Democrats wear their Ku Klux Klan uniforms to Sessions' confirmation hearing


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
The vile nature of some people never changes. Today at Jeff Sessions' Senate confirmation hearings, some Democrats dusted off their Ku Klux Klan uniforms and wore them into the Senate chamber.

They seem determined to remind people that Democrats started, ran, and staffed the Ku Klux Klan after the Civil War, and continue as its majority membership today.

These particular lunatics were probably trying their usual projection, trying to pretend they were Republicans, or that Republicans agreed with them or something.

Too bad former Senator Robert Byrd wasn't still around. He could have welcomed his hooded compatriots with open arms.

Even today they still try to enact legislation that treats blacks as though they couldn't make it without "help" from their government overseers, though they make no such laws regarding whites.

When will these vile Democrat racists stop? We will never reach the point where black people and other minorities are treated equally under the law, until they do.

The vile nature of some people never changes. Today at Jeff Sessions' Senate confirmation hearings, some Democrats dusted off their Ku Klux Klan uniforms and wore them into the Senate chamber.

They seem determined to remind people that Democrats started, ran, and staffed the Ku Klux Klan after the Civil War, and continue as its majority membership today.

These particular lunatics were probably trying their usual projection, trying to pretend they were Republicans, or that Republicans agreed with them or something.

Too bad former Senator Robert Byrd wasn't still around. He could have welcomed his hooded compatriots with open arms.

Even today they still try to enact legislation that treats blacks as though they couldn't make it without "help" from their government overseers, though they make no such laws regarding whites.

When will these vile Democrat racists stop? We will never reach the point where black people and other minorities are treated equally under the law, until they do.


Wtf, we can't have the people voicing resistance, incarcerate them. Bring in the lemmings.
"Democrats" did not start, run or staff the Ku Klux Klan, ass clown. You've been schooled on this before. And the invitation to prove that wrong is still sitting on the table, untouched.

What you've got here is some protestors using satire in reference to Jeff Sessions' past Klan remarks. But you''d have to actually have a brain to see that.
Going by the number of Republican meltdown threads now showing up here, it's clear that Republicans really, really hate having their open racism pointed out.

Hence, everyone needs to keep doing exactly that.
The vile nature of some people never changes. Today at Jeff Sessions' Senate confirmation hearings, some Democrats dusted off their Ku Klux Klan uniforms and wore them into the Senate chamber.

They seem determined to remind people that Democrats started, ran, and staffed the Ku Klux Klan after the Civil War, and continue as its majority membership today.

These particular lunatics were probably trying their usual projection, trying to pretend they were Republicans, or that Republicans agreed with them or something.

Too bad former Senator Robert Byrd wasn't still around. He could have welcomed his hooded compatriots with open arms.

Even today they still try to enact legislation that treats blacks as though they couldn't make it without "help" from their government overseers, though they make no such laws regarding whites.

When will these vile Democrat racists stop? We will never reach the point where black people and other minorities are treated equally under the law, until they do.

These particular lunatics were probably trying their usual projection, trying to pretend they were Republicans, or that Republicans agreed with them or something.
Going by the number of Republican meltdown threads now showing up here, it's clear that Republicans really, really hate having their open racism pointed out.

Can I call 'em, or what? :biggrin:
"Democrats" did not start, run or staff the Ku Klux Klan, ass clown. You've been schooled on this before. And the invitation to prove that wrong is still sitting on the table, untouched.

What you've got here is some protestors using satire in reference to Jeff Sessions' past Klan remarks. But you''d have to actually have a brain to see that.
Yeah they did, assclown. Pulaski, Tenn. Former Confederate soldiers and Democrats formed it between 1865 and 1870. A little research proves you to be the liar.
Going by the number of Republican meltdown threads now showing up here, it's clear that Republicans really, really hate having their open racism pointed out.

Hence, everyone needs to keep doing exactly that.
The Democrats are the party of slavery and racist.
A couple people showed up in the uniform of far right wing Christian terrorists to protest the confirmation of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (named after Jefferson Davis and P.T.G. Beauregard)?

How about that.

I bet his daddy (Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, Jr.) was a Democrat before the Southern Strategy.
The vile nature of some people never changes. Today at Jeff Sessions' Senate confirmation hearings, some Democrats dusted off their Ku Klux Klan uniforms and wore them into the Senate chamber.

They seem determined to remind people that Democrats started, ran, and staffed the Ku Klux Klan after the Civil War, and continue as its majority membership today.

Perhaps the OP would care to essplain why neither he --- nor anyone else --- has ever been able to find any evidence of a political party affiliation, or any political activity at all, for the six Confederate veteran soldiers who actually founded the Klan: Calvin Jones, Frank McCord, Capt.John Lester, Capt. John B. Kennedy, James Crowe OR Richard Reed, on 25 December 1865 --- as an innocuous social club having nothing to do with either race or politics --- in Jones' father's law office at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee.... details of which the OP remains entirely ignorant unless he consults one of my posts.

Perhaps he'd be inclined at the same time to essplain why he kept running his Christmas OP complete with a link that contradicts his own claim, right there in the same post.

Mayhaps the OP would be delighted to entertain us on why a group affiliated with the Democratic Party would be running -- and electing -- Republican candidates. Such as Rice Means in Colorado. Such as Ed Jackson in Indiana. Such as Owen Brewster in Maine. Such as George Baker in Oregon. Such as Clarence Morley in Colorado. Such as Hodgdon Buzzell, John G. Smith and a host of local candidates in Maine. Such as the entire Anaheim City Council. Such as virtually the entire state of Indiana.

Or, maybe the OP would prefer to enlighten the class on why the Klan got Jack Walton (D-OK) removed from his Governor post after he tried to drive them out of the state after the infamous Tulsa Race Riots. Or why the Klan tried to derail the leading voice denouncing the Klan Oscar Underwood (D-AL) in the 1924 convention who, along with Al Smith (D-NY) called for a party platform denouncing the Klan by name. Or maybe the OP would rather tell us why Huey Long (D-LA) threatened the Klan Kleagle of the time that if he came to Louisiana to campaign against Long he'd be "leaving with his toes turned up". Or perhaps the OP would care to tell us why the guy who infiltrated the Klan, worked against them with the FBI, wrote an exposé book about it, and then wrote ridiculing scripts for the popular "Superman" radio show was Stetson Kennedy (D-FL).

No doubt the OP will leap at the chance to clear up the conflicting history on why Governor Ellis Arnall (D-GA) prosecuted the Klan with the help of Harry Truman (D-MO) and got its state charter revoked, describing it as a "national eyesore". Or why Klan Grand Kleagle Hiram Evans took credit for getting Herbert Hoover (R-IA) elected President over Al Smith (D-NY).

Optionally, the OP might venture to clarify why a "Democratic Party operation" would be persecuting not just blacks but Jews, Catholics, labor unions, gays and immigrants in general --- all of which were and are the party's own constituents.

No doubt the OP has volumes to say about how the first POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Grant was Lyndon Johnson (D-TX) who had to pull J. Edgar Hoover out of his McCarthy-era communists-under-every-bush mentality. We can expect he'll wax prolific on how LBJ as a boy watched his father and uncles sit up with shotguns defending the house against Klan-element threats after Sam Johnson (D-TX) denounced them in the Texas State House in Austin.

And hey, maybe if the OP needs help he can consult this guy ---


Then again --- perhaps the OP will prefer to wimp out, write some more contrived drivel and declare he won the internets.

I'm betting on the latter.
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A couple people showed up in the uniform of far right wing Christian terrorists to protest the confirmation of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (named after Jefferson Davis and P.T.G. Beauregard)?

How about that.

I bet his daddy (Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, Jr.) was a Democrat before the Southern Strategy.
I just don't understand how someone could think there might be a family connection between a far right Christian terrorist organization and a third generation person named after Jefferson Davis and P.T.G. Beauregard.
I just don't understand how someone could think there might be a family connection between a far right Christian terrorist organization and a third generation person named after Jefferson Davis and P.T.G. Beauregard.

Could it be because he is carrying on his fathers name, and his grandfathers?

"Jefferson Beauregard Sessions was born in Selma, Alabama, on December 24, 1946,[1] the son of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions Jr."

Jeff Sessions - Wikipedia

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