Democrats who were in the Klan.

So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.
Where are your links? Hm? I see nothing here but ipse dixit.

Still waiting, WIMP.

Well then prove me a liar? Other then your emotional rant which kind of reminds me of that girl who melted down on YouTube because everyone was picking on Britney Spears you havent brought shit you racist turd.

It's ***YOUR*** assertion, Gummo. That puts the burden of proof on ***YOU***. Are you freaking retarded?

Now tell is how Bill McKinley can have been part of an organization that did not exist. Are we suspending linear time or what??

Present your source or you're a liar.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

Also a lot of black people were in the original KKK, they were used as spies, to spy on other blacks.

Nah, I doubt that.

Why would they need "spies"?

I don't know why they would need spies.

I get this from "The Ku Klux Spirit" written by J.A. Rogers, he was a black historian of the 1920's, the book was first published in 1923 by Messenger Publishing Co.

""A fact not generally known is that there were thousands of Negro Klansmen. These were used as spies on other Negroes and on Northern Whites."

Also another book "A Fool's Errand" written by Albion Winegar Tourgee, first published in 1880 by Fords, Howard and Hubert of New York.

"There were no Colored men in the band (of Klansmen) that night. Their hands were not covered. I could see their boots and pants, and I could judge from their hands and feet. Most of them were genteel people, besides being white people. I could also have told by their language if there had been any Colored people among them. Their language was that of white men, and cultivated men."

Albion Winegar Tourgee's "A Fool's Errand" was republished in I think 1988 or 1989 by Louisiana State University Press with the different title of "The Invisible Empire"

Did the book mention Trump anywhere? Boosh maybe?
probably not, but the newspapers did in 1927 when he was arrested for Klan activities, like fighting...
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

Yep, that was the era of the parade you posted yesterday, the 1920s. It's estimated that one-third of the entire male population of the state of Indiana was in the Klan.

That Klan was the nativist version, railing against Catholics, Jews, immigrants and labor unions. They were also against drinking, gambling and lasciviousness. It was very much the American Taliban.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

Also a lot of black people were in the original KKK, they were used as spies, to spy on other blacks.

Nah, I doubt that.

Why would they need "spies"?

I don't know why they would need spies.

I get this from "The Ku Klux Spirit" written by J.A. Rogers, he was a black historian of the 1920's, the book was first published in 1923 by Messenger Publishing Co.

""A fact not generally known is that there were thousands of Negro Klansmen. These were used as spies on other Negroes and on Northern Whites."

Also another book "A Fool's Errand" written by Albion Winegar Tourgee, first published in 1880 by Fords, Howard and Hubert of New York.

"There were no Colored men in the band (of Klansmen) that night. Their hands were not covered. I could see their boots and pants, and I could judge from their hands and feet. Most of them were genteel people, besides being white people. I could also have told by their language if there had been any Colored people among them. Their language was that of white men, and cultivated men."

Albion Winegar Tourgee's "A Fool's Errand" was republished in I think 1988 or 1989 by Louisiana State University Press with the different title of "The Invisible Empire"

Did the book mention Trump anywhere? Boosh maybe?

No mention of The Donald or GWB lol.

Hm, but Hillary and Bammy said Republicans invented racism. Meh, what I find fascinating is how fast democrats hate wealthy successful black men and women. Must be them reverting to their intolerance of black folk getting uppity and not on their k eyes with their hands out for food stamps. Old habits die hard I guess. Once a racist always a racist.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

Also a lot of black people were in the original KKK, they were used as spies, to spy on other blacks.

Nah, I doubt that.

Why would they need "spies"?

I don't know why they would need spies.

I get this from "The Ku Klux Spirit" written by J.A. Rogers, he was a black historian of the 1920's, the book was first published in 1923 by Messenger Publishing Co.

""A fact not generally known is that there were thousands of Negro Klansmen. These were used as spies on other Negroes and on Northern Whites."

Also another book "A Fool's Errand" written by Albion Winegar Tourgee, first published in 1880 by Fords, Howard and Hubert of New York.

"There were no Colored men in the band (of Klansmen) that night. Their hands were not covered. I could see their boots and pants, and I could judge from their hands and feet. Most of them were genteel people, besides being white people. I could also have told by their language if there had been any Colored people among them. Their language was that of white men, and cultivated men."

Albion Winegar Tourgee's "A Fool's Errand" was republished in I think 1988 or 1989 by Louisiana State University Press with the different title of "The Invisible Empire"

Did the book mention Trump anywhere? Boosh maybe?
probably not, but the newspapers did in 1927 when he was arrested for Klan activities, like fighting...

And Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. was friends with the Mob and made the majority of the Kennedy money during Prohibition running illegal alcohol with the help of his Mobster friends.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

The KKK was pretty influential at one time, but these days they are largely marginalized. None of major political parties support them.
Also a lot of black people were in the original KKK, they were used as spies, to spy on other blacks.

Nah, I doubt that.

Why would they need "spies"?

I don't know why they would need spies.

I get this from "The Ku Klux Spirit" written by J.A. Rogers, he was a black historian of the 1920's, the book was first published in 1923 by Messenger Publishing Co.

""A fact not generally known is that there were thousands of Negro Klansmen. These were used as spies on other Negroes and on Northern Whites."

Also another book "A Fool's Errand" written by Albion Winegar Tourgee, first published in 1880 by Fords, Howard and Hubert of New York.

"There were no Colored men in the band (of Klansmen) that night. Their hands were not covered. I could see their boots and pants, and I could judge from their hands and feet. Most of them were genteel people, besides being white people. I could also have told by their language if there had been any Colored people among them. Their language was that of white men, and cultivated men."

Albion Winegar Tourgee's "A Fool's Errand" was republished in I think 1988 or 1989 by Louisiana State University Press with the different title of "The Invisible Empire"

Did the book mention Trump anywhere? Boosh maybe?

No mention of The Donald or GWB lol.

Hm, but Hillary and Bammy said Republicans invented racism. Meh, what I find fascinating is how fast democrats hate wealthy successful black men and women. Must be them reverting to their intolerance of black folk getting uppity and not on their k eyes with their hands out for food stamps. Old habits die hard I guess. Once a racist always a racist.

When did they say that?
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

I know we had some around here. They even came to the city building to recruit for a rally march. Their were about 5 of them. A dude said that if he saw those five walk through the 4th ward in their Klan stuff he would donate money. No takers.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

Yep, that was the era of the parade you posted yesterday, the 1920s. It's estimated that one-third of the entire male population of the state of Indiana was in the Klan.

That's right, that parade was in 1928. I had read that Indiana had a large Klan membership, I didn't know it was that large though that one-third of the males might have been Klansmen.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

Also a lot of black people were in the original KKK, they were used as spies, to spy on other blacks.

Nah, I doubt that.

Why would they need "spies"?

I don't know why they would need spies.

I get this from "The Ku Klux Spirit" written by J.A. Rogers, he was a black historian of the 1920's, the book was first published in 1923 by Messenger Publishing Co.

""A fact not generally known is that there were thousands of Negro Klansmen. These were used as spies on other Negroes and on Northern Whites."

Also another book "A Fool's Errand" written by Albion Winegar Tourgee, first published in 1880 by Fords, Howard and Hubert of New York.

"There were no Colored men in the band (of Klansmen) that night. Their hands were not covered. I could see their boots and pants, and I could judge from their hands and feet. Most of them were genteel people, besides being white people. I could also have told by their language if there had been any Colored people among them. Their language was that of white men, and cultivated men."

Albion Winegar Tourgee's "A Fool's Errand" was republished in I think 1988 or 1989 by Louisiana State University Press with the different title of "The Invisible Empire"

Your second citation seems to contradict the first.

Which iteration of the Klan are they talking about?
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

The KKK was pretty influential at one time, but these days they are largely marginalized. None of major political parties support them.

And that's a good thing. Even the town where they formed has removed all the places with the KKK's name on them.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

The KKK was pretty influential at one time, but these days they are largely marginalized. None of major political parties support them.

Political parties never did. They had friends and enemies in both parties.
Also a lot of black people were in the original KKK, they were used as spies, to spy on other blacks.

Nah, I doubt that.

Why would they need "spies"?

I don't know why they would need spies.

I get this from "The Ku Klux Spirit" written by J.A. Rogers, he was a black historian of the 1920's, the book was first published in 1923 by Messenger Publishing Co.

""A fact not generally known is that there were thousands of Negro Klansmen. These were used as spies on other Negroes and on Northern Whites."

Also another book "A Fool's Errand" written by Albion Winegar Tourgee, first published in 1880 by Fords, Howard and Hubert of New York.

"There were no Colored men in the band (of Klansmen) that night. Their hands were not covered. I could see their boots and pants, and I could judge from their hands and feet. Most of them were genteel people, besides being white people. I could also have told by their language if there had been any Colored people among them. Their language was that of white men, and cultivated men."

Albion Winegar Tourgee's "A Fool's Errand" was republished in I think 1988 or 1989 by Louisiana State University Press with the different title of "The Invisible Empire"

Did the book mention Trump anywhere? Boosh maybe?
probably not, but the newspapers did in 1927 when he was arrested for Klan activities, like fighting...

And Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. was friends with the Mob and made the majority of the Kennedy money during Prohibition running illegal alcohol with the help of his Mobster friends.
Some people do what they can, others sublimate..
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

Yep, that was the era of the parade you posted yesterday, the 1920s. It's estimated that one-third of the entire male population of the state of Indiana was in the Klan.

That Klan was the nativist version, railing against Catholics, Jews, immigrants and labor unions. They were also against drinking, gambling and lasciviousness. It was very much the American Taliban.

And they were democrats. Y'all have not changed much, your goals are still the same, a subservient black population. But instead of keeping them in line with beatings and killings y'all encourage the drug abuse, excessive alcohol use and so on to keep them docile.
and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

Yep, that was the era of the parade you posted yesterday, the 1920s. It's estimated that one-third of the entire male population of the state of Indiana was in the Klan.

That Klan was the nativist version, railing against Catholics, Jews, immigrants and labor unions. They were also against drinking, gambling and lasciviousness. It was very much the American Taliban.

And they were democrats. Y'all have not changed much, your goals are still the same, a subservient black population. But instead of keeping them in line with beatings and killings y'all encourage the drug abuse, excessive alcohol use and so on to keep them docile.
Then what excuse do whites use for alcoholism and drug abuse?
Hm, but Hillary and Bammy said Republicans invented racism.

Did they.

---- Link?

Nope, didn't think so.

It's a pattern.

Yours? And you never answered, so do y'all have a secret hand shake? Do you carry titles like grand Master of the order of pizza and fries. You have demanded links there, but you have disputed my claims with nothing but your menstrual rants. Just be the bigger party and admit you have none.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

Also a lot of black people were in the original KKK, they were used as spies, to spy on other blacks.

Nah, I doubt that.

Why would they need "spies"?

I don't know why they would need spies.

I get this from "The Ku Klux Spirit" written by J.A. Rogers, he was a black historian of the 1920's, the book was first published in 1923 by Messenger Publishing Co.

""A fact not generally known is that there were thousands of Negro Klansmen. These were used as spies on other Negroes and on Northern Whites."

Also another book "A Fool's Errand" written by Albion Winegar Tourgee, first published in 1880 by Fords, Howard and Hubert of New York.

"There were no Colored men in the band (of Klansmen) that night. Their hands were not covered. I could see their boots and pants, and I could judge from their hands and feet. Most of them were genteel people, besides being white people. I could also have told by their language if there had been any Colored people among them. Their language was that of white men, and cultivated men."

Albion Winegar Tourgee's "A Fool's Errand" was republished in I think 1988 or 1989 by Louisiana State University Press with the different title of "The Invisible Empire"

Your second citation seems to contradict the first.

Which iteration of the Klan are they talking about?

The first is in reference to when the Klan hadn't long been established, so that would be the original Klan C. 1865-late 1866.

The second is in reference to the Klan C. 1867-mid 1870s.
Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

Yep, that was the era of the parade you posted yesterday, the 1920s. It's estimated that one-third of the entire male population of the state of Indiana was in the Klan.

That Klan was the nativist version, railing against Catholics, Jews, immigrants and labor unions. They were also against drinking, gambling and lasciviousness. It was very much the American Taliban.

And they were democrats. Y'all have not changed much, your goals are still the same, a subservient black population. But instead of keeping them in line with beatings and killings y'all encourage the drug abuse, excessive alcohol use and so on to keep them docile.
Then what excuse do whites use for alcoholism and drug abuse?

Shame I guess. Some like the drama. I just like getting stoned. Don't drink much. But I'm not black so I'm cool.

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