Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

Sure, it's NOT Gov't policy that favors the "job creators", just lazy people!
Then why can't you feed your kids???

So no, YOU can't think beyond a bumper sticker. Got it
So you can't discuss the fact that my tax dollars go to failed programs...

Got it.

True, Iraq and tax cuts for the rich, failed MISERABLY



Thank you for demonstrating that your war on poverty is failing.

Can I assist you?
Welfare Hits Record Levels After 50 Years of War on Poverty

But the GOP's war on the war on poverty is surprisingly successful Bubba
Pay attention. Half of this country escapes all liability for federal income tax. So how is it that those who do pay taxes are not paying their "fair share" when so many pay nothing at all?

BTW, a fair tax that replaces the income tax is a good way to make sure everyone has skin in the game. The rich buy more, so they pay more taxes, but nobody dodges their part in paying taxes.
Half the country makes so little fucking money that they don't even reach the threshold to pay taxes

THAT should be your gripe....not how to we soak more money out of these people
That's because half the country are lazy Democrats that want us to support them...

Obamanomics work real well, don't they???
What we are seeing is the end result of Supply Side economics......the lasting legacy of Ronald Reagan

A situation where money has been focused on the wealthiest Americans while working Americans were left to whither on the vine
No. What we are seeing is socialist economics. The lasting legacy of lazy ass Americans that get paid to sit on their asses and bitch about what other people are forced to give them for doing nothing. A country where one used to be proud to work... has been turned into a country where people who work are ridiculed by the people who don't.

Oh yes...typical conservative claim that half of America is dumb and lazy

Meanwhile our productivity is among the highest levels in the world, American workers work more hours, have less vacation and retire later

And have less to show for it

I agree on many fronts.

Whose fault is that ?
Gop's economic policy of outsourcing, importing h1b's, slashing college grants and breaking up unions is why the war on poverty failed. Must be something else to laugh all the way to the bank as you fuck this country and still get half of all people to vote for you.
Sure, it's NOT Gov't policy that favors the "job creators", just lazy people!
Then why can't you feed your kids???

So no, YOU can't think beyond a bumper sticker. Got it
So you can't discuss the fact that my tax dollars go to failed programs...

Got it.

True, Iraq and tax cuts for the rich, failed MISERABLY



Thank you for demonstrating that your war on poverty is failing.

Can I assist you?
Welfare Hits Record Levels After 50 Years of War on Poverty

You can tell him to get food stamps so he can feed his kids :).
That's because half the country are lazy Democrats that want us to support them...

Obamanomics work real well, don't they???
What we are seeing is the end result of Supply Side economics......the lasting legacy of Ronald Reagan

A situation where money has been focused on the wealthiest Americans while working Americans were left to whither on the vine
People are so polarized that they dont realize that a hybrid Socialism/Capitalism concept is the best model.

Best model for what ?

That is the issue.....not everybody wants the same thing.

The one thing I will give the far left credit for is being able to be arrogant against a backdrop of blatant stupidity.
Doesnt matter if everyone doesnt want the same thing. Its the best model because its a compromise. The one thing I can give you credit for is amazing stupidity in your effort to play both sides of the fence.

We all know how compromise works for both sides.

We are living in a world of compromise.

I don't play either side.....moron.

And thanks for pointing out that it's really the best model for you. You can't defend it.
Make up your mind. Either a comprimise works or it doesnt. Stop waffling and take a stand.

Actually a strictly capitalistic would be best for me personally. However I think of everyone not just myself.....moron.

It needs no defense. Your thoughts on the issue have no bearing on mine.
Gop's economic policy of outsourcing, importing h1b's, slashing college grants and breaking up unions is why the war on poverty failed. Must be something else to laugh all the way to the bank as you fuck this country and still get half of all people to vote for you.

Yep, Clinton and those GOP policies.

I wonder why Clinton was so popular ?
PLEASE keep showing why the GOP is the party for the minority's. Much appreciated

Ironic statement and picture. I guess you don't know the KKK was started by the Democrats. The joke is on you. LoL

Ironic YOU don't know it was the SOUTHERN CONServative CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa that had/is the KKK , you know TODAY'S GOP BASE!!

Hint Dems and GOP switched several times since 1900, you know??? lol
Another fool we need to educate. Racists democrats switching to the party that was founded in order to free the slaves would never do that. Democrats were liberals. Do you claim Al Gore Sr was not a liberal. J William Fulbright, Clinton's mentor, Dixiecrat and opposed the Vietnam War wasn't a liberal? Republicans, conservative or otherwise, were never supportive of Slavery or against Civil Rights like the two Democrat liberal's I just mentioned.

Slavery, KKK and Jim Crow are your heritage. Own up Ito it and work to change the nature of your party that wants to control the lives of coming up with Obamacare. See...your party hasn't changed in 100s of years.

Good little right winger, conflating ideology with party, lol

Refuting a Republican Canard: ‘The KKK Is Democratic’


Refuting a Republican Canard: ‘The KKK Is Democratic’ at Faith and Heritage


Then why can't you feed your kids???

So no, YOU can't think beyond a bumper sticker. Got it
So you can't discuss the fact that my tax dollars go to failed programs...

Got it.

True, Iraq and tax cuts for the rich, failed MISERABLY



Thank you for demonstrating that your war on poverty is failing.

Can I assist you?
Welfare Hits Record Levels After 50 Years of War on Poverty

You can tell him to get food stamps so he can feed his kids :).
Then how can he buy his booze and crack?
Schools should not provide ANY food for kids. The kids should get breakfast at home and the parents should give them a sack lunch to take to school. White parents are fine with that but minority parents don't want the hassle and expense of feeding their own kids.

Federal Government Looking to Feed Public School Students 3 Meals Per Day Year Round

sep 4 2015Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Tuesday that his agency is looking for “creative ways” to give public school students access to more meals, including a way to provide them breakfast, lunch and dinner year round.

“We have focused on efforts to try to figure out ways in which we can expand in those time periods when youngsters may not have access to school meals,” Vilsack said in remarks at the liberal Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. That includes giving students access to meals “across the school day, across the school year and across the calendar year,” he said
Those kids need a lunch.

But 3 meals???'s like the Democrat think that the parents aren't feeding them.

I remember the Dems saying the kids are too fat at the same time.

Jesus Christ!!!

The OP, like the link from the "Christian News Service" is a distortion, try reading it with honesty!
Fuck you dickwad.

I simply stated my position.
Gop's economic policy of outsourcing, importing h1b's, slashing college grants and breaking up unions is why the war on poverty failed. Must be something else to laugh all the way to the bank as you fuck this country and still get half of all people to vote for you.

Yep, Clinton and those GOP policies.

I wonder why Clinton was so popular ?

Increased taxes on the rich, and created 4 surpluses, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $700 billion tax cut? Didn't take US to UNFUNDED wars or create an economic disaster?

Tell me the GOP policies did it right, we see that with Dubya/GOP had COMPLETE control right?
People are so polarized that they dont realize that a hybrid Socialism/Capitalism concept is the best model.

Best model for what ?

That is the issue.....not everybody wants the same thing.

The one thing I will give the far left credit for is being able to be arrogant against a backdrop of blatant stupidity.
Doesnt matter if everyone doesnt want the same thing. Its the best model because its a compromise. The one thing I can give you credit for is amazing stupidity in your effort to play both sides of the fence.

We all know how compromise works for both sides.

We are living in a world of compromise.

I don't play either side.....moron.

And thanks for pointing out that it's really the best model for you. You can't defend it.
Make up your mind. Either a comprimise works or it doesnt. Stop waffling and take a stand.

Actually a strictly capitalistic would be best for me personally. However I think of everyone not just myself.....moron.

It needs no defense. Your thoughts on the issue have no bearing on mine.

That's because you really have no "thoughts" on anything. Your just blather the bedtime story your mother told you last night.

Compromise either words or it doesn't ?????? What a great statement.
Of course I have thoughts. You just are too young to understand them.

Looks like you have issues with reading too. Were you held back?
So no, YOU can't think beyond a bumper sticker. Got it
So you can't discuss the fact that my tax dollars go to failed programs...

Got it.

True, Iraq and tax cuts for the rich, failed MISERABLY



Thank you for demonstrating that your war on poverty is failing.

Can I assist you?
Welfare Hits Record Levels After 50 Years of War on Poverty

You can tell him to get food stamps so he can feed his kids :).
Then how can he buy his booze and crack?

If that's the best the right has, you Klown in the GOP are NEVER going to win a national election again Bubs. Good job
Schools should not provide ANY food for kids. The kids should get breakfast at home and the parents should give them a sack lunch to take to school. White parents are fine with that but minority parents don't want the hassle and expense of feeding their own kids.

Federal Government Looking to Feed Public School Students 3 Meals Per Day Year Round

sep 4 2015Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Tuesday that his agency is looking for “creative ways” to give public school students access to more meals, including a way to provide them breakfast, lunch and dinner year round.

“We have focused on efforts to try to figure out ways in which we can expand in those time periods when youngsters may not have access to school meals,” Vilsack said in remarks at the liberal Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. That includes giving students access to meals “across the school day, across the school year and across the calendar year,” he said
Those kids need a lunch.

But 3 meals???'s like the Democrat think that the parents aren't feeding them.

I remember the Dems saying the kids are too fat at the same time.

Jesus Christ!!!

The OP, like the link from the "Christian News Service" is a distortion, try reading it with honesty!
Fuck you dickwad.

I simply stated my position.

Wrongly. Yep
Pay attention. Half of this country escapes all liability for federal income tax. So how is it that those who do pay taxes are not paying their "fair share" when so many pay nothing at all?

BTW, a fair tax that replaces the income tax is a good way to make sure everyone has skin in the game. The rich buy more, so they pay more taxes, but nobody dodges their part in paying taxes.
Half the country makes so little fucking money that they don't even reach the threshold to pay taxes

THAT should be your gripe....not how to we soak more money out of these people
That's because half the country are lazy Democrats that want us to support them...

Obamanomics work real well, don't they???
What we are seeing is the end result of Supply Side economics......the lasting legacy of Ronald Reagan

A situation where money has been focused on the wealthiest Americans while working Americans were left to whither on the vine
No. What we are seeing is socialist economics. The lasting legacy of lazy ass Americans that get paid to sit on their asses and bitch about what other people are forced to give them for doing nothing. A country where one used to be proud to work... has been turned into a country where people who work are ridiculed by the people who don't.

Oh yes...typical conservative claim that half of America is dumb and lazy

Meanwhile our productivity is among the highest levels in the world, American workers work more hours, have less vacation and retire later

And have less to show for it
I never said half were dumb and lazy. You're a fucking liar.

Yes productivity of people who ACTUALLY WORK IS HIGH.

More hours? Meh.. we work what we want to work.

Less vacation? Huh?

Retire? Why would we want to retire... oh that's right you want to live off the income of your grandchildren.

Less to show for it? Huh? Maybe you, but that's because you're a democrat laborer... you know.. one of those losers.
Half the country makes so little fucking money that they don't even reach the threshold to pay taxes

THAT should be your gripe....not how to we soak more money out of these people
That's because half the country are lazy Democrats that want us to support them...

Obamanomics work real well, don't they???
What we are seeing is the end result of Supply Side economics......the lasting legacy of Ronald Reagan

A situation where money has been focused on the wealthiest Americans while working Americans were left to whither on the vine
No. What we are seeing is socialist economics. The lasting legacy of lazy ass Americans that get paid to sit on their asses and bitch about what other people are forced to give them for doing nothing. A country where one used to be proud to work... has been turned into a country where people who work are ridiculed by the people who don't.

Oh yes...typical conservative claim that half of America is dumb and lazy

Meanwhile our productivity is among the highest levels in the world, American workers work more hours, have less vacation and retire later

And have less to show for it

I agree on many fronts.

Whose fault is that ?
The fault is that the American worker has nobody in his corner. They are kept scared and worried about their jobs. As long as you can be replaced, you will not stand up for your rights. Unions are almost gone, government will not stand up for you, workers are expected to pay more for healthcare, education and retirement
Then why can't you feed your kids???

So no, YOU can't think beyond a bumper sticker. Got it
So you can't discuss the fact that my tax dollars go to failed programs...

Got it.

True, Iraq and tax cuts for the rich, failed MISERABLY



Thank you for demonstrating that your war on poverty is failing.

Can I assist you?
Welfare Hits Record Levels After 50 Years of War on Poverty

You can tell him to get food stamps so he can feed his kids :).

Would you support giving everyone food stamps that makes less then 50k/year? It is the least you could do.
That's because half the country are lazy Democrats that want us to support them...

Obamanomics work real well, don't they???
What we are seeing is the end result of Supply Side economics......the lasting legacy of Ronald Reagan

A situation where money has been focused on the wealthiest Americans while working Americans were left to whither on the vine
No. What we are seeing is socialist economics. The lasting legacy of lazy ass Americans that get paid to sit on their asses and bitch about what other people are forced to give them for doing nothing. A country where one used to be proud to work... has been turned into a country where people who work are ridiculed by the people who don't.

Oh yes...typical conservative claim that half of America is dumb and lazy

Meanwhile our productivity is among the highest levels in the world, American workers work more hours, have less vacation and retire later

And have less to show for it

I agree on many fronts.

Whose fault is that ?
The fault is that the American worker has nobody in his corner. They are kept scared and worried about their jobs. As long as you can be replaced, you will not stand up for your rights. Unions are almost gone, government will not stand up for you, workers are expected to pay more for healthcare, education and retirement
The American worker has libertarians in their corner. But the American voter is to busy voting for or against abortion to care about anything else.
Half the country makes so little fucking money that they don't even reach the threshold to pay taxes

THAT should be your gripe....not how to we soak more money out of these people
That's because half the country are lazy Democrats that want us to support them...

Obamanomics work real well, don't they???
What we are seeing is the end result of Supply Side economics......the lasting legacy of Ronald Reagan

A situation where money has been focused on the wealthiest Americans while working Americans were left to whither on the vine
No. What we are seeing is socialist economics. The lasting legacy of lazy ass Americans that get paid to sit on their asses and bitch about what other people are forced to give them for doing nothing. A country where one used to be proud to work... has been turned into a country where people who work are ridiculed by the people who don't.

Oh yes...typical conservative claim that half of America is dumb and lazy

Meanwhile our productivity is among the highest levels in the world, American workers work more hours, have less vacation and retire later

And have less to show for it
I never said half were dumb and lazy. You're a fucking liar.

Yes productivity of people who ACTUALLY WORK IS HIGH.

More hours? Meh.. we work what we want to work.

Less vacation? Huh?

Retire? Why would we want to retire... oh that's right you want to live off the income of your grandchildren.

Less to show for it? Huh? Maybe you, but that's because you're a democrat laborer... you know.. one of those loosers.

When compared to the rest of the world, we work longer hours, get less time off and must work later in life
American workers are very productive.......however, their slice of the pie is now smaller
Schools should not provide ANY food for kids. The kids should get breakfast at home and the parents should give them a sack lunch to take to school. White parents are fine with that but minority parents don't want the hassle and expense of feeding their own kids.

Federal Government Looking to Feed Public School Students 3 Meals Per Day Year Round

sep 4 2015Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Tuesday that his agency is looking for “creative ways” to give public school students access to more meals, including a way to provide them breakfast, lunch and dinner year round.

“We have focused on efforts to try to figure out ways in which we can expand in those time periods when youngsters may not have access to school meals,” Vilsack said in remarks at the liberal Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. That includes giving students access to meals “across the school day, across the school year and across the calendar year,” he said
Those kids need a lunch.

But 3 meals???'s like the Democrat think that the parents aren't feeding them.

I remember the Dems saying the kids are too fat at the same time.

Jesus Christ!!!

The OP, like the link from the "Christian News Service" is a distortion, try reading it with honesty!
Fuck you dickwad.

I simply stated my position.

And you side with the rich man and the Chinese.
That's because half the country are lazy Democrats that want us to support them...

Obamanomics work real well, don't they???
What we are seeing is the end result of Supply Side economics......the lasting legacy of Ronald Reagan

A situation where money has been focused on the wealthiest Americans while working Americans were left to whither on the vine
No. What we are seeing is socialist economics. The lasting legacy of lazy ass Americans that get paid to sit on their asses and bitch about what other people are forced to give them for doing nothing. A country where one used to be proud to work... has been turned into a country where people who work are ridiculed by the people who don't.

Oh yes...typical conservative claim that half of America is dumb and lazy

Meanwhile our productivity is among the highest levels in the world, American workers work more hours, have less vacation and retire later

And have less to show for it
I never said half were dumb and lazy. You're a fucking liar.

Yes productivity of people who ACTUALLY WORK IS HIGH.

More hours? Meh.. we work what we want to work.

Less vacation? Huh?

Retire? Why would we want to retire... oh that's right you want to live off the income of your grandchildren.

Less to show for it? Huh? Maybe you, but that's because you're a democrat laborer... you know.. one of those loosers.

When compared to the rest of the world, we work longer hours, get less time off and must work later in life
American workers are very productive.......however, their slice of the pie is now smaller
ROFL typical piece of shit democrat... gets a 30% raise and bitches that someone else got a 40% raise making their share of the pie smaller. You want a bigger share of the pie? Start your own company dumb ass.

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