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Democrats: The Modern 'Know-Nothing' Party

You trolls are the only ones fighting the class war.

Normal people laugh at you.

The GOP has overseen the biggest swing in wealth in our nation’s history, reallocating wealth to the top by the truck load. The GOP continues to attack the working poor and what's left of our middle class.

That you're too stupid to get it is of no concern to me and has no effect on the truth of the statement.

99% of American's are embarrassed for you.

Mission accomplished
"Waaaah! My station in life is everyone's fault but my own! The RICH made me make bad decisions!! They owe me!!"

The modern liberal is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness.
"...the party that ran UP the deficits..."
1. (Reuters) - Deficits for the next two fiscal years would be slightly higher than the White House envisions if President Barack Obama's budget plan were adopted, the Congressional Budget Office said on Friday.CBO sees higher near-term deficits under Obama plan | Reuters

2. Obama Deficits Bush Deficits
FY 2012: $1,327 billion FY 2009: $1,413 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion FY 2008: $459 billion
FY 2010: $1,293 billion FY 2007: $161 billion
US Federal Deficit by Year - Charts Analysis
Once again the definition of Liberal is an individual for whom data, facts, logic, nor experience have any bearing in decision making.
Brings to mind the historic term, 'yella' dog Democrat'....Someone (generally from the South) who would vote for a yellow dog if it was a Democrat.

You do realize that the budget in 2009 was passed by Bush? Oh wait you don't? Well that's ironic

Do you think that Obama voted for or against the Bush budget!
It is already well established that the Republican Party is a party of liars and crooks.
You just keep pretending Democrats are all angels. It makes you look even stupider, if that's possible.
Liars as in......"The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud"
And Crooks as in....."I am not a crook"
"I did not have sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky."

Oh, wait...that's different. Somehow.

Oh, and lest we forget, you lie all the time. "Rightwinger" my ass.

Mindless repetition of leftist lies does not mean the horseshit is accurate.

It means you're mindless. And a liar.

But then, we already knew that, your petulant foot stamping and pouting aside.

Oh, look, there's one of your lies now. Alinsky a conservative?

Retard. :lol:

...of Political Chic and her new toady daveman...
She doesn't need a toady. She's kicking your ass all over the place, liarwinger. :lol:
...effective in switching the label to Democrats?

Not even close
There you go again. "Accuse your opponent of doing exactly what you're doing."

Your Uncle Saul would be proud of you, liarradicalwinger. :clap2:

The Akinsky is strong in this one

Note how on every reply, PC toady daveman replies....

I know you are.....but what am I?

You really need Political Chic to cover for you, at least she is funny at times
Under Reagan the national debt increased by about 200%. Under Bush by about 90%.
GOP debt = bad.

Obama debt = good.

Let's see?

What did the Bush $5 trillion debt get us?
- Two wars
- Massive tax cuts for billionaires
- unfunded prescription drug plan

What did Obamas debt get us?
- Saved Financial and Auto sectors (most paid back)
- Public Works programs
- Healthcare

You forgot to mention that Obama increased the national debt MORE in 38 months than Bush II did inl 8 years.
GOP debt = bad.

Obama debt = good.

Let's see?

What did the Bush $5 trillion debt get us?
- Two wars
- Massive tax cuts for billionaires
- unfunded prescription drug plan

What did Obamas debt get us?
- Saved Financial and Auto sectors (most paid back)
- Public Works programs
- Healthcare

You forgot to mention that Obama increased the national debt MORE in 38 months than Bush II did inl 8 years.

Only a partisan hack are a dipshit blames Obama for the banking crises. By the way so far under Obama the deficit has decreased.
GOP debt = bad.

Obama debt = good.

Let's see?

What did the Bush $5 trillion debt get us?
- Two wars
- Massive tax cuts for billionaires
- unfunded prescription drug plan

What did Obamas debt get us?
- Saved Financial and Auto sectors (most paid back)
- Public Works programs
- Healthcare

You forgot to mention that Obama increased the national debt MORE in 38 months than Bush II did inl 8 years.

Yea........having to clean up Bush's wars and the Bush economic collapse will do that
He's dug us a hole all right.

Of course its all still Bush's fault.

Nonsense, most Americans know the current economic problem began with Reagan.
True, Reagan was popular, and some Americans almost had accidents when Reagan gave us that quirky little smile,and whipped out an anecdote or two to show us the way. But while he was spinning those little bon-mots about lowering taxes, and reducing the debt he was actually tripling he national debt and raising taxes.
We might have recovered from Reagan but waiting on the corner was Bush ready to double the national debt again and have two wars. No, it wasn't just Bush's fault.
The GOP has overseen the biggest swing in wealth in our nation’s history, reallocating wealth to the top by the truck load. The GOP continues to attack the working poor and what's left of our middle class.

That you're too stupid to get it is of no concern to me and has no effect on the truth of the statement.

99% of American's are embarrassed for you.

Mission accomplished
"Waaaah! My station in life is everyone's fault but my own! The RICH made me make bad decisions!! They owe me!!"

The modern liberal is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness.

And Government Statists OWN him.
If we had Republicans in office, we would have deficits of the same size or bigger, and an economy doing worse, and people in a greater state of misery. The government is not omnipotent, and in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression it is impossible to balance the budget. To blame Obama and the Democrats for this is to blame them for the laws of nature.

Oh, and what Rightwinger said. Knowledge of history for the win. ;)

Spending in comparison to the Cost of Iraq War under Bush -- 7 years at $820 Billion:

1) Cost of Obama's one Stimulus Bill - $787 Billion

2) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be the most expensive government rescue of the financial crisis -- it already stands at $153 billion and counting.

Fannie, Freddie reform won't halt more huge taxpayer losses - Feb. 11, 2011

3) Gambling away taxpayer dollars on poor Green jobs investments. The Breakdown of a failed Green Policy:

- Solyndra, receiving $535 million through a Federal guaranteed loan - BANKRUPT

- SolarReserve received a $737 million guaranteed loan. reports in September 30, 2011 revealed SolarReserve stocks have dropped more than sixty-percent in only a few months. Nevertheless the Federal Government has authorized a Billion more in GUARANTEED loans.

- Navada Geothermal Power (NGP) is another company that is at risk of failing after being awarded $98.5 million in a guaranteed Federal loan, with an additional $66 million in further government grants.

- U.S. Geothermal received $97 million from the Energy Department, with reports from the Security and Exchange Commision showing the company hasn't earned a profit in the past 4 years.

- Raser Technologies received $33 Million grant from the Treasury Department in 2010 which filed for chapter 11.

Profits not seen in clean energy - USATODAY.com
Solargate Spreads | FrontPage Magazine

4) Then there's the Chevy Volt which offers consumers $7,500 in tax credit for 2011 and 2012, with a TOTAL of $12,500 in government incentives on ONE car that many expect will MSRP for over $40,000. The Chevy Volt has only seen 1/3 of its production goals met after the first year it was released, it was a failure on the consumer market.

http://www.irs.gov/businesses/article/0,,id=231441,00.html]30D. New Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicles ? General Motors Corporation[/url]
Chevrolet Volt Tax Incentives and Rebates | MyChevroletVolt.com

. . . just the simple facts on Government Spending under the Obama Administration (which does not include the Home Foreclosure Bailout and Cash for Clunkers figures)
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2. The NYTimes verifies that the Obama economic plan is less beneficial than the Ryan Plan:

There is no "Ryan Plan." Ryan asked the CBO to calculate what would happen if revenues and spending happened to be at certain levels he specified and entitlement spending grew at a rate he specified. He doesn't actually have a fucking clue as to how to achieve that.

Discretionary spending includes both defense spending and nondefense spending—in roughly equal amounts currently. That combination of other mandatory and discretionary spending was specified to decline from 12 percent of GDP in 2010 to about 6 percent in 2021 and then move in line with the GDP price deflator beginning in 2022, which would generate a further decline relative to GDP. No proposals were specified that would generate that path.

The path for revenues as a percentage of GDP was specified by Chairman Ryan’s staff. The path rises steadily from about 15 percent of GDP in 2010 to 19 percent in 2028 and remains at that level thereafter. There were no specifications of particular revenue provisions that would generate that path.

Under the specified path, average real (inflation-adjusted) spending for new enrollees in Medicare would rise in coming decades but at a much slower rate than would occur under the other policy scenarios that CBO has analyzed (see Figure 2). [...]

The implications of that substantial cut in spending relative to the other policy scenarios are unclear, because they would depend on both the specific policies that were implemented to generate that spending amount and the ways in which the nation’s health care and health insurance systems reacted to those policies.

'There is no "Ryan Plan."'

So....the NYTimes says there is, and you deny it?

I'm going to suggest that there is a greater history of verisimilitude in the former than the latter.....

Now, back to your high stress job at Dairy Queen, RedBore
1. When you hear Ryan promise to balance the budget, just remember,

Reagan promised to balance the budget,

with essentially the same plan Ryan is proposing.

2. Keep in mind, Obama's deficits are all occurring under Republican tax plans; Obama's deficits are the result of Obama acting like a Republican on taxes.

Obama had a Democrat majority in congress for his first two years, and could have altered the tax plan to suit his fancy. He did not do so, and consequently he owns this current tax plan. Not to mention that the Democrats have not even bothered creating a budget in almost three years now.
1. In "Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One," Dr. Thomas Sowell points out that many politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.

The truth can be clearly seen in the economic policy that will be voted on in November.

2. The NYTimes verifies that the Obama economic plan is less beneficial than the Ryan Plan:

a. Deficit in 2016
Obama: $529 billion
Ryan Plan $241 billion

b. Added debt over the next ten years:
Obama $6.4 trillion
Ryan $3.1 trillion

c. Balances the budget:
Obama: never
Ryan: by 2040

Not even close!
To vote for the Obama economic plan, one would have to subscribe to 'I know nothing...I vote Democrat.'

Obama: When you find yourself in a hole.....stop digging.

The Obama budget deficits originated during the Bush presidency...

1. Tax cuts 2001-2002 (4 trillion over 10 years)
2. Prescription drug benefits (1 trillion over 10 years)
3. Economic meltdown of 2008 ( 3 trillion and rising)
4. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (2 trillion and winding down)
Without the super committee, the spending cuts start automatically in January of 2013.

When the Bush tax cuts expire in December of 2012, Obama won't allow them to be renewed.

Spending cuts + a return to the old tax rates = deficit reduction.

Congress has been taken out of the equation. No treasonous Tea Party/Republicans to mess things up.

Another brilliant move by Obama.
This is a topic that confuses people unfamiliar with government accounting.

A surplus is simply the excess of cash inflows, i.e. taxes, relative to cash outflows, i.e. expenditures. A surplus is when more money comes into the government than is paid out. That's it. No more.

For four years, the US government ran a surplus, i.e. it collected more in taxes and revenues than it paid out in expenditures. That money was used to pay down publicly traded debt and the total amount of publicly traded US federal government debt fell. That is a fact. It is not debatable. It is true that the operating budget, i.e. excluding social security and Medicare and Medicaid, of the US government was never in surplus but the unified budget, i.e. including social security and Medicare and Medicaid, was.

People get confused because the total debt rose and think that because the total debt rose, there couldn't be a surplus. This is wrong. Total debt rose because total debt includes the liabilities of the social security and medicare and medicaid trusts. But the liabilities for SS and Medicare/Medicaid are not necessarily affected by cash flows of the Treasury.

the bolded is where pc is confused or confusing.

where i am confused is this:

if you have a budget surplus and use all of the surplus to pay down debt, will the overall debt decrease?

Andrew Jackson.


A budget is a planning document, nothing more, and nothing less. The federal budget also makes many assumptions, some fairly good, and many just wild assed guesses (WAGs). The federal budget is used by the various committees to create spending authorization bills, which provide the funding for the government.

It is easy for a dishonest congress to balance the budget, just by underestimating the amounts that will be spent on the entitlement programs. Since those programs are on autopilot, and spend regardless of what the budget calls for, the claim of a balanced budget is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

The annual deficit, is the difference between revenues and expenditures. If total spending is greater than income, we have a deficit. If total spending is less than income, we would have a surplus. A surplus would automatically lower the national debt.
Beneficial to whom?

Imaginary numbers produce facts? Only to Republicans I guess.

I don't know about anyone else but I'm tired of more tax breaks for the wealthy and more corporate welfare while they forget ours is a government 'for the people'.

Republicans are still trying to further their class warfare and it is well past time to stop them.
You trolls are the only ones fighting the class war.

Normal people laugh at you.

The GOP has overseen the biggest swing in wealth in our nation’s history, reallocating wealth to the top by the truck load. The GOP continues to attack the working poor and what's left of our middle class.

That you're too stupid to get it is of no concern to me and has no effect on the truth of the statement.

99% of American's are embarrassed for you.

Your propaganda is not truth, and nobody is stupid, with the possible exception of those who actually believe that bullshit. Currently, the GOP is not in a position to oversee any swing in wealth, but the wealthy continue to get wealthier. Three years, and your messiah has done nothing about it but rail against the wealthy. You are easily duped.
the bolded is where pc is confused or confusing.

where i am confused is this:

if you have a budget surplus and use all of the surplus to pay down debt, will the overall debt decrease?

Yeah, I get it. It is confusing. It is because it is a measurement of gross debt. I explained why this occurs here.


Why did the national debt rise when there was a surplus?

Counter-intuitively, the reason why the national debt rose was because the economy was doing well. When the economy is doing better than expected, payroll taxes flowing into the SS trust funds are greater than expected. The SS trust funds can only "buy" special issuance nonmarketable government bonds. Thus, when payroll tax revenues are greater than expected, issuance of these special issuance government bonds rises and the national debt rises. Likewise, when the economy is doing poorly, payroll tax inflows are less than expected. The amount of funds in the SS trusts is lower, the SS trusts buy fewer special-issue government bonds and the national debt is less than expected.

Understand, though, that this is merely an accounting function. It affects assets and liabilities of the government and trust fund recipients. It does not affect cash flows, and thus does not affect the budgetary balance.

For a numerical example, click on the link.

Although what you have stated is mainly true, your error is in confusing the cause of the rise in the debt. The excess social security taxes do buy government bonds as a means of transfering those funds into the general fund, where they are spent on government programs. That means that the rise in the federal debt is real, and not just an accounting mechanism. It is real debt because it is owed to the trust fund, and sooner or later, the taxpayers will be obligated to make that debt good.
1. In "Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One," Dr. Thomas Sowell points out that many politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.

The truth can be clearly seen in the economic policy that will be voted on in November.

2. The NYTimes verifies that the Obama economic plan is less beneficial than the Ryan Plan:

a. Deficit in 2016
Obama: $529 billion
Ryan Plan $241 billion

b. Added debt over the next ten years:
Obama $6.4 trillion
Ryan $3.1 trillion

c. Balances the budget:
Obama: never
Ryan: by 2040

Not even close!
To vote for the Obama economic plan, one would have to subscribe to 'I know nothing...I vote Democrat.'

Obama: When you find yourself in a hole.....stop digging.

#1 (permalink) 03-26-2012, 09:58 AM
Fighting Thugs and Libs
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Democrats: The Modern 'Know-Nothing' Party

As opposed to what? The do nothing party?
Well--I used to think that it was only Liberals that were dumber that crap--but when I saw Rick Santorum rise to the front runner--I knew that STUPIDITY was EQUAL.
Here`s the way I see it so it`s my point of view sorry if anyone don`t agree with it.That`s the beauty of freedom of speech though, till that was taken away by one act after another.
Corperate heads tried to make deals with oil companies to get more money to try & take over the other corperations that were rising in the markets,then try to close the markets all together.One by one diplomats & corperate leadrers took to the congress chairs some tried white house others tried state governers, & mayors.It`s like a damn invasion now sadly we the people can never rise against our government if congress did call in any screwed up laws that can benifit themselves of course.Mainly cause now we`d become felons thanks to some new law our president made with congress.To Save our Country we need to get a new congress for the people of the usa,stop buying oil from other countries they will miss our money & if europe & russia follow we can stop their income.As they have stopped ours.Further more with all the money & help the usa has put into other countries around the world.We never got anything or any help back why is that???It`s almost like someone is trying to take us over to use us for their conquest. just a fear that one.
Here`s the way I see it so it`s my point of view sorry if anyone don`t agree with it.That`s the beauty of freedom of speech though, till that was taken away by one act after another.
Corperate heads tried to make deals with oil companies to get more money to try & take over the other corperations that were rising in the markets,then try to close the markets all together.One by one diplomats & corperate leadrers took to the congress chairs some tried white house others tried state governers, & mayors.It`s like a damn invasion now sadly we the people can never rise against our government if congress did call in any screwed up laws that can benifit themselves of course.Mainly cause now we`d become felons thanks to some new law our president made with congress.To Save our Country we need to get a new congress for the people of the usa,stop buying oil from other countries they will miss our money & if europe & russia follow we can stop their income.As they have stopped ours.Further more with all the money & help the usa has put into other countries around the world.We never got anything or any help back why is that???It`s almost like someone is trying to take us over to use us for their conquest. just a fear that one.

Thanks for reading.
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