Democrats treats Hispanics as Blacks

The Democrats are wanting to con the Hispanic votes in the same way as they have done with the Blacks. The Democrats have succeeded in making the Blacks feel they are oppressed and that it is the Republicans fault. They have this pumped in their heads by the media and individuals such as Al Sharpton that have made millions off of this nonsense. Can anyone actually say that Blacks have benefited from any of the Democrat administrations? There has been several times in which the Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency yet nothing changed. The only time the benefits are shelled out is just prior to any election.

We are seeing the media now attacking the Republicans in their unfair treatment of Hispanics. They are attempting to make them feel oppressed therefore giving them the status of what the Blacks have. They may become slaves to the Democratic party the same as the blacks. All they need to accomplish this is ignorance and a Hispanic Al Sharpton. The media is already aiding the Democrats in this endeavor.

White wingers don't understand that Democrats are blacks and Hispanics. They have this strange idea that Democrats are run by some secret back room cabal of someone in strange clothes who are unnamed and unknown.

The truth is, the Democratic Party is blacks and Hispanics and gays and men and women and whites and rich and old and young and poor. Liberal and even some conservatives. There is no one "small and monolithic group" of leaders.

Republicans are 90% white. Republicans are like the Patty Duke show. Cousins who are one of a kind. They look alike, they walk alike at times they even talk alike. They even think alike. Republicans mistakenly believe the Democratic Party must be like the Republican Party because they are both political parties. Only they aren't all that alike. Republicans are a party of hate and fear.
I'm pretty sure the blacks and Hispanics don't need the Democrats to tell them how much the Republicans hate them. The Republicans manage to do that quite well for themselves.

Just drop in on any conversation from the Right these days that deals with black, Hispanics, gays, or Muslims and you will hear nothing but whining, attacks, and hatred.

Why should any of those people vote for a party which so clearly hates them?

It is the GOP which is treating Hispanics like blacks.

the Democrats aint fooling the Hispanics think they fall for the shit they tell them?....right now the Democrats are just the so called "lessor" of 2 evils....that will change.....

Just drop in on any conversation from the Right these days that deals with black, Hispanics, gays, or Muslims and you will hear nothing but whining, attacks, and hatred.

thats funny G....i heard the same thing from Democratic Males i worked with...Democrats are not as wonderful as you might think they are....

The biggest mistake the GOP has made is not keeping up with the Democrats and their Identity Politics. The GOP needs to do a better of job of dividing people into little groups and blatantly pandering to them. If you don't do that, that means you "hate" them.

Hyphenated-America, here we are.


Nope. The GOP just needs to take out the trash. Bigots are destroying the party.

You are insulting blacks and hispanics and don't even know it.

so are Democrats.....apparently you dont know that....
The Democrats are wanting to con the Hispanic votes in the same way as they have done with the Blacks. The Democrats have succeeded in making the Blacks feel they are oppressed and that it is the Republicans fault. They have this pumped in their heads by the media and individuals such as Al Sharpton that have made millions off of this nonsense. Can anyone actually say that Blacks have benefited from any of the Democrat administrations? There has been several times in which the Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency yet nothing changed. The only time the benefits are shelled out is just prior to any election.

We are seeing the media now attacking the Republicans in their unfair treatment of Hispanics. They are attempting to make them feel oppressed therefore giving them the status of what the Blacks have. They may become slaves to the Democratic party the same as the blacks. All they need to accomplish this is ignorance and a Hispanic Al Sharpton. The media is already aiding the Democrats in this endeavor.

White wingers don't understand that Democrats are blacks and Hispanics. They have this strange idea that Democrats are run by some secret back room cabal of someone in strange clothes who are unnamed and unknown.

The truth is, the Democratic Party is blacks and Hispanics and gays and men and women and whites and rich and old and young and poor. Liberal and even some conservatives. There is no one "small and monolithic group" of leaders.

Republicans are 90% white. Republicans are like the Patty Duke show. Cousins who are one of a kind. They look alike, they walk alike at times they even talk alike. They even think alike. Republicans mistakenly believe the Democratic Party must be like the Republican Party because they are both political parties. Only they aren't all that alike. Republicans are a party of hate and fear.

Republicans are 90% white.

is this fucker like clock work or what?....:eusa_angel:
The Democrats are wanting to con the Hispanic votes in the same way as they have done with the Blacks. The Democrats have succeeded in making the Blacks feel they are oppressed and that it is the Republicans fault. They have this pumped in their heads by the media and individuals such as Al Sharpton that have made millions off of this nonsense. Can anyone actually say that Blacks have benefited from any of the Democrat administrations? There has been several times in which the Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency yet nothing changed. The only time the benefits are shelled out is just prior to any election.

We are seeing the media now attacking the Republicans in their unfair treatment of Hispanics. They are attempting to make them feel oppressed therefore giving them the status of what the Blacks have. They may become slaves to the Democratic party the same as the blacks. All they need to accomplish this is ignorance and a Hispanic Al Sharpton. The media is already aiding the Democrats in this endeavor.

White wingers don't understand that Democrats are blacks and Hispanics. They have this strange idea that Democrats are run by some secret back room cabal of someone in strange clothes who are unnamed and unknown.

The truth is, the Democratic Party is blacks and Hispanics and gays and men and women and whites and rich and old and young and poor. Liberal and even some conservatives. There is no one "small and monolithic group" of leaders.

Republicans are 90% white. Republicans are like the Patty Duke show. Cousins who are one of a kind. They look alike, they walk alike at times they even talk alike. They even think alike. Republicans mistakenly believe the Democratic Party must be like the Republican Party because they are both political parties. Only they aren't all that alike. Republicans are a party of hate and fear.

Republicans are 90% white.

is this fucker like clock work or what?....:eusa_angel:

You mean like the attacks on the Democratic Party? You meet attacks with truth. That's the way it works.
White wingers don't understand that Democrats are blacks and Hispanics. They have this strange idea that Democrats are run by some secret back room cabal of someone in strange clothes who are unnamed and unknown.

The truth is, the Democratic Party is blacks and Hispanics and gays and men and women and whites and rich and old and young and poor. Liberal and even some conservatives. There is no one "small and monolithic group" of leaders.

Republicans are 90% white. Republicans are like the Patty Duke show. Cousins who are one of a kind. They look alike, they walk alike at times they even talk alike. They even think alike. Republicans mistakenly believe the Democratic Party must be like the Republican Party because they are both political parties. Only they aren't all that alike. Republicans are a party of hate and fear.

Republicans are 90% white.

is this fucker like clock work or what?....:eusa_angel:

You mean like the attacks on the Democratic Party? You meet attacks with truth. That's the way it works.
is that what i said?......go back and read it did i say anything about the Democratic Party?.....or was i talking about this repetitious poster named Dean who says the same shit over and over......give me your answer.....or do what you do from the thread.....

The biggest mistake the GOP has made is not keeping up with the Democrats and their Identity Politics. The GOP needs to do a better of job of dividing people into little groups and blatantly pandering to them. If you don't do that, that means you "hate" them.

Hyphenated-America, here we are.


Nope. The GOP just needs to take out the trash. Bigots are destroying the party.

You are insulting blacks and hispanics and don't even know it.

So what would you suggest?
Giving people the death penalty for saying ******?
Republicans are 90% white.

is this fucker like clock work or what?....:eusa_angel:

You mean like the attacks on the Democratic Party? You meet attacks with truth. That's the way it works.
is that what i said?......go back and read it did i say anything about the Democratic Party?.....or was i talking about this repetitious poster named Dean who says the same shit over and over......give me your answer.....or do what you do from the thread.....
No kidding thats his only response which is incorrect. He cant think for himself, hes a liberal talking point machine.
You mean like the attacks on the Democratic Party? You meet attacks with truth. That's the way it works.
is that what i said?......go back and read it did i say anything about the Democratic Party?.....or was i talking about this repetitious poster named Dean who says the same shit over and over......give me your answer.....or do what you do from the thread.....
No kidding thats his only response which is incorrect. He cant think for himself, hes a liberal talking point machine.

well Dean doesnt deal with honesty to well.....
The Democrats are wanting to con the Hispanic votes in the same way as they have done with the Blacks. The Democrats have succeeded in making the Blacks feel they are oppressed and that it is the Republicans fault. They have this pumped in their heads by the media and individuals such as Al Sharpton that have made millions off of this nonsense. Can anyone actually say that Blacks have benefited from any of the Democrat administrations? There has been several times in which the Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency yet nothing changed. The only time the benefits are shelled out is just prior to any election.

We are seeing the media now attacking the Republicans in their unfair treatment of Hispanics. They are attempting to make them feel oppressed therefore giving them the status of what the Blacks have. They may become slaves to the Democratic party the same as the blacks. All they need to accomplish this is ignorance and a Hispanic Al Sharpton. The media is already aiding the Democrats in this endeavor.

By golly, you are right. And one of these days, we may have a bright young Hispanic running for President on the Democratic ticket.
The Democrats are wanting to con the Hispanic votes in the same way as they have done with the Blacks. The Democrats have succeeded in making the Blacks feel they are oppressed and that it is the Republicans fault. They have this pumped in their heads by the media and individuals such as Al Sharpton that have made millions off of this nonsense. Can anyone actually say that Blacks have benefited from any of the Democrat administrations? There has been several times in which the Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency yet nothing changed. The only time the benefits are shelled out is just prior to any election.

We are seeing the media now attacking the Republicans in their unfair treatment of Hispanics. They are attempting to make them feel oppressed therefore giving them the status of what the Blacks have. They may become slaves to the Democratic party the same as the blacks. All they need to accomplish this is ignorance and a Hispanic Al Sharpton. The media is already aiding the Democrats in this endeavor.

By golly, you are right. And one of these days, we may have a bright young Hispanic running for President on the Democratic ticket.

Uh oh, you just freaked them out. First a "boi" and then a, a, wait, how do you make it racist so you can pretend it's not racist. They say "boy" is racist, but not "boi". What's the same "trick" for Hispanic? "Cpick"?
The Democrats are wanting to con the Hispanic votes in the same way as they have done with the Blacks. The Democrats have succeeded in making the Blacks feel they are oppressed and that it is the Republicans fault. They have this pumped in their heads by the media and individuals such as Al Sharpton that have made millions off of this nonsense. Can anyone actually say that Blacks have benefited from any of the Democrat administrations? There has been several times in which the Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency yet nothing changed. The only time the benefits are shelled out is just prior to any election.

We are seeing the media now attacking the Republicans in their unfair treatment of Hispanics. They are attempting to make them feel oppressed therefore giving them the status of what the Blacks have. They may become slaves to the Democratic party the same as the blacks. All they need to accomplish this is ignorance and a Hispanic Al Sharpton. The media is already aiding the Democrats in this endeavor.

By golly, you are right. And one of these days, we may have a bright young Hispanic running for President on the Democratic ticket.

Uh oh, you just freaked them out. First a "boi" and then a, a, wait, how do you make it racist so you can pretend it's not racist. They say "boy" is racist, but not "boi". What's the same "trick" for Hispanic? "Cpick"?

the name the Mexicans out here have for assholes like you Dean is...."Mas Puto"....
The Democrats are wanting to con the Hispanic votes in the same way as they have done with the Blacks. The Democrats have succeeded in making the Blacks feel they are oppressed and that it is the Republicans fault. They have this pumped in their heads by the media and individuals such as Al Sharpton that have made millions off of this nonsense. Can anyone actually say that Blacks have benefited from any of the Democrat administrations? There has been several times in which the Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency yet nothing changed. The only time the benefits are shelled out is just prior to any election.

We are seeing the media now attacking the Republicans in their unfair treatment of Hispanics. They are attempting to make them feel oppressed therefore giving them the status of what the Blacks have. They may become slaves to the Democratic party the same as the blacks. All they need to accomplish this is ignorance and a Hispanic Al Sharpton. The media is already aiding the Democrats in this endeavor.

By golly, you are right. And one of these days, we may have a bright young Hispanic running for President on the Democratic ticket.

I think there will be a couple Hispanics running for the Republican ticket. Hopefully one will win. I am sure plans are in the works to twist it around somehow that they are really not Hispanic or that they are equivalent to the black version of a Uncle Tom.

The democrats are in a race to run a lesbian. They may have one in Hillary.
The Democrats are wanting to con the Hispanic votes in the same way as they have done with the Blacks. The Democrats have succeeded in making the Blacks feel they are oppressed and that it is the Republicans fault. They have this pumped in their heads by the media and individuals such as Al Sharpton that have made millions off of this nonsense. Can anyone actually say that Blacks have benefited from any of the Democrat administrations? There has been several times in which the Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency yet nothing changed. The only time the benefits are shelled out is just prior to any election.

We are seeing the media now attacking the Republicans in their unfair treatment of Hispanics. They are attempting to make them feel oppressed therefore giving them the status of what the Blacks have. They may become slaves to the Democratic party the same as the blacks. All they need to accomplish this is ignorance and a Hispanic Al Sharpton. The media is already aiding the Democrats in this endeavor.

By golly, you are right. And one of these days, we may have a bright young Hispanic running for President on the Democratic ticket.

The democrats could run Senator Warren as she once claimed to be an Indian for benefits. I am sure she would claim to be kin to Fidel Castro to get the Presidency.

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