Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

there is a thread about the 200k plus issues with ballots on this website
I think you might have jumped threads, or maybe it was merged with another thread.

The claim about 200k plus issues with ballots does not come from the auditors, it's a rehash of prior claims. At least, as far as I can tell. The source of the claim seems pretty hard to figure out, which is a giant red flag.
likely a leak...i doubt the professionals at the auditors would intentionally give out bits and pieces before it’s done
There is no justification for a forensic audit of an elect - any election - to be the target of a lawsuit. Any and every legitimate voter in the US should have no problem forensic audits of elections. Most importantly, neither party Republican or Democrat- is in a position to sue to halt an election audit.

Democrats are probably suing so they can buy time to figure out how to corrupt the audit process or results.
Do you believe Dominion systems were rigged to steal the election?

Not necessarily. However, as someone in the IT industry focused on critical IT infrastructure and someone who believes strongly in voter integrity, I think ongoing forensic analysis and checks is paramount on Dominion Systems and any other part of Election Systems.
likely a leak...i doubt the professionals at the auditors would intentionally give out bits and pieces before it’s done
Then there’s really nothing to talk about if we can’t even figure out where the info came from.
the attorney argued the court lacked jurisdiction not that they were immune the poster doesn’t understand that there is difference

Incorrect. The attorney argued immunity. The link demonstrates this point.
There is no justification for a forensic audit of an elect - any election - to be the target of a lawsuit. Any and every legitimate voter in the US should have no problem forensic audits of elections. Most importantly, neither party Republican or Democrat- is in a position to sue to halt an election audit.

Democrats are probably suing so they can buy time to figure out how to corrupt the audit process or results.
Of course there’s justification. Audits have to abide by election law. If they aren’t, a lawsuit is the appropriate response.

Agreed. How and where and why do Democrats believe the Audit is not adhering to Election Law? Or, as I implied originally, is the lawsuit simply a delay tactic?
The audit/recount had done the job it was intended to do. It has found apparent irregularities.

Now it's up to Trump to convince his supporters that the irregularites were in favour of Biden.
The Cyber-Ninjas won't be making that proclamation, simplly because they would be leaving themselves open to prosecution if they did.

All that is left now is to wait to see if Trump still has enough support to take the findings to the next level.

Frankly, it appears to be a fizzle out attempt to revive Trump's popularity.
the attorney argued the court lacked jurisdiction not that they were immune the poster doesn’t understand that there is difference

Incorrect. The attorney argued immunity. The link demonstrates this point.
i thought you said jurisdictional.?
True, I did. My mistake.
they are two different things.

with that said either or, i fully expect lawyers to argue all sorts of things for their clients
huh? you don't know them? why are you here then?
I can't read your mind. Go for it. Show me you aren't just making shit up.
Keep up with the daily news. Had you done so, you would know that several Secretaries of States unconstitutionally altered election procedures that had been constitutionally set it place by the STATE LEGISLATURES.

You are either actually as uninformed as you pretend to be or you are one of the most proficient liars alive.

Either way, you're a TROLL!
likely a leak...i doubt the professionals at the auditors would intentionally give out bits and pieces before it’s done
The fake news media would. That's why they are denied entry.
it certainly was a smart move to limit access to the media in this highly sensitive area and protect leaks from media outlets that let’s say have a history of misinformation

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