the corrupt 2008 GOP World depression... Try watching some real news someday instead of GOP propaganda.

Hence the problems associated with immigration in the EU...Einstein. Do try to keep up.
Germany used to be a champion of open borders in Europe. Not anymore.

France Struggles With Its Immigrants In The Midst Of National Security Concerns
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

You bet, Obama has already shown us what a screwed up job you loons can do....dumbass.
Turned around yours corrupt GOP depression and had seven and a half years straight of growth in a world that was all screwed up. Great job. Democrats have had 30 days of 60 votes in session and gave us the best social reform for the non rich in 50 years, Obamacare. You are absolutely clueless.we could have ended the immigration problem in 2010 but the GOP certainly couldn't cooperate with a black president. Not that they cooperated with Clinton either. The country is desperate for 4 years of democrat policy cuz this is a mess.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262273Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262274The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times

Sorry bud, you are too stupid to talk with.
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

Since when has Germany or France been conservative ya fuken moron?
So how'd you learn to kick yourself in the balls?
Clue us in to what the hell you are driving at, brainwashed functional moron.... LOL

Says the poster with a liberal manifesto for a signature. :itsok:
All facts and more truth than you'll get from Fox Rush etc etc in decades, brainwashed functional moron..

Franco, buddie...:cuckoo:
Try arguing with any of it instead of being a stupid troll / dupe...
Australia has all kinds of people trying to get in dumbass dupe. And the EU has taken in four million plus refugees from Syria Iraq and sub-Saharan Africa, all caused originally by GOP stupidity and corruption. See Ronnie Reagan and his pal Saddam and the corrupt 2008 GOP World depression... Try watching some real news someday instead of GOP propaganda.

Hence the problems associated with immigration in the EU...Einstein. Do try to keep up.
Germany used to be a champion of open borders in Europe. Not anymore.

France Struggles With Its Immigrants In The Midst Of National Security Concerns
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

You bet, Obama has already shown us what a screwed up job you loons can do....dumbass.
Turned around yours corrupt GOP depression and had seven and a half years straight of growth in a world that was all screwed up. Great job. Democrats have had 30 days of 60 votes in session and gave us the best social reform for the non rich in 50 years, Obamacare. You are absolutely clueless.we could have ended the immigration problem in 2010 but the GOP certainly couldn't cooperate with a black president. Not that they cooperated with Clinton either. The country is desperate for 4 years of democrat policy cuz this is a mess.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262273Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262274The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times

Sorry bud, you are too stupid to talk with.
90% of the world and all the respected media and law enforcement believes you are insane. Many don't know about the brainwash.... Just trying to tell you ignoramuses what is going on in the world, because you'll never get it from Fox Rush etc etc...
How much wall? The answer is simple-not enough!
Another just stupid distraction... The wall will basically do nothing, 58% overstay their visas and they'll just come in by boat or tunnel or airplane.. I don't believe the GOP gives a damn anyway, they love the cheap easily bullied labor and it is so easy to brainwash the chumps.... We need a national ID card like other modern countries with this problem that the GOP has blocked forever.
oh geezus.....
Only an ID card would work like in other modern countries oh, super duper.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

upload_2019-5-24_19-16-33.pngWashington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?

Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

upload_2019-5-24_19-16-34.pngThe New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

You bet, Obama has already shown us what a screwed up job you loons can do....dumbass.
Turned around yours corrupt GOP depression and had seven and a half years straight of growth in a world that was all screwed up. Great job. Democrats have had 30 days of 60 votes in session and gave us the best social reform for the non rich in 50 years, Obamacare. You are absolutely clueless.we could have ended the immigration problem in 2010 but the GOP certainly couldn't cooperate with a black president. Not that they cooperated with Clinton either. The country is desperate for 4 years of democrat policy cuz this is a mess.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262273Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262274The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times

Sorry bud, you are too stupid to talk with.
90% of the world and all the respected media and law enforcement believes you are insane. Many don't know about the brainwash.... Just trying to tell you ignoramuses what is going on in the world, because you'll never get it from Fox Rush etc etc...

If all else fails, refer to post #61.
As the Joker's all part of the plan....the more people the democrats can get to tune out, the easier it is for their illegal alien voters, their felons in prison voters, and their welfare dependents to vote them power......those people never get sick of the nonsense cause they only pay attention the day of the election when the democrats round them up to vote.....
90% of the world including all the respected media and law enforcement think you people are absolutely nuts. Read a newspaper, super duper.

The 90% of the world that takes our money for any natural disaster? 90% of the World that is protected from Russian and chinese aggression by our money and military? 90% of the World that participated in the mass murder of close to 100 million people by German, Russian, Chinese, Cambodian, Cuban, Vietnamese socialists....? While the other countries either handed over their people or looked the other way?

You mean that 90% of the world....
No, that only exists in GOP propaganda world. And those are Nazis and Communists not socialists brainwashed functional moron. You believe any garbage right wing and totalitarian propaganda....

Nazis are socialists....communists are socialists, you moron... Those are the countries who form the 90% of the world you are bitching about...we stopped them, not the Europeans, not the British....the United States....and we stand in their way to this day...not the Europeans who are making deals with putin, not the Asians who can't stand up to China...the U.S......
the Nazis said they were socialist pure propaganda, s*******. The Communists said they were socialists.everyone knew the Nazis were joking, it took a little while to figure out that the Communists had no interest in democracy of any kind, since they didn't allow anyone in to see or kept them ignorant, so the world knew that was a scam. Except for Cold War dinosaur United States and its GOP dupes. You get my award is the biggest idiot on the board. Well you have a lot of competition....

Many thanks to the gop for Wrecking the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, then wrecking the world economy in 1929 that gave rise to Nazis and Japanese militarists just as today we have right-wing assholes on the rise thanks to the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression. then in the 1930s the Republicans were the fervent isolationists who allowed Nazis and Japs to run rampant until they finally attacked us. Great job.the French could easily have won World War 1 without us ditto the
Russians in World War II. But thanks for f****** up everything you ever get your hands on, scumbag money is everything GOP and its silly dupes.

wrong....the nazis had complete control over the economy, as did the communists....

As to Versaillles, you need to study history, the Versailles treaty was a joke that crushed Germany making it possible for hitler to come to power...then the 90% of the countries you love, sat by and let him take over country after country, and then handed their citizens over to him for murder.....

The Nobel Prize winning economist will explain it to you....

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek, et al

One of the main reasons why the socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized, is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups too -as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment -have, at least partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly because -and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany – many capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience. But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a move movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt.

A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extend directed against their economic policy. What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice -their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with “the golden International of Jewish Capitalism.”

It would, indeed, hardly have been possible for the Nationalists to advance fundamental objections to the economic policy of the other socialist parties when their own published programme differed from these only in that its socialism was much cruder and less rational. The famous 25 points drawn up by Herr Feder,[2] one of Hitler’s early allies, repeatedly endorsed by Hitler and recognized by the by-laws of the National-Socialist party as the immutable basis of all its actions, which together with an extensive commentary is circulating throughout Germany in many hundreds of thousands of copies, is full of ideas resembling those of the early socialists. But the dominant feature is a fierce hatred of anything capitalistic -individualistic profit seeking, large scale enterprise, banks, joint-stock companies, department stores, “international finance and loan capital,” the system of “interest slavery” in general; the abolition of these is described as the “[indecipherable] of the programme, around which everything else turns.” It was to this programme that the masses of the German people, who were already completely under the influence of collectivist ideas, responded so enthusiastically.

That this violent anti-capitalistic attack is genuine – and not a mere piece of propaganda – becomes as clear from the personal history of the intellectual leaders of the movement as from the general milieu from which it springs. It is not even denied that man of the young men who today play a prominent part in it have previously been communists or socialists. And to any observer of the literary tendencies which made the Germans intelligentsia ready to join the ranks of the new party, it must be clear that the common characteristic of all the politically influential writers – in many cases free from definite party affiliations – was their anti-liberal and anti-capitalist trend. Groups like that formed around the review “Die Tat” have made the phrase “the end of capitalism” an accepted dogma to most young Germans.[3]
Last edited:
As the Joker's all part of the plan....the more people the democrats can get to tune out, the easier it is for their illegal alien voters, their felons in prison voters, and their welfare dependents to vote them power......those people never get sick of the nonsense cause they only pay attention the day of the election when the democrats round them up to vote.....
90% of the world including all the respected media and law enforcement think you people are absolutely nuts. Read a newspaper, super duper.

The 90% of the world that takes our money for any natural disaster? 90% of the World that is protected from Russian and chinese aggression by our money and military? 90% of the World that participated in the mass murder of close to 100 million people by German, Russian, Chinese, Cambodian, Cuban, Vietnamese socialists....? While the other countries either handed over their people or looked the other way?

You mean that 90% of the world....
No, that only exists in GOP propaganda world. And those are Nazis and Communists not socialists brainwashed functional moron. You believe any garbage right wing and totalitarian propaganda....

Nazis are socialists....communists are socialists, you moron... Those are the countries who form the 90% of the world you are bitching about...we stopped them, not the Europeans, not the British....the United States....and we stand in their way to this day...not the Europeans who are making deals with putin, not the Asians who can't stand up to China...the U.S......
the Nazis said they were socialist pure propaganda, s*******. The Communists said they were socialists.everyone knew the Nazis were joking, it took a little while to figure out that the Communists had no interest in democracy of any kind, since they didn't allow anyone in to see or kept them ignorant, so the world knew that was a scam. Except for Cold War dinosaur United States and its GOP dupes. You get my award is the biggest idiot on the board. Well you have a lot of competition....

Many thanks to the gop for Wrecking the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, then wrecking the world economy in 1929 that gave rise to Nazis and Japanese militarists just as today we have right-wing assholes on the rise thanks to the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression. then in the 1930s the Republicans were the fervent isolationists who allowed Nazis and Japs to run rampant until they finally attacked us. Great job.the French could easily have won World War 1 without us ditto the
Russians in World War II. But thanks for f****** up everything you ever get your hands on, scumbag money is everything GOP and its silly dupes.

You do undertand that the French mutineed during World War 1, Right? And that the British had to move in and take over their sections of the line....right?

The Russians were about to be gobbled up by hitler and if it wasn't for the U.S. supplying them, and then draining German forces from the Russian front with our landings in Africa, Italy, and the Europe, there would be a lot less Russians alive today in the eastern provinces of hitlers new German territory...
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

You bet, Obama has already shown us what a screwed up job you loons can do....dumbass.
Turned around yours corrupt GOP depression and had seven and a half years straight of growth in a world that was all screwed up. Great job. Democrats have had 30 days of 60 votes in session and gave us the best social reform for the non rich in 50 years, Obamacare. You are absolutely clueless.we could have ended the immigration problem in 2010 but the GOP certainly couldn't cooperate with a black president. Not that they cooperated with Clinton either. The country is desperate for 4 years of democrat policy cuz this is a mess.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262273Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262274The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times

Sorry bud, you are too stupid to talk with.
90% of the world and all the respected media and law enforcement believes you are insane. Many don't know about the brainwash.... Just trying to tell you ignoramuses what is going on in the world, because you'll never get it from Fox Rush etc etc...

If all else fails, refer to post #61.
my phone doesn't show any numbers. Try and argue a fact.
90% of the world including all the respected media and law enforcement think you people are absolutely nuts. Read a newspaper, super duper.

The 90% of the world that takes our money for any natural disaster? 90% of the World that is protected from Russian and chinese aggression by our money and military? 90% of the World that participated in the mass murder of close to 100 million people by German, Russian, Chinese, Cambodian, Cuban, Vietnamese socialists....? While the other countries either handed over their people or looked the other way?

You mean that 90% of the world....
No, that only exists in GOP propaganda world. And those are Nazis and Communists not socialists brainwashed functional moron. You believe any garbage right wing and totalitarian propaganda....

Nazis are socialists....communists are socialists, you moron... Those are the countries who form the 90% of the world you are bitching about...we stopped them, not the Europeans, not the British....the United States....and we stand in their way to this day...not the Europeans who are making deals with putin, not the Asians who can't stand up to China...the U.S......
the Nazis said they were socialist pure propaganda, s*******. The Communists said they were socialists.everyone knew the Nazis were joking, it took a little while to figure out that the Communists had no interest in democracy of any kind, since they didn't allow anyone in to see or kept them ignorant, so the world knew that was a scam. Except for Cold War dinosaur United States and its GOP dupes. You get my award is the biggest idiot on the board. Well you have a lot of competition....

Many thanks to the gop for Wrecking the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, then wrecking the world economy in 1929 that gave rise to Nazis and Japanese militarists just as today we have right-wing assholes on the rise thanks to the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression. then in the 1930s the Republicans were the fervent isolationists who allowed Nazis and Japs to run rampant until they finally attacked us. Great job.the French could easily have won World War 1 without us ditto the
Russians in World War II. But thanks for f****** up everything you ever get your hands on, scumbag money is everything GOP and its silly dupes.

You do undertand that the French mutineed during World War 1, Right? And that the British had to move in and take over their sections of the line....right?

The Russians were about to be gobbled up by hitler and if it wasn't for the U.S. supplying them, and then draining German forces from the Russian front with our landings in Africa, Italy, and the Europe, there would be a lot less Russians alive today in the eastern provinces of hitlers new German territory...
The French army was still intact and the mutiny was over. The Russians might have lost some more land but they were amazing. 80% of the Nazi effort was always against the Russians. They already moved all their factories to the other side of the urals. but thanks for destroying the league of Nations and the treaty of Versailles for politics, destroy the world economy again and allowing right-wing Nazis and Japanese military to run wild. Always a catastrophe the GOP.
The 90% of the world that takes our money for any natural disaster? 90% of the World that is protected from Russian and chinese aggression by our money and military? 90% of the World that participated in the mass murder of close to 100 million people by German, Russian, Chinese, Cambodian, Cuban, Vietnamese socialists....? While the other countries either handed over their people or looked the other way?

You mean that 90% of the world....
No, that only exists in GOP propaganda world. And those are Nazis and Communists not socialists brainwashed functional moron. You believe any garbage right wing and totalitarian propaganda....

Nazis are socialists....communists are socialists, you moron... Those are the countries who form the 90% of the world you are bitching about...we stopped them, not the Europeans, not the British....the United States....and we stand in their way to this day...not the Europeans who are making deals with putin, not the Asians who can't stand up to China...the U.S......
the Nazis said they were socialist pure propaganda, s*******. The Communists said they were socialists.everyone knew the Nazis were joking, it took a little while to figure out that the Communists had no interest in democracy of any kind, since they didn't allow anyone in to see or kept them ignorant, so the world knew that was a scam. Except for Cold War dinosaur United States and its GOP dupes. You get my award is the biggest idiot on the board. Well you have a lot of competition....

Many thanks to the gop for Wrecking the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, then wrecking the world economy in 1929 that gave rise to Nazis and Japanese militarists just as today we have right-wing assholes on the rise thanks to the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression. then in the 1930s the Republicans were the fervent isolationists who allowed Nazis and Japs to run rampant until they finally attacked us. Great job.the French could easily have won World War 1 without us ditto the
Russians in World War II. But thanks for f****** up everything you ever get your hands on, scumbag money is everything GOP and its silly dupes.

You do undertand that the French mutineed during World War 1, Right? And that the British had to move in and take over their sections of the line....right?

The Russians were about to be gobbled up by hitler and if it wasn't for the U.S. supplying them, and then draining German forces from the Russian front with our landings in Africa, Italy, and the Europe, there would be a lot less Russians alive today in the eastern provinces of hitlers new German territory...
The French army was still intact and the mutiny was over. The Russians might have lost some more land but they were amazing. They already moved all their factories to the other side of the urals.but thanks for destroying the league of Nations and the treaty of Versailles for politics, destroy the world economy again and allowing right-wing Nazis and Japanese military to run wild. Always a catastrophe the GOP.

Your lack of a grasp of history is as bad as your grasp of everything else.......

The Russians were clueless, and would have lost if not for the U.S. supplying them, and forcing Germany to divert manpower and resources to secure supply lines against the invasion in Italy, and later moron.
90% of the world including all the respected media and law enforcement think you people are absolutely nuts. Read a newspaper, super duper.

The 90% of the world that takes our money for any natural disaster? 90% of the World that is protected from Russian and chinese aggression by our money and military? 90% of the World that participated in the mass murder of close to 100 million people by German, Russian, Chinese, Cambodian, Cuban, Vietnamese socialists....? While the other countries either handed over their people or looked the other way?

You mean that 90% of the world....
No, that only exists in GOP propaganda world. And those are Nazis and Communists not socialists brainwashed functional moron. You believe any garbage right wing and totalitarian propaganda....

Nazis are socialists....communists are socialists, you moron... Those are the countries who form the 90% of the world you are bitching about...we stopped them, not the Europeans, not the British....the United States....and we stand in their way to this day...not the Europeans who are making deals with putin, not the Asians who can't stand up to China...the U.S......
the Nazis said they were socialist pure propaganda, s*******. The Communists said they were socialists.everyone knew the Nazis were joking, it took a little while to figure out that the Communists had no interest in democracy of any kind, since they didn't allow anyone in to see or kept them ignorant, so the world knew that was a scam. Except for Cold War dinosaur United States and its GOP dupes. You get my award is the biggest idiot on the board. Well you have a lot of competition....

Many thanks to the gop for Wrecking the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, then wrecking the world economy in 1929 that gave rise to Nazis and Japanese militarists just as today we have right-wing assholes on the rise thanks to the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression. then in the 1930s the Republicans were the fervent isolationists who allowed Nazis and Japs to run rampant until they finally attacked us. Great job.the French could easily have won World War 1 without us ditto the
Russians in World War II. But thanks for f****** up everything you ever get your hands on, scumbag money is everything GOP and its silly dupes.

wrong....the nazis had complete control over the economy, as did the communists....

As to Versaillles, you need to study history, the Versailles treaty was a joke that crushed Germany making it possible for hitler to come to power...then the 90% of the countries you love, sat by and let him take over country after country, and then handed their citizens over to him for murder.....

The Nobel Prize winning economist will explain it to you....

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek, et al

One of the main reasons why the socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized, is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups too -as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment -have, at least partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly because -and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany – many capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience. But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a move movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt.

A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extend directed against their economic policy. What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice -their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with “the golden International of Jewish Capitalism.”

It would, indeed, hardly have been possible for the Nationalists to advance fundamental objections to the economic policy of the other socialist parties when their own published programme differed from these only in that its socialism was much cruder and less rational. The famous 25 points drawn up by Herr Feder,[2] one of Hitler’s early allies, repeatedly endorsed by Hitler and recognized by the by-laws of the National-Socialist party as the immutable basis of all its actions, which together with an extensive commentary is circulating throughout Germany in many hundreds of thousands of copies, is full of ideas resembling those of the early socialists. But the dominant feature is a fierce hatred of anything capitalistic -individualistic profit seeking, large scale enterprise, banks, joint-stock companies, department stores, “international finance and loan capital,” the system of “interest slavery” in general; the abolition of these is described as the “[indecipherable] of the programme, around which everything else turns.” It was to this programme that the masses of the German people, who were already completely under the influence of collectivist ideas, responded so enthusiastically.

That this violent anti-capitalistic attack is genuine – and not a mere piece of propaganda – becomes as clear from the personal history of the intellectual leaders of the movement as from the general milieu from which it springs. It is not even denied that man of the young men who today play a prominent part in it have previously been communists or socialists. And to any observer of the literary tendencies which made the Germans intelligentsia ready to join the ranks of the new party, it must be clear that the common characteristic of all the politically influential writers – in many cases free from definite party affiliations – was their anti-liberal and anti-capitalist trend. Groups like that formed around the review “Die Tat” have made the phrase “the end of capitalism” an accepted dogma to most young Germans.[3]
The Nazis would say anything to get power. At any rate socialism today except in GOP America is known as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.
Since when has Germany or France been conservative ya fuken moron?
So how'd you learn to kick yourself in the balls?
Clue us in to what the hell you are driving at, brainwashed functional moron.... LOL

Says the poster with a liberal manifesto for a signature. :itsok:
All facts and more truth than you'll get from Fox Rush etc etc in decades, brainwashed functional moron..

Franco, buddie...:cuckoo:
Try arguing with any of it instead of being a stupid troll / dupe...

LOL we'll just debate your manifesto let me put that on my todo list okay.
No, that only exists in GOP propaganda world. And those are Nazis and Communists not socialists brainwashed functional moron. You believe any garbage right wing and totalitarian propaganda....

Nazis are socialists....communists are socialists, you moron... Those are the countries who form the 90% of the world you are bitching about...we stopped them, not the Europeans, not the British....the United States....and we stand in their way to this day...not the Europeans who are making deals with putin, not the Asians who can't stand up to China...the U.S......
the Nazis said they were socialist pure propaganda, s*******. The Communists said they were socialists.everyone knew the Nazis were joking, it took a little while to figure out that the Communists had no interest in democracy of any kind, since they didn't allow anyone in to see or kept them ignorant, so the world knew that was a scam. Except for Cold War dinosaur United States and its GOP dupes. You get my award is the biggest idiot on the board. Well you have a lot of competition....

Many thanks to the gop for Wrecking the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, then wrecking the world economy in 1929 that gave rise to Nazis and Japanese militarists just as today we have right-wing assholes on the rise thanks to the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression. then in the 1930s the Republicans were the fervent isolationists who allowed Nazis and Japs to run rampant until they finally attacked us. Great job.the French could easily have won World War 1 without us ditto the
Russians in World War II. But thanks for f****** up everything you ever get your hands on, scumbag money is everything GOP and its silly dupes.

You do undertand that the French mutineed during World War 1, Right? And that the British had to move in and take over their sections of the line....right?

The Russians were about to be gobbled up by hitler and if it wasn't for the U.S. supplying them, and then draining German forces from the Russian front with our landings in Africa, Italy, and the Europe, there would be a lot less Russians alive today in the eastern provinces of hitlers new German territory...
The French army was still intact and the mutiny was over. The Russians might have lost some more land but they were amazing. They already moved all their factories to the other side of the urals.but thanks for destroying the league of Nations and the treaty of Versailles for politics, destroy the world economy again and allowing right-wing Nazis and Japanese military to run wild. Always a catastrophe the GOP.

Your lack of a grasp of history is as bad as your grasp of everything else.......

The Russians were clueless, and would have lost if not for the U.S. supplying them, and forcing Germany to divert manpower and resources to secure supply lines against the invasion in Italy, and later moron.
So they would have lost another 10 million people. Didn't matter. There were more British fighting than Americans until D-Day and by that time the Russians had won.
The big push right now is that Trump hasn't built enough wall. I wonder why. Yesterday Drudge claimed he's only built 2 miles of wall.....then they had to amend that to 20 miles. How much has been built depends on who you're talking to anyway.


But Democrats have been fighting him tooth and nail trying to prevent him from building a wall, and then they turn around and try to say he's stopped building it. WTF!!!
Talk about causing a problem and they trying to use this problem to criticize their political opponents, this is a perfect example of it.

I have to be honest.....seeing this nonsense in the news day in and day out, it's getting to the point where I just want to tune it out. Who needs this shit.


Homeland Security report says Trump administration has built just 20 miles of border wall | Daily Mail Online

Brian Kilmeade Challenges Sarah Sanders Over Wall: Less Than 2 Miles Built?
Since democrats are the ones who bail out republican administrations how is that creating problems?
Nazis are socialists....communists are socialists, you moron... Those are the countries who form the 90% of the world you are bitching about...we stopped them, not the Europeans, not the British....the United States....and we stand in their way to this day...not the Europeans who are making deals with putin, not the Asians who can't stand up to China...the U.S......
the Nazis said they were socialist pure propaganda, s*******. The Communists said they were socialists.everyone knew the Nazis were joking, it took a little while to figure out that the Communists had no interest in democracy of any kind, since they didn't allow anyone in to see or kept them ignorant, so the world knew that was a scam. Except for Cold War dinosaur United States and its GOP dupes. You get my award is the biggest idiot on the board. Well you have a lot of competition....

Many thanks to the gop for Wrecking the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, then wrecking the world economy in 1929 that gave rise to Nazis and Japanese militarists just as today we have right-wing assholes on the rise thanks to the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression. then in the 1930s the Republicans were the fervent isolationists who allowed Nazis and Japs to run rampant until they finally attacked us. Great job.the French could easily have won World War 1 without us ditto the
Russians in World War II. But thanks for f****** up everything you ever get your hands on, scumbag money is everything GOP and its silly dupes.

You do undertand that the French mutineed during World War 1, Right? And that the British had to move in and take over their sections of the line....right?

The Russians were about to be gobbled up by hitler and if it wasn't for the U.S. supplying them, and then draining German forces from the Russian front with our landings in Africa, Italy, and the Europe, there would be a lot less Russians alive today in the eastern provinces of hitlers new German territory...
The French army was still intact and the mutiny was over. The Russians might have lost some more land but they were amazing. They already moved all their factories to the other side of the urals.but thanks for destroying the league of Nations and the treaty of Versailles for politics, destroy the world economy again and allowing right-wing Nazis and Japanese military to run wild. Always a catastrophe the GOP.

Your lack of a grasp of history is as bad as your grasp of everything else.......

The Russians were clueless, and would have lost if not for the U.S. supplying them, and forcing Germany to divert manpower and resources to secure supply lines against the invasion in Italy, and later moron.
So they would have lost another 10 million people. Didn't matter. There were more British fighting than Americans until D-Day and by that time the Russians had won.
but I'd love for you to go to the UK or Russia and get the s*** pounded out of you for being such aridiculous ugly American GOP doop. Explain to them that everything they hate America for is because of the GOP.
How much wall? The answer is simple-not enough!
Another just stupid distraction... The wall will basically do nothing, 58% overstay their visas and they'll just come in by boat or tunnel or airplane.. I don't believe the GOP gives a damn anyway, they love the cheap easily bullied labor and it is so easy to brainwash the chumps.... We need a national ID card like other modern countries with this problem that the GOP has blocked forever.
oh geezus.....
Only an ID card would work like in other modern countries oh, super duper.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262277Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262278The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times
if your golden state dont get behind aint going no where...
How much wall? The answer is simple-not enough!
Another just stupid distraction... The wall will basically do nothing, 58% overstay their visas and they'll just come in by boat or tunnel or airplane.. I don't believe the GOP gives a damn anyway, they love the cheap easily bullied labor and it is so easy to brainwash the chumps.... We need a national ID card like other modern countries with this problem that the GOP has blocked forever.
oh geezus.....
Only an ID card would work like in other modern countries oh, super duper.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262277Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262278The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times
if your golden state dont get behind aint going no where...
they will. Read the first link with the plan
Nazis are socialists....communists are socialists, you moron... Those are the countries who form the 90% of the world you are bitching about...we stopped them, not the Europeans, not the British....the United States....and we stand in their way to this day...not the Europeans who are making deals with putin, not the Asians who can't stand up to China...the U.S......
the Nazis said they were socialist pure propaganda, s*******. The Communists said they were socialists.everyone knew the Nazis were joking, it took a little while to figure out that the Communists had no interest in democracy of any kind, since they didn't allow anyone in to see or kept them ignorant, so the world knew that was a scam. Except for Cold War dinosaur United States and its GOP dupes. You get my award is the biggest idiot on the board. Well you have a lot of competition....

Many thanks to the gop for Wrecking the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, then wrecking the world economy in 1929 that gave rise to Nazis and Japanese militarists just as today we have right-wing assholes on the rise thanks to the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression. then in the 1930s the Republicans were the fervent isolationists who allowed Nazis and Japs to run rampant until they finally attacked us. Great job.the French could easily have won World War 1 without us ditto the
Russians in World War II. But thanks for f****** up everything you ever get your hands on, scumbag money is everything GOP and its silly dupes.

You do undertand that the French mutineed during World War 1, Right? And that the British had to move in and take over their sections of the line....right?

The Russians were about to be gobbled up by hitler and if it wasn't for the U.S. supplying them, and then draining German forces from the Russian front with our landings in Africa, Italy, and the Europe, there would be a lot less Russians alive today in the eastern provinces of hitlers new German territory...
The French army was still intact and the mutiny was over. The Russians might have lost some more land but they were amazing. They already moved all their factories to the other side of the urals.but thanks for destroying the league of Nations and the treaty of Versailles for politics, destroy the world economy again and allowing right-wing Nazis and Japanese military to run wild. Always a catastrophe the GOP.

Your lack of a grasp of history is as bad as your grasp of everything else.......

The Russians were clueless, and would have lost if not for the U.S. supplying them, and forcing Germany to divert manpower and resources to secure supply lines against the invasion in Italy, and later moron.
So they would have lost another 10 million people. Didn't matter. There were more British fighting than Americans until D-Day and by that time the Russians had won.

The Russians were losing, badly.........again, it was the Americans moving up Italy that forced Germany to divert their military and resources away from defeating the Russians....

Soviet Union in World War II - Wikipedia

The Germans did attempt an encirclement attack at Kursk, which was successfully repulsed by the Soviets[142] after Hitler cancelled the offensive, in part, because of the Allied invasion of Sicily,[143] though the Soviets suffered over 800,000 casualties.[144] Kursk also marked the beginning of a period where Stalin became more willing to listen to the advice of his generals.[145]


At the same time, worried by the possibility of American support after their entry into the war following the Attack on Pearl Harbor, and a potential Anglo-American invasion on the Western Front in 1942 (which would not actually happen until 1944), Hitler shifted his primary goal from an immediate victory in the East, to the more long-term goal of securing the southern Soviet Union to protect oil fields vital to the long-term German war effort.[SUP][69[/SUP]
The big push right now is that Trump hasn't built enough wall. I wonder why. Yesterday Drudge claimed he's only built 2 miles of wall.....then they had to amend that to 20 miles. How much has been built depends on who you're talking to anyway.


But Democrats have been fighting him tooth and nail trying to prevent him from building a wall, and then they turn around and try to say he's stopped building it. WTF!!!
Talk about causing a problem and they trying to use this problem to criticize their political opponents, this is a perfect example of it.

I have to be honest.....seeing this nonsense in the news day in and day out, it's getting to the point where I just want to tune it out. Who needs this shit.


Homeland Security report says Trump administration has built just 20 miles of border wall | Daily Mail Online

Brian Kilmeade Challenges Sarah Sanders Over Wall: Less Than 2 Miles Built?

As the Joker's all part of the plan....the more people the democrats can get to tune out, the easier it is for their illegal alien voters, their felons in prison voters, and their welfare dependents to vote them power......those people never get sick of the nonsense cause they only pay attention the day of the election when the democrats round them up to vote.....
90% of the world including all the respected media and law enforcement think you people are absolutely nuts. Read a newspaper, super duper.

Newspapers are mouthpieces for liberals. As for what the rest of the World thinks, I care more about the views of the citizens of the United States. What law enforcement are you referring?
How much wall? The answer is simple-not enough!
Another just stupid distraction... The wall will basically do nothing, 58% overstay their visas and they'll just come in by boat or tunnel or airplane.. I don't believe the GOP gives a damn anyway, they love the cheap easily bullied labor and it is so easy to brainwash the chumps.... We need a national ID card like other modern countries with this problem that the GOP has blocked forever.
oh geezus.....
Only an ID card would work like in other modern countries oh, super duper.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262277Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262278The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times
if your golden state dont get behind aint going no where...
they will. Read the first link with the plan
franco out here if you have an ID card that distinguishes the legal from the illegal you will be called a racist....and no one will take that label for a dam card...including a democrat....

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