Democrats Want to Stop Testimony That Clears Trump

To men murdered, trying to defend 2 teen age girls from a far right nut case, one man was a republican vet with 4 children ,. the other was a left lean college student. there political choices did not stop them from trying to doing the right thing. inflaming the crazy's from either side of the isle make you complicit with any deaths or damage.

The guy was a leftwinger, moron.

I know you ain't got it socks.:fu:

CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

“I was worried by a number of the contacts that the Russians had with U.S. persons,” Brennan said, adding that he did not see proof of collusion before he left office on Jan. 20, but “felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well-founded and needed to look into those issues.”


CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

The intelligence community report on Russian activities in the 2016 election

This is the declassified version of the intelligence community's report on Russian activities and elections in the November election


The intelligence community report on Russian activities in the 2016 election

Top U.S. intelligence official: Russia meddled in election by hacking, spreading of propaganda

Clapper said the intelligence community stands “more resolutely” than ever behind its assessment — first publicly announced on Oct. 7 — officially accusing the Kremlin’s “senior-most” officials of orchestrating a campaign of interference in the 2016 election.


Top U.S. intelligence official: Russia meddled in election by hacking, spreading of propaganda

Former NSA director says Russia was involved in 2016 election
Former NSA director says Russia was involved in 2016 election

and yet:

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: I’ve Seen No Evidence of Collusion with Russia

"Former CIA Director John Brennan testified on Tuesday that after viewing all of the evidence that was available to him on the Russia probe he is not aware of any collusion between Russia and members of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
Brennan made that characterization more than once during his sworn testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

In one case, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), asked Brennan specifically:

Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy, between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors at the time you learned of 2016 efforts?

Brennan replied that he was aware of “contacts” between Russian officials and U.S. citizens involved in the Trump campaign, but he was not aware of any evidence of collusion."

you got nothing.

Ex-CIA chief John Brennan: Russians contacted Trump campaign
....Brennan cautioned lawmakers that although he could not definitively say if those contacts amounted to "collusion," he knew that Russians were actively cultivating US contacts and, very likely, did not present themselves as Russian spies.

Ex-CIA chief John Brennan: Russians contacted Trump campaign -


he could not definitively say if those contacts amounted to "collusion," he knew that Russians were actively cultivating US contacts and, very likely, did not present themselves as Russian spies.

So, he couldn't say anything. so again, you got nothing punk! still got



"Brennan said, adding that he did not see proof of collusion before he left office on Jan. 20, but “felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well-founded and needed to look into those issues.”
In other words, no evidence.
See Democrats case against Trump below...

See Democrats case against Trump above...
6 from Tramp's staff had 18 undisclosed trips to Russia BEFORE the election.
Keep lyin to youself there's " nothing there."
Over what period of time?

Oh...and where's the damn link?

If it's the Washington Compost or the failing New York Times it's pure bullshit.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

so? explain the crime or you got:


Don't understand how INVESTIGATIONS of criminal activities work cupcake?
They don't work like this obvious witch hunt, Koch sucker.
6 from Tramp's staff had 18 undisclosed trips to Russia BEFORE the election.
Keep lyin to youself there's " nothing there."
Over what period of time?

Oh...and where's the damn link?

If it's the Washington Compost or the failing New York Times it's pure bullshit.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

so? explain the crime or you got:


Don't understand how INVESTIGATIONS of criminal activities work cupcake?
Why don't you put a straw in your cafe latte...that way you can be a Kochsucker.

What Buttercup don't like to know how the criminal justice system works in the USA? Unlike Cheeto's pal's regime, in the USA we investigate THEN prosecute cupcake :banana:
But none of our intel agencies are of your opinion. And I think I trust their judgement far more than a partisan shill like you.
Actually, that is patently false.

NONE of our intel agencies has produced any proof of collusion or obstruction of justice .... period.

Why? you might ask? Because it doesn't exist .... the finest intelligence collection machine in the word, with unfettered access to whatever they wish for six months, and have found NOTHING - nil, nada, zippo, zero, bupkis, not a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g.

If the acknowledging truth makes one a shill, you may call me MR Shill (and my wife Mrs. Shon't).

Right cupcake, our intel agencies lie to US about Cheeto's contacts with his admin too?

Intelligence Chiefs 'Stand More Resolutely' Behind Finding Of Russia Election Hacking

Intelligence agency leaders repeated their determination Thursday that only "the senior most officials" in Russia could have authorized recent hacks into Democratic National Committee and Clinton officials' emails during the presidential election.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper affirmed an Oct. 7 joint statement from 17 intelligence agencies that the Russian government directed the election interference — and went further.

"We stand more resolutely on that statement,"
Clapper said during a Senate Armed Services hearing with the intelligence chiefs into the politically charged issue.

Clapper noted that the intelligence officials would not dive into many more details at this hearing, deferring to a broader, unclassified report on the election interference to be released next week.

Intelligence Chiefs 'Stand More Resolutely' Behind Finding Of Russia Election Hacking

"They stand more resolutely?" Based on what? Do they have any evidence to back up their "stand?"

Clapper is an Obama appointed hack. We have no reason to believe a thing he says.
Over what period of time?

Oh...and where's the damn link?

If it's the Washington Compost or the failing New York Times it's pure bullshit.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

so? explain the crime or you got:


Don't understand how INVESTIGATIONS of criminal activities work cupcake?
Why don't you put a straw in your cafe latte...that way you can be a Kochsucker.

What Buttercup don't like to know how the criminal justice system works in the USA? Unlike Cheeto's pal's regime, in the USA we investigate THEN prosecute cupcake :banana:

First a crime would have to have been committed, and no one has been able to say what the crime is.
Bill Clinton obstructed justice. Lied under oath. Was disbarred.

You managed to bat near ZERO.
Clinton obstructed justice - NOPE, he was found NOT GUILTY
Clinton was disbarred - NOPE - he resigned instead.

Brennan's 25 years with the CIA included work as a Near East and South Asia analyst, as station chief in Saudi Arabia, and as director of the National Counterterrorism Center. After leaving government service in 2005, Brennan became CEO of The Analysis Corporation, a security consulting business, and served as chairman of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance, an association of intelligence professionals

John O. Brennan - Wikipedia

What do you imagine that proves, that he isn't a liar? That obama didn't appoint him?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

A career CIA guy and then your ad hom attack without a pinch of ANY back up sourcing Cupcake :(
The backup is public knowledge. He went in front of Congress and testified that the intelligence agencies were not gathering data on Americans as a whole, and that was a big fat lie, The fact the Obama appointed him is beyond dispute, that alone is sufficient cause to not believe a thing he says.

K Cupcake NOW show he was lying about the Cheeto?

Let's compare buttercup:

President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally
So here are the numbers for the president’s first 100 days.

492: The number of false or misleading claims made by the president. That’s an average of 4.9 claims a day.

10: Number of days without a single false claim. (On six of those days, the president golfed at a Trump property.)

5: Number of days with 20 or more false claims. (Feb. 16, Feb. 28, March 20, April 21 and April 29, his 100th day in office.)

While the president is known to make outrageous claims on Twitter — and that was certainly a major source of his falsehoods — he made most of his false statements in unscripted remarks before reporters. (Interviews were another major source of false claims.) That’s because the president would rely on talking points or assertions that he had made in the past — and continued to make, even though they had been fact-checked as wrong.

This makes Trump somewhat unique among politicians. Many will drop a false claim after it has been deemed false. But Trump just repeats the same claim over and over.


Analysis | President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally
John Brennan is an Obama appointed hack and a proven liar, so why would anyone pay attention to a thing he says?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

Brennan's 25 years with the CIA included work as a Near East and South Asia analyst, as station chief in Saudi Arabia, and as director of the National Counterterrorism Center. After leaving government service in 2005, Brennan became CEO of The Analysis Corporation, a security consulting business, and served as chairman of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance, an association of intelligence professionals

John O. Brennan - Wikipedia

What do you imagine that proves, that he isn't a liar? That obama didn't appoint him?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

A career CIA guy and then your ad hom attack without a pinch of ANY back up sourcing Cupcake :(
The backup is public knowledge. He went in front of Congress and testified that the intelligence agencies were not gathering data on Americans as a whole, and that was a big fat lie, The fact the Obama appointed him is beyond dispute, that alone is sufficient cause to not believe a thing he says.

K Cupcake NOW show he was lying about the Cheeto?

Let's compare buttercup:

President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally
So here are the numbers for the president’s first 100 days.

492: The number of false or misleading claims made by the president. That’s an average of 4.9 claims a day.

10: Number of days without a single false claim. (On six of those days, the president golfed at a Trump property.)

5: Number of days with 20 or more false claims. (Feb. 16, Feb. 28, March 20, April 21 and April 29, his 100th day in office.)

While the president is known to make outrageous claims on Twitter — and that was certainly a major source of his falsehoods — he made most of his false statements in unscripted remarks before reporters. (Interviews were another major source of false claims.) That’s because the president would rely on talking points or assertions that he had made in the past — and continued to make, even though they had been fact-checked as wrong.

This makes Trump somewhat unique among politicians. Many will drop a false claim after it has been deemed false. But Trump just repeats the same claim over and over.


Analysis | President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally

What does all this bullshit have to do with your claim we can believe anything Brennan has to say?
CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

“I was worried by a number of the contacts that the Russians had with U.S. persons,” Brennan said, adding that he did not see proof of collusion before he left office on Jan. 20, but “felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well-founded and needed to look into those issues.”


CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

The intelligence community report on Russian activities in the 2016 election

This is the declassified version of the intelligence community's report on Russian activities and elections in the November election


The intelligence community report on Russian activities in the 2016 election

Top U.S. intelligence official: Russia meddled in election by hacking, spreading of propaganda

Clapper said the intelligence community stands “more resolutely” than ever behind its assessment — first publicly announced on Oct. 7 — officially accusing the Kremlin’s “senior-most” officials of orchestrating a campaign of interference in the 2016 election.


Top U.S. intelligence official: Russia meddled in election by hacking, spreading of propaganda

Former NSA director says Russia was involved in 2016 election
Former NSA director says Russia was involved in 2016 election

and yet:

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: I’ve Seen No Evidence of Collusion with Russia

"Former CIA Director John Brennan testified on Tuesday that after viewing all of the evidence that was available to him on the Russia probe he is not aware of any collusion between Russia and members of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
Brennan made that characterization more than once during his sworn testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

In one case, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), asked Brennan specifically:

Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy, between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors at the time you learned of 2016 efforts?

Brennan replied that he was aware of “contacts” between Russian officials and U.S. citizens involved in the Trump campaign, but he was not aware of any evidence of collusion."

you got nothing.

Ex-CIA chief John Brennan: Russians contacted Trump campaign
....Brennan cautioned lawmakers that although he could not definitively say if those contacts amounted to "collusion," he knew that Russians were actively cultivating US contacts and, very likely, did not present themselves as Russian spies.

Ex-CIA chief John Brennan: Russians contacted Trump campaign -


he could not definitively say if those contacts amounted to "collusion," he knew that Russians were actively cultivating US contacts and, very likely, did not present themselves as Russian spies.

So, he couldn't say anything. so again, you got nothing punk! still got



"Brennan said, adding that he did not see proof of collusion before he left office on Jan. 20, but “felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well-founded and needed to look into those issues.”
In other words, no evidence.

Good job Cupcake, you get what INVESTIGATIONS are about, you know collecting evidence to be used criminally against the Cheeto's cartel
First a crime would have to have been committed, and no one has been able to say what the crime is.

We know Flynn lied n his security clearance. Kushner lied on his security clearance. Flynn lied to FBI investigators. Just the lies from the run-up and cover-up are more than enough proof of crimes.
6 from Tramp's staff had 18 undisclosed trips to Russia BEFORE the election.
Keep lyin to youself there's " nothing there."
Over what period of time?

Oh...and where's the damn link?

If it's the Washington Compost or the failing New York Times it's pure bullshit.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

so? explain the crime or you got:


Don't understand how INVESTIGATIONS of criminal activities work cupcake?
They don't work like this obvious witch hunt, Koch sucker.

Oh sorry Cupcake I forgot, in right wing world they yell "lock her up, lock her up" THEN try to manufacture evidence via INVESTIGATIONS that turn up empty, unlike what will happen to Cheeto's criminal cartel :cheeky-smiley-018:
Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

so? explain the crime or you got:


Don't understand how INVESTIGATIONS of criminal activities work cupcake?
Why don't you put a straw in your cafe latte...that way you can be a Kochsucker.

What Buttercup don't like to know how the criminal justice system works in the USA? Unlike Cheeto's pal's regime, in the USA we investigate THEN prosecute cupcake :banana:

First a crime would have to have been committed, and no one has been able to say what the crime is.

Sorry cupcake, that's NOT what happens, there is REASONABLE SUSPICION of a crime which is why there is now a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR after Cheeto tried to influence the FBI and interfere in a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION Cupcake :dunno:
and yet:

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: I’ve Seen No Evidence of Collusion with Russia

"Former CIA Director John Brennan testified on Tuesday that after viewing all of the evidence that was available to him on the Russia probe he is not aware of any collusion between Russia and members of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
Brennan made that characterization more than once during his sworn testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

In one case, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), asked Brennan specifically:

Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy, between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors at the time you learned of 2016 efforts?

Brennan replied that he was aware of “contacts” between Russian officials and U.S. citizens involved in the Trump campaign, but he was not aware of any evidence of collusion."

you got nothing.

Ex-CIA chief John Brennan: Russians contacted Trump campaign
....Brennan cautioned lawmakers that although he could not definitively say if those contacts amounted to "collusion," he knew that Russians were actively cultivating US contacts and, very likely, did not present themselves as Russian spies.

Ex-CIA chief John Brennan: Russians contacted Trump campaign -


he could not definitively say if those contacts amounted to "collusion," he knew that Russians were actively cultivating US contacts and, very likely, did not present themselves as Russian spies.

So, he couldn't say anything. so again, you got nothing punk! still got



"Brennan said, adding that he did not see proof of collusion before he left office on Jan. 20, but “felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well-founded and needed to look into those issues.”
In other words, no evidence.

Good job Cupcake, you get what INVESTIGATIONS are about, you know collecting evidence to be used criminally against the Cheeto's cartel

I know that so far you Trump hating douche bags have no evidence. So far your attempt to use the investigation to divert attention from your utter lack of evidence has been a complete failure.
Brennan's 25 years with the CIA included work as a Near East and South Asia analyst, as station chief in Saudi Arabia, and as director of the National Counterterrorism Center. After leaving government service in 2005, Brennan became CEO of The Analysis Corporation, a security consulting business, and served as chairman of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance, an association of intelligence professionals

John O. Brennan - Wikipedia

What do you imagine that proves, that he isn't a liar? That obama didn't appoint him?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

A career CIA guy and then your ad hom attack without a pinch of ANY back up sourcing Cupcake :(
The backup is public knowledge. He went in front of Congress and testified that the intelligence agencies were not gathering data on Americans as a whole, and that was a big fat lie, The fact the Obama appointed him is beyond dispute, that alone is sufficient cause to not believe a thing he says.

K Cupcake NOW show he was lying about the Cheeto?

Let's compare buttercup:

President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally
So here are the numbers for the president’s first 100 days.

492: The number of false or misleading claims made by the president. That’s an average of 4.9 claims a day.

10: Number of days without a single false claim. (On six of those days, the president golfed at a Trump property.)

5: Number of days with 20 or more false claims. (Feb. 16, Feb. 28, March 20, April 21 and April 29, his 100th day in office.)

While the president is known to make outrageous claims on Twitter — and that was certainly a major source of his falsehoods — he made most of his false statements in unscripted remarks before reporters. (Interviews were another major source of false claims.) That’s because the president would rely on talking points or assertions that he had made in the past — and continued to make, even though they had been fact-checked as wrong.

This makes Trump somewhat unique among politicians. Many will drop a false claim after it has been deemed false. But Trump just repeats the same claim over and over.


Analysis | President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally

What does all this bullshit have to do with your claim we can believe anything Brennan has to say?

It boils down to CREDIBILITY cupcake, who to "believe" the Cheeto and his criminal cartel or the FBI :)
so? explain the crime or you got:


Don't understand how INVESTIGATIONS of criminal activities work cupcake?
Why don't you put a straw in your cafe latte...that way you can be a Kochsucker.

What Buttercup don't like to know how the criminal justice system works in the USA? Unlike Cheeto's pal's regime, in the USA we investigate THEN prosecute cupcake :banana:

First a crime would have to have been committed, and no one has been able to say what the crime is.

Sorry cupcake, that's NOT what happens, there is REASONABLE SUSPICION of a crime which is why there is now a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR after Cheeto tried to influence the FBI and interfere in a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION Cupcake :dunno:

What is the crime they have "reasonable suspicion" of?
The "obstruction of justice" claim is just another fantastic con.
What do you imagine that proves, that he isn't a liar? That obama didn't appoint him?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

A career CIA guy and then your ad hom attack without a pinch of ANY back up sourcing Cupcake :(
The backup is public knowledge. He went in front of Congress and testified that the intelligence agencies were not gathering data on Americans as a whole, and that was a big fat lie, The fact the Obama appointed him is beyond dispute, that alone is sufficient cause to not believe a thing he says.

K Cupcake NOW show he was lying about the Cheeto?

Let's compare buttercup:

President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally
So here are the numbers for the president’s first 100 days.

492: The number of false or misleading claims made by the president. That’s an average of 4.9 claims a day.

10: Number of days without a single false claim. (On six of those days, the president golfed at a Trump property.)

5: Number of days with 20 or more false claims. (Feb. 16, Feb. 28, March 20, April 21 and April 29, his 100th day in office.)

While the president is known to make outrageous claims on Twitter — and that was certainly a major source of his falsehoods — he made most of his false statements in unscripted remarks before reporters. (Interviews were another major source of false claims.) That’s because the president would rely on talking points or assertions that he had made in the past — and continued to make, even though they had been fact-checked as wrong.

This makes Trump somewhat unique among politicians. Many will drop a false claim after it has been deemed false. But Trump just repeats the same claim over and over.


Analysis | President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally

What does all this bullshit have to do with your claim we can believe anything Brennan has to say?

It boils down to CREDIBILITY cupcake, who to "believe" the Cheeto and his criminal cartel or the FBI :)

The FBI certainly hasn't showered itself in glory when it comes to issues like integrity and honesty. Trump is far more trustworthy.

Good job Cupcake, you get what INVESTIGATIONS are about, you know collecting evidence to be used criminally against the Cheeto's cartel

I know that so far you Trump hating douche bags have no evidence. So far your attempt to use the investigation to divert attention from your utter lack of evidence has been a complete failure.

...These investigations, however, can be broken down into three categories:

  • First, the intertwined Justice Department investigation, now led by a special counsel, into the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia and, reportedly, the possible cover-up.
  • Second, the investigations led by the (GOP) House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which are broadly looking at Russian intervention in the 2016 election.

  • Third, the (GOP) Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been looking into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conduct specifically — and have recently expanded their inquiry to the circumstances surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

What’s under investigation: Officially, special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who is now leading the inquiry, is investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as crimes that may take place during the course of the investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation.

Here’s every Trump-Russia investigation happening now

First a crime would have to have been committed, and no one has been able to say what the crime is.

We know Flynn lied n his security clearance. Kushner lied on his security clearance. Flynn lied to FBI investigators. Just the lies from the run-up and cover-up are more than enough proof of crimes.

That's not a criminal offense, douche nozzle. Omissions on security clearances happen every day of the week, and no one gets arrested.

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