Democrats, what are you most looking forward to?

No longer being embarrassed for my country.

Knowing that we're better than what I feared.

Good stuff.

Except that, behind closed doors, world leaders thinks we are morons for electing Biden/Harris, but it is good for both our adversaries and our allies since the this administration will allow the US to be the cash cow for the world’s pet projects. The leaders in the world are excited for the demise of the US and its influence. The Democratic lemmings in our country are nothing more than American hating, indoctrinated globalists.
No longer being embarrassed for my country.

Knowing that we're better than what I feared.

Good stuff.

Except that, behind closed doors, world leaders thinks we are morons for electing Biden/Harris, but it is good for both our adversaries and our allies since the this administration will allow the US to be the cash cow for the world’s pet projects. The leaders in the world are excited for the demise of the US and its influence. The Democratic lemmings in our country are nothing more than American hating, indoctrinated globalists.
Yes, I'm sure all of that is the perception you have in your world.
No longer being embarrassed for my country.

Knowing that we're better than what I feared.

Good stuff.

Except that, behind closed doors, world leaders thinks we are morons for electing Biden/Harris, but it is good for both our adversaries and our allies since the this administration will allow the US to be the cash cow for the world’s pet projects. The leaders in the world are excited for the demise of the US and its influence. The Democratic lemmings in our country are nothing more than American hating, indoctrinated globalists.
Yes, I'm sure all of that is the perception you have in your world.

Yes, this is what it is like to live in the real world, not some fantasy land the MSM has dreamed up to feed their sheeple.
No longer being embarrassed for my country.

Knowing that we're better than what I feared.

Good stuff.

Except that, behind closed doors, world leaders thinks we are morons for electing Biden/Harris, but it is good for both our adversaries and our allies since the this administration will allow the US to be the cash cow for the world’s pet projects. The leaders in the world are excited for the demise of the US and its influence. The Democratic lemmings in our country are nothing more than American hating, indoctrinated globalists.
Yes, I'm sure all of that is the perception you have in your world.

Yes, this is what it is like to live in the real world, not some fantasy land the MSM has dreamed up to feed their sheeple.
Sure, okay.
FEMA camps. :drills:

Yeah ---- that's another one.

Here's some more I suppose the leftists are looking forward to --

-- Free college so that the diversities finally learn to read.
-- All private companies have to hold brainwashing sessions to force whites to kiss blacks' feet and weep.
-- Elizabeth Warren's idea: just take the money away, till no one gets more than $100 K any year. Give the money to spendthrift Dem state and city governments first and the rest, if any, to blacks for Reparations.
-- Men can go freely into women's restrooms anywhere, because they might be a tranny, so they're really women, see.
-- Everyone has to go celebrate at least one homosexual wedding per year; the couple can charge admission. Bring a cake.
-- BLM finally will be allowed to demolish the Lincoln Memorial. Because: slavery.
-- BLM encouraged to demolish with sledgehammers any other monuments they feel disrespect blacks, like Rodin's The Thinker and Grant's Tomb. Because: slavery.
-- Anyone photographed on a Smartphone outside their home without a mask gets a 10-month jail sentence. That includes gardening and livestock care. Their neighbors and children get a bounty for every conviction.
-- Anyone who tries to operate a restaurant of any kind gets a 12-month jail sentence and a $500 K fine.
I could go on. I probably will. Anyone else?
Well, if you're in the camps, you won't be needing that house and car.
No longer being embarrassed for my country. Knowing that we're better than what I feared. Good stuff.
So, you really have nothing positive about Xiden or his policies either. Just more, glad the orange guy is gone. Neat.
I'll keep this as simple as I can for you.

I voted for Biden for the same reasons you voted for Trump: He's closer to me on the issues, and I prefer his temperament over that of the alternative.

Simple enough?
What are you most excited about?

Extended lockdowns?

Open borders?

Citizenship for 50 million illegals?

A half million Muslim refugees each year?

A new AWB?


Union thuggery?

Gun insurance mandate?

Higher taxes?

More "fuck white people" SJW policies?

A better economy for China while America loses jobs and technology?

Section 8 housing being pushed to the suburbs?

America not being great anymore?

More worthless Environmental Wacko initiatives that do noting for the environment but transfers wealth?

More wars with a weakened military?

More welfare?

More debt?

Less family income?

More dismal economic growth?

Democrats winning every election by fraud from here on out? (They know how to do it now, don't they?)

The death of the Republic?

Blob supporter misery (well, more blobber guys are always miserable).

Can't wait.
So, all of that? You want it all?
No longer being embarrassed for my country. Knowing that we're better than what I feared. Good stuff.
So, you really have nothing positive about Xiden or his policies either. Just more, glad the orange guy is gone. Neat.
I'll keep this as simple as I can for you.

I voted for Biden for the same reasons you voted for Trump: He's closer to me on the issues, and I prefer his temperament over that of the alternative.

Simple enough?
Yeah, you are pretty simple.

Especially on this part:
I prefer his temperament

Did you vote for Bill Clinton because he was cute? Were you one of those?
No longer being embarrassed for my country. Knowing that we're better than what I feared. Good stuff.
So, you really have nothing positive about Xiden or his policies either. Just more, glad the orange guy is gone. Neat.
I'll keep this as simple as I can for you.

I voted for Biden for the same reasons you voted for Trump: He's closer to me on the issues, and I prefer his temperament over that of the alternative.

Simple enough?
Yeah, you are pretty simple.

Especially on this part:
I prefer his temperament

Did you vote for Bill Clinton because he was cute? Were you one of those?
You lost. Sorry.
What are you most excited about?

Extended lockdowns?

Open borders?

Citizenship for 50 million illegals?

A half million Muslim refugees each year?

A new AWB?


Union thuggery?

Gun insurance mandate?

Higher taxes?

More "fuck white people" SJW policies?

A better economy for China while America loses jobs and technology?

Section 8 housing being pushed to the suburbs?

America not being great anymore?

More worthless Environmental Wacko initiatives that do noting for the environment but transfers wealth?

More wars with a weakened military?

More welfare?

More debt?

Less family income?

More dismal economic growth?

Democrats winning every election by fraud from here on out? (They know how to do it now, don't they?)

The death of the Republic?

Blob supporter misery (well, more blobber guys are always miserable).

Can't wait.
So, all of that? You want it all?

My Christmas wish is for you to be miserable. Santa delivered.
No longer being embarrassed for my country.
Knowing that we're better than what I feared.
Good stuff.
Not embarrassed? He doesn't even know the names of his cabinet members, as he's appointing them. I give the demented boob a year, if that.
Yes. Not embarrassed.

My standards are so low after Trump that even Biden will be a welcome improvement.
No longer being embarrassed for my country.
Knowing that we're better than what I feared.
Good stuff.
Not embarrassed? He doesn't even know the names of his cabinet members, as he's appointing them. I give the demented boob a year, if that.
Yes. Not embarrassed.

My standards are so low after Trump that even Biden will be a welcome improvement.
Well, at least you have the good graces to admit the problem is yours. Step in the right direction.
No longer being embarrassed for my country.
Knowing that we're better than what I feared.
Good stuff.
Not embarrassed? He doesn't even know the names of his cabinet members, as he's appointing them. I give the demented boob a year, if that.
Yes. Not embarrassed.

My standards are so low after Trump that even Biden will be a welcome improvement.
Well, at least you have the good graces to admit the problem is yours. Step in the right direction.
Whatever you'd like. My guy, as flawed as he is, won. I'm happy about that.
What are you most excited about?

Extended lockdowns?

Open borders?

Citizenship for 50 million illegals?

A half million Muslim refugees each year?

A new AWB?


Union thuggery?

Gun insurance mandate?

Higher taxes?

More "fuck white people" SJW policies?

A better economy for China while America loses jobs and technology?

Section 8 housing being pushed to the suburbs?

America not being great anymore?

More worthless Environmental Wacko initiatives that do noting for the environment but transfers wealth?

More wars with a weakened military?

More welfare?

More debt?

Less family income?

More dismal economic growth?

Democrats winning every election by fraud from here on out? (They know how to do it now, don't they?)

The death of the Republic?
A saner America.
I’m most looking forward to Trump leaving the White House.

All you Useful Idiots are all looking forward to America becoming a Socialist shithole. You think you will get more free stuff. Then you will cry and blame somebody else when things don't work out like you hope they will. Left policies always fail.
I’m most looking forward to Trump leaving the White House.

All you Useful Idiots are all looking forward to America becoming a Socialist shithole. You think you will get more free stuff. Then you will cry and blame somebody else when things don't work out like you hope they will. Left policies always fail.

I'm also looking forward to Trump supporter temper tantrums like the one above.

Thank you.

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