Democrats Usurp Will of People Through Federal Government

Here is a whole bunch more about Obama using executive order, going around congressional duty of legislation and oversight, against the will of the people who vote and elect them. Fuck you.
Poll: Resistance to Obama order on immigration

Executive orders by president:

Barack Obama - 244
George W Bush - 291
Ronald Reagan - 381

By your view Reagan and Bush were traitors who should have been tried on sent to prison for life. But not a peep about them. Hmmm.

A while back I had this same back-n-forth with another right winger, and when the nitwit had to contend with the unquestionable fact that indeed modern republican presidents had issued more EOs than dem. presidents., that poster reverted to the old...."its not quantity but quality."
(and that was his last post on that thread....Go figure.)

Yes that is the fallback wail. They always have a qualifier for ANYTHING they say to make themselves right. They can never admit they're wrong. Ever. Even though it would just mean they learned something and could move on. Being wrong is death to many conservatives. It's as if every single thing they believe is a key to their core existence. Destroy even one of their beliefs and their whole world is shattered and has to be rebuilt, so they quickly backtrack and start qualfiying, "well they meant this" or "well that actually means that". It gets tiring, like trying to have an adult conversation with a 7 year old. You can try, but in the end they can't participate.
Lol! Liberal left have always been condescending, narcissistic,arrogant assholes. Liberals can't admit that they are wrong. They drive America over the cliff into an Orwellian state all the while admiring how smart they (think) they are. Sadly amusing.

So the country is 'over a cliff and in an Orwellian state'?

In what fantasy world. It's August, I only see people mowing lawns and going to the movies.
Heading in that direction if you would have read what I posted. Which you do not. How could you read another's comments when your narcissism and ego prevent you.If Hillary gets to nominate a liberal Justice to SCOTUS and continue the march toward a federal takeover of our schools, religion, media, culture, and complete domination of the state and local governments by federal government against the will of the people...well then Big Sister is watching you. I love the Constitution, sorry you don't.
Executive orders by president:

Barack Obama - 244
George W Bush - 291
Ronald Reagan - 381

By your view Reagan and Bush were traitors who should have been tried on sent to prison for life. But not a peep about them. Hmmm.

A while back I had this same back-n-forth with another right winger, and when the nitwit had to contend with the unquestionable fact that indeed modern republican presidents had issued more EOs than dem. presidents., that poster reverted to the old...."its not quantity but quality."
(and that was his last post on that thread....Go figure.)

Yes that is the fallback wail. They always have a qualifier for ANYTHING they say to make themselves right. They can never admit they're wrong. Ever. Even though it would just mean they learned something and could move on. Being wrong is death to many conservatives. It's as if every single thing they believe is a key to their core existence. Destroy even one of their beliefs and their whole world is shattered and has to be rebuilt, so they quickly backtrack and start qualfiying, "well they meant this" or "well that actually means that". It gets tiring, like trying to have an adult conversation with a 7 year old. You can try, but in the end they can't participate.
Lol! Liberal left have always been condescending, narcissistic,arrogant assholes. Liberals can't admit that they are wrong. They drive America over the cliff into an Orwellian state all the while admiring how smart they (think) they are. Sadly amusing.

So the country is 'over a cliff and in an Orwellian state'?

In what fantasy world. It's August, I only see people mowing lawns and going to the movies.
Heading in that direction if you would have read what I posted. Which you do not. How could you read another's comments when your narcissism and ego prevent you.If Hillary gets to nominate a liberal Justice to SCOTUS and continue the march toward a federal takeover of our schools, religion, media, culture, and complete domination of the state and local governments by federal government against the will of the people...well then Big Sister is watching you. I love the Constitution, sorry you don't.

And after you've spent a few weeks in your bunker and you finally look out, you'll see people mowing their lawn and going to the movies.

Hillary will likely put three judges on the SC. Oh woe is you.
A while back I had this same back-n-forth with another right winger, and when the nitwit had to contend with the unquestionable fact that indeed modern republican presidents had issued more EOs than dem. presidents., that poster reverted to the old...."its not quantity but quality."
(and that was his last post on that thread....Go figure.)

Yes that is the fallback wail. They always have a qualifier for ANYTHING they say to make themselves right. They can never admit they're wrong. Ever. Even though it would just mean they learned something and could move on. Being wrong is death to many conservatives. It's as if every single thing they believe is a key to their core existence. Destroy even one of their beliefs and their whole world is shattered and has to be rebuilt, so they quickly backtrack and start qualfiying, "well they meant this" or "well that actually means that". It gets tiring, like trying to have an adult conversation with a 7 year old. You can try, but in the end they can't participate.
Lol! Liberal left have always been condescending, narcissistic,arrogant assholes. Liberals can't admit that they are wrong. They drive America over the cliff into an Orwellian state all the while admiring how smart they (think) they are. Sadly amusing.

So the country is 'over a cliff and in an Orwellian state'?

In what fantasy world. It's August, I only see people mowing lawns and going to the movies.
Heading in that direction if you would have read what I posted. Which you do not. How could you read another's comments when your narcissism and ego prevent you.If Hillary gets to nominate a liberal Justice to SCOTUS and continue the march toward a federal takeover of our schools, religion, media, culture, and complete domination of the state and local governments by federal government against the will of the people...well then Big Sister is watching you. I love the Constitution, sorry you don't.

And after you've spent a few weeks in your bunker and you finally look out, you'll see people mowing their lawn and going to the movies.

Hillary will likely put three judges on the SC. Oh woe is you.
Woe is a once great nation. If Democratic Pary had its way we would be a communist nation full of sodomites.
A while back I had this same back-n-forth with another right winger, and when the nitwit had to contend with the unquestionable fact that indeed modern republican presidents had issued more EOs than dem. presidents., that poster reverted to the old...."its not quantity but quality."
(and that was his last post on that thread....Go figure.)

Yes that is the fallback wail. They always have a qualifier for ANYTHING they say to make themselves right. They can never admit they're wrong. Ever. Even though it would just mean they learned something and could move on. Being wrong is death to many conservatives. It's as if every single thing they believe is a key to their core existence. Destroy even one of their beliefs and their whole world is shattered and has to be rebuilt, so they quickly backtrack and start qualfiying, "well they meant this" or "well that actually means that". It gets tiring, like trying to have an adult conversation with a 7 year old. You can try, but in the end they can't participate.
Lol! Liberal left have always been condescending, narcissistic,arrogant assholes. Liberals can't admit that they are wrong. They drive America over the cliff into an Orwellian state all the while admiring how smart they (think) they are. Sadly amusing.

So the country is 'over a cliff and in an Orwellian state'?

In what fantasy world. It's August, I only see people mowing lawns and going to the movies.
Heading in that direction if you would have read what I posted. Which you do not. How could you read another's comments when your narcissism and ego prevent you.If Hillary gets to nominate a liberal Justice to SCOTUS and continue the march toward a federal takeover of our schools, religion, media, culture, and complete domination of the state and local governments by federal government against the will of the people...well then Big Sister is watching you. I love the Constitution, sorry you don't.

And after you've spent a few weeks in your bunker and you finally look out, you'll see people mowing their lawn and going to the movies.

Hillary will likely put three judges on the SC. Oh woe is you.
Sir Issac...ever wore the uniform? Defended this nation?
Yes that is the fallback wail. They always have a qualifier for ANYTHING they say to make themselves right. They can never admit they're wrong. Ever. Even though it would just mean they learned something and could move on. Being wrong is death to many conservatives. It's as if every single thing they believe is a key to their core existence. Destroy even one of their beliefs and their whole world is shattered and has to be rebuilt, so they quickly backtrack and start qualfiying, "well they meant this" or "well that actually means that". It gets tiring, like trying to have an adult conversation with a 7 year old. You can try, but in the end they can't participate.
Lol! Liberal left have always been condescending, narcissistic,arrogant assholes. Liberals can't admit that they are wrong. They drive America over the cliff into an Orwellian state all the while admiring how smart they (think) they are. Sadly amusing.

So the country is 'over a cliff and in an Orwellian state'?

In what fantasy world. It's August, I only see people mowing lawns and going to the movies.
Heading in that direction if you would have read what I posted. Which you do not. How could you read another's comments when your narcissism and ego prevent you.If Hillary gets to nominate a liberal Justice to SCOTUS and continue the march toward a federal takeover of our schools, religion, media, culture, and complete domination of the state and local governments by federal government against the will of the people...well then Big Sister is watching you. I love the Constitution, sorry you don't.

And after you've spent a few weeks in your bunker and you finally look out, you'll see people mowing their lawn and going to the movies.

Hillary will likely put three judges on the SC. Oh woe is you.
Sir Issac...ever wore the uniform? Defended this nation?

No, I have a great uncle that died in The Battle of the Bulge and an uncle that spent 13 months in Vietnam. If you are one of these 'if you didn't serve in the military then blah blah blah save it'. You have no more claim to free speech than anyone else if you served in the military. Any real veteran would in fact defend people's speech even if they disagreed with them.
If Hillary gets to nominate a liberal Justice to SCOTUS and continue the march toward a federal takeover of our schools, religion, media, culture, and complete domination of the state and local governments by federal government against the will of the people...well then Big Sister is watching you. I love the Constitution, sorry you don't.

Well, its a good thing that you have lots of room under your bed for the next 8 years.....Bring a flashlight.
Lol! Liberal left have always been condescending, narcissistic,arrogant assholes. Liberals can't admit that they are wrong. They drive America over the cliff into an Orwellian state all the while admiring how smart they (think) they are. Sadly amusing.

So the country is 'over a cliff and in an Orwellian state'?

In what fantasy world. It's August, I only see people mowing lawns and going to the movies.
Heading in that direction if you would have read what I posted. Which you do not. How could you read another's comments when your narcissism and ego prevent you.If Hillary gets to nominate a liberal Justice to SCOTUS and continue the march toward a federal takeover of our schools, religion, media, culture, and complete domination of the state and local governments by federal government against the will of the people...well then Big Sister is watching you. I love the Constitution, sorry you don't.

And after you've spent a few weeks in your bunker and you finally look out, you'll see people mowing their lawn and going to the movies.

Hillary will likely put three judges on the SC. Oh woe is you.
Sir Issac...ever wore the uniform? Defended this nation?

No, I have a great uncle that died in The Battle of the Bulge and an uncle that spent 13 months in Vietnam. If you are one of these 'if you didn't serve in the military then blah blah blah save it'. You have no more claim to free speech than anyone else if you served in the military. Any real veteran would in fact defend people's speech even if they disagreed with them.
If you served, and you did not, you would understand a deeper love of country and the threat posed by upsetting the delicate balance of federalism created by our Founders. Also, I 100% believe in free speech, and a free press. What I disagree with is political grandstanding by media anchors who live in NewYork and try to impress their liberal political beliefs on the rest of the nation and influence an election. It is a threat to the Republic.

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