Democrats want a Civil War

You could be right. It all fits in. First the stolen election, then the manufactured J6 crisis, then all of the outrageous trumped up phony indictments and charges by corrupt DAs using guidance from the WH, now maybe Joe wants to declare Texas a rogue state full of treasonous Trump supporters in order to declare them a "danger to democracy" and exclude them from the '24 election so that both NY and CA can totally dictate the winner and reinstall Boris The Tyrant.
This is how conspiracy theories get started.
Now Democrats want Biden to federalize the Texas National Guard. This would be like declaring a civil war and most Americans would turn on our government.

Most Americans would "turn" on the government? You mean would take up arms against the US Army, US Marines, Navy SEALS, and SWAT teams? I will take out the popcorn and watch all of you trailer-park MAGA Hats, on CNN, YouTube, and Telegram, get clobbered by the US military and law enforcement. It will be extremely entertaining. Armed Hillbillies running towards a US Army column of A2 Abrams tanks, waving their confederate dixie flags, shouting "TRUMP! TRUMP!" and getting mowed down by a 50 cal. That will be fun to watch.
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Most Americans would "turn" on the government? You mean would take up arms against the US Army, US Marines, Navy SEALS, and SWAT teams? I will take out the popcorn and watch all of you trailer-park MAGA Hats, on CNN, YouTube, and Telegram, get clobbered by the US military and law enforcement. It will be extremely entertaining. Hillbillies running towards a US Army column of A2 Abrams tanks, waving their confederate dixie flags, shouting "TRUMP! TRUMP!" and getting mowed down by a 50 cal. That will be fun to watch.

So you'd enjoy watching your fellow American citizens being slaughtered by the US military, 'Christian' Man? What a piece of shit Christian and man you obviously are, perhaps you should rethink your 'faith' since you so readily go against it.
So you'd enjoy watching your fellow American citizens being slaughtered by the US military, 'Christian' Man? What a piece of shit Christian and man you obviously are, perhaps you should rethink your 'faith' since you so readily go against it.
Seeing a bunch of racist, right-wing Republican scumbags, who are attacking our military and police, in support of Trump their cult leader..Yeah, I will definitely enjoy watching these insurrectionist pieces of shit, get mowed down by a 50 cal, while they're attempting to attack American soldiers. You have your priorities and values a bit screwed up.
Most Americans would "turn" on the government? You mean would take up arms against the US Army, US Marines, Navy SEALS, and SWAT teams? I will take out the popcorn and watch all of you trailer-park MAGA Hats, on CNN, YouTube, and Telegram, get clobbered by the US military and law enforcement. It will be extremely entertaining. Armed Hillbillies running towards a US Army column of A2 Abrams tanks, waving their confederate dixie flags, shouting "TRUMP! TRUMP!" and getting mowed down by a 50 cal. That will be fun to watch.

Our govt has turned against the constitution.
Seeing a bunch of racist, right-wing Republican scumbags,
Wow, didn't take long for the true psycho to come out! Right out of the leftist/socialist booklet of Alinsky talking points!

who are attacking our military and police, in support of Trump their cult leader..
Says the guy who supported the attack and killing of 50 police in 2020, injured and hospitalized thousands more doing billions in damage to hundreds of cities now lectures us on cults and terrorism because a small group of patriots actually stood up to tyranny.

Yeah, I will definitely enjoy watching these insurrectionist pieces of shit, get mowed down by a 50 cal
And just remember folks, a "Christian" man, told you so. :71:
Wow, didn't take long for the true psycho to come out! Right out of the leftist/socialist booklet of Alinsky talking points!

Says the guy who supported the attack and killing of 50 police in 2020, injured and hospitalized thousands more doing billions in damage to hundreds of cities now lectures us on cults and terrorism because a small group of patriots actually stood up to tyranny.

And just remember folks, a "Christian" man, told you so. :71:
MAGA hat cultists aren't patriots, especially if they take up arms against the US military and law enforcement if their cult leader goes to prison or loses the election. They're just wicked miscreants.
Now Democrats want Biden to federalize the Texas National Guard. This would be like declaring a civil war and most Americans would turn on our government.

They think the members of our US military would turn their weapons on Texas for....(get this)....the Texans trying to defend the border that (get this)....the US gov won't order our own military to defend.

Boy, these people are not very smart.
Seeing a bunch of racist, right-wing Republican scumbags, who are attacking our military and police, in support of Trump their cult leader..Yeah, I will definitely enjoy watching these insurrectionist pieces of shit, get mowed down by a 50 cal, while they're attempting to attack American soldiers. You have your priorities and values a bit screwed up.
There's the leftist war cry, folks.

Next time the vermin whine about the right wanting Civil War II, post a link to this.

They're not even bothering to try to hide it any more.


There's the leftist war cry, folks.

Next time the vermin whine about the right wanting Civil War II, post a link to this.

They're not even bothering to try to hide it any more.



Even this "OMG you want a civil war" moral panic is just a bunch of trash. I don't care about any of it.

It's like this. They're the abusive spouse for YEARS, DECADES, degrading us, hating us, doing everything they can to divide and destroy everything we previously built together. And then FINALLY when we say, screw this, they cry "You want a divorce? How can you say that?"

If you think we're headed for a civil war, and if you think the split is not even bad because of what they've done, say that mess with your full throat. Don't ever let them tell you what is wrong to say. They did this, they can own it all.

My two cents.
And I should tolerate your bullshit and walk on eggshells around you because you're black? I'm racist because I disagree with you, and how dare I do that, right? All racism is to you is a huge crutch that you use as a cudgel to attempt to browbeat people with, it's a weapon you use and nothing more.

People coming in legally and overstaying their visas, who have to prove that they are here and will be gainfully employed, are the problem, but millions of impoverished coming in illegally are just fine. What kind of fucked up logic is that?

What's in the bill Biden proposed, please enlighten us.

Those Asians and Indians coming in are working and making good money, that's their purpose for being here, to contribute, not take, take, take.

I know racism, all I have to do is talk to you, you display it with every post you make. Your life would be meaningless without it.
Thats the logic that makes their home nations also rans. We see it in living color. The land of milk and honey to groups of people is nothing but an evil construct that has favored on culture with a major religion for a long time and we must get even. Nations adjust to the times. We have taken the worst of ourselves of those who have opportunities and lowered our standards making the best of those who have opportunities look the same.
And next when SCOTUS rules that Trump has to be on the ballots, all the Blue states can follow the example of Texas and ignore the SCOTUS and say "nope, we are not doing that".

What could possibly go wrong with a state telling the SCTOUS to go fuck itself.
They think the members of our US military would turn their weapons on Texas for....(get this)....the Texans trying to defend the border that (get this)....the US gov won't order our own military to defend.

Boy, these people are not very smart.

The border isn't under attack and doesn't need defending. Republicans are refusing to reform immigration or deal with the problems. Their behaviour is blowing up in their faces.

Trump is hoping for an economic crash this year, and yesterday Trump ordered Republicans to tank the immigration bill until he is re-elected. This is backfiring.

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