Democrats.. "Stop Whining"

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
That's what Joe Biden says.

Sheez...... even Democrats are fed up with Democrats Whining.....


Vice President Joe Biden stoked a firestorm of liberal discontent with President Barack Obama on Monday – demanding that the Democratic base “stop whining” and start fighting Republicans instead of the White House.

Biden, speaking at a frozen yogurt plant in New Hampshire, said he wanted to “remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives. This President has done an incredible job. He’s kept his promises."

The comments echo Obama’s own recent calls to demobilized Democrats to slough off their apathy – and their disappointment in him – and gear up ahead of the midterms, when Democrats are facing devastating losses.

Biden’s comments weren’t premeditated and reflect Biden’s shoot-from-the-lip style, officials said. But that matters little to a Democratic base grown somnambulant and frustrated with the president’s willingness to accept ugly, if productive, compromises on the stimulus, Wall Street reform and health care.

Judging from the initial reaction to Biden’s remarks in Manchester, the base is plenty fired up – and ready to go.

At Biden’s throat.

One Democratic operative gasped when told of Biden’s remarks and wondered “why they would pick a fight with the base” five weeks before a midterm election that will hinge on turnout.

“It’s idiotic is what it is,” says Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas, one of Obama’s most pointed critics on the left. “If Democrats, with the White House and Congressional super-majorities, had delivered on what they had promised, and if people had jobs, no one would be whining. They have reaped what they sowed. They haven’t delivered on what they’ve promised — and instead of making the case as to why they would do if they are reelected, they are insulting people.

“It’s a far cry from Bill Clinton’s ‘I feel your pain,’” he added.

Adam Green, an organizer who bucked the White House by backing Arkansas Lt. Gov. Bill Halter’s unsuccessful bid to unseat Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), tied Biden’s remarks to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ recent remark blaming the “professional left” for making too much noise.

“The ‘professional left’ is busting our butt to mobilize progressive voters in 2010, picking up the ball that this White House dropped when they refused to fight for the overwhelmingly popular public option, refused to break up the big banks, and demobilized Obama voters who expected this President to at least fight for big change,” he told POLITICO.

Joe Biden to Democrats: 'Stop whining' - Glenn Thrush -
Democrats NEVA stop whining..Look at the Obama, and Biden has a lot of room to talk.pfeesh

Lefties whine when they win and look the hell out if they are losing..The whine turns to screeching and babbling.:lol:
"Adam Green, the co-founder of the Progressive Change Committee hit back at Biden's comments Monday.
"[We are] picking up the ball that this White House dropped when they refused to fight for the overwhelming popular public option, refused to break up the big banks, and demobilized Obama voters who expected this President to at least fight for big change," Green said in a statement." - CNN

Adam Greene says it all. Progressives, like conservatives, don't like it when they're lied to. If holding Obama's feet to the fire for not delivering the "CHANGE" that was promised, Is "whining", I'm a fucking whiner.
I'm with you, Lefty. Not on all the issues, but I voted for change. I got a guy who seems to be under the impression he's still a junior Senator rather than the Executive. When will he finally put on the mantle, and if he does will he have any capital left to spend?

I am not amused.
"Adam Green, the co-founder of the Progressive Change Committee hit back at Biden's comments Monday.
"[We are] picking up the ball that this White House dropped when they refused to fight for the overwhelming popular public option, refused to break up the big banks, and demobilized Obama voters who expected this President to at least fight for big change," Green said in a statement." - CNN

Adam Greene says it all. Progressives, like conservatives, don't like it when they're lied to. If holding Obama's feet to the fire for not delivering the "CHANGE" that was promised, Is "whining", I'm a fucking whiner.

Democrats were not Progressive enough for America, run with that.
Fox to start a new Reality Show: When Dems Attack!

Or maybe they should go interview the pissed off candidates that lost to tea pottiers in the republican primaries. Among other things, I seen one admit that a lot of the tea potty's message was racist. Sad it took him getting beat in a primary to admit that.
LOL, the Obama and Democrats APPROVAL rating is now down to 38% and the progressive-commies are still expecting the Boyking in chief to go Fruther to the left right off the cliff, and take the Democrat party with him....WELL I SAY...........GO FOR IT.:clap2:

and I'm pretty sure him saying today he thinks OUR CHILDREN should be in school longer than they already are, is gonna get a LOT OF PARENTS to get tingles for him and SHOOT that ole approval rating right through the roof....what a idiot in chief.LOL
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LOL, the Obama and Democrats APPROVAL rating is now down to 38% and the progressive-commies are still expecting the Boyking in chief to go Fruther to the left right off the cliff, and take the Democrat party with him....WELL I SAY...........GO FOR IT.:clap2:

Why are you so dumb? It's that low because THEY AREN'T DELIVERING ON THE CHANGE THEY WERE SENT THERE TO DELIVER! For a quick example, Americans wanted strong health reforms.. Ie; the Public Option. What did we get? Some watered down shit.. It's a step, but absolutely not what they were sent there for.
"Adam Green, the co-founder of the Progressive Change Committee hit back at Biden's comments Monday.
"[We are] picking up the ball that this White House dropped when they refused to fight for the overwhelming popular public option, refused to break up the big banks, and demobilized Obama voters who expected this President to at least fight for big change," Green said in a statement." - CNN

Adam Greene says it all. Progressives, like conservatives, don't like it when they're lied to. If holding Obama's feet to the fire for not delivering the "CHANGE" that was promised, Is "whining", I'm a fucking whiner.

Democrats were not Progressive enough for America, run with that.

The scary thing is there are some democratics who think Barry and Crew haven't been liberal enough....:eek:
The Professional Left sucks. Even this President's own propaganda spokesman said that. Gibbs really ripped the Left on their whining stuff. Lets face it,no on likes the Left. I think this could be reflected on Election Day in November. It could be a very good day for Republicans. I guess we'll see though.
LOL, the Obama and Democrats APPROVAL rating is now down to 38% and the progressive-commies are still expecting the Boyking in chief to go Fruther to the left right off the cliff, and take the Democrat party with him....WELL I SAY...........GO FOR IT.:clap2:

Why are you so dumb? It's that low because THEY AREN'T DELIVERING ON THE CHANGE THEY WERE SENT THERE TO DELIVER! For a quick example, Americans wanted strong health reforms.. Ie; the Public Option. What did we get? Some watered down shit.. It's a step, but absolutely not what they were sent there for.

SNORT. yeah rrriiiiigggghhhhtttt.
you'll have to come back to reality SUM DAY.

Fox to start a new Reality Show: When Dems Attack!

Or maybe they should go interview the pissed off candidates that lost to tea pottiers in the republican primaries. Among other things, I seen one admit that a lot of the tea potty's message was racist. Sad it took him getting beat in a primary to admit that.

No, really, campaign on how Democrats want to break up the banks and nationalize the oil companies, that shit sells!
Fox to start a new Reality Show: When Dems Attack!

Or maybe they should go interview the pissed off candidates that lost to tea pottiers in the republican primaries. Among other things, I seen one admit that a lot of the tea potty's message was racist. Sad it took him getting beat in a primary to admit that.

Go fuck yourself you lying scumbag.
LOL, the Obama and Democrats APPROVAL rating is now down to 38% and the progressive-commies are still expecting the Boyking in chief to go Fruther to the left right off the cliff, and take the Democrat party with him....WELL I SAY...........GO FOR IT.:clap2:

Why are you so dumb? It's that low because THEY AREN'T DELIVERING ON THE CHANGE THEY WERE SENT THERE TO DELIVER! For a quick example, Americans wanted strong health reforms.. Ie; the Public Option. What did we get? Some watered down shit.. It's a step, but absolutely not what they were sent there for.

SNORT. yeah rrriiiiigggghhhhtttt.
you'll have to come back to reality SUM DAY.


Lol, ok, Stephanie. Everyone knows you like to throw shit without anything to back it up. Go chew on these pollresults while you sit in the corner.
Whoa Whoa! You mean a Marxist-indoctrinated Saul Alinsky-trained "Community Organizer" is not Left enough for the Left? Jeez what more do they want? The Left have become professional & permanent malcontents. Their support is dwindling fast. I'm pretty happy about that.
Fox to start a new Reality Show: When Dems Attack!

I'm not a Dem, but I'll attack anyway. ;)

He was elected to do a few specific things, health care being probably the biggest - and that bullshit that was passed and he had the guts to sign and crow about may not kill Granny but it sure as hell won't fix anything. Getting out of Iraq was another, and we're still there for the foreseeable future. Civil liberties was the third, symbolized by among other things DADT, the Patriot Act and Gitmo. Surprise! Not one of those have been touched.

The man needs to stand up and act like the Executive already. Or man up and admit he lied. A lot of folks on the left side of the spectrum, Dem or Indy, feel the same way. It's long past put up or shut up time.

That's not whining. That's the First Amendment in action. Joe's just getting his panties in a twist.
First came the euphoria.

Then the free pass on noob errors and missteps.

Next the hair raising possibility he used us.

Finally the reality of...

When Democrats Implode!

Coming to a voting booth near you Nov. 2nd. DVD release Nov. 3rd.

Not yet rated.

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