Democrats Want to Stop Testimony That Clears Trump

Suspect in Portland double murder posted white supremacist material online

Expert: The key to understanding the alleged Portland killer? His white supremacy.

“It’s not the first time you’ve seen someone…get violent when they hit white supremacy.”

“Free speech or die, Portland, you got no ‘safe place!’” Christian shouted as he entered the courtroom, possibly referencing the right-wing backlash against safe spaces on college campuses. “Death to the enemies of America! Leave this country if you hate our freedom!”


“Death to Antifa!” he continued, mentioning the antifascist movement that has clashed, sometimes violently, with racist protesters in recent months. “You call it terrorism, I call it patriotism… Die!”

Expert: The key to understanding the alleged Portland killer? His white supremacy.


Christian posted frequently on Facebook, often expressing violently Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, and white supremacist views.

According to his posts, he was a passionate Bernie Sanders supporter who later supported, but did not vote for, President Trump. He frequently posted violent threats against Hillary Clinton and her supporters.

This past April, on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Christian wrote a Facebook post praising bomber Timothy McVeigh as a "true patriot."

Here's What We Know About The Suspect In The Portland Train Stabbing Attack
So Bernie attracts white supremacists. What is your point?

Sure cupcake :bsflag:
You posted a BS flag. Not sure what you are whining about .

That by and large the racist pricks were following Cheeto Cupcake? And no reasonable person expects a white nationalist, anti immigrant hate monger to be ANYTHING but a right winger. Sure a few liked Bernies call to go to war on Corps/Fascist pigs of the 1%/GOPers

Wrong, you fucking douche nozzle:

Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter

Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter

Jeremy Joseph Christian, the 35-year-old Portland man who allegedly murdered two men and left another critically wounded while yelling anti-Muslim slurs in a knife attack on Friday, has been painted by the mainstream media as a “right-wing extremist,” but posts on his Facebook page indicate he was a supporter of socialist Senator Bernie Sanders and Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

According to screen captures of his Facebook page obtained by Buzzfeed, Christian was not a Trump supporter, as many media outlets claimed, but was a supporter of the idea of a Sanders/Stein ticket.


Screen capture from Facebook

After the election, Christian made a point of posting to Facebook that he did not vote for Trump, that couldn’t bring himself to.


Screen capture from Facebook

He was unambiguous about his dislike for Hillary Clinton and his admiration for Sanders.

Shocking cupcake, yes the RIGHT WING racist white nationalist supported the Bernie, like I already pointed out Cupcake. Now WHY? Though he also supported Cheeto Cupcake!

WHY? Oh right Bernie's dislike of Corp Power and GOP Fascist pricks like you buttercup :)
So Bernie attracts white supremacists. What is your point?

Sure cupcake :bsflag:
You posted a BS flag. Not sure what you are whining about .

That by and large the racist pricks were following Cheeto Cupcake? And no reasonable person expects a white nationalist, anti immigrant hate monger to be ANYTHING but a right winger. Sure a few liked Bernies call to go to war on Corps/Fascist pigs of the 1%/GOPers

Wrong, you fucking douche nozzle:

Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter

Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter

Jeremy Joseph Christian, the 35-year-old Portland man who allegedly murdered two men and left another critically wounded while yelling anti-Muslim slurs in a knife attack on Friday, has been painted by the mainstream media as a “right-wing extremist,” but posts on his Facebook page indicate he was a supporter of socialist Senator Bernie Sanders and Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

According to screen captures of his Facebook page obtained by Buzzfeed, Christian was not a Trump supporter, as many media outlets claimed, but was a supporter of the idea of a Sanders/Stein ticket.


Screen capture from Facebook

After the election, Christian made a point of posting to Facebook that he did not vote for Trump, that couldn’t bring himself to.


Screen capture from Facebook

He was unambiguous about his dislike for Hillary Clinton and his admiration for Sanders.

Shocking cupcake, yes the RIGHT WING racist white nationalist supported the Bernie, like I already pointed out Cupcake. Now WHY? Though he also supported Cheeto Cupcake!

WHY? Oh right Bernie's dislike of Corp Power and GOP Fascist pricks like you buttercup :)

So a guy who supports Bernie and Jill Stein is a right winger?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
...These investigations, however, can be broken down into three categories:

  • First, the intertwined Justice Department investigation, now led by a special counsel, into the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia and, reportedly, the possible cover-up.
  • Second, the investigations led by the (GOP) House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which are broadly looking at Russian intervention in the 2016 election.

  • Third, the (GOP) Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been looking into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conduct specifically — and have recently expanded their inquiry to the circumstances surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

What’s under investigation: Officially, special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who is now leading the inquiry, is investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as crimes that may take place during the course of the investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation.

Here’s every Trump-Russia investigation happening now


In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.

You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:

What "money" are you talking about, Koch sucker?

Buttercup check out WHY Flynn supported Ru$$ia and his failure (lie) to report the earnings.....

In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.

You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:

What "money" are you talking about, Koch sucker?

Buttercup check out WHY Flynn supported Ru$$ia and his failure (lie) to report the earnings.....


It's old news, Koch sucker.
Suspect in Portland double murder posted white supremacist material online

Expert: The key to understanding the alleged Portland killer? His white supremacy.

“It’s not the first time you’ve seen someone…get violent when they hit white supremacy.”

“Free speech or die, Portland, you got no ‘safe place!’” Christian shouted as he entered the courtroom, possibly referencing the right-wing backlash against safe spaces on college campuses. “Death to the enemies of America! Leave this country if you hate our freedom!”


“Death to Antifa!” he continued, mentioning the antifascist movement that has clashed, sometimes violently, with racist protesters in recent months. “You call it terrorism, I call it patriotism… Die!”

Expert: The key to understanding the alleged Portland killer? His white supremacy.


Christian posted frequently on Facebook, often expressing violently Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, and white supremacist views.

According to his posts, he was a passionate Bernie Sanders supporter who later supported, but did not vote for, President Trump. He frequently posted violent threats against Hillary Clinton and her supporters.

This past April, on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Christian wrote a Facebook post praising bomber Timothy McVeigh as a "true patriot."

Here's What We Know About The Suspect In The Portland Train Stabbing Attack
So Bernie attracts white supremacists. What is your point?

Sure cupcake :bsflag:
You posted a BS flag. Not sure what you are whining about .

That by and large the racist pricks were following Cheeto Cupcake? And no reasonable person expects a white nationalist, anti immigrant hate monger to be ANYTHING but a right winger. Sure a few liked Bernies call to go to war on Corps/Fascist pigs of the 1%/GOPers

His Facebook page indicates he supported Bernie and Jill Stein. He definitely didn't like Trump, so you're totally full of shit.

He brought a baseball bat to the march to assault left-wing protestors with, which was later confiscated by police.

Throughout the march, he reportedly shouted racial slurs and "Hail Vinland," gave the Nazi salute, and raved about being a nihilist.

Christian posted frequently on Facebook, often expressing violently Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, and white supremacist views.

This past April, on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Christian wrote a Facebook post praising bomber Timothy McVeigh as a "true patriot."

According to his posts, he was a passionate Bernie Sanders supporter who later supported, but did not vote for, President Trump. He frequently posted violent threats against Hillary Clinton and her supporters.



Here's What We Know About The Suspect In The Portland Train Stabbing Attack

Yeah sounds like a lefty Cupcake :)
Sure cupcake :bsflag:
You posted a BS flag. Not sure what you are whining about .

That by and large the racist pricks were following Cheeto Cupcake? And no reasonable person expects a white nationalist, anti immigrant hate monger to be ANYTHING but a right winger. Sure a few liked Bernies call to go to war on Corps/Fascist pigs of the 1%/GOPers

Wrong, you fucking douche nozzle:

Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter

Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter

Jeremy Joseph Christian, the 35-year-old Portland man who allegedly murdered two men and left another critically wounded while yelling anti-Muslim slurs in a knife attack on Friday, has been painted by the mainstream media as a “right-wing extremist,” but posts on his Facebook page indicate he was a supporter of socialist Senator Bernie Sanders and Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

According to screen captures of his Facebook page obtained by Buzzfeed, Christian was not a Trump supporter, as many media outlets claimed, but was a supporter of the idea of a Sanders/Stein ticket.


Screen capture from Facebook

After the election, Christian made a point of posting to Facebook that he did not vote for Trump, that couldn’t bring himself to.


Screen capture from Facebook

He was unambiguous about his dislike for Hillary Clinton and his admiration for Sanders.

Shocking cupcake, yes the RIGHT WING racist white nationalist supported the Bernie, like I already pointed out Cupcake. Now WHY? Though he also supported Cheeto Cupcake!

WHY? Oh right Bernie's dislike of Corp Power and GOP Fascist pricks like you buttercup :)

So a guy who supports Bernie and Jill Stein is a right winger?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Douche, he's an ANTI Corp guy





You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:

What "money" are you talking about, Koch sucker?

Buttercup check out WHY Flynn supported Ru$$ia and his failure (lie) to report the earnings.....


It's old news, Koch sucker.

Weird Cupcake you don't know about the money Flynn made and didn't report from Russia? What's that about snowflake?
...These investigations, however, can be broken down into three categories:

  • First, the intertwined Justice Department investigation, now led by a special counsel, into the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia and, reportedly, the possible cover-up.
  • Second, the investigations led by the (GOP) House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which are broadly looking at Russian intervention in the 2016 election.

  • Third, the (GOP) Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been looking into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conduct specifically — and have recently expanded their inquiry to the circumstances surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

What’s under investigation: Officially, special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who is now leading the inquiry, is investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as crimes that may take place during the course of the investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation.

Here’s every Trump-Russia investigation happening now


In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.

You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:

What "money" are you talking about, Koch sucker?

Sorry Cupcake, I forgot in Alt Right world they use lots of fake news

Here Cupcake:

Flynn likely broke the law by failing to disclose payments from Russia, Turkey, lawmakers say
Flynn likely broke the law by failing to disclose payments from Russia, Turkey, lawmakers say
Christian was all over the place politically. Why? Because he was a fucking whack job. Very pro Sanders in many posts. Threatened to kill Hillary and Trump in others.
Every day DT looks and acts more and more guilty with Russia.
You literally have to be a Trump brown shirt to deny it.
In other words we have an investigation looking for a crime. That's a perfect description of a witch hunt.

You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:

What "money" are you talking about, Koch sucker?

Sorry Cupcake, I forgot in Alt Right world they use lots of fake news

Here Cupcake:

Flynn likely broke the law by failing to disclose payments from Russia, Turkey, lawmakers say
Flynn likely broke the law by failing to disclose payments from Russia, Turkey, lawmakers say

And to date no charges have been filed against Flynn because he didn't break any laws. It's not illegal to lobby for foreign governments.

As a matter of fact both Tony and John Podesta were getting paid by the Russians. Tony during the campaign was lobbying for sanctrions to be lifted from Russia's #1 bank.

That's what makes this Trump & Russia so called collusion fairytale such a bad fucking joke.
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA
Will Robert Mueller want him? That is the one that counts!
Can only imagine the frustration Mueller will have when he comes to the realization that accusations are nothing more than a smear campaign by Democrats and their media confederates.
Mueller will call it what it is, when he is done with this.. I think Democrats are going to fear what Mueller is going to say in the end more than what trump might do..

Inside sources say that there is no fire and little or no smoke in the so called Russia investigation against Trump already.. They have sifted through major portions of the evidence and there is talk now of charging several Obama administration individuals with violations of the espionage act for leaking secret information, illegal spying, warrant-less surveillance and unmasking.

This thing is flipping on democrats in a bad way.. and its about to bite them hard in the ass.. How long before they call for the Special Counsel to be recalled?

I have to laugh at this delusion.
You mean the CRIME we already know about, Russia interfering US elections Cupcake AND Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushie LYING to get security clearances buttercup NOW we have The Cheeto trying to interfere with the investigation by firing the FBI head?

Next couple months is gonna be fun buttercup :dance:
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:

What "money" are you talking about, Koch sucker?

Sorry Cupcake, I forgot in Alt Right world they use lots of fake news

Here Cupcake:

Flynn likely broke the law by failing to disclose payments from Russia, Turkey, lawmakers say
Flynn likely broke the law by failing to disclose payments from Russia, Turkey, lawmakers say

And to date no charges have been filed against Flynn because he didn't break any laws. It's not illegal to lobby for foreign governments.

As a matter of fact both Tony and John Podesta were getting paid by the Russians. Tony during the campaign was lobbying for sanctrions to be lifted from Russia's #1 bank.

That's what makes this Trump & Russia so called collusion fairytale such a bad fucking joke.

Flynn IS trying to work out a deaL where he can get immunity for his testimony and he is thinking about pleading the 5th.

This thing hasn't even really started yet. And its going to be a long process.

OBTW the thing about Carter Page which you guys have exaggerated, is about gathering up more evidence and calling him in later.
So you don't care about the truth, only political power. Got it.

I didn't mention "Truth" and that wasn't the topic.

Dems cant stop anything since they don't control anything. You lose.
No you lose. When they are in full control you lose. When they are the monority they still control Washington and you lose. A Republican Congress is just a slowing of the process of destruction.

Dems aren't in full control so they cant stop anything. You lose.
So why the fuck is it news and why are socialist members of House even talking about it?

Just because it's news doesn't mean the demo suddenly have control over the house or senate. The demo control nothing so they can't stop anything. You lose.
Anyone with any brains at all knows that in a Totalitarian government absolute control of the media is essential.
The Democrats control over 90% of our media.
You lose.....
Are you talking about the Bernie fan, nut job in Portland? Hardly far right. Does anyone know why the Bernie supporter went bat shit crazy?

Suspect in Portland double murder posted white supremacist material online

Expert: The key to understanding the alleged Portland killer? His white supremacy.

“It’s not the first time you’ve seen someone…get violent when they hit white supremacy.”

“Free speech or die, Portland, you got no ‘safe place!’” Christian shouted as he entered the courtroom, possibly referencing the right-wing backlash against safe spaces on college campuses. “Death to the enemies of America! Leave this country if you hate our freedom!”


“Death to Antifa!” he continued, mentioning the antifascist movement that has clashed, sometimes violently, with racist protesters in recent months. “You call it terrorism, I call it patriotism… Die!”

Expert: The key to understanding the alleged Portland killer? His white supremacy.


Christian posted frequently on Facebook, often expressing violently Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, and white supremacist views.

According to his posts, he was a passionate Bernie Sanders supporter who later supported, but did not vote for, President Trump. He frequently posted violent threats against Hillary Clinton and her supporters.

This past April, on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Christian wrote a Facebook post praising bomber Timothy McVeigh as a "true patriot."

Here's What We Know About The Suspect In The Portland Train Stabbing Attack
So Bernie attracts white supremacists. What is your point?

Sure cupcake :bsflag:
You posted a BS flag. Not sure what you are whining about .

That by and large the racist pricks were following Cheeto Cupcake? And no reasonable person expects a white nationalist, anti immigrant hate monger to be ANYTHING but a right winger. Sure a few liked Bernies call to go to war on Corps/Fascist pigs of the 1%/GOPers
The race card. More space taken up by 72 point font.
I didn't mention "Truth" and that wasn't the topic.

Dems cant stop anything since they don't control anything. You lose.
No you lose. When they are in full control you lose. When they are the monority they still control Washington and you lose. A Republican Congress is just a slowing of the process of destruction.

Dems aren't in full control so they cant stop anything. You lose.
So why the fuck is it news and why are socialist members of House even talking about it?

Just because it's news doesn't mean the demo suddenly have control over the house or senate. The demo control nothing so they can't stop anything. You lose.
Anyone with any brains at all knows that in a Totalitarian government absolute control of the media is essential.
The Democrats control over 90% of our media.
You lose.....
Big Brother likes Doublethink.
There is no crime labeled "interfering in US elections, shit for brains. Also, omissions an a security clearance application are not criminal. Firing Comey does not constitute obstruction of justice.

All you accusations are based on pure ignorance.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Sorry Comrade Cupcake, among MANY things that happened according to the FBI, IS HACKING Buttercup :)

If you PURPOSEFULLY LIE about MONEY received from FOREIGN Gov't Buttercup, pretty sure it's a FELONY, and no JUST firing Comey doesn't buttercup, but MUCH, MUCH more has seemed to happen, see the current SPECIAL COUNSEL IS INVOLVED :fu:

What "money" are you talking about, Koch sucker?

Sorry Cupcake, I forgot in Alt Right world they use lots of fake news

Here Cupcake:

Flynn likely broke the law by failing to disclose payments from Russia, Turkey, lawmakers say
Flynn likely broke the law by failing to disclose payments from Russia, Turkey, lawmakers say

And to date no charges have been filed against Flynn because he didn't break any laws. It's not illegal to lobby for foreign governments.

As a matter of fact both Tony and John Podesta were getting paid by the Russians. Tony during the campaign was lobbying for sanctrions to be lifted from Russia's #1 bank.

That's what makes this Trump & Russia so called collusion fairytale such a bad fucking joke.

Flynn IS trying to work out a deaL where he can get immunity for his testimony and he is thinking about pleading the 5th.

This thing hasn't even really started yet. And its going to be a long process.

OBTW the thing about Carter Page which you guys have exaggerated, is about gathering up more evidence and calling him in later.
Evidence of what? Flynn lawyers making smart move. Why not?
Will Robert Mueller want him? That is the one that counts!
Can only imagine the frustration Mueller will have when he comes to the realization that accusations are nothing more than a smear campaign by Democrats and their media confederates.
Mueller will call it what it is, when he is done with this.. I think Democrats are going to fear what Mueller is going to say in the end more than what trump might do..

Inside sources say that their is no fire and little or no smoke in the so called Russia investigation against Trump already.. They have sifted through major portions of the evidence and there is talk now of charging several Obama administration individuals with violations of the espionage act for leaking secret information, illegal spying, warrant-less surveillance and unmasking.

This thing is flipping on democrats in a bad way.. and its about to bite them hard in the ass..


Too Funny: You all can't deal with the fact that Obama was illegally surveillancing Trump and was using that information as a weapon in an attempt to give Hillary the election. Now it is about to be exposed officially and people will go to jail for it... Liberals in major panic mode is going to be priceless to watch..

More fake news from the right like Bengazzzzzzzi, what's sad is sooooo many right wingers will "believe" that BS Cupcake

7 Supeona's severed this AM... On senior Obama white-house staff and the CIA, NSA, and FBI Demanding all information on unmasking and warrant-less surveillance..

Told you it was coming.......... Cupcake....

Mueller is now going after violations of the Espionage Act..

FOX news reporting..
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA
Will Robert Mueller want him? That is the one that counts!
Can only imagine the frustration Mueller will have when he comes to the realization that accusations are nothing more than a smear campaign by Democrats and their media confederates.
Mueller will call it what it is, when he is done with this.. I think Democrats are going to fear what Mueller is going to say in the end more than what trump might do..

Inside sources say that there is no fire and little or no smoke in the so called Russia investigation against Trump already.. They have sifted through major portions of the evidence and there is talk now of charging several Obama administration individuals with violations of the espionage act for leaking secret information, illegal spying, warrant-less surveillance and unmasking.

This thing is flipping on democrats in a bad way.. and its about to bite them hard in the ass.. How long before they call for the Special Counsel to be recalled?

I have to laugh at this delusion.
Not only is FOX news reporting this now, so are MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.. and they are all in stunned disbelief that their comrades are now the focus of the investigation.. Priceless..

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