Democrats Want to Stop Testimony That Clears Trump

Will Robert Mueller want him? That is the one that counts!
Can only imagine the frustration Mueller will have when he comes to the realization that accusations are nothing more than a smear campaign by Democrats and their media confederates.
Mueller will call it what it is, when he is done with this.. I think Democrats are going to fear what Mueller is going to say in the end more than what trump might do..

Inside sources say that there is no fire and little or no smoke in the so called Russia investigation against Trump already.. They have sifted through major portions of the evidence and there is talk now of charging several Obama administration individuals with violations of the espionage act for leaking secret information, illegal spying, warrant-less surveillance and unmasking.

This thing is flipping on democrats in a bad way.. and its about to bite them hard in the ass.. How long before they call for the Special Counsel to be recalled?

I have to laugh at this delusion.
Not only is FOX news reporting this now, so are MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.. and they are all in stunned disbelief that their comrades are now the focus of the investigation.. Priceless..

Sorry cupcake, perhaps look at WHO the subpoena's went too?


Seven subpoenas issued in House Russia probe


....Nunes' role in the issuing of subpoenas has been a sore point behind the scenes in the House investigation ever since he announced he was recusing himself from leading the Russia investigation.

The three subpoenas for information about Rice, Brennan and Power's roles in revealing names reflects Nunes' public statements wanting more information about who may have unveiled the names of Trump transition aides caught on US-monitored lines talking with foreign officials.

Nunes has unilateral authority on the House intelligence committee to issue subpoenas, although the committee's rules recommend he consult with the top Democrat as well, who is currently Schiff.

"If the reports are accurate, subpoenas related to the 'unmasking' issue would have been sent by Nunes acting separately from the committee's Russia investigation," said a senior aide on the committee. "This action would have been taken without the Democrats' agreement. Any prior requests for information would have been undertaken without the Democrats' knowledge."
Devin Nunes remains powerful force in House Russia probe -

Because the three fuckheads in question broke the law by outing people to help Hillary. But nothing was there.
Dems aren't in full control so they cant stop anything. You lose.
So why the fuck is it news and why are socialist members of House even talking about it?

Just because it's news doesn't mean the demo suddenly have control over the house or senate. The demo control nothing so they can't stop anything. You lose.
Anyone with any brains at all knows that in a Totalitarian government absolute control of the media is essential.
The Democrats control over 90% of our media.
You lose.....
Clinton Russia connection explains hack. There own damn fault. Greed got them.
Podesta Received $35 Million From Russia While Advising Clinton And Obama

So no you can't explain the reason Flynn NEEDED to disclose his payments but Podesta didn't cupcake?

Can only imagine the frustration Mueller will have when he comes to the realization that accusations are nothing more than a smear campaign by Democrats and their media confederates.
Mueller will call it what it is, when he is done with this.. I think Democrats are going to fear what Mueller is going to say in the end more than what trump might do..

Inside sources say that there is no fire and little or no smoke in the so called Russia investigation against Trump already.. They have sifted through major portions of the evidence and there is talk now of charging several Obama administration individuals with violations of the espionage act for leaking secret information, illegal spying, warrant-less surveillance and unmasking.

This thing is flipping on democrats in a bad way.. and its about to bite them hard in the ass.. How long before they call for the Special Counsel to be recalled?

I have to laugh at this delusion.
Not only is FOX news reporting this now, so are MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.. and they are all in stunned disbelief that their comrades are now the focus of the investigation.. Priceless..

Sorry cupcake, perhaps look at WHO the subpoena's went too?


Seven subpoenas issued in House Russia probe


....Nunes' role in the issuing of subpoenas has been a sore point behind the scenes in the House investigation ever since he announced he was recusing himself from leading the Russia investigation.

The three subpoenas for information about Rice, Brennan and Power's roles in revealing names reflects Nunes' public statements wanting more information about who may have unveiled the names of Trump transition aides caught on US-monitored lines talking with foreign officials.

Nunes has unilateral authority on the House intelligence committee to issue subpoenas, although the committee's rules recommend he consult with the top Democrat as well, who is currently Schiff.

"If the reports are accurate, subpoenas related to the 'unmasking' issue would have been sent by Nunes acting separately from the committee's Russia investigation," said a senior aide on the committee. "This action would have been taken without the Democrats' agreement. Any prior requests for information would have been undertaken without the Democrats' knowledge."
Devin Nunes remains powerful force in House Russia probe -

Because the three fuckheads in question broke the law by outing people to help Hillary. But nothing was there.

Sure cupcake, sure.. MORE Bengazzzzzzzi type BS from you Klowns :(
Hey sour dough bread...Podesta and Clinton Foundation opened their shit up to Rusdia and got hacked. Flynn did whatever he did. After he assumed office the commander in chief found out he lied...and shit canned him like a good boss should.
...These investigations, however, can be broken down into three categories:

  • First, the intertwined Justice Department investigation, now led by a special counsel, into the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia and, reportedly, the possible cover-up.
  • Second, the investigations led by the (GOP) House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which are broadly looking at Russian intervention in the 2016 election.

  • Third, the (GOP) Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been looking into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conduct specifically — and have recently expanded their inquiry to the circumstances surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

What’s under investigation: Officially, special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who is now leading the inquiry, is investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as crimes that may take place during the course of the investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation.

Here’s every Trump-Russia investigation happening now


In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.

You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:
Remember when Hillary lied about the millions she took from the Russians during the Uranium sale? Stop being a dumb ass, cupcake.

Gawd you ignorant tools need to get off the right wing infotainment BS Cupcake
Hillary Clinton 'gave up' 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia?
Mueller will call it what it is, when he is done with this.. I think Democrats are going to fear what Mueller is going to say in the end more than what trump might do..

Inside sources say that there is no fire and little or no smoke in the so called Russia investigation against Trump already.. They have sifted through major portions of the evidence and there is talk now of charging several Obama administration individuals with violations of the espionage act for leaking secret information, illegal spying, warrant-less surveillance and unmasking.

This thing is flipping on democrats in a bad way.. and its about to bite them hard in the ass.. How long before they call for the Special Counsel to be recalled?

I have to laugh at this delusion.
Not only is FOX news reporting this now, so are MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.. and they are all in stunned disbelief that their comrades are now the focus of the investigation.. Priceless..

Sorry cupcake, perhaps look at WHO the subpoena's went too?


Seven subpoenas issued in House Russia probe


....Nunes' role in the issuing of subpoenas has been a sore point behind the scenes in the House investigation ever since he announced he was recusing himself from leading the Russia investigation.

The three subpoenas for information about Rice, Brennan and Power's roles in revealing names reflects Nunes' public statements wanting more information about who may have unveiled the names of Trump transition aides caught on US-monitored lines talking with foreign officials.

Nunes has unilateral authority on the House intelligence committee to issue subpoenas, although the committee's rules recommend he consult with the top Democrat as well, who is currently Schiff.

"If the reports are accurate, subpoenas related to the 'unmasking' issue would have been sent by Nunes acting separately from the committee's Russia investigation," said a senior aide on the committee. "This action would have been taken without the Democrats' agreement. Any prior requests for information would have been undertaken without the Democrats' knowledge."
Devin Nunes remains powerful force in House Russia probe -

Because the three fuckheads in question broke the law by outing people to help Hillary. But nothing was there.

Sure cupcake, sure.. MORE Bengazzzzzzzi type BS from you Klowns :(
Sure shit sandwich. This will all blow up on Obama people. Lmfao.
In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.

You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:
Remember when Hillary lied about the millions she took from the Russians during the Uranium sale? Stop being a dumb ass, cupcake.

Gawd you ignorant tools need to get off the right wing infotainment BS Cupcake
Hillary Clinton 'gave up' 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia?
Sure turd burger. The real crimes were by Obama people.
Can only imagine the frustration Mueller will have when he comes to the realization that accusations are nothing more than a smear campaign by Democrats and their media confederates.
Mueller will call it what it is, when he is done with this.. I think Democrats are going to fear what Mueller is going to say in the end more than what trump might do..

Inside sources say that there is no fire and little or no smoke in the so called Russia investigation against Trump already.. They have sifted through major portions of the evidence and there is talk now of charging several Obama administration individuals with violations of the espionage act for leaking secret information, illegal spying, warrant-less surveillance and unmasking.

This thing is flipping on democrats in a bad way.. and its about to bite them hard in the ass.. How long before they call for the Special Counsel to be recalled?

I have to laugh at this delusion.
Not only is FOX news reporting this now, so are MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.. and they are all in stunned disbelief that their comrades are now the focus of the investigation.. Priceless..

Sorry cupcake, perhaps look at WHO the subpoena's went too?


Seven subpoenas issued in House Russia probe


....Nunes' role in the issuing of subpoenas has been a sore point behind the scenes in the House investigation ever since he announced he was recusing himself from leading the Russia investigation.

The three subpoenas for information about Rice, Brennan and Power's roles in revealing names reflects Nunes' public statements wanting more information about who may have unveiled the names of Trump transition aides caught on US-monitored lines talking with foreign officials.

Nunes has unilateral authority on the House intelligence committee to issue subpoenas, although the committee's rules recommend he consult with the top Democrat as well, who is currently Schiff.

"If the reports are accurate, subpoenas related to the 'unmasking' issue would have been sent by Nunes acting separately from the committee's Russia investigation," said a senior aide on the committee. "This action would have been taken without the Democrats' agreement. Any prior requests for information would have been undertaken without the Democrats' knowledge."
Devin Nunes remains powerful force in House Russia probe -

Because the three fuckheads in question broke the law by outing people to help Hillary. But nothing was there.

So you're like the typical rightard and don't understand how intel works? Got it Cupcake
Mueller will call it what it is, when he is done with this.. I think Democrats are going to fear what Mueller is going to say in the end more than what trump might do..

Inside sources say that there is no fire and little or no smoke in the so called Russia investigation against Trump already.. They have sifted through major portions of the evidence and there is talk now of charging several Obama administration individuals with violations of the espionage act for leaking secret information, illegal spying, warrant-less surveillance and unmasking.

This thing is flipping on democrats in a bad way.. and its about to bite them hard in the ass.. How long before they call for the Special Counsel to be recalled?

I have to laugh at this delusion.
Not only is FOX news reporting this now, so are MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.. and they are all in stunned disbelief that their comrades are now the focus of the investigation.. Priceless..

Sorry cupcake, perhaps look at WHO the subpoena's went too?


Seven subpoenas issued in House Russia probe


....Nunes' role in the issuing of subpoenas has been a sore point behind the scenes in the House investigation ever since he announced he was recusing himself from leading the Russia investigation.

The three subpoenas for information about Rice, Brennan and Power's roles in revealing names reflects Nunes' public statements wanting more information about who may have unveiled the names of Trump transition aides caught on US-monitored lines talking with foreign officials.

Nunes has unilateral authority on the House intelligence committee to issue subpoenas, although the committee's rules recommend he consult with the top Democrat as well, who is currently Schiff.

"If the reports are accurate, subpoenas related to the 'unmasking' issue would have been sent by Nunes acting separately from the committee's Russia investigation," said a senior aide on the committee. "This action would have been taken without the Democrats' agreement. Any prior requests for information would have been undertaken without the Democrats' knowledge."
Devin Nunes remains powerful force in House Russia probe -

Because the three fuckheads in question broke the law by outing people to help Hillary. But nothing was there.

So you're like the typical rightard and don't understand how intel works? Got it Cupcake
Socialist got nothing on Trump. Got it cum cake?
Hey sour dough bread...Podesta and Clinton Foundation opened their shit up to Rusdia and got hacked. Flynn did whatever he did. After he assumed office the commander in chief found out he lied...and shit canned him like a good boss should.


Donald Trump 'wants to bring Michael Flynn back to the White House'
Trump would like rehire Flynn after the Russia probe, sources say
Donald Trump 'wants to bring Michael Flynn back to the White House'
I have to laugh at this delusion.
Not only is FOX news reporting this now, so are MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.. and they are all in stunned disbelief that their comrades are now the focus of the investigation.. Priceless..

Sorry cupcake, perhaps look at WHO the subpoena's went too?


Seven subpoenas issued in House Russia probe


....Nunes' role in the issuing of subpoenas has been a sore point behind the scenes in the House investigation ever since he announced he was recusing himself from leading the Russia investigation.

The three subpoenas for information about Rice, Brennan and Power's roles in revealing names reflects Nunes' public statements wanting more information about who may have unveiled the names of Trump transition aides caught on US-monitored lines talking with foreign officials.

Nunes has unilateral authority on the House intelligence committee to issue subpoenas, although the committee's rules recommend he consult with the top Democrat as well, who is currently Schiff.

"If the reports are accurate, subpoenas related to the 'unmasking' issue would have been sent by Nunes acting separately from the committee's Russia investigation," said a senior aide on the committee. "This action would have been taken without the Democrats' agreement. Any prior requests for information would have been undertaken without the Democrats' knowledge."
Devin Nunes remains powerful force in House Russia probe -

Because the three fuckheads in question broke the law by outing people to help Hillary. But nothing was there.

Sure cupcake, sure.. MORE Bengazzzzzzzi type BS from you Klowns :(
Sure shit sandwich. This will all blow up on Obama people. Lmfao.

Yeah, like Bengazzzzzzi got Hil right Cupcake? LMAOROG
In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.

You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:
Remember when Hillary lied about the millions she took from the Russians during the Uranium sale? Stop being a dumb ass, cupcake.

Gawd you ignorant tools need to get off the right wing infotainment BS Cupcake
Hillary Clinton 'gave up' 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia?
Your link confirms she approved the deal. Thanks. So what exactly did the Clintons do to earn half a million dollars from a Russian group involved in the uranium deal? I keep asking, but no one seems to know.
You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:
Remember when Hillary lied about the millions she took from the Russians during the Uranium sale? Stop being a dumb ass, cupcake.

Gawd you ignorant tools need to get off the right wing infotainment BS Cupcake
Hillary Clinton 'gave up' 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia?
Your link confirms she approved the deal. Thanks. So what exactly did the Clintons do to earn half a million dollars from a Russian group involved in the uranium deal? I keep asking, but no one seems to know.

YOUR LIE NOTED CUPCAKE, Her state department, like 8 other agencies didn't object liar :)
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:
Remember when Hillary lied about the millions she took from the Russians during the Uranium sale? Stop being a dumb ass, cupcake.

Gawd you ignorant tools need to get off the right wing infotainment BS Cupcake
Hillary Clinton 'gave up' 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia?
Your link confirms she approved the deal. Thanks. So what exactly did the Clintons do to earn half a million dollars from a Russian group involved in the uranium deal? I keep asking, but no one seems to know.

YOUR LIE NOTED CUPCAKE, Her state department, like 8 other agencies didn't object liar :)
That is the definition of approving. Are you retarded?

What did Clinton do to earn all that money from the Russians?
What relation is what you claim Hillary Clinton got paid for to working with Russians to subvert an election?
Watch the LIBs in the Congressional investigation attempt to prevent Page and Stone from publicly testifying.
Watch the leader of the REPs in the committee subpoena them.
Watch the blood come out of the LIB's eyes when NOTHING is shown to incriminate these two men.
What relation is what you claim Hillary Clinton got paid for to working with Russians to subvert an election?
So you have no idea why the Russian group involved in the uranium deal cut the Clintons a check for $500,000?

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