Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

Seems like Michelle Obama is right in wanting schools to serve more nutritious meals

There are more Americans out of work now (approx. 94 MILLION) than any other time in our nation's history...yet Obama recently granted ILLEGAL alien workers the right to compete with those out-of-work Americans for jobs here in the US (even though existing Immigration law made it illegal for Illegals to get jobs in the US).

The black unemployment rate is double that of whites.

...yet Obama continues to bring in thousands of illegals into the US, even teaching them how to sign up for Welfare, food stamps, etc...

There are more people on Food Stamps in this country than at almost any time in this nations history...welfare and other program numbers are in record highs...

Despite vowing not to abandon cities like Detroit, they were left to collapse and are now partially deserted.

Instead of continuing to ramp up our efforts to addict more and more people on Government hand-outs, making them dependent on the government, why don't we work to make them more INDEPENDENT, SELF-SUFFICIENT? WHY don't we try harder to create jobs (and I am not talking about the phony B$ Stimulus Bill that cost nearly a trillion dollars, contained over 7,000 pieces of pork, and ended up costing $742,000 PER JOB created!) Why isn't the 1st black President doing ANYTING for blacks who are suffering such high unemployment numbers, poverty, etc?

Instead of continuing to push LBJ's policy of ECONOMIC SLAVERY why isn't Obama / this government trying to make Americans more independent and successful instead? Oh yeah - the same reason LBJ came up with the idea and the same reason Liberals continue to use it - to ensure votes and that they remain in office.
A successful, independent voter doesn't NEED the government as much as a poor, broke, dependent voter down on his / her knees begging or a handout!
So how do you do that?
Seems like Michelle Obama is right in wanting schools to serve more nutritious meals

There are more Americans out of work now (approx. 94 MILLION) than any other time in our nation's history...yet Obama recently granted ILLEGAL alien workers the right to compete with those out-of-work Americans for jobs here in the US (even though existing Immigration law made it illegal for Illegals to get jobs in the US).

The black unemployment rate is double that of whites.

...yet Obama continues to bring in thousands of illegals into the US, even teaching them how to sign up for Welfare, food stamps, etc...

There are more people on Food Stamps in this country than at almost any time in this nations history...welfare and other program numbers are in record highs...

Despite vowing not to abandon cities like Detroit, they were left to collapse and are now partially deserted.

Instead of continuing to ramp up our efforts to addict more and more people on Government hand-outs, making them dependent on the government, why don't we work to make them more INDEPENDENT, SELF-SUFFICIENT? WHY don't we try harder to create jobs (and I am not talking about the phony B$ Stimulus Bill that cost nearly a trillion dollars, contained over 7,000 pieces of pork, and ended up costing $742,000 PER JOB created!) Why isn't the 1st black President doing ANYTING for blacks who are suffering such high unemployment numbers, poverty, etc?

Instead of continuing to push LBJ's policy of ECONOMIC SLAVERY why isn't Obama / this government trying to make Americans more independent and successful instead? Oh yeah - the same reason LBJ came up with the idea and the same reason Liberals continue to use it - to ensure votes and that they remain in office.
A successful, independent voter doesn't NEED the government as much as a poor, broke, dependent voter down on his / her knees begging or a handout!

There are more Americans (330 million) than any time in history...what does that have to do with feeding hungry kids?

Dad2three should have his taxes raised immediately since he's all in favor of big brother doing the job of parents.

Your vote against helping hungry kids noted Bubs
The facts belie your entire premise. There are not any "starving kids"....
This idea which is by the way dead on arrival, is nothing more than a political ploy.
If these kids were starving to death why then is child obesity such an issue among the ones in the poorest families?
Child obesity does not indicate the absence of starvation. Marasmus starvation is the visible type of starvation. It is caused by the lack of calories of any type and creates the super skinny visions that we are used to seeing in starvation cases. Kwashiortyor starvation is the lack of nutrients that cause organ breakdowns and a slower less identifiable starvation. Both are fatal.
Oh please. None of which exists here in the US....
Cut the crap.
Feel free to write a check though. Or buy the food yourself.
In a typical community, property owners are spending about 15% of their net household income on taxes which go directly to public education.....How much more do you want? 30%? 50%? 75%?......Where does it end?
And don't give this shit about "investing in our kid's future"....
Why are you not looking to parental responsibility?
It does occur here is the USA and fools like you cause it. It cost us huge amounts of money spent on treating sick children who get sick from not getting proper nutrition. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands of dollars when a child shows up at an emergency room with an illness caused by a kwashiortyor starvation caused illness. This can be anything from pneumonia to kidney failure.

States where the most children go hungry

I'm guessing the people that claim children in the US dont go hungry have never volunteered at a food kitchen.
There are more Americans (330 million) than any time in history...what does that have to do with feeding hungry kids?.
If Liberals put their effort into making Americans more successful and IN-dependent instead of continuing with LBJ's program of 'Economic Slavery' - keeping Americans poor and addicted to govt handouts - then people could afford to feed their own kids. if Obama had done ANYTHING to help the blacks out, to reduce the extremely high unemployment rate, to do anything to help their status get better then maybe they would have to be feeding their out of work parents' kids 3 times a day every day. Keeping them poor and dependent on the govt, as I said though, keeps them voting Democrats!
There are more Americans (330 million) than any time in history...what does that have to do with feeding hungry kids?.
If Liberals put their effort into making Americans more successful and IN-dependent instead of continuing with LBJ's program of 'Economic Slavery' - keeping Americans poor and addicted to govt handouts - then people could afford to feed their own kids. if Obama had done ANYTHING to help the blacks out, to reduce the extremely high unemployment rate, to do anything to help their status get better then maybe they would have to be feeding their out of work parents' kids 3 times a day every day. Keeping them poor and dependent on the govt, as I said though, keeps them voting Democrats!
I'm Black and Obama has helped me increase my networth in the midst of a recession started by cons.
There are more Americans (330 million) than any time in history...what does that have to do with feeding hungry kids?.
If Liberals put their effort into making Americans more successful and IN-dependent instead of continuing with LBJ's program of 'Economic Slavery' - keeping Americans poor and addicted to govt handouts - then people could afford to feed their own kids. if Obama had done ANYTHING to help the blacks out, to reduce the extremely high unemployment rate, to do anything to help their status get better then maybe they would have to be feeding their out of work parents' kids 3 times a day every day. Keeping them poor and dependent on the govt, as I said though, keeps them voting Democrats!

senseless screed
"There are more Americans (330 million) than any time in history...what does that have to do with feeding hungry kids?" rw #782
Think statistically.
The bell-curve doesn't change all that radically from decade to decade.
The hungriest, least well nourished in the population, by nutrient sufficiency, by calorie intake; that's whatever percent of the population it is; 3% 7%, whatever it is.

As the population total increases, that 3% or 7% is more numerous.
There are more Americans (330 million) than any time in history...what does that have to do with feeding hungry kids?.
If Liberals put their effort into making Americans more successful and IN-dependent instead of continuing with LBJ's program of 'Economic Slavery' - keeping Americans poor and addicted to govt handouts - then people could afford to feed their own kids. if Obama had done ANYTHING to help the blacks out, to reduce the extremely high unemployment rate, to do anything to help their status get better then maybe they would have to be feeding their out of work parents' kids 3 times a day every day. Keeping them poor and dependent on the govt, as I said though, keeps them voting Democrats!
Your thoughts on this topic are delusional and based on talking point propaganda. People don't want to be poor. They are addicted to government handouts because without them they would be living in horrid conditions and suffering from hunger and preventable illnesses. Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
I'm Black and Obama has helped me increase my networth in the midst of a recession started by cons.
Someone has to pay for those EBT and welfare increases, but that obviously doesn't bother you.
Why would it bother me paying for EBT and welfare increases? I make good money so you can survive without going hungry.
We believe you of course. Now, more great jungle bunny civilizations please.
I'm Black and Obama has helped me increase my networth in the midst of a recession started by cons.

I am very glad you are doing well; however, as I pointed out, you are misled about who started the recession.

Liberals claim that the slide in the economy began in the later half of Bush's last term in office. I would agree with that, especially since it was the Democratic Party who owned a Super majority control in Congress and who controlled the nation's purse strings Bush's last 2 years in Office, on into the 1st 2 years of Obama's 1st administration.

Liberals blame Bush's 'wars' for the slip in the so? 'Bush's Wars' had been going on for nearly 6 full years prior to those last 2 years of him being in office, and the economy had not begun to decline all that time. It did not decline until the last 2 years of him being in office. WHAT CHANGED? It was the Democratic Party taking over control of Congress and the nation's 'purse strings' those last two years!

Up until the last 2 years of Bush's time in office, with a Congress NOT Controlled fully by Democrats, Bush had racked up approx. 2 1/2 Trillion in debt after 6 years in office. (That is almost a THIRD of Obama's debt in only 4 years!) In the last 2 years of him being in office, with Democrats controlling Congress that amount soared up to (still only) $4 trillion after 8 Years! And, again, With a DNC-Controlled Congress (just like Bush had his last 2 years), at the end of 4 years Obama had racked up a record-setting $6+ TRILLION in national debt! In one proverbial shot OBAMA (not Bush) added nearly $1 trillion in debt with the passage of his failed Stimulus bill (Nearly $1 trillion/7,000 pieces of DNC tax-payer-funded pork/$742,000 PER job created / saved) in a declining economy almost as soon as he entered office!

So your regurgitation of the Liberal talking points about hos it was the Conservatives and Bush who wrecked the economy and added all the debt amounts to brainwashing and lies.
Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
You just exposed your ignorance. I bet you wish you could take this post back. ^^^^^
I'm Black and Obama has helped me increase my networth in the midst of a recession started by cons.
Someone has to pay for those EBT and welfare increases, but that obviously doesn't bother you.
Why would it bother me paying for EBT and welfare increases? I make good money so you can survive without going hungry.
We believe you of course. Now, more great jungle bunny civilizations please.
Who is we? The voices in your head are not real people Meathead.

Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
Trump also has a thriving clothing and clothing accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
Your thoughts on this topic are delusional and based on talking point propaganda. People don't want to be poor. They are addicted to government handouts because without them they would be living in horrid conditions and suffering from hunger and preventable illnesses. Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.

People want to be taken care of and often go the path of least resistance. LBJ knew that people love handouts and that blacks would take the offered freebies, especially if Democrats sold them by saying blacks were OWED these things because they were all victims who DESERVED to be paid back with 'free stuff'. LBJ turned out to be right! The brainwashing 'victim' status and addicting them and others to 'free' handouts have done their jobs - it keeps people voting Democrat.

You also seem to like waving Romney and Trumps names around, as if no Democrat business man has gotten rich by sending jobs over seas. LOL! If you think only conservatives have $crewed the American people, betraying them for the almighty dollar (taking BILLIONS from Special interest groups) then you are a 'special kind of stupid...which I do NOT think you are!
Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
Trump also has a thriving clothing and cloth accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
This should tell you all you need to know about meathead.

  1. a stupid person.
Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
Trump also has a thriving clothing and cloth accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
Trump uses imported product in his buildings, ffs, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to back up an absurdity.

The question is not how stupid you are, that's obvious, rather if you honestly think others or as stupid as yourself.
Romney and Trump didn't get rich by conspiring with the government to send jobs overseas to make Americans poor and dependent on the government for survival. They got rich sending jobs overseas to take advantage of low cost and slave labor to make themselves obscenely rich and didn't care how it effected Americans. And to think, those guys got tax breaks and loopholes for doing that. They sent away the jobs and now they have suckers like you to blame the people they took the jobs away from for creating the mess.
How does someone who primary business is American real estate send jobs overseas. If you're going to be a knee-jerk hack, at least cover your ass from the obvious.
Trump also has a thriving clothing and cloth accessories business. Those products are made overseas, particularly China and Mexico. In addition he uses imported building products, many of which could be purchased in the US. The riches he brags about come at least partially from his savings from using overseas vendors to provide things as simple as steel and windows, electrical sockets and wire.
Trump uses imported product in his buildings, ffs, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to back up an absurdity.

The question is not how stupid you are, but if you honestly think others or as stupid as yourself.
Now you want someone to convince you that you are stupid? I want you to take a step back and think about what you just requested.

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