Democrats want to use sleeper agents to take over GOP

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just like trump and the unamerican disinfranchising laws republicans pass.

Are you a trump supporter? Then don't ask me to fight you with one hand tied behind my back while you use two hands.
Then expect no quarter. or pity when you are destroyed.
I still don't understand what law he violated if he did do that? Let's see the letter that Trump wrote that said that 10,000 votes needed to be converted to him? Some things are always so difficult when it comes to Trump. No one ever has anything it's always hearsay and anonymous. too fking funny. The old, don't look over hear rule of law.

Don't see fabricate 10,000 either. It was maybe, find, like, go look and make sure some ballots weren't missed. How is that unreasonable?
Are you seriously trying to say you don't consider Trump's phone call pressuring Raffensperger to find votes PROOF that Trump made a phone call to pressure Raffensperger to find votes????
You are literally the poster child for cognitive dissonance aren't you?

It's like that meme that goes something like "why should you never play chess with a pigeon?"
Because even when you win the pigeon is just going to knock the pieces over and crap on the board and strut around claiming that IT really won."

Are you seriously trying to say you don't consider Trump's phone call pressuring Raffensperger to find votes PROOF that Trump made a phone call to pressure Raffensperger to find votes????
You are literally the poster child for cognitive dissonance aren't you?

It's like that meme that goes something like "why should you never play chess with a pigeon?"
Because even when you win the pigeon is just going to knock the pieces over and crap on the board and strut around claiming that IT really won."

Are you seriously trying to say you don't consider Trump's phone call pressuring Raffensperger to find votes PROOF that Trump made a phone call to pressure Raffensperger to find votes????
You are literally the poster child for cognitive dissonance aren't you?

It's like that meme that goes something like "why should you never play chess with a pigeon?"
Because even when you win the pigeon is just going to knock the pieces over and crap on the board and strut around claiming that IT really won."

What kind of pressure?

Whack his peepee
nope, not at all, there's no link to it. Don't know how to use the quote feature in here? go home and learn it, otherwise you got nothing.

Tell you what, give the thread and post number? that's simpler for a dumbfk like you.

BTW, rereading your post, perhaps you should actually learn what quote actually means.

Hey everyone, these dumb fkers don't even know how to use quotes!!! look at sealybobo fool.
Whatever loser. All I know is you said this

"I identify as a 17-year-old girl so the next person that calls me "Ma'am" is going to get ass-reamed like the "misgendered" trannies are so fond of doing."

So you clearly have a big old bug up your butt about gay people.

And that wasn't the only post of yours that was anti gay. I believe I found 17 pages of you bashing gays. You clearly have a problem. Homophobe or self loathing gay I imagine.
I registered as a Republican so I can vote in the Republican primary. I will vote for Anyone But Trump. Then I will vote for Biden in the general election.
so you're intentionally gaming the voting system.

Your faith in the possibility of finding a cure for Alzheimer's 'twixt now and then is impressive!
Just like Trump didn't actually run things in his white house, neither does Biden.

The difference is Biden's staff isn't constantly talking him out of making bad decisions. Or breaking the law. And Biden has never choked out a secret service agent for not taking him to an insurrection.
so you're intentionally gaming the voting system.

Voter fraud is nothing compared to election fraud. Trump and Rudy and Lindsey faggot Graham tried to steal an election.

And don't I have the right to join the GOP and then quit it down the road? That's all I'm doing. Right now I'm under the policy "if you can't beat them join them" but then later after I join them I plan to beat them.
What kind of pressure?

Whack his peepee
What kind of pressure you ask? How about, "find me the votes or else"

and when he didn't find them

Family of Georgia's secretary of state was still getting death threats months after election, report says​

Dumb fuck I already did quote you. Do I have to quote you verbatim or wasn't it enough to find you going on and on about trannies?

I feel like ya busted bitch!
Sure you did. That's why you're so much fun -- you're like a good science fiction movie -- complete escapist fantasy.

Thread title, post number, link, or you'll be lucky if I allow you to kiss my precious ass.

My GOD! You are so useless!

But you are fun to slap around.
Your faith in the possibility of finding a cure for Alzheimer's 'twixt now and then is impressive!

So maybe you should run someone else too

Trump Loses His Mind, Forgets That Coronavirus Happened on His Watch​

The former president appeared to forget that COVID's death march through America happened while he was in office.​


Or this one

Maybe Donald Trump has really lost his mind

We’ve become familiar with his ramblings, and at ease mocking them. But they might be the sign of someone unwell. Isn’t it worth finding out?

You mean they have not been doing that?

View attachment 666513
Hey they have the same playbook as Nazis and terrorists...who knew?
If that woman had any decency, she would drop out of the race immediately.

As for infiltration, I am surprised the Democrats have not all joined the NRA and taken it over.
Sure you did. That's why you're so much fun -- you're like a good science fiction movie -- complete escapist fantasy.

Thread title, post number, link, or you'll be lucky if I allow you to kiss my precious ass.

My GOD! You are so useless!

But you are fun to slap around.
You said it here

Sure you did. That's why you're so much fun -- you're like a good science fiction movie -- complete escapist fantasy.

Thread title, post number, link, or you'll be lucky if I allow you to kiss my precious ass.

My GOD! You are so useless!

But you are fun to slap around.

I just posted where you said this

"I identify as a 17-year-old girl so the next person that calls me "Ma'am" is going to get ass-reamed like the "misgendered" trannies are so fond of doing."
yep the guy in the WH actually didn't run. Never saw him do any campaigning and boom he was the demofks candidate. How does that work? pay off everyone and just sponsor the guy you want? funny shite I say.
How delusional is the Right? Reading your post is a good benchmark. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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