Democrats want a Civil War

First of all , a president does not have the power to federalize any state or commonwealth's national guard. They are state run and state funded. End of this baiting , troll thread. It was designed by some ingrate wanting to trigger an emotional response from some other idiots.
There are some circumstances where a President can nationalize a state national guard. But this doesn’t appear to be one of them.
Gimp?. Someone else called him a cripple. Talk about pure filth.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're soooo offended...

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Democrats want a Civil War​

Now Democrats want Biden to federalize the Texas National Guard. This would be like declaring a civil war and most Americans would turn on our government.

You could be right. It all fits in. First the stolen election, then the manufactured J6 crisis, then all of the outrageous trumped up phony indictments and charges by corrupt DAs using guidance from the WH, now maybe Joe wants to declare Texas a rogue state full of treasonous Trump supporters in order to declare them a "danger to democracy" and exclude them from the '24 election so that both NY and CA can totally dictate the winner and reinstall Boris The Tyrant.
There are some circumstances where a President can nationalize a state national guard. But this doesn’t appear to be one of them.

National Guard refusing to abide a SCOTUS ruling is “not one of them”?
No, it's me hoping you live the consequences of what you support, nothing more, nothing less.

There are already people here that were born and raised as American citizens that are suffering the consequences of your choices, those people deserve the help of their fellow citizens, not a bunch of people coming in from other countries. You support them over fellow Americans, all to support a corrupt, morally bankrupt party that is simply using you to attain wealth and power, all because you believe the motivation for not wanting mass illegal immigration is due to 'racism'. If they were white people, you would be on the opposite side of the argument, just as you proved with your racist comments above. I love hispanic people, I truly hope they come in here like every other race has done and outperform and out succeed the supposed victims of 'racism' and prove that the excuses that have been used for decades are shown to be pure bullshit, just as Asians and Indians have done. And I hope the ones who support this mass illegal immigration are the ones that have to deal with the criminals, drug cartel members, gang members, and other bad actors that are also pouring in at the same time. Karma.

Wrong. I get tired of you racist scum calling me a racist because I refuse to tolerate your bullshit. Your racist --- doesn't say --- about the millions of white visa overstays in this country or the Visa waiver program that alllows white nations to come here without a Visa. That's not an invasion to you. And certainly no white country would ever have criminals taking advantage of the visa waiver. You are ignorant.

You right wingers have opposed programs to help Americans in need for the past 40 years. So spare me the fake indignation. Biden put forth an immigration proposal and the right is stopping it hoping to use immigration as poliitically to put trump back in power. The supposed victims of racism. Ha! Indians are Asians and take away the H1B Visa that gives them corporate jobs, and the median Asian income will drop dramatically. You're white so how do you know racism against non whites is bs? You practice racism while saying it's bs. You have mental illness.
Wrong. I get tired of you racist scum calling me a racist because I refuse to tolerate your bullshit. Your racist --- doesn't say --- about the millions of white visa overstays in this country or the Visa waiver program that alllows white nations to come here without a Visa. That's not an invasion to you. And certainly no white country would ever have criminals taking advantage of the visa waiver. You are ignorant.

You right wingers have opposed programs to help Americans in need for the past 40 years. So spare me the fake indignation. Biden put forth an immigration proposal and the right is stopping it hoping to use immigration as poliitically to put trump back in power. The supposed victims of racism. Ha! Indians are Asians and take away the H1B Visa that gives them corporate jobs, and the median Asian income will drop dramatically. You're white so how do you know racism against non whites is bs? You practice racism while saying it's bs. You have mental illness.

And I should tolerate your bullshit and walk on eggshells around you because you're black? I'm racist because I disagree with you, and how dare I do that, right? All racism is to you is a huge crutch that you use as a cudgel to attempt to browbeat people with, it's a weapon you use and nothing more.

People coming in legally and overstaying their visas, who have to prove that they are here and will be gainfully employed, are the problem, but millions of impoverished coming in illegally are just fine. What kind of fucked up logic is that?

What's in the bill Biden proposed, please enlighten us.

Those Asians and Indians coming in are working and making good money, that's their purpose for being here, to contribute, not take, take, take.

I know racism, all I have to do is talk to you, you display it with every post you make. Your life would be meaningless without it.

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