Democrats will run against God, Gop will run against Obama

Most democratic voters believe in god.

That lie wont fly

That lie???????????????????????


Get your head out of the sand. :eusa_whistle: :eusa_whistle:

I know you dont like facts but pretending lies are facts wont wim you any elections expect where all the voters are tea party voters.

No tea party candidate will win the general elections unless the republicans REALLY amp up their cheating in elections.

If they really amp up the cheating then they will get caught BIG time.
As I have posted on these boards often,,,any politician who supports ending the EPA, ending programs for the poor, disabled or helpless are fake Christians. The Bible is loaded with verses talking about preserving and taking care of God's Earth. Also, the Bible has many, many verses about helping the poor and weak. The Bible also tells the us to pay our taxes and that it''s tougher for a rich man to get into heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
Of course there are many one-issue voters,,ala abortion and they seem to ignore the rest of the teachings of God, as do those who support equality for the poor and taking care of nature but are pro-choice.
I know if ANY politician tried to claim that God is behind them,, an opposing idealogical Christian purist could easily expose the hypocrisy of the candidate.
This is shaping up to be one of the strangest elections Ive witnessed.

what is your basis on this happening?
Your thread about meet the press? Perry running?Mitt being a mormon? Ive already seen people say they wont vote for him because he is one.


This like the right complaining that Obama is a Muslim, and a non Christian?How about that thread on how he didn't do anything for easter? Oh that kills your OP about the left making it about god.

see the difference and i know this will be lost on 90% of you. Dem's feel you dont need god to run the country, but have no problem if you believe in any god. Republicans want more and more god, and feel you can run this nation with having a very strong influence in god. See Bush, Perry, Bachman. Which is why most that run tend to show of their god skills.

This is just one part in an over run for the white house. The title is naturally a short term thinking lie who wants to focus on one part of the pie in order to bash Obama...

Since I have not made a thread about Obamas religious beliefs or his past affiliations I hardly see how your criticism fits me. The media is pounding the God issue not me. I simply pointed it out.

The media on the right did go after Obama and his religious beliefs and you guys cried foul, why not the same standard for GOP candidates?
Because the media kept reporting flat out lies of the right as if they had merit.

A lie should be reported as a lie and NOT as a vailid opinion.
what is your basis on this happening?
Your thread about meet the press? Perry running?Mitt being a mormon? Ive already seen people say they wont vote for him because he is one.


This like the right complaining that Obama is a Muslim, and a non Christian?How about that thread on how he didn't do anything for easter? Oh that kills your OP about the left making it about god.

see the difference and i know this will be lost on 90% of you. Dem's feel you dont need god to run the country, but have no problem if you believe in any god. Republicans want more and more god, and feel you can run this nation with having a very strong influence in god. See Bush, Perry, Bachman. Which is why most that run tend to show of their god skills.

This is just one part in an over run for the white house. The title is naturally a short term thinking lie who wants to focus on one part of the pie in order to bash Obama...

Since I have not made a thread about Obamas religious beliefs or his past affiliations I hardly see how your criticism fits me. The media is pounding the God issue not me. I simply pointed it out.

The media on the right did go after Obama and his religious beliefs and you guys cried foul, why not the same standard for GOP candidates?

they cried foul because they were stupid. Bachman and perry for the most part have god in their lives. A huge portion of it that is. To see how this would reflect on their policies is important. Thats the difference. I am sorry you dont understand simple politics.

To see how it would impact their policies? Theyve held political power for sometime now. How it impacts their decisions has been clear for the public to see for sometime now. Im sorry you dont understand how two faced you are.
Obama was elected president of the United States and the right wing media still lies aobut his religion enven when the facts are clear.
Strange indeed, judging by the current likely nominees, it looks more like the GOP will be running against the First Amendment.
As I have posted on these boards often,,,any politician who supports ending the EPA, ending programs for the poor, disabled or helpless are fake Christians. .

Only God can judge who is what.

The EPA has become the enemy of the people, and justice delayed is justice denied,

you sir are a false prophet.

One of many predicted to come.

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