Democrats Want to Stop Testimony That Clears Trump

A career CIA guy and then your ad hom attack without a pinch of ANY back up sourcing Cupcake :(
The backup is public knowledge. He went in front of Congress and testified that the intelligence agencies were not gathering data on Americans as a whole, and that was a big fat lie, The fact the Obama appointed him is beyond dispute, that alone is sufficient cause to not believe a thing he says.

K Cupcake NOW show he was lying about the Cheeto?

Let's compare buttercup:

President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally
So here are the numbers for the president’s first 100 days.

492: The number of false or misleading claims made by the president. That’s an average of 4.9 claims a day.

10: Number of days without a single false claim. (On six of those days, the president golfed at a Trump property.)

5: Number of days with 20 or more false claims. (Feb. 16, Feb. 28, March 20, April 21 and April 29, his 100th day in office.)

While the president is known to make outrageous claims on Twitter — and that was certainly a major source of his falsehoods — he made most of his false statements in unscripted remarks before reporters. (Interviews were another major source of false claims.) That’s because the president would rely on talking points or assertions that he had made in the past — and continued to make, even though they had been fact-checked as wrong.

This makes Trump somewhat unique among politicians. Many will drop a false claim after it has been deemed false. But Trump just repeats the same claim over and over.


Analysis | President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally

What does all this bullshit have to do with your claim we can believe anything Brennan has to say?

It boils down to CREDIBILITY cupcake, who to "believe" the Cheeto and his criminal cartel or the FBI :)

The FBI certainly hasn't showered itself in glory when it comes to issues like integrity and honesty. Trump is far more trustworthy.




"Brennan said, adding that he did not see proof of collusion before he left office on Jan. 20, but “felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well-founded and needed to look into those issues.”
In other words, no evidence.

Good job Cupcake, you get what INVESTIGATIONS are about, you know collecting evidence to be used criminally against the Cheeto's cartel

I know that so far you Trump hating douche bags have no evidence. So far your attempt to use the investigation to divert attention from your utter lack of evidence has been a complete failure.

...These investigations, however, can be broken down into three categories:

  • First, the intertwined Justice Department investigation, now led by a special counsel, into the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia and, reportedly, the possible cover-up.
  • Second, the investigations led by the (GOP) House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which are broadly looking at Russian intervention in the 2016 election.

  • Third, the (GOP) Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been looking into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conduct specifically — and have recently expanded their inquiry to the circumstances surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

What’s under investigation: Officially, special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who is now leading the inquiry, is investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as crimes that may take place during the course of the investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation.

Here’s every Trump-Russia investigation happening now


In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.
First a crime would have to have been committed, and no one has been able to say what the crime is.

We know Flynn lied n his security clearance. Kushner lied on his security clearance. Flynn lied to FBI investigators. Just the lies from the run-up and cover-up are more than enough proof of crimes.

That's not a criminal offense, douche nozzle. Omissions on security clearances happen every day of the week, and no one gets arrested.

Flynn apparently failed to disclose his Russian income when he renewed his U.S. government security clearance in 2016. If that omission was willful, it could be a felony.


Is the GOP getting serious about the Russia investigation?


We know Flynn lied n his security clearance. Kushner lied on his security clearance. Flynn lied to FBI investigators. Just the lies from the run-up and cover-up are more than enough proof of crimes.

That's not a criminal offense, douche nozzle. Omissions on security clearances happen every day of the week, and no one gets arrested.

When those omissions deal with contact with enemy agents, those folks do five years in prison.

Lie on the SF-86 then go to jail - KeepYourClearance

Lie on the SF-86 then go to jail

Jeffrey F. Bohn, a U.S. immigration officer who lives in Riverview, Florida, sought a security clearance in June 2010 and failed to disclose an alleged sexual relationship with a foreign national on the SF-86. Bohn whet on to avoid disclosing the alleged relationship three more times while being questioned by federal background investigators. Now he faces four charges of lying to the government. He could face up to five years in prison for each charge. More than five years later, his case still is pending.

Consequences of Lying or Withholding Information During a Background Investigation - ClearanceJobs

When filling out the Questionnaire for National Security Positions (SF-86) there is a section right after the instructions that you have to acknowledge as having read. It states: “I have read the instructions and I understand that if I withhold, misrepresent, or falsify information on this form, I am subject to the penalties for inaccurate or false statement (per U.S. Criminal Code, Title 18, section 1001),

"Brennan said, adding that he did not see proof of collusion before he left office on Jan. 20, but “felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well-founded and needed to look into those issues.”
In other words, no evidence.

Good job Cupcake, you get what INVESTIGATIONS are about, you know collecting evidence to be used criminally against the Cheeto's cartel

I know that so far you Trump hating douche bags have no evidence. So far your attempt to use the investigation to divert attention from your utter lack of evidence has been a complete failure.

...These investigations, however, can be broken down into three categories:

  • First, the intertwined Justice Department investigation, now led by a special counsel, into the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia and, reportedly, the possible cover-up.
  • Second, the investigations led by the (GOP) House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which are broadly looking at Russian intervention in the 2016 election.

  • Third, the (GOP) Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been looking into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conduct specifically — and have recently expanded their inquiry to the circumstances surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

What’s under investigation: Officially, special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who is now leading the inquiry, is investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as crimes that may take place during the course of the investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation.

Here’s every Trump-Russia investigation happening now


In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.

You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
We know Flynn lied n his security clearance. Kushner lied on his security clearance. Flynn lied to FBI investigators. Just the lies from the run-up and cover-up are more than enough proof of crimes.

That's not a criminal offense, douche nozzle. Omissions on security clearances happen every day of the week, and no one gets arrested.

When those omissions deal with contact with enemy agents, those folks do five years in prison.

Lie on the SF-86 then go to jail - KeepYourClearance

Lie on the SF-86 then go to jail

Jeffrey F. Bohn, a U.S. immigration officer who lives in Riverview, Florida, sought a security clearance in June 2010 and failed to disclose an alleged sexual relationship with a foreign national on the SF-86. Bohn whet on to avoid disclosing the alleged relationship three more times while being questioned by federal background investigators. Now he faces four charges of lying to the government. He could face up to five years in prison for each charge. More than five years later, his case still is pending.

Consequences of Lying or Withholding Information During a Background Investigation - ClearanceJobs

When filling out the Questionnaire for National Security Positions (SF-86) there is a section right after the instructions that you have to acknowledge as having read. It states: “I have read the instructions and I understand that if I withhold, misrepresent, or falsify information on this form, I am subject to the penalties for inaccurate or false statement (per U.S. Criminal Code, Title 18, section 1001),
Russia is officially not an enemy of the United States, you fucking moron.
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA
Democrats want to run on a never ending investigation into nothing...

Apparently they really don't want to get to the bottom of this.......

Like the Benghazi investigations?
at least that was based on "something" other than hate.

carter page
roger stone

these are (2) names the Dems openly cite as sources for the Trump-Russia collusion. Both WANT to testify, neither want immunity and don't need a subpoena - yet here we are.

the left keeps saying SEVENTEEN AGENCIES!!!! cause likely 17 is a lot bigger than 3, ergo, more credible. anyone ever look up all 17 agencies that "verified" this action? 3 would have something to do with it, 14 would not. the coast guard? dept of energy? please people.

why not let these men speak and let the truth come out? the dems use their name but don't let them speak about it.

something tells me the left would not sit still for this being done to them but watch 'em go.
Democrats have been exposed.
In other words, no evidence.

Good job Cupcake, you get what INVESTIGATIONS are about, you know collecting evidence to be used criminally against the Cheeto's cartel

I know that so far you Trump hating douche bags have no evidence. So far your attempt to use the investigation to divert attention from your utter lack of evidence has been a complete failure.

...These investigations, however, can be broken down into three categories:

  • First, the intertwined Justice Department investigation, now led by a special counsel, into the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia and, reportedly, the possible cover-up.
  • Second, the investigations led by the (GOP) House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which are broadly looking at Russian intervention in the 2016 election.

  • Third, the (GOP) Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been looking into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conduct specifically — and have recently expanded their inquiry to the circumstances surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

What’s under investigation: Officially, special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who is now leading the inquiry, is investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as crimes that may take place during the course of the investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation.

Here’s every Trump-Russia investigation happening now


In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.

You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA
There is no proof the Democrats are trying to stop Page from testifying. You are parroting manufactured bullshit made up by Fox News.

Just like Trump. He saw that bullshit on Fox News, and then parroted the lie in a tweet minutes later. The man is fucking stupid beyond belief.

And so are you.
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA
Democrats want to run on a never ending investigation into nothing...

Apparently they really don't want to get to the bottom of this.......

Like the Benghazi investigations?
Benghazi actually happened. Men really died. The Great Russian Caper was made up completely.

9 investigations showed nothing wrong was done. 9-11 happened too and at least 700 times more people died than did at Benghazi.

This Russian thing is real. But you are just dumb enough to believe a man who defrauded people out of millions is the most honest man ever.

The Russian Thing has no evidence.
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA
Democrats want to run on a never ending investigation into nothing...

Apparently they really don't want to get to the bottom of this.......

Like the Benghazi investigations?
at least that was based on "something" other than hate.

carter page
roger stone

these are (2) names the Dems openly cite as sources for the Trump-Russia collusion. Both WANT to testify, neither want immunity and don't need a subpoena - yet here we are.

the left keeps saying SEVENTEEN AGENCIES!!!! cause likely 17 is a lot bigger than 3, ergo, more credible. anyone ever look up all 17 agencies that "verified" this action? 3 would have something to do with it, 14 would not. the coast guard? dept of energy? please people.

why not let these men speak and let the truth come out? the dems use their name but don't let them speak about it.

something tells me the left would not sit still for this being done to them but watch 'em go.
Democrats have been exposed.

gosh. this MUST be true. hes also with the young turks.

"Brennan said, adding that he did not see proof of collusion before he left office on Jan. 20, but “felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well-founded and needed to look into those issues.”
In other words, no evidence.

Good job Cupcake, you get what INVESTIGATIONS are about, you know collecting evidence to be used criminally against the Cheeto's cartel

I know that so far you Trump hating douche bags have no evidence. So far your attempt to use the investigation to divert attention from your utter lack of evidence has been a complete failure.
Yes BEN-GHA-ZI was a witch hunt.

...These investigations, however, can be broken down into three categories:

  • First, the intertwined Justice Department investigation, now led by a special counsel, into the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia and, reportedly, the possible cover-up.
  • Second, the investigations led by the (GOP) House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which are broadly looking at Russian intervention in the 2016 election.

  • Third, the (GOP) Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been looking into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conduct specifically — and have recently expanded their inquiry to the circumstances surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

What’s under investigation: Officially, special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who is now leading the inquiry, is investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as crimes that may take place during the course of the investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation.

Here’s every Trump-Russia investigation happening now


In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.
Let me try this again for the slow people.

Dems control nothing. You lose
So you don't care about the truth, only political power. Got it.

I didn't mention "Truth" and that wasn't the topic.

Dems cant stop anything since they don't control anything. You lose.
No you lose. When they are in full control you lose. When they are the monority they still control Washington and you lose. A Republican Congress is just a slowing of the process of destruction.

Dems aren't in full control so they cant stop anything. You lose.
So why the fuck is it news and why are socialist members of House even talking about it?

Just because it's news doesn't mean the demo suddenly have control over the house or senate. The demo control nothing so they can't stop anything. You lose.
Good job Cupcake, you get what INVESTIGATIONS are about, you know collecting evidence to be used criminally against the Cheeto's cartel

I know that so far you Trump hating douche bags have no evidence. So far your attempt to use the investigation to divert attention from your utter lack of evidence has been a complete failure.

...These investigations, however, can be broken down into three categories:

  • First, the intertwined Justice Department investigation, now led by a special counsel, into the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia and, reportedly, the possible cover-up.
  • Second, the investigations led by the (GOP) House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which are broadly looking at Russian intervention in the 2016 election.

  • Third, the (GOP) Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been looking into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conduct specifically — and have recently expanded their inquiry to the circumstances surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

What’s under investigation: Officially, special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who is now leading the inquiry, is investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as crimes that may take place during the course of the investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation.

Here’s every Trump-Russia investigation happening now


In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.

You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

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