Democrats Usurp Will of People Through Federal Government

They have...Obama vetoed.

Here's a list of Obama's "vetoes"....
So, please, tell us how the "WILL of the PEOPLE" has been injured by these vetoes....

Obama’s vetoes
President Barack Obama issued the following vetoes:[3]

  • July 22, 2016: HR 1777 - the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act of 2016.[4]
  • June 8, 2016: HJ Res 88 - "Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to the definition of the term 'Fiduciary.'"[5]
  • January 19, 2016: SJ Res 22 - "A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency relating to the definition of 'waters of the United States' under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act."[6]
  • December 19, 2015: SJ Res 23 - "A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to 'Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units.'"[8]
  • December 18, 2015: SJ Res 24 - "A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to 'Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units.'"[9]
  • October 22, 2015: HR 1735 - the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016, which "authorizes FY2016 appropriations and sets forth policies regarding the military activities of the Department of Defense (DOD), military construction, and the national security programs of the Department of Energy (DOE). The bill authorizes appropriations, but does not provide appropriations, which are considered in subsequent appropriations legislation."[10]
  • March 31, 2015: SJ Res 8 - "A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the National Labor Relations Board relating to representation case procedures."[11]
  • October 8, 2010: HR 3808 - the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010, which "[r]equires each federal and state court to recognize any lawful notarization occurring in or affecting interstate commerce which is made by a notary public licensed or commissioned under the laws of a state other than the state where the court is located."[13]
  • December 30, 2009: HJ Res 64 - "Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2010, and for other purposes."[14]
All of them.
The freaking left wing hypocrites actually claim that cities have the right to declare themselves "sanctuary cities" that harbor illegal criminals but the same hypocrites want to punish states that pass laws that prevent freakazoid men from using the ladies room.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Feds moving to strip money from U.S. sanctuary cities
DOJ finds policy violates federal laws
Sanctuary city policy gets funding yanked by federal government
The freaking left wing hypocrites actually claim that cities have the right to declare themselves "sanctuary cities" that harbor illegal criminals but the same hypocrites want to punish states that pass laws that prevent freakazoid men from using the ladies room.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Feds moving to strip money from U.S. sanctuary cities
DOJ finds policy violates federal laws
Sanctuary city policy gets funding yanked by federal government
Will of people spoke through GOP to force DoJ to act. Congress has power of the purse. That's the will of the people.
"executive agreements" with regards to Iran giveaway.

Moron, we did NOT give a cent of U.S. funds as "giveaway" to Iran.....only ignorant sots repeat what they heard from Sean Hannity.
Oh, I'm sorry, we gave them a fucking hydrogen bomb.
United Nations (United States) (AFP) - Iran told the United Nations on Thursday that it reserves the right to take "counter-measures" in response to a US court decision to use Tehran's frozen assets to compensate US victims of terror attacks.
Iran complains to UN about US ruling on assets

We have given Iran nothing and boy are they pissed...
The freaking left wing hypocrites actually claim that cities have the right to declare themselves "sanctuary cities" that harbor illegal criminals but the same hypocrites want to punish states that pass laws that prevent freakazoid men from using the ladies room.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Feds moving to strip money from U.S. sanctuary cities
DOJ finds policy violates federal laws
Sanctuary city policy gets funding yanked by federal government
Will of people spoke through GOP to force DoJ to act. Congress has power of the purse. That's the will of the people.
Now it's your turn to prove it...
"executive agreements" with regards to Iran giveaway.

Moron, we did NOT give a cent of U.S. funds as "giveaway" to Iran.....only ignorant sots repeat what they heard from Sean Hannity.
Oh, I'm sorry, we gave them a fucking hydrogen bomb.
United Nations (United States) (AFP) - Iran told the United Nations on Thursday that it reserves the right to take "counter-measures" in response to a US court decision to use Tehran's frozen assets to compensate US victims of terror attacks.
Iran complains to UN about US ruling on assets

We have given Iran nothing and boy are they pissed...
Going through UN...lmfao. Are you that naive? Dumb.
The freaking left wing hypocrites actually claim that cities have the right to declare themselves "sanctuary cities" that harbor illegal criminals but the same hypocrites want to punish states that pass laws that prevent freakazoid men from using the ladies room.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Feds moving to strip money from U.S. sanctuary cities
DOJ finds policy violates federal laws
Sanctuary city policy gets funding yanked by federal government
Will of people spoke through GOP to force DoJ to act. Congress has power of the purse. That's the will of the people.
Now it's your turn to prove it...
November will reaffirm it.
The freaking left wing hypocrites actually claim that cities have the right to declare themselves "sanctuary cities" that harbor illegal criminals but the same hypocrites want to punish states that pass laws that prevent freakazoid men from using the ladies room.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Feds moving to strip money from U.S. sanctuary cities
DOJ finds policy violates federal laws
Sanctuary city policy gets funding yanked by federal government
Will of people spoke through GOP to force DoJ to act. Congress has power of the purse. That's the will of the people.
Now it's your turn to prove it...
November will reaffirm it.
Run and hide behind your lack of truth...Typical of bullshitters...
"executive agreements" with regards to Iran giveaway.

Moron, we did NOT give a cent of U.S. funds as "giveaway" to Iran.....only ignorant sots repeat what they heard from Sean Hannity.
Oh, I'm sorry, we gave them a fucking hydrogen bomb.
United Nations (United States) (AFP) - Iran told the United Nations on Thursday that it reserves the right to take "counter-measures" in response to a US court decision to use Tehran's frozen assets to compensate US victims of terror attacks.
Iran complains to UN about US ruling on assets

We have given Iran nothing and boy are they pissed...
Going through UN...lmfao. Are you that naive? Dumb.
Yep, that's the way international disputes are handled...
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
At least a half dozen times I've challenged folks of the neoconservative faction who have parroted the propaganda that Obama has unlawfully used Executive Orders to grab powers not Constitutionally authorized. Not a single person has been able to come up with a single fucking example. I'm going to give you a chance to validate your claim now, so put up or shut the fuck up with your faction's bullshit propaganda!

Below is the link to the Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index. ALL of President Obama's Executive Orders he has issued, have been published in the Federal Register and recorded and cataloged at the National Archives can be easily found in the Index. If what you claim is correct, it should be a piece of cake for you to locate all of Obama terrible and unconstitutional Executive Orders that, "...usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders...." So give just three examples of this usurpation from the Index with their numbers and dates of issuance to back up your claim! We'll all be waiting to see what you locate

Here's the link for ya:
Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
Executive orders and executive agreements are constitutional and SCOTUS has ruled that way. But when the people of the states speak through their state legislatures and in turn speak through congressional delegation, yet the Chief Executive ignores the will of the people...then that makes him a fucking dangerous asshole who does not believe in the intent of the Founders. In Obama's case, the Foundsrs were all white males, and he hates white males.

You made the assertion that, "Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders...." I challenged you to prove that by going to the EO Disposition Tables and posting the EO #'s and dates. Once again another RWNJ can't back up with any proof of that bullshit claim that the President is using Executive Orders to usurp the separation of powers guarded by both the Congress and the Supremes with their powers to check a rogue Presidency!

Regarding the State Legislatures, any 9th grade civics student could tell you that if the Congress doesn't act in an actual case like you outlined then go after your fucking Senators and your Representative. Learn the Constitution and use your voice to bully those you've put in office to do their damn job or replace them. I'll bet you just keep voting for what you got because they belong to your political faction!

Don't come on a message board and whine about shit you should be taking action on YOURSELF! And Quit Fucking Whining if You're too Damn Lazy or disinterested to actual ACT like an INVOLVED CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES! You get the government you allow the elected thieves leave for you!
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
At least a half dozen times I've challenged folks of the neoconservative faction who have parroted the propaganda that Obama has unlawfully used Executive Orders to grab powers not Constitutionally authorized. Not a single person has been able to come up with a single fucking example. I'm going to give you a chance to validate your claim now, so put up or shut the fuck up with your faction's bullshit propaganda!

Below is the link to the Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index. ALL of President Obama's Executive Orders he has issued, have been published in the Federal Register and recorded and cataloged at the National Archives can be easily found in the Index. If what you claim is correct, it should be a piece of cake for you to locate all of Obama terrible and unconstitutional Executive Orders that, "...usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders...." So give just three examples of this usurpation from the Index with their numbers and dates of issuance to back up your claim! We'll all be waiting to see what you locate

Here's the link for ya:
Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
Most Voters Oppose Obama Acting Alone on Gun Control - Rasmussen Reports™
Here's one you mouthy dickhead. Against will of the people...who vote.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
At least a half dozen times I've challenged folks of the neoconservative faction who have parroted the propaganda that Obama has unlawfully used Executive Orders to grab powers not Constitutionally authorized. Not a single person has been able to come up with a single fucking example. I'm going to give you a chance to validate your claim now, so put up or shut the fuck up with your faction's bullshit propaganda!

Below is the link to the Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index. ALL of President Obama's Executive Orders he has issued, have been published in the Federal Register and recorded and cataloged at the National Archives can be easily found in the Index. If what you claim is correct, it should be a piece of cake for you to locate all of Obama terrible and unconstitutional Executive Orders that, "...usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders...." So give just three examples of this usurpation from the Index with their numbers and dates of issuance to back up your claim! We'll all be waiting to see what you locate

Here's the link for ya:
Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
Most Voters Oppose Obama Acting Alone on Gun Control - Rasmussen Reports™
Here's one you mouthy dickhead. Against will of the people...who vote.
What's the EO number and date? You claimed Obama was issuing Executive Orders to do all this, so where the fuck are they IDIOT!
You do realize that the majority of people in this country have been voting for the government to fund infrastructure, science, and education for over a century? If that isn't doing the will of the people. I don't know what is.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.

Odd though that the Republicans in these states that are most vitriolic against the federal government go straight to the federal government for help after a disaster or when the FBI is needed to solve something. Among a mountain of other things.

"We demand the federal government stay out of the states." ... HEAVY RAIN... "Save us with your money! Aaahhhhh!"
Because beauracracy has forced them to. Fighting interstate crime is logical. Now what does this have to do with vulgar power grab? Forcing liberal culture into our schools?

Easy solution, win elections.

The Republicans have gerrymandered state districts to a degree far beyond what anyone has seen ever. Why? Because they can't just win elections so they cheat. And in the states they control they vote into law voter suppression laws aimed at minorities to keep them from voting. Who says so? The Supreme court. Republicans are constantly passing unconstitutional laws aimed at keeping people from voting.

Sooner or later you folks will just have to accept that the population has changed and will continue to change away from your dogmatic beliefs about who is 'a real American'. There is no such thing, anyone that is a citizen is a real American. If you can't win elections, and win them honestly and by simply stating what your beliefs are and what you'll do for people the answer isn't to cheat.

The real answer, and the one that you and all the other hardcore conservatives are going to have to come to grips with is that it isn't 1950 anymore and it never will be again. There is no America to 'get back'. America has gone nowhere, it has simply changed. That doesn't mean you are pushed out, or have to flee, or any such nonsense, it just means white Christians are no longer going to dominate the rest of the population as they have in the past. Again, so what? No one is closing churches, there are 300,000 in the country! But change has been going on for a while now regarding the ethnic makeup of the population. That you can't accept the change doesn't mean America has 'gone somewhere' or 'been taken away and now we have to 'get it back' '. It is a false crisis among conservatives.

I notice you don't think twice about using unleaded gasoline. There was a time when there wasn't any unleaded gasoline. Things changed. Going from incandescent light bulbs to LED light bulbs is good, not bad. They're longer lasting and use much less energy.

Relax, all the world is changing all the time. If you can't change with it, Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, Compaq, Paine Webber, Pan Am, DeLorean, then you fade away. That is life's most overriding command. No human came up with that.
Here is a whole bunch more about Obama using executive order, going around congressional duty of legislation and oversight, against the will of the people who vote and elect them. Fuck you.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
At least a half dozen times I've challenged folks of the neoconservative faction who have parroted the propaganda that Obama has unlawfully used Executive Orders to grab powers not Constitutionally authorized. Not a single person has been able to come up with a single fucking example. I'm going to give you a chance to validate your claim now, so put up or shut the fuck up with your faction's bullshit propaganda!

Below is the link to the Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index. ALL of President Obama's Executive Orders he has issued, have been published in the Federal Register and recorded and cataloged at the National Archives can be easily found in the Index. If what you claim is correct, it should be a piece of cake for you to locate all of Obama terrible and unconstitutional Executive Orders that, "...usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders...." So give just three examples of this usurpation from the Index with their numbers and dates of issuance to back up your claim! We'll all be waiting to see what you locate

Here's the link for ya:
Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
Poll: Resistance to Obama order on immigration

Executive orders by president:

Barack Obama - 244
George W Bush - 291
Ronald Reagan - 381

By your view Reagan and Bush were traitors who should have been tried on sent to prison for life. But not a peep about them. Hmmm.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.

Odd though that the Republicans in these states that are most vitriolic against the federal government go straight to the federal government for help after a disaster or when the FBI is needed to solve something. Among a mountain of other things.

"We demand the federal government stay out of the states." ... HEAVY RAIN... "Save us with your money! Aaahhhhh!"
Because beauracracy has forced them to. Fighting interstate crime is logical. Now what does this have to do with vulgar power grab? Forcing liberal culture into our schools?

Easy solution, win elections.

The Republicans have gerrymandered state districts to a degree far beyond what anyone has seen ever. Why? Because they can't just win elections so they cheat. And in the states they control they vote into law voter suppression laws aimed at minorities to keep them from voting. Who says so? The Supreme court. Republicans are constantly passing unconstitutional laws aimed at keeping people from voting.

Sooner or later you folks will just have to accept that the population has changed and will continue to change away from your dogmatic beliefs about who is 'a real American'. There is no such thing, anyone that is a citizen is a real American. If you can't win elections, and win them honestly and by simply stating what your beliefs are and what you'll do for people the answer isn't to cheat.

The real answer, and the one that you and all the other hardcore conservatives are going to have to come to grips with is that it isn't 1950 anymore and it never will be again. There is no America to 'get back'. America has gone nowhere, it has simply changed. That doesn't mean you are pushed out, or have to flee, or any such nonsense, it just means white Christians are no longer going to dominate the rest of the population as they have in the past. Again, so what? No one is closing churches, there are 300,000 in the country! But change has been going on for a while now regarding the ethnic makeup of the population. That you can't accept the change doesn't mean America has 'gone somewhere' or 'been taken away and now we have to 'get it back' '. It is a false crisis among conservatives.

I notice you don't think twice about using unleaded gasoline. There was a time when there wasn't any unleaded gasoline. Things changed. Going from incandescent light bulbs to LED light bulbs is good, not bad. They're longer lasting and use much less energy.

Relax, all the world is changing all the time. If you can't change with it, Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, Compaq, Paine Webber, Pan Am, DeLorean, then you fade away. That is life's most overriding command. No human came up with that.
Here is a whole bunch more about Obama using executive order, going around congressional duty of legislation and oversight, against the will of the people who vote and elect them. Fuck you.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
At least a half dozen times I've challenged folks of the neoconservative faction who have parroted the propaganda that Obama has unlawfully used Executive Orders to grab powers not Constitutionally authorized. Not a single person has been able to come up with a single fucking example. I'm going to give you a chance to validate your claim now, so put up or shut the fuck up with your faction's bullshit propaganda!

Below is the link to the Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index. ALL of President Obama's Executive Orders he has issued, have been published in the Federal Register and recorded and cataloged at the National Archives can be easily found in the Index. If what you claim is correct, it should be a piece of cake for you to locate all of Obama terrible and unconstitutional Executive Orders that, "...usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders...." So give just three examples of this usurpation from the Index with their numbers and dates of issuance to back up your claim! We'll all be waiting to see what you locate

Here's the link for ya:
Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
Poll: Resistance to Obama order on immigration

Executive orders by president:

Barack Obama - 244
George W Bush - 291
Ronald Reagan - 381

By your view Reagan and Bush were traitors who should have been tried on sent to prison for life. But not a peep about them. Hmmm.

A while back I had this same back-n-forth with another right winger, and when the nitwit had to contend with the unquestionable fact that indeed modern republican presidents had issued more EOs than dem. presidents., that poster reverted to the old...."its not quantity but quality."
(and that was his last post on that thread....Go figure.)
Odd though that the Republicans in these states that are most vitriolic against the federal government go straight to the federal government for help after a disaster or when the FBI is needed to solve something. Among a mountain of other things.

"We demand the federal government stay out of the states." ... HEAVY RAIN... "Save us with your money! Aaahhhhh!"
Because beauracracy has forced them to. Fighting interstate crime is logical. Now what does this have to do with vulgar power grab? Forcing liberal culture into our schools?

Easy solution, win elections.

The Republicans have gerrymandered state districts to a degree far beyond what anyone has seen ever. Why? Because they can't just win elections so they cheat. And in the states they control they vote into law voter suppression laws aimed at minorities to keep them from voting. Who says so? The Supreme court. Republicans are constantly passing unconstitutional laws aimed at keeping people from voting.

Sooner or later you folks will just have to accept that the population has changed and will continue to change away from your dogmatic beliefs about who is 'a real American'. There is no such thing, anyone that is a citizen is a real American. If you can't win elections, and win them honestly and by simply stating what your beliefs are and what you'll do for people the answer isn't to cheat.

The real answer, and the one that you and all the other hardcore conservatives are going to have to come to grips with is that it isn't 1950 anymore and it never will be again. There is no America to 'get back'. America has gone nowhere, it has simply changed. That doesn't mean you are pushed out, or have to flee, or any such nonsense, it just means white Christians are no longer going to dominate the rest of the population as they have in the past. Again, so what? No one is closing churches, there are 300,000 in the country! But change has been going on for a while now regarding the ethnic makeup of the population. That you can't accept the change doesn't mean America has 'gone somewhere' or 'been taken away and now we have to 'get it back' '. It is a false crisis among conservatives.

I notice you don't think twice about using unleaded gasoline. There was a time when there wasn't any unleaded gasoline. Things changed. Going from incandescent light bulbs to LED light bulbs is good, not bad. They're longer lasting and use much less energy.

Relax, all the world is changing all the time. If you can't change with it, Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, Compaq, Paine Webber, Pan Am, DeLorean, then you fade away. That is life's most overriding command. No human came up with that.
Here is a whole bunch more about Obama using executive order, going around congressional duty of legislation and oversight, against the will of the people who vote and elect them. Fuck you.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
At least a half dozen times I've challenged folks of the neoconservative faction who have parroted the propaganda that Obama has unlawfully used Executive Orders to grab powers not Constitutionally authorized. Not a single person has been able to come up with a single fucking example. I'm going to give you a chance to validate your claim now, so put up or shut the fuck up with your faction's bullshit propaganda!

Below is the link to the Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index. ALL of President Obama's Executive Orders he has issued, have been published in the Federal Register and recorded and cataloged at the National Archives can be easily found in the Index. If what you claim is correct, it should be a piece of cake for you to locate all of Obama terrible and unconstitutional Executive Orders that, "...usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders...." So give just three examples of this usurpation from the Index with their numbers and dates of issuance to back up your claim! We'll all be waiting to see what you locate

Here's the link for ya:
Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
Poll: Resistance to Obama order on immigration

Executive orders by president:

Barack Obama - 244
George W Bush - 291
Ronald Reagan - 381

By your view Reagan and Bush were traitors who should have been tried on sent to prison for life. But not a peep about them. Hmmm.

A while back I had this same back-n-forth with another right winger, and when the nitwit had to contend with the unquestionable fact that indeed modern republican presidents had issued more EOs than dem. presidents., that poster reverted to the old...."its not quantity but quality."
(and that was his last post on that thread....Go figure.)

Yes that is the fallback wail. They always have a qualifier for ANYTHING they say to make themselves right. They can never admit they're wrong. Ever. Even though it would just mean they learned something and could move on. Being wrong is death to many conservatives. It's as if every single thing they believe is a key to their core existence. Destroy even one of their beliefs and their whole world is shattered and has to be rebuilt, so they quickly backtrack and start qualfiying, "well they meant this" or "well that actually means that". It gets tiring, like trying to have an adult conversation with a 7 year old. You can try, but in the end they can't participate.
Because beauracracy has forced them to. Fighting interstate crime is logical. Now what does this have to do with vulgar power grab? Forcing liberal culture into our schools?

Easy solution, win elections.

The Republicans have gerrymandered state districts to a degree far beyond what anyone has seen ever. Why? Because they can't just win elections so they cheat. And in the states they control they vote into law voter suppression laws aimed at minorities to keep them from voting. Who says so? The Supreme court. Republicans are constantly passing unconstitutional laws aimed at keeping people from voting.

Sooner or later you folks will just have to accept that the population has changed and will continue to change away from your dogmatic beliefs about who is 'a real American'. There is no such thing, anyone that is a citizen is a real American. If you can't win elections, and win them honestly and by simply stating what your beliefs are and what you'll do for people the answer isn't to cheat.

The real answer, and the one that you and all the other hardcore conservatives are going to have to come to grips with is that it isn't 1950 anymore and it never will be again. There is no America to 'get back'. America has gone nowhere, it has simply changed. That doesn't mean you are pushed out, or have to flee, or any such nonsense, it just means white Christians are no longer going to dominate the rest of the population as they have in the past. Again, so what? No one is closing churches, there are 300,000 in the country! But change has been going on for a while now regarding the ethnic makeup of the population. That you can't accept the change doesn't mean America has 'gone somewhere' or 'been taken away and now we have to 'get it back' '. It is a false crisis among conservatives.

I notice you don't think twice about using unleaded gasoline. There was a time when there wasn't any unleaded gasoline. Things changed. Going from incandescent light bulbs to LED light bulbs is good, not bad. They're longer lasting and use much less energy.

Relax, all the world is changing all the time. If you can't change with it, Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, Compaq, Paine Webber, Pan Am, DeLorean, then you fade away. That is life's most overriding command. No human came up with that.
Here is a whole bunch more about Obama using executive order, going around congressional duty of legislation and oversight, against the will of the people who vote and elect them. Fuck you.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
At least a half dozen times I've challenged folks of the neoconservative faction who have parroted the propaganda that Obama has unlawfully used Executive Orders to grab powers not Constitutionally authorized. Not a single person has been able to come up with a single fucking example. I'm going to give you a chance to validate your claim now, so put up or shut the fuck up with your faction's bullshit propaganda!

Below is the link to the Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index. ALL of President Obama's Executive Orders he has issued, have been published in the Federal Register and recorded and cataloged at the National Archives can be easily found in the Index. If what you claim is correct, it should be a piece of cake for you to locate all of Obama terrible and unconstitutional Executive Orders that, "...usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders...." So give just three examples of this usurpation from the Index with their numbers and dates of issuance to back up your claim! We'll all be waiting to see what you locate

Here's the link for ya:
Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
Poll: Resistance to Obama order on immigration

Executive orders by president:

Barack Obama - 244
George W Bush - 291
Ronald Reagan - 381

By your view Reagan and Bush were traitors who should have been tried on sent to prison for life. But not a peep about them. Hmmm.

A while back I had this same back-n-forth with another right winger, and when the nitwit had to contend with the unquestionable fact that indeed modern republican presidents had issued more EOs than dem. presidents., that poster reverted to the old...."its not quantity but quality."
(and that was his last post on that thread....Go figure.)

Yes that is the fallback wail. They always have a qualifier for ANYTHING they say to make themselves right. They can never admit they're wrong. Ever. Even though it would just mean they learned something and could move on. Being wrong is death to many conservatives. It's as if every single thing they believe is a key to their core existence. Destroy even one of their beliefs and their whole world is shattered and has to be rebuilt, so they quickly backtrack and start qualfiying, "well they meant this" or "well that actually means that". It gets tiring, like trying to have an adult conversation with a 7 year old. You can try, but in the end they can't participate.
Lol! Liberal left have always been condescending, narcissistic,arrogant assholes. Liberals can't admit that they are wrong. They drive America over the cliff into an Orwellian state all the while admiring how smart they (think) they are. Sadly amusing.
Easy solution, win elections.

The Republicans have gerrymandered state districts to a degree far beyond what anyone has seen ever. Why? Because they can't just win elections so they cheat. And in the states they control they vote into law voter suppression laws aimed at minorities to keep them from voting. Who says so? The Supreme court. Republicans are constantly passing unconstitutional laws aimed at keeping people from voting.

Sooner or later you folks will just have to accept that the population has changed and will continue to change away from your dogmatic beliefs about who is 'a real American'. There is no such thing, anyone that is a citizen is a real American. If you can't win elections, and win them honestly and by simply stating what your beliefs are and what you'll do for people the answer isn't to cheat.

The real answer, and the one that you and all the other hardcore conservatives are going to have to come to grips with is that it isn't 1950 anymore and it never will be again. There is no America to 'get back'. America has gone nowhere, it has simply changed. That doesn't mean you are pushed out, or have to flee, or any such nonsense, it just means white Christians are no longer going to dominate the rest of the population as they have in the past. Again, so what? No one is closing churches, there are 300,000 in the country! But change has been going on for a while now regarding the ethnic makeup of the population. That you can't accept the change doesn't mean America has 'gone somewhere' or 'been taken away and now we have to 'get it back' '. It is a false crisis among conservatives.

I notice you don't think twice about using unleaded gasoline. There was a time when there wasn't any unleaded gasoline. Things changed. Going from incandescent light bulbs to LED light bulbs is good, not bad. They're longer lasting and use much less energy.

Relax, all the world is changing all the time. If you can't change with it, Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, Compaq, Paine Webber, Pan Am, DeLorean, then you fade away. That is life's most overriding command. No human came up with that.
Here is a whole bunch more about Obama using executive order, going around congressional duty of legislation and oversight, against the will of the people who vote and elect them. Fuck you.
At least a half dozen times I've challenged folks of the neoconservative faction who have parroted the propaganda that Obama has unlawfully used Executive Orders to grab powers not Constitutionally authorized. Not a single person has been able to come up with a single fucking example. I'm going to give you a chance to validate your claim now, so put up or shut the fuck up with your faction's bullshit propaganda!

Below is the link to the Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index. ALL of President Obama's Executive Orders he has issued, have been published in the Federal Register and recorded and cataloged at the National Archives can be easily found in the Index. If what you claim is correct, it should be a piece of cake for you to locate all of Obama terrible and unconstitutional Executive Orders that, "...usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders...." So give just three examples of this usurpation from the Index with their numbers and dates of issuance to back up your claim! We'll all be waiting to see what you locate

Here's the link for ya:
Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
Poll: Resistance to Obama order on immigration

Executive orders by president:

Barack Obama - 244
George W Bush - 291
Ronald Reagan - 381

By your view Reagan and Bush were traitors who should have been tried on sent to prison for life. But not a peep about them. Hmmm.

A while back I had this same back-n-forth with another right winger, and when the nitwit had to contend with the unquestionable fact that indeed modern republican presidents had issued more EOs than dem. presidents., that poster reverted to the old...."its not quantity but quality."
(and that was his last post on that thread....Go figure.)

Yes that is the fallback wail. They always have a qualifier for ANYTHING they say to make themselves right. They can never admit they're wrong. Ever. Even though it would just mean they learned something and could move on. Being wrong is death to many conservatives. It's as if every single thing they believe is a key to their core existence. Destroy even one of their beliefs and their whole world is shattered and has to be rebuilt, so they quickly backtrack and start qualfiying, "well they meant this" or "well that actually means that". It gets tiring, like trying to have an adult conversation with a 7 year old. You can try, but in the end they can't participate.
Lol! Liberal left have always been condescending, narcissistic,arrogant assholes. Liberals can't admit that they are wrong. They drive America over the cliff into an Orwellian state all the while admiring how smart they (think) they are. Sadly amusing.

So the country is 'over a cliff and in an Orwellian state'?

In what fantasy world. It's August, I only see people mowing lawns and going to the movies.

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