Democrats struggle with rising popularity of GOP tax law

Communists/Democrats can't stand the idea of folks keeping more of their own money. They believe that money belongs to Government. Always remember, the last thing the Democratic Party wants, is a happy prosperous populace. They need more folks in poverty and solely dependent on Government.

Why is it your own money if the government has to borrow it to give it to you?
You're misunderstanding terminology. They're allowing people to keep more of what they earn. That's not "giving" them anything. It's our money because we earned it. The government did not. Is that clear now?

You own a home? With a mortgage? A car? With payments?

Try stopping those payments and keeping more of 'your own money' and see what happens to your house and car.

That's because you don't actually own the house or car until you finish paying for it. By contrast, I actually own the money I earn, then the government takes some of it from me. The government didn't earn that money, I didn't borrow it and need to pay it back. I earned it.

So we don't owe the money represented by our national debt?

Are you insane?

Now you're arguing what needs to be paid instead of whose money it is. Different things. You're trying to make the case that a tax cut is money the government gives you. It is not. It is the government allowing you to keep more of what you earn. The money never belonged to the government for it to give.

If you're going to talk about owing on the debt, then there are a lot of people being let off the hook and not being required to pay any of it off. How is that sane?
How can this be? The tax cuts are just...... crumbs.........

Democrats are struggling to cope with the rising popularity of the Republican tax law, less than nine months until the midterm elections.

Democrats received a wake-up call of sorts earlier this week when Priorities USA, a top Democratic super PAC, released a memo calling on Democrats to message more consistently against the tax law. The law's standing has increased in the polls as GOP groups pitch the tax cuts to voters as a solid Republican accomplishment.

Democrats struggle with rising popularity of GOP tax law
Anything to keep minds off the growing debt....
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How can this be? The tax cuts are just...... crumbs.........

Democrats are struggling to cope with the rising popularity of the Republican tax law, less than nine months until the midterm elections.

Democrats received a wake-up call of sorts earlier this week when Priorities USA, a top Democratic super PAC, released a memo calling on Democrats to message more consistently against the tax law. The law's standing has increased in the polls as GOP groups pitch the tax cuts to voters as a solid Republican accomplishment.

Democrats struggle with rising popularity of GOP tax law
Anything to keep minds off the growing debt....

How about not spend so much money?
You are going to have people out in droves that make under 50 grand and got peanuts to see it taken up by rising costs of goods and gas. Do not be fooled.

It’s hard to give a significant tax break to people who don’t pay much in taxes. From the chart below, you will see that 60% of filers (making less than $50k) pay only 4% of tax revenue. Conversely, those making over $100k, or about 17% of filers, pay over 80% of the tax revenue.
Communists/Democrats can't stand the idea of folks keeping more of their own money. They believe that money belongs to Government. Always remember, the last thing the Democratic Party wants, is a happy prosperous populace. They need more folks in poverty and solely dependent on Government.

Why is it your own money if the government has to borrow it to give it to you?
You're misunderstanding terminology. They're allowing people to keep more of what they earn. That's not "giving" them anything. It's our money because we earned it. The government did not. Is that clear now?

Very hard for a Communist Useful Idiot to get that. They truly believe all money belongs to the Government. They're poor lost dupes. :cuckoo:
Communists/Democrats can't stand the idea of folks keeping more of their own money. They believe that money belongs to Government. Always remember, the last thing the Democratic Party wants, is a happy prosperous populace. They need more folks in poverty and solely dependent on Government.

Why is it your own money if the government has to borrow it to give it to you?
You're misunderstanding terminology. They're allowing people to keep more of what they earn. That's not "giving" them anything. It's our money because we earned it. The government did not. Is that clear now?

You own a home? With a mortgage? A car? With payments?

Try stopping those payments and keeping more of 'your own money' and see what happens to your house and car.

You're a very confused Useful Idiot. Lenin would be so proud of you. You keeping more of your hard earned money doesn't = Government 'giving' you anything.' You really need to stop listening to Democrats. They've indoctrinated you on Bullshite. Maybe lay off Democrat Fake News for awhile. That would be a good start.
Communists/Democrats can't stand the idea of folks keeping more of their own money. They believe that money belongs to Government. Always remember, the last thing the Democratic Party wants, is a happy prosperous populace. They need more folks in poverty and solely dependent on Government.

Why is it your own money if the government has to borrow it to give it to you?
You're misunderstanding terminology. They're allowing people to keep more of what they earn. That's not "giving" them anything. It's our money because we earned it. The government did not. Is that clear now?

You own a home? With a mortgage? A car? With payments?

Try stopping those payments and keeping more of 'your own money' and see what happens to your house and car.

That's because you don't actually own the house or car until you finish paying for it. By contrast, I actually own the money I earn, then the government takes some of it from me. The government didn't earn that money, I didn't borrow it and need to pay it back. I earned it.

So we don't owe the money represented by our national debt?

Are you insane?

Oh Gawd, stop feigning outrage over the Debt. Everyone here knows you're a Democrat Bootlicker. And Democrats love spending other peoples' money more than anyone. Your boy Hussein rung up $Trillions in Debt, and you didn't care at all. So you can stop lying now. No one's buying your faux debt outrage shtick.
Once Americans began actually seeing the tax cut in their own household, it was simply a matter of time before the approval rating of the bill rose.
How can this be? The tax cuts are just...... crumbs.........

Democrats are struggling to cope with the rising popularity of the Republican tax law, less than nine months until the midterm elections.

Democrats received a wake-up call of sorts earlier this week when Priorities USA, a top Democratic super PAC, released a memo calling on Democrats to message more consistently against the tax law. The law's standing has increased in the polls as GOP groups pitch the tax cuts to voters as a solid Republican accomplishment.

Democrats struggle with rising popularity of GOP tax law
Anything to keep minds off the growing debt....

How about not spend so much money?

That's the only realistic solution. Government isn't gonna tax its way out of the awful Debt mess. Only cutting spending can really reduce the Debt. And right now, very few in Washington are proposing any significant cuts.
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Once Americans began actually seeing the tax cut in their own household, it was simply a matter of time before the approval rating of the bill rose.

Yeah, i'm sure many are shocked they're actually gonna keep more of their own money for a change. They've been conditioned for so many years on Government stealing more & more of their income. They just got used to it, and accepted it.
How can this be? The tax cuts are just...... crumbs.........

Democrats are struggling to cope with the rising popularity of the Republican tax law, less than nine months until the midterm elections.

Democrats received a wake-up call of sorts earlier this week when Priorities USA, a top Democratic super PAC, released a memo calling on Democrats to message more consistently against the tax law. The law's standing has increased in the polls as GOP groups pitch the tax cuts to voters as a solid Republican accomplishment.

Democrats struggle with rising popularity of GOP tax law

They have hard time telling people how them keeping more of their money is wrong.

The plebs should be paying for their democrat masters.
if you file the long form, don't count your blessings until the fat lady sings...

Not everyone sucks at math as bad as you.... and likewise not everyone is as racist towards fat singers.
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A majority of Americans now support the tax cut law as opposed to a supermajority opposing it a few months ago. What a difference it makes when people actually see the benefits they are getting from it as opposed to when their only impression of it is the gloom and doom put out there by certain politicians and their parrots in the media.

Tax Overhaul Gains Public Support, Buoying Republicans
Deficits are never issues unless both parties are crying about them. I doubt inflation or interest rates are much of an issue ... at least not until 20. As for the tax bill, in states where state tax rates go up or the gummit has to tax less for roads and schools, I doubt it will be popular. How this affects the 18 congressional elections ... we'll see.

It's also pretty funny to see Tenn's gop party trying to back track and get Corker to run again.
How can this be? The tax cuts are just...... crumbs.........

Democrats are struggling to cope with the rising popularity of the Republican tax law, less than nine months until the midterm elections.

Democrats received a wake-up call of sorts earlier this week when Priorities USA, a top Democratic super PAC, released a memo calling on Democrats to message more consistently against the tax law. The law's standing has increased in the polls as GOP groups pitch the tax cuts to voters as a solid Republican accomplishment.

Democrats struggle with rising popularity of GOP tax law
This article suggests that most people think it'll give them an extra $200 a month. It won't and there'll be two more tax days before the next Presidential election for them to find that out.

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