Democrats treats Hispanics as Blacks


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2008
The Democrats are wanting to con the Hispanic votes in the same way as they have done with the Blacks. The Democrats have succeeded in making the Blacks feel they are oppressed and that it is the Republicans fault. They have this pumped in their heads by the media and individuals such as Al Sharpton that have made millions off of this nonsense. Can anyone actually say that Blacks have benefited from any of the Democrat administrations? There has been several times in which the Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency yet nothing changed. The only time the benefits are shelled out is just prior to any election.

We are seeing the media now attacking the Republicans in their unfair treatment of Hispanics. They are attempting to make them feel oppressed therefore giving them the status of what the Blacks have. They may become slaves to the Democratic party the same as the blacks. All they need to accomplish this is ignorance and a Hispanic Al Sharpton. The media is already aiding the Democrats in this endeavor.
I'm pretty sure the blacks and Hispanics don't need the Democrats to tell them how much the Republicans hate them. The Republicans manage to do that quite well for themselves.

Just drop in on any conversation from the Right these days that deals with black, Hispanics, gays, or Muslims and you will hear nothing but whining, attacks, and hatred.

Why should any of those people vote for a party which so clearly hates them?

It is the GOP which is treating Hispanics like blacks.

The biggest mistake the GOP has made is not keeping up with the Democrats and their Identity Politics. The GOP needs to do a better of job of dividing people into little groups and blatantly pandering to them. If you don't do that, that means you "hate" them.

Hyphenated-America, here we are.


The biggest mistake the GOP has made is not keeping up with the Democrats and their Identity Politics. The GOP needs to do a better of job of dividing people into little groups and blatantly pandering to them. If you don't do that, that means you "hate" them.

Hyphenated-America, here we are.


Nope. The GOP just needs to take out the trash. Bigots are destroying the party.

You are insulting blacks and hispanics and don't even know it.

The biggest mistake the GOP has made is not keeping up with the Democrats and their Identity Politics. The GOP needs to do a better of job of dividing people into little groups and blatantly pandering to them. If you don't do that, that means you "hate" them.

Hyphenated-America, here we are.


Nope. The GOP just needs to take out the trash. Bigots are destroying the party.

You are insulting blacks and hispanics and don't even know it.

hmmm...maybe the SCOTUS was wrong about the Voting Rights Act.

maybe The South IS just as racist as it was 40 years ago.

The biggest mistake the GOP has made is not keeping up with the Democrats and their Identity Politics. The GOP needs to do a better of job of dividing people into little groups and blatantly pandering to them. If you don't do that, that means you "hate" them.

Hyphenated-America, here we are.


Nope. The GOP just needs to take out the trash. Bigots are destroying the party.

You are insulting blacks and hispanics and don't even know it.

I assume your point is that they're not smart enough to know they're being pandered to.

Nope. No one who is told from the day they're born that life is unfair and that they need someone else to make it fair for them, can be blamed for growing up thinking that way. Blacks and Hispanics are the two American ethnicities who are told this from Day One, conditioned to believe it. They can't be blamed for believing it.

The insult is coming from those who are telling them this. "You need me". Bullshit. They don't need help. They need the race industry to get off their backs and let them do it on their own. They really can do it on their own, you know. They're every bit as capable as you are.

I'm pretty sure the blacks and Hispanics don't need the Democrats to tell them how much the Republicans hate them. The Republicans manage to do that quite well for themselves.

Just drop in on any conversation from the Right these days that deals with black, Hispanics, gays, or Muslims and you will hear nothing but whining, attacks, and hatred.

Why should any of those people vote for a party which so clearly hates them?

It is the GOP which is treating Hispanics like blacks.

Excellent summation!

The biggest mistake the GOP has made is not keeping up with the Democrats and their Identity Politics. The GOP needs to do a better of job of dividing people into little groups and blatantly pandering to them. If you don't do that, that means you "hate" them.

Hyphenated-America, here we are.


Nope. The GOP just needs to take out the trash. Bigots are destroying the party.

You are insulting blacks and hispanics and don't even know it.

I assume your point is that they're not smart enough to know they're being pandered to.

Nope. That is what you implied in your post about them.

Nope. No one who is told from the day they're born that life is unfair and that they need someone else to make it fair for them, can be blamed for growing up thinking that way. Blacks and Hispanics are the two American ethnicities who are told this from Day One, conditioned to believe it. They can't be blamed for believing it.

And there you go. Insulting them even more! Weak-minded darkies who don't know any better. It's not their fault, the poor things.

Nice. Very nice.
Nope. The GOP just needs to take out the trash. Bigots are destroying the party.

You are insulting blacks and hispanics and don't even know it.

I assume your point is that they're not smart enough to know they're being pandered to.

Nope. That is what you implied in your post about them.

Nope. No one who is told from the day they're born that life is unfair and that they need someone else to make it fair for them, can be blamed for growing up thinking that way. Blacks and Hispanics are the two American ethnicities who are told this from Day One, conditioned to believe it. They can't be blamed for believing it.

And there you go. Insulting them even more! Weak-minded darkies who don't know any better. It's not their fault, the poor things.

Nice. Very nice.

You're choosing to miss my point, tossing out predictable Straw Man arguments, putting words in my mouth, but that's okay. I'm used to it here.

I do hope you're happy, though. We're more divided than ever. The race industry is getting what it wants.

I'm pretty sure the blacks and Hispanics don't need the Democrats to tell them how much the Republicans hate them. The Republicans manage to do that quite well for themselves.

Just drop in on any conversation from the Right these days that deals with black, Hispanics, gays, or Muslims and you will hear nothing but whining, attacks, and hatred.

Why should any of those people vote for a party which so clearly hates them?

It is the GOP which is treating Hispanics like blacks.

Horse shit

There is no hatred of Blacks or Hispanics or Aleutians or whatever else race based with the republicans...

Radical Muslims.. much different story... but Muslims in general?? No.. except with your average ShootSpeeders or rdean level winger troll

Hating the fact that government panders via the entitlement and hating that people (regardless of race) think they are owed a base living by sucking off the system tit... yep... but anyone with any sort of sense should hate that
I find most Democrats are pretty friendly to the Mexican people other than arabs and african americans which is a clash of cultures ( not a party issue ) somehow...

The Mexican people helped build this country and our thanks has been to open our borders wide for everyone else around the world but them. It is disgusting. When did you ever meet a Mexican terrorist? Give me a break, People! You hire these people for your maids, your nannies for your children, you hire them for your businesses so you can get away with paying low wages and evading taxes but you don't want to give them citizenship. It's wrong.

Truth is if either party had ever been serious about immigration for Mexicans it would have been done 30 yrs ago. It wasn't. Both sides profit from keeping the status quo. Speeches are solely for elections. After they are in they forget all about it. The Mexican govt prefers it this way as the money comes back to Mexico. The workers usually send their money back to Mexico which enriches Mexicos economy as well. It's all about the Money.
The Mexican people helped build this country and our thanks has been to open our borders wide for everyone else around the world but them. It is disgusting. When did you ever meet a Mexican terrorist? Give me a break, People! You hire these people for your maids, your nannies for your children, you hire them for your businesses so you can get away with paying low wages and evading taxes but you don't want to give them citizenship. It's wrong.

Have the Mexican Americans done anymore to build this country than the Irish, Italian, English, Germans or any other group of people?

How does the paying of low wages to Mexican illegals aid in evading taxes? Seriously I do not understand.
Democrats look at any non-white person as stupid and incompetent.
I find most Democrats are pretty friendly to the Mexican people other than arabs and african americans which is a clash of cultures ( not a party issue ) somehow...

The Mexican people helped build this country and our thanks has been to open our borders wide for everyone else around the world but them. It is disgusting. When did you ever meet a Mexican terrorist? Give me a break, People! You hire these people for your maids, your nannies for your children, you hire them for your businesses so you can get away with paying low wages and evading taxes but you don't want to give them citizenship. It's wrong.

Truth is if either party had ever been serious about immigration for Mexicans it would have been done 30 yrs ago. It wasn't. Both sides profit from keeping the status quo. Speeches are solely for elections. After they are in they forget all about it. The Mexican govt prefers it this way as the money comes back to Mexico. The workers usually send their money back to Mexico which enriches Mexicos economy as well. It's all about the Money.

Please. All anyone has to do to come to this country is do it legally; those who come illegally (btw, not just Mexicans, anyone) should get shown the door. It really is that simple, so stop making it into some kind of "those-who-want-outsiders-to-come-here-legally-really-just-hate-Mexicans" thing. That just bullshit.

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