Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
Trump also has a thriving clothing and cloth accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
Trump uses imported product in his buildings, ffs, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to back up an absurdity.

The question is not how stupid you are, but if you honestly think others or as stupid as yourself.
Now you want someone to convince you that you are stupid? I want you to take a step back and think about what you just requested.
Cool, I've got you jumping up and down again. ;)
"Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!"

Liberal Progressives, ie 'Socialists', want to 'give' away LOTS of things for 'free' long as THEY do not have to pay for it. The truth about Socialism, as nearly every nation that has ever adopted it and ended up collapsing found out, is that Socialism is GREAT...until you run out of OTHER PEOPLES' money!

Liberals love to talk about how the GOVERNMENT is going to 'pay for it'. The government CAN'T pay for anything. The government doesn't make any money. The government SEIZES money from tax payers - that is how the government 'makes' money and has money to pay for the cr@p it spends money on.

Unlike the LIES Obama told when peddling his Obamacare, no government has EVER created a massive entitlement / spending program that has ever cost NOTHING. No government has EVER created a massive entitlement program that 'paid for itself'.

The nation is TRILLIONS in debt because our budget is created and controlled by a bunch of lawyers / greedy self/party-serving politicians all with one goal in common - to be re-elected. They are supported by Special Interest groups who share that goal - to get them re-elected for what they will get out of it. There is not 1 CPA that looks over the budget and ensures it is efficient and not over budget (how much we collect in taxes). In fact, our politicians have allowed it to be OK for us to spend more than we take in...although none of us could survive or operate our expenses that way.

Despite being trillion in debt, for example, Liberals passed the horrendous Obama Stimulus Plan ,a bill that cost nearly a TRILLION dollars and contained over 7,000 pieces of self-serving DNC-Only PORK. In the end it cost tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB reportedly 'created / saved', and those final numbers were doctored to look better than they were. (One company reported that Obama claimed to have saved more jobs at their company than actual people who worked there.)

'GIVING' people something, 'but not enough to really make a difference', has been Liberal Standard Operating Procedure for decades, resulting in the creation of a class of 'economic slaves' completely dependent on those programs to survive, guaranteeing they will continue to vote for the party that keeps those programs fully funded and coming.

LBJ, for example, was the architect and founder of 'economic slavery'. Liberals opposed Civil Rights, and when it passed they were scared shi'iteless of blacks' growing power. The KKK had failed to 'keep them in their place, so they had to come up with another way to control them. LBJ was quoted as saying:
- "These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO MATTER. I will have these ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

LBJ and Democrats conned the blacks into surrendering their new-found freedom and power to the Democrats in exchange for welfare, food stamps, free gub'ment cheese, Obamaphones...the scraps that fell from the elitist Democrat 'massahs' table. Since the passage of Civil Rights, their loyalty to the Democrats have resulted in almost NO progress at all, arguably even a step back. Unemployment for young blacks - even after 7 years of having a black President - is DOUBLE that of whites. Poverty, deserted / abandoned cities, crime, drugs.... is the legacy Liberals have provided for blacks, ensuring they remain 'economic slaves'. And every election year Liberals engage in fear-mongering, telling blacks that the GOP is going to take away all their welfare, food stamps, ABORTIONS, and other social programs so they had better vote for the Democrats.

Not to worry...the GOVERNMENT / Socialists will pay for it all...with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY....until it runs out and the US collapses the same way EVERY other country that has embraced Socialism has done. It's all good until they run out of other people's money...

word sal·ad
noun: word salad
  1. a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases, specifically (in psychiatry) as a form of speech indicative of advanced schizophrenia.
I would much rather people be independent and pay for their own food.
I would much rather Socialists NOT continue forcibly taking money out of my pocket to pay for Obamaphones and to continue funding their policy / program of 'Economic Slavery'.

As I pointed out, Socialists are all about eliminating everything people rely on except the government. LBJ helped them learn 1st hand that a poor person down on their hands and knees dependent on a government handout is more easily controlled and persuaded to vote for those handing out 'freebies' than is a strong, independent voter. It is not in their best interest t try to make this country and its people strong, successful and independent. Just stop talking / writing for a minute and think about that....It keeps those with the carrots at the ends of the sticks in control and in power.

Wake up, America!
Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
Trump also has a thriving clothing and cloth accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
Trump uses imported product in his buildings, ffs, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to back up an absurdity.

The question is not how stupid you are, but if you honestly think others or as stupid as yourself.
Now you want someone to convince you that you are stupid? I want you to take a step back and think about what you just requested.
I didn't ax for anything. ;)
word sal·ad
noun: word salad
  1. a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases, specifically (in psychiatry) as a form of speech indicative of advanced schizophrenia.

Ah, I see the problem. You are just too uneducated to understand simple concepts and ideas. Product of our 'unenviable' public school system (ie 'indoctrination centers' now), are we? :) lol
It does occur here is the USA and fools like you cause it. It cost us huge amounts of money spent on treating sick children who get sick from not getting proper nutrition. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands of dollars when a child shows up at an emergency room with an illness caused by a kwashiortyor starvation caused illness. This can be anything from pneumonia to kidney failure.

Then make the parents feed their kids instead of letting them spend their (really our) welfare money on drugs and lotto. BTW - any women on welfare who has a kid, should be sterilized. THINK
Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
Trump also has a thriving clothing and cloth accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
Trump uses imported product in his buildings, ffs, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to back up an absurdity.

The question is not how stupid you are, but if you honestly think others or as stupid as yourself.
Now you want someone to convince you that you are stupid? I want you to take a step back and think about what you just requested.
Cool, I've got you jumping up and down again. ;)
Youre the one jumping up and down. It only looks like I'm doing it because you dont realize you are jumping. Did you do what I told you to do and ask yourself why you think someone would waste their time convincing you of your stupidity?
Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
Trump also has a thriving clothing and cloth accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
Trump uses imported product in his buildings, ffs, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to back up an absurdity.

The question is not how stupid you are, but if you honestly think others or as stupid as yourself.
Now you want someone to convince you that you are stupid? I want you to take a step back and think about what you just requested.
I didn't ax for anything. ;)
That may be true but you did request someone convince you of your own stupidity.

  1. a stupid person.
Does that help?
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
Trump also has a thriving clothing and cloth accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
Trump uses imported product in his buildings, ffs, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to back up an absurdity.

The question is not how stupid you are, but if you honestly think others or as stupid as yourself.
Now you want someone to convince you that you are stupid? I want you to take a step back and think about what you just requested.
Cool, I've got you jumping up and down again. ;)
Youre the one jumping up and down. It only looks like I'm doing it because you dont realize you are jumping. Did you do what I told you to do and ask yourself why you think someone would waste their time convincing you of your stupidity?
We know. It's a jungle bunny thing. updownupdownupdown....

It's quaint and cute - for a while.
BTW...any and ALL recipients of Welfare, Food Stamps, Obamaphones, and other govt tax payer-funded programs should HAVE TO take a drug test to receive these benefits. If you have enough money for drugs you obviously have enough money for food, cell phones, etc...
Trump also has a thriving clothing and cloth accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
Trump uses imported product in his buildings, ffs, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to back up an absurdity.

The question is not how stupid you are, but if you honestly think others or as stupid as yourself.
Now you want someone to convince you that you are stupid? I want you to take a step back and think about what you just requested.
Cool, I've got you jumping up and down again. ;)
Youre the one jumping up and down. It only looks like I'm doing it because you dont realize you are jumping. Did you do what I told you to do and ask yourself why you think someone would waste their time convincing you of your stupidity?
We know. It's a jungle bunny thing. updownupdownupdown....

It's quaint and cute - for a while.
Its cave monkey thing and its never cute. I would call it sad. So tell us again how Trump has no overseas business influence and interests.
BTW...any and ALL recipients of Welfare, Food Stamps, Obamaphones, and other govt tax payer-funded programs should HAVE TO take a drug test to receive these benefits. If you have enough money for drugs you obviously have enough money for food, cell phones, etc...
Well at least we can rule out drugs as the cause of your delusions. You do know drugs are not that expensive right?
Trump also has a thriving clothing and cloth accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
Trump uses imported product in his buildings, ffs, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to back up an absurdity.

The question is not how stupid you are, but if you honestly think others or as stupid as yourself.
Now you want someone to convince you that you are stupid? I want you to take a step back and think about what you just requested.
Cool, I've got you jumping up and down again. ;)
Youre the one jumping up and down. It only looks like I'm doing it because you dont realize you are jumping. Did you do what I told you to do and ask yourself why you think someone would waste their time convincing you of your stupidity?
We know. It's a jungle bunny thing. updownupdownupdown....

It's quaint and cute - for a while.
Run away racist.
BTW...any and ALL recipients of Welfare, Food Stamps, Obamaphones, and other govt tax payer-funded programs should HAVE TO take a drug test to receive these benefits. If you have enough money for drugs you obviously have enough money for food, cell phones, etc...
Most of them are children and old people. Plus all the places that have done the drug testing thing have spent stupid amounts of money with insignificant results. Stupid idea still being promoted by the low information crowd.
BTW...any and ALL recipients of Welfare, Food Stamps, Obamaphones, and other govt tax payer-funded programs should HAVE TO take a drug test to receive these benefits. If you have enough money for drugs you obviously have enough money for food, cell phones, etc...
Well at least we can rule out drugs as the cause of your delusions. You do know drugs are not that expensive right?

Delusions? The liberal 'intelligent' equivalence to 'uh-uh'! LOL!
Hey stupid, women do have a choice. They can choose not to get pregnant. Killing an innocent life should never be a choice.

We agree on one thing, enough with the welfare. But as for Walmart's wages, don't like it.... quit!

If you don't want them to get an abortion, you had better offer them a better solution

"Not my problem" is not a better solution

The best solution for not getting pregnant and it's 100 percent guaranteed, is to not have sex.
Telling young people to not have sex is also the least effective form of birth control. They will not listen to your advice. Never have, never will.

My five children did.
The vast majority of children do not have parents that are attentive, dedicated to raising their children, intelligent and loving. Unfortunately many kids lack all those qualities in their parents, and often even when they have parents with all of those qualities they go astray. Lucky for you and your kids, but gloating about you fortunate circumstances and pretending to be better than everyone else is not an attractive quality or trait. So all is not perfect in paradise.

Really the vast majority of children? Surely you can prove that.

I think these kids have parents who have become dependent on the government and no longer have the desire to do anything other than live off others and teach their young the same. It's called "generational welfare" and it's a direct result from Democrat policies.

Gloating? HAHAHA You better look up that word because if you think that was gloating then you are as stupid as your handle.

FTR I'm not pretending to be better than anyone. If I as a single father can raise five children, four girls and a boy, to the age of majority without any of them being locked up or knocked up, then anyone can do it. It's called being a responsible parent and teaching your kids values.
BTW...any and ALL recipients of Welfare, Food Stamps, Obamaphones, and other govt tax payer-funded programs should HAVE TO take a drug test to receive these benefits. If you have enough money for drugs you obviously have enough money for food, cell phones, etc...
Most of them are children and old people. Plus all the places that have done the drug testing thing have spent stupid amounts of money with insignificant results. Stupid idea still being promoted by the low information crowd.

We cut checks out to children? Nah, the govt cuts a lot of checks to many single moms who have more and more kids they really don't care about because each kid means another check. The way to end that Shi'ite is, out of charity' for your failure to plan / stupidity the govt will pay for 1 (ONE) child. In order to get this check you will have go through some education regarding how NOT to let this happen again. After that, if you have any more kids out of wedlock / that you can't afford then YOU pay for them. If you can't the kids will be taken. If you KEEP ON having kids you can't afford, you should be sterilized.
BTW...any and ALL recipients of Welfare, Food Stamps, Obamaphones, and other govt tax payer-funded programs should HAVE TO take a drug test to receive these benefits. If you have enough money for drugs you obviously have enough money for food, cell phones, etc...
Well at least we can rule out drugs as the cause of your delusions. You do know drugs are not that expensive right?

Delusions? The liberal 'intelligent' equivalence to 'uh-uh'! LOL!
You do realize deflections work best when they are not obvious right?. Having enough money for drugs has nothing to do with having enough money for other things. You lack sophistication in your reasoning and your arguments are full of faulty logic.

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