Democrats Waking Up

. Also even if the confidantes had the questions… so what?!
Perfect you showed that I actually didn’t say what you claimed I said.

Confidantes was a typo autocorrect and should have said contestants. And nothing in that sentence said I was cool with cheating or that ABC cheated
Perfect you showed that I actually didn’t say what you claimed I said.

Confidantes was a typo autocorrect and should have said contestants. And nothing in that sentence said I was cool with cheating or that ABC cheated
So you don't think it's right ABC gave the questions to Harris prior to the debate?????
hahah so you do care that ABC gave Harris the questions?
I haven’t seen any proof that that happened. If they gave Harris anything that Trump didn’t get then I think they should be banned from hosting debates in the future.
I haven’t seen any proof that that happened. If they gave Harris anything that Trump didn’t get then I think they should be banned from hosting debates in the future.
thank you. that is of course what the whistlerblower at ABC said happened
This is happening throughout the Democrat Party. But "Trump is destroying the Republican Party"

I do see honorable Democrats--real Americans--figuring out the DNC no longer represents them, their values, their interests. It's tough, stressful, even gut wrenching making the decision to leave a church, political party, other organizations that you have loved and supported for decades, but sometimes honorable people come to that decision when those no longer represent them and what they believe to be good and right. I know because I have been there.

As for the Republicans, I think Trump has been one of several strong catalysts to inspire the GOP to become the party of real Americans, those who love America and want it to be strong, free, secure and prosperous, who support tried and true traditional values and traditions, and who still think those values require personal responsibility and accountability.

The old guard neocon globalist GOP hates him because he succeeded where they did not, he achieved success where they said it couldn't be done or didn't even seriously try, and he showed them up for the feckless, ineffective, timid people they had become.
thank you. that is of course what the whistlerblower at ABC said happened
I’d need to see proof… more than one person saying it happened. Too many liars out there. One got the GOP nomination for president
Then why all the hysteria about Russia in 2016? If only people would have asked you first...
Foreign interference is different than cheating. We should always be working to make sure our elections are secure. There was foreign interference by Russia in 2016. That’s a fact that even Trump would begrudgingly have to agree with
Foreign interference is different than cheating.
Yet they hounded TRUMP! for years over it, as if he cheated.
We should always be working to make sure our elections are secure. There was foreign interference by Russia in 2016. That’s a fact that even Trump would begrudgingly have to agree with
Then he shut them down so successfully in 2020 that no one was even talking about them.
You think ABC gave one side questions in advance?! Haha. Yall really can’t handle losing can you? Always need to default to weak excuses and accusations of cheating. You sound like a 1st grader
They admitted it, stupid leftard.
Yet they hounded TRUMP! for years over it, as if he cheated.

Then he shut them down so successfully in 2020 that no one was even talking about them.
If Trump and his people didn’t continuously lie about it then they wouldn’t have been hounded for years about it. His own admin hired mueller to do the investigation. Remember that?
If Trump and his people didn’t continuously lie about it then they wouldn’t have been hounded for years about it. His own admin hired mueller to do the investigation. Remember that?
Sure do, and I remember nothing came out of it. Like you said, no cheating, but democrats sure were ticked off about it. Some still pretend today that Putin wants TRUMP! back in office.
A liar getting the nomination. I thought that happened pretty much every year since Jimmy Carter, the last honest politician I can remember.
Carter was honest but incompetent as President.

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