Democrats wanted Comey out of the FBI! Have they forgotten?

Democrats wanted Comey out of the FBI! Have they forgotten?

Harry Reid and

Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee and

Sen. Chuck Schumer and

Nancy Pelosi and

Hank Johnson oh well

Maxine Waters

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

Nov. 2, 2016: Days later, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

That same day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, shared similar feelings with CNN and suggested Comey may lose his job.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi said. "

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”

Jan. 24, 2017: The fading confidence in Comey continued toward the end of January when Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”

Before Trump fired Comey, these Democrats wanted him out

Now that President Trump acquiesced to their demands, they want him impeached! All in the days work.
True but who you going to replace him with? A Trump lacky like you think Lynch was only x ten
I think the best candidate is Trey Gowdy. His interrogation skills are superlative and I think he's honest. I just hatte tto see his career go downhill when mixed up with the president and his pronlems he's brought on himself.
Trump hasn't brought problems on himself, obstructing pos democrats have.
Suuuure. Always blame the Democrats. Bush recession? Democrats fault. Trumps ethics problems are us? I think enough Trump links to date already prove there was collusion but you need a smoking gun and we don't have one yet.

Mike pence is no better so you might as well keep Trump. I'd rather run against Trump than pence.

I predict Trump doesn't run again. Pence 2020 and 2024
Hillary will win by a landslide.

Hillary will win by a landslide.
Democrats wanted Comey out of the FBI! Have they forgotten?

Harry Reid and

Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee and

Sen. Chuck Schumer and

Nancy Pelosi and

Hank Johnson oh well

Maxine Waters

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

Nov. 2, 2016: Days later, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

That same day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, shared similar feelings with CNN and suggested Comey may lose his job.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi said. "

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”

Jan. 24, 2017: The fading confidence in Comey continued toward the end of January when Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”

Before Trump fired Comey, these Democrats wanted him out

Now that President Trump acquiesced to their demands, they want him impeached! All in the days work.
DJ Trump's timing was bad however.

He fired Comey in the middle of an investigation of Trump's own campaign involvement with the Russians.

This constitutes obstruction of justice.

This is an impeachable offense.
You would have to prove the investigation was going badly for him and he was aware of that. So Obstruction is not yet proveable.
Impeachment is a trial process initiation.

Granted you would not proceed without evidence.

And that's why now that we have lost the FBI and only have 2 Congressional tribunals which are superficial and led by the GOP, a special prosecutor is now critical.

But as I said, you would need to put Trump under oath, to document his lies, and then proceed to refute the lies and convict him on perjury.

That's how impeachments usually work.

That's how Clinton almost got convicted on his lie about his penis inside Monica Lewinski's hand or mouth or butthole or vagina. One of her body parts made him come and he did lie about it.

(He should have bragged about it.)
The most likely proximate cause for Trump's firing of Comey appears to be that Comey requested additional funding to continue the Russia-connection with the Trump campaign.

Someone needs to put Trump under oath and ask him what did he know about this and when did he know it?

The only way to put the POTUS under oath is to impeach him.

Ergo Trump needs to be impeached now.

And Trump brought this upon himself by inept attempts to manipulate his precarious situation with Russia.

Why would he give a fokk if he were innocent of any charges?

Ergo he is guilty. And he knows it.

Your post is actually often right. But looking at the grand picture, if Trump could learn how to stop making small issues huge, I think he could be a good president because he intends to keep his promises.
I think he purposely starts stupid fights to distract you from the things that really matter. Trump uses the media and twitter
Democrats wanted Comey out of the FBI! Have they forgotten?

Harry Reid and

Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee and

Sen. Chuck Schumer and

Nancy Pelosi and

Hank Johnson oh well

Maxine Waters

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

Nov. 2, 2016: Days later, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

That same day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, shared similar feelings with CNN and suggested Comey may lose his job.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi said. "

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”

Jan. 24, 2017: The fading confidence in Comey continued toward the end of January when Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”

Before Trump fired Comey, these Democrats wanted him out

Now that President Trump acquiesced to their demands, they want him impeached! All in the days work.

Yes and no matter when Trump terminated the employment of Comey, the religious narrative they currently run would be exactly the same!
I don't know. I am a supporter but looking at him critically right now myself. I'm afraid he's been used to "YES" men and having a hard time fighting all these factions at once when they disagree with him for a variety of reasons.

Democrats however, are not looking at this objectively, just jumping on the Impeachment Show as the did on November 9th, 2016. They were ready to impeach on the basis of his hair color.
Democrats wanted Comey out of the FBI! Have they forgotten?

Harry Reid and

Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee and

Sen. Chuck Schumer and

Nancy Pelosi and

Hank Johnson oh well

Maxine Waters

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

Nov. 2, 2016: Days later, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

That same day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, shared similar feelings with CNN and suggested Comey may lose his job.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi said. "

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”

Jan. 24, 2017: The fading confidence in Comey continued toward the end of January when Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”

Before Trump fired Comey, these Democrats wanted him out

Now that President Trump acquiesced to their demands, they want him impeached! All in the days work.
True but who you going to replace him with? A Trump lacky like you think Lynch was only x ten
I think the best candidate is Trey Gowdy. His interrogation skills are superlative and I think he's honest. I just hatte tto see his career go downhill when mixed up with the president and his pronlems he's brought on himself.
Trump hasn't brought problems on himself, obstructing pos democrats have.
Suuuure. Always blame the Democrats. Bush recession? Democrats fault. Trumps ethics problems are us? I think enough Trump links to date already prove there was collusion but you need a smoking gun and we don't have one yet.

Mike pence is no better so you might as well keep Trump. I'd rather run against Trump than pence.

I predict Trump doesn't run again. Pence 2020 and 2024
Quite possible.

This is the LBJ approach.

Did not help HHH however. Nixon beat him.
The most likely proximate cause for Trump's firing of Comey appears to be that Comey requested additional funding to continue the Russia-connection with the Trump campaign.

Someone needs to put Trump under oath and ask him what did he know about this and when did he know it?

The only way to put the POTUS under oath is to impeach him.

Ergo Trump needs to be impeached now.

And Trump brought this upon himself by inept attempts to manipulate his precarious situation with Russia.

Why would he give a fokk if he were innocent of any charges?

Ergo he is guilty. And he knows it.

Your post is actually often right. But looking at the grand picture, if Trump could learn how to stop making small issues huge, I think he could be a good president because he intends to keep his promises.
I think he purposely starts stupid fights to distract you from the things that really matter. Trump uses the media and twitter
In Comey's case however I believe Trump was really afraid of something and therefore blundered.
The most likely proximate cause for Trump's firing of Comey appears to be that Comey requested additional funding to continue the Russia-connection with the Trump campaign.

Someone needs to put Trump under oath and ask him what did he know about this and when did he know it?

The only way to put the POTUS under oath is to impeach him.

Ergo Trump needs to be impeached now.

And Trump brought this upon himself by inept attempts to manipulate his precarious situation with Russia.

Why would he give a fokk if he were innocent of any charges?

Ergo he is guilty. And he knows it.

Your post is actually often right. But looking at the grand picture, if Trump could learn how to stop making small issues huge, I think he could be a good president because he intends to keep his promises.
Democrats and the MSM mske them huge. It doesn't matter what Trump does. Haven't you learned that yet?

I just don't understand right wingers who give Dims credit for being honest.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Democrats wanted Comey out of the FBI! Have they forgotten?

Harry Reid and

Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee and

Sen. Chuck Schumer and

Nancy Pelosi and

Hank Johnson oh well

Maxine Waters

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

Nov. 2, 2016: Days later, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

That same day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, shared similar feelings with CNN and suggested Comey may lose his job.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi said. "

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”

Jan. 24, 2017: The fading confidence in Comey continued toward the end of January when Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”

Before Trump fired Comey, these Democrats wanted him out

Now that President Trump acquiesced to their demands, they want him impeached! All in the days work.

Yes and no matter when Trump terminated the employment of Comey, the religious narrative they currently run would be exactly the same!
I don't know. I am a supporter but looking at him critically right now myself. I'm afraid he's been used to "YES" men and having a hard time fighting all these factions at once when they disagree with him for a variety of reasons.

Democrats however, are not looking at this objectively, just jumping on the Impeachment Show as the did on November 9th, 2016. They were ready to impeach on the basis of his hair color.

The rate the far left is stone wallling the Trump nominees, they would have and will do the same with the head of the FBI. The far left will always be the party of "NO" on Trump no matter what he does, even when it is the right thing to do..
Democrats wanted Comey out of the FBI! Have they forgotten?

Harry Reid and

Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee and

Sen. Chuck Schumer and

Nancy Pelosi and

Hank Johnson oh well

Maxine Waters

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

Nov. 2, 2016: Days later, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

That same day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, shared similar feelings with CNN and suggested Comey may lose his job.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi said. "

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”

Jan. 24, 2017: The fading confidence in Comey continued toward the end of January when Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”

Before Trump fired Comey, these Democrats wanted him out

Now that President Trump acquiesced to their demands, they want him impeached! All in the days work.
True but who you going to replace him with? A Trump lacky like you think Lynch was only x ten
I think the best candidate is Trey Gowdy. His interrogation skills are superlative and I think he's honest. I just hatte tto see his career go downhill when mixed up with the president and his pronlems he's brought on himself.
Trump hasn't brought problems on himself, obstructing pos democrats have.
Suuuure. Always blame the Democrats. Bush recession? Democrats fault. Trumps ethics problems are us? I think enough Trump links to date already prove there was collusion but you need a smoking gun and we don't have one yet.

Mike pence is no better so you might as well keep Trump. I'd rather run against Trump than pence.

I predict Trump doesn't run again. Pence 2020 and 2024
Hillary will win by a landslide.

Hillary will win by a landslide.
My honest opinion is that if Hillary would run again, Trump would actually win again!
Democrats wanted Comey out of the FBI! Have they forgotten?

Harry Reid and

Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee and

Sen. Chuck Schumer and

Nancy Pelosi and

Hank Johnson oh well

Maxine Waters

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

Nov. 2, 2016: Days later, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

That same day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, shared similar feelings with CNN and suggested Comey may lose his job.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi said. "

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”

Jan. 24, 2017: The fading confidence in Comey continued toward the end of January when Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”

Before Trump fired Comey, these Democrats wanted him out

Now that President Trump acquiesced to their demands, they want him impeached! All in the days work.

Yes and no matter when Trump terminated the employment of Comey, the religious narrative they currently run would be exactly the same!
Yes us liberals hate Comey and agree he grandstands, showboats and he affected the election. And we are glad he's fired. Now let us name his replacement.

This seems like Trump is taking over all aspects of the government. Ala Hitler or moussilini. Is he going to start jailing Obama and Hillary and Elizabeth Warren?
The most likely proximate cause for Trump's firing of Comey appears to be that Comey requested additional funding to continue the Russia-connection with the Trump campaign.

Someone needs to put Trump under oath and ask him what did he know about this and when did he know it?

The only way to put the POTUS under oath is to impeach him.

Ergo Trump needs to be impeached now.

And Trump brought this upon himself by inept attempts to manipulate his precarious situation with Russia.

Why would he give a fokk if he were innocent of any charges?

Ergo he is guilty. And he knows it.

Your post is actually often right. But looking at the grand picture, if Trump could learn how to stop making small issues huge, I think he could be a good president because he intends to keep his promises.
I am beginning to seriously doubt that DJ Trump can avoid impeachment long enough to learn much.

My general rule on anything new is 1/5/10.

1 year to learn it.

5 years to get good at it.

10 years to become an expert and be able to teach it.

Trump will be lucky to make it past 2.
When are you going to learn how not to post pure idiocy?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
The most likely proximate cause for Trump's firing of Comey appears to be that Comey requested additional funding to continue the Russia-connection with the Trump campaign.

Someone needs to put Trump under oath and ask him what did he know about this and when did he know it?

The only way to put the POTUS under oath is to impeach him.

Ergo Trump needs to be impeached now.

And Trump brought this upon himself by inept attempts to manipulate his precarious situation with Russia.

Why would he give a fokk if he were innocent of any charges?

Ergo he is guilty. And he knows it.

Your post is actually often right. But looking at the grand picture, if Trump could learn how to stop making small issues huge, I think he could be a good president because he intends to keep his promises.
I think he purposely starts stupid fights to distract you from the things that really matter. Trump uses the media and twitter
In Comey's case however I believe Trump was really afraid of something and therefore blundered.

No the far left would have protested this no matter when this happened, just look at how the far left slowed down the cabinet nominations of Trump. So even if Trump fired Comey on Day 1 there would still be no head of the FBI at this point!
Last edited:
True but who you going to replace him with? A Trump lacky like you think Lynch was only x ten
I think the best candidate is Trey Gowdy. His interrogation skills are superlative and I think he's honest. I just hatte tto see his career go downhill when mixed up with the president and his pronlems he's brought on himself.
Trump hasn't brought problems on himself, obstructing pos democrats have.
Suuuure. Always blame the Democrats. Bush recession? Democrats fault. Trumps ethics problems are us? I think enough Trump links to date already prove there was collusion but you need a smoking gun and we don't have one yet.

Mike pence is no better so you might as well keep Trump. I'd rather run against Trump than pence.

I predict Trump doesn't run again. Pence 2020 and 2024
Hillary will win by a landslide.

Hillary will win by a landslide.
My honest opinion is that if Hillary would run again, Trump would actually win again!
My dad thinks she would win but no fucking way. I'd rather take my chance with a young democrat
Democrats wanted Comey out of the FBI! Have they forgotten?

Harry Reid and

Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee and

Sen. Chuck Schumer and

Nancy Pelosi and

Hank Johnson oh well

Maxine Waters

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

Nov. 2, 2016: Days later, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

That same day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, shared similar feelings with CNN and suggested Comey may lose his job.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi said. "

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”

Jan. 24, 2017: The fading confidence in Comey continued toward the end of January when Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”

Before Trump fired Comey, these Democrats wanted him out

Now that President Trump acquiesced to their demands, they want him impeached! All in the days work.

Yes and no matter when Trump terminated the employment of Comey, the religious narrative they currently run would be exactly the same!
Yes us liberals hate Comey and agree he grandstands, showboats and he affected the election. And we are glad he's fired. Now let us name his replacement.

This seems like Trump is taking over all aspects of the government. Ala Hitler or moussilini. Is he going to start jailing Obama and Hillary and Elizabeth Warren?

You are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And see you used far left drone religious dogma number 2543 this time!

Obama was a lot closer to Halter and you supported him without question or hesitation including his illegal wars!
Nothing is more fun than watching idiots toss every principle they have ever pretended to hold aside as they kiss the ass of a dishonest moron.
The posters on this thread, including me, are all being honest and pretty much objective. Perhaps you have fallen in the Democrat's kettle and can't recognize it.
Democrats wanted Comey out of the FBI! Have they forgotten?

Harry Reid and

Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee and

Sen. Chuck Schumer and

Nancy Pelosi and

Hank Johnson oh well

Maxine Waters

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

Nov. 2, 2016: Days later, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

That same day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, shared similar feelings with CNN and suggested Comey may lose his job.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi said. "

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”

Jan. 24, 2017: The fading confidence in Comey continued toward the end of January when Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”

Before Trump fired Comey, these Democrats wanted him out

Now that President Trump acquiesced to their demands, they want him impeached! All in the days work.

Yes and no matter when Trump terminated the employment of Comey, the religious narrative they currently run would be exactly the same!
Yes us liberals hate Comey and agree he grandstands, showboats and he affected the election. And we are glad he's fired. Now let us name his replacement.

This seems like Trump is taking over all aspects of the government. Ala Hitler or moussilini. Is he going to start jailing Obama and Hillary and Elizabeth Warren?
I hope so. No trial, just make them wake up in gitmo.
The most likely proximate cause for Trump's firing of Comey appears to be that Comey requested additional funding to continue the Russia-connection with the Trump campaign.

Someone needs to put Trump under oath and ask him what did he know about this and when did he know it?

The only way to put the POTUS under oath is to impeach him.

Ergo Trump needs to be impeached now.

And Trump brought this upon himself by inept attempts to manipulate his precarious situation with Russia.

Why would he give a fokk if he were innocent of any charges?

Ergo he is guilty. And he knows it.

Your post is actually often right. But looking at the grand picture, if Trump could learn how to stop making small issues huge, I think he could be a good president because he intends to keep his promises.
Democrats and the MSM mske them huge. It doesn't matter what Trump does. Haven't you learned that yet?

I just don't understand right wingers who give Dims credit for being honest.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Sometimes, since I am not on the board everyday, I 'm not sure of the posters ideologue.
Nothing is more fun than watching idiots toss every principle they have ever pretended to hold aside as they kiss the ass of a dishonest moron.
The posters on this thread, including me, are all being honest and pretty much objective. Perhaps you have fallen in the Democrat's kettle and can't recognize it.

They are a far left drone and have been one for a very long time!

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