Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

In your dreams drunky. More likely we’ll be laughing at you as you fail again.

House Jan. 6 panel has interviewed​

[at least ] 250 people and is planning weeks of public hearings next year​

Bart JansenDec. 2, 2021

"We anticipate that next year we will be conducting multiple weeks of public hearings, setting out for the American people in vivid color exactly what happened every minute of the day on Jan. 6 at the Capitol and at the White House, and what led to that violent attack," Cheney said.
House Jan. 6 panel has interviewed 250 people and is planning weeks of public hearings next year


House Jan. 6 panel has interviewed​

[at least ] 250 people and is planning weeks of public hearings next year​

Bart JansenDec. 2, 2021

"We anticipate that next year we will be conducting multiple weeks of public hearings, setting out for the American people in vivid color exactly what happened every minute of the day on Jan. 6 at the Capitol and at the White House, and what led to that violent attack," Cheney said.
House Jan. 6 panel has interviewed 250 people and is planning weeks of public hearings next year


You have a real future in comedy.
Isn't that great. Stop worrying about us, take another jab and shut up.

LOL! you think i worry about *you* dumbfuck? if you didn't put those who can't get vaxxed at risk - i wouldn't care one bit if you became worm bait.... the world is over populated as it is.

You have a real future in comedy.

lol ...

is that all you got? facts must hurt yer brain bigley.

December 2, 202112:21 PM ESTLast Updated 22 days ago
United States

Panel probing U.S. Capitol riot plans 'multiple weeks' of hearings


WASHINGTON, Dec 2 (Reuters) - The House of Representatives panel investigating the deadly Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot plans to hold "multiple weeks" of public hearings next year, its vice chairwoman, Republican Representative Liz Cheney, said on Thursday.
Panel probing U.S. Capitol riot plans 'multiple weeks' of hearings

spin that one, sweety - just don't puke all over yerself from the dizzies you'll get!
And yours are? Do you understand that you are still "unvaxxed" two weeks after taking second shot?

Since semantics are your strong suit, can you explain why two weeks? If vaccine works, you should have antibodies within a day.

antibodies don't just materialize ... they build up & become stronger than the virus. can you get rid of a cold in a day?
lol ...

is that all you got? facts must hurt yer brain bigley.

December 2, 202112:21 PM ESTLast Updated 22 days ago
United States

Panel probing U.S. Capitol riot plans 'multiple weeks' of hearings


WASHINGTON, Dec 2 (Reuters) - The House of Representatives panel investigating the deadly Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot plans to hold "multiple weeks" of public hearings next year, its vice chairwoman, Republican Representative Liz Cheney, said on Thursday.
Panel probing U.S. Capitol riot plans 'multiple weeks' of hearings

spin that one, sweety - just don't puke all over yerself from the dizzies you'll get!
Try harder.

Didn't know that this is the guy who Trump was talking about way back when on HCQ Treatment in New York.
a virus wants to live & can't really thrive in a vaxxed person - so it goes looking for a host. an unvaxxed incubator - thus allowing it to mutate to survive.

try 'n learn something
Why would it need to mutate to get into an unvaxxed body? The unvaxxed have NO IMMUNITY RIGHT? What Horse you that...........lmao

If there is no resistance to the virus ..........why would it need to mutate to open the door? Sounds like a MOONBAT STATEMENT.
Omicron and NEGATIVE vaccine efficacy, not only scientific study but anecdotal evidence:

Cory Booker
Elizabeth Warren
James Clyburn

All TRIPLE vaxxed, all came down with Covid.

So really, any excuse of the vaccine reducing transmission is a JOKE. At this point, keep the vaccinated away from ME!!!

those breakthrus are from virus mutations & not the original covid 19 virus the vaccine is designed for. BUT they have less severe symptoms due to the protection they got with the vaccine.
those breakthrus are from virus mutations & not the original covid 19 virus the vaccine is designed for. BUT they have less severe symptoms due to the protection they got with the vaccine.
So let's all take more of the wrong jabs as boosters to fix it.

Damn you guys are fucking owned......lmao
Yes, we will. That's the good part. The hurt is gonna be a thing to behold!

The internet is forever. Lists.

so one day 1 of the first of many public hearings - i will be expecting you to come up with an excuse as to why they started & you claimed there would be none.

ticky tocky.
so one day 1 of the first of many public hearings - i will be expecting you to come up with an excuse as to why they started & you claimed there would be none.

ticky tocky.
I'm gonna watch you jab freaks and see how it goes..........I'm proud of you lab rats.


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