Democrats Usurp Will of People Through Federal Government

There was never an intent for power to be in the states legislatures.
You know nothing of federalism compromise at Constitutional Convention.

Your answer is a non-sequitur.

I know there's an indisputable Supremacy Clause in the Constitution.
Just as well there is a 10th Amendment that came with adoption of the Bill of Rights. After original Constituon was the people of the states.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
Every president in the entire history of the US has used executive orders, yet you just dislike Oblama doing it....
Wrong. Prove it.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
Every president in the entire history of the US has used executive orders, yet you just dislike Oblama doing it....
Wrong. Prove it.
Ignorance is bliss, George Washington started the whole executive order action...
Executive Orders
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.

This right wing nitwit forgets that a bloody Civil War was fought precisely because some states wanted out of the social contract......and, check out how many executive orders were instituted by GWB versus Obama.....should be "enlightening".
I thought doing what the people wanted it to do was what the government was suppose to do? The majority wants a safetynet, the majority wants clean air and the majority wants education for their children.

It would be undemocratic and the closes thing to usurping the will of the people to take our voices away. The extremist tea party wishes to do that.
At least a half dozen times I've challenged folks of the neoconservative faction who have parroted the propaganda that Obama has unlawfully used Executive Orders to grab powers not Constitutionally authorized. Not a single person has been able to come up with a single fucking example. I'm going to give you a chance to validate your claim now, so put up or shut the fuck up with your faction's bullshit propaganda!

True, but Bush92 does NOT like dark skinned people issuing EO.....That's too uppity for him.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.

This right wing nitwit forgets that a bloody Civil War was fought precisely because some states wanted out of the social contract......and, check out how many executive orders were instituted by GWB versus Obama.....should be "enlightening".
List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reagan signed far more such orders and ran the country from his office. Loserterians are real hypercrites.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
Every president in the entire history of the US has used executive orders, yet you just dislike Oblama doing it....
Wrong. Prove it.
Ignorance is bliss, George Washington started the whole executive order action...
Executive Orders
He never issued an order that went around authority of legislative branch. He was wary to use veto and was first POTUS to have a treaty rejected.
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
Every president in the entire history of the US has used executive orders, yet you just dislike Oblama doing it....
Wrong. Prove it.
Ignorance is bliss, George Washington started the whole executive order action...
Executive Orders
He never issued an order that went around authority of legislative branch. He was wary to use veto and was first POTUS to have a treaty rejected.
Different times, different people.
At least a half dozen times I've challenged folks of the neoconservative faction who have parroted the propaganda that Obama has unlawfully used Executive Orders to grab powers not Constitutionally authorized. Not a single person has been able to come up with a single fucking example. I'm going to give you a chance to validate your claim now, so put up or shut the fuck up with your faction's bullshit propaganda!

True, but Bush92 does NOT like dark skinned people issuing EO.....That's too uppity for him.
Oh, oh,....there's the race card!
If the do-nothing congress would get off its ass and pass legislation, perhaps EOs would not be necessary and regarding "immigration", Obama LOUDLY stated that if republicans in congress did not like his EO, then they should offer a BILL.......but elected republicans are too damn scared of losing their seat if they rocked the boat.
The freaking left wing hypocrites actually claim that cities have the right to declare themselves "sanctuary cities" that harbor illegal criminals but the same hypocrites want to punish states that pass laws that prevent freakazoid men from using the ladies room.
He never issued an order that went around authority of legislative branch

Here's a challenge for you:

During the Obama years, list all of the legislative initiatives passed by congress that were either VETOED, or overturned by Obama's EO?

I'd be anxious to see that "long list".....
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans control 31 state legislatures demonstrating the clear will of the people at local level. The state legislature...where the Founders intended the power in the United States to rest. Yet Democrats usurp will of people through Obama's use of executive orders, out of control racist Justice Department and liberal news media. Together they combine to support a WashingtonDC power grab via federal buracracy that implements policies not passed through the Congress.
Every president in the entire history of the US has used executive orders, yet you just dislike Oblama doing it....
Nah. Only when they are found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
If the do-nothing congress would get off its ass and pass legislation, perhaps EOs would not be necessary and regarding "immigration", Obama LOUDLY stated that if republicans in congress did not like his EO, then they should offer a BILL.......but elected republicans are too damn scared of losing their seat if they rocked the boat.
They have...Obama vetoed. These people were elected by the people of their states to oppose Obama socialism. Remember, "government of the people, by the people, and for the people."
He never issued an order that went around authority of legislative branch

Here's a challenge for you:

During the Obama years, list all of the legislative initiatives passed by congress that were either VETOED, or overturned by Obama's EO?

I'd be anxious to see that "long list".....
Start with Keystone and we can go all the way through immigration, gun control through ammunition manufacturing, and we can also get into "executive agreements" with regards to Iran giveaway.
Just as an educational side bar for liberals..."executive orders" and "executive agreements " are two different animals.
They have...Obama vetoed.

Here's a list of Obama's "vetoes"....
So, please, tell us how the "WILL of the PEOPLE" has been injured by these vetoes....

Obama’s vetoes
President Barack Obama issued the following vetoes:[3]

  • July 22, 2016: HR 1777 - the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act of 2016.[4]
  • June 8, 2016: HJ Res 88 - "Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to the definition of the term 'Fiduciary.'"[5]
  • January 19, 2016: SJ Res 22 - "A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency relating to the definition of 'waters of the United States' under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act."[6]
  • December 19, 2015: SJ Res 23 - "A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to 'Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units.'"[8]
  • December 18, 2015: SJ Res 24 - "A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to 'Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units.'"[9]
  • October 22, 2015: HR 1735 - the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016, which "authorizes FY2016 appropriations and sets forth policies regarding the military activities of the Department of Defense (DOD), military construction, and the national security programs of the Department of Energy (DOE). The bill authorizes appropriations, but does not provide appropriations, which are considered in subsequent appropriations legislation."[10]
  • March 31, 2015: SJ Res 8 - "A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the National Labor Relations Board relating to representation case procedures."[11]
  • October 8, 2010: HR 3808 - the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010, which "[r]equires each federal and state court to recognize any lawful notarization occurring in or affecting interstate commerce which is made by a notary public licensed or commissioned under the laws of a state other than the state where the court is located."[13]
  • December 30, 2009: HJ Res 64 - "Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2010, and for other purposes."[14]
"executive agreements" with regards to Iran giveaway.

Moron, we did NOT give a cent of U.S. funds as "giveaway" to Iran.....only ignorant sots repeat what they heard from Sean Hannity.

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