Democrats will run against God, Gop will run against Obama

Funny how I only hear that kind of comparison from Righties here.

Some of them actually believe he's the antichrist--hence the innuendo in threads like these. Every time you hear about godless Democrats or Obama "the [false] Messiah" that's a little streak of fundie in a rightwinger hinting that Obama just might be the antichrist. The McCain campaign even tipped its hat to that vein of rightwing sentiment in one of its ads last go-around.

[ame=]The One[/ame]

This is why someone like Bachmann can do well in a Republican primary. Namely, the odd preponderance of crazy people who view political opponents in quasi-theological terms.
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You seem all fired sure that God is a Conservative, when his son had dark skin and spoke like a hippie.
You seem all fired sure that God is a Conservative, when his son had dark skin and spoke like a hippie.

You seem incapable of reading or comprehension or both.


Strike 2, one more and your stupidity will be obvious.
they cried foul because they were stupid. Bachman and perry for the most part have god in their lives. A huge portion of it that is. To see how this would reflect on their policies is important. Thats the difference. I am sorry you dont understand simple politics.

To see how it would impact their policies? Theyve held political power for sometime now. How it impacts their decisions has been clear for the public to see for sometime now. Im sorry you dont understand how two faced you are.

Christ on a stick you are an amateur. This isnt running for congress in your state. This is running for President, The stage is bigger, the spotlight is harsher, and the voters are more demanding.

The "public" doesnt give a shit about researching their policies. They want it in a nice neat package they can vote on. WE are not the public, we actually follow these people. Like a Fantasy football player follows players during the season. The average person just watches the game where the Fantasy player watches 20 games and watches all the stats.

your little "insult" doesnt even make sense, but keep trying, maybe someday you will land a zinger.

Im the amateur and your the one obsessed with God. Ill take amateur status, thanks
Most democratic voters believe in god.

That lie wont fly

That lie???????????????????????


Get your head out of the sand. :eusa_whistle: :eusa_whistle:

I know you dont like facts but pretending lies are facts wont wim you any elections expect where all the voters are tea party voters.

No tea party candidate will win the general elections unless the republicans REALLY amp up their cheating in elections.

If they really amp up the cheating then they will get caught BIG time.
yeah we republicans have acorn working for us.....hanging chads:cuckoo:???
I'm pretty sure God is made at Republicans. They break all His laws.
Do you mean those batshit crazy Christians that Perry has been hanging with?

no we mean you anti american batshit crazy howling at da moon libturds.

Liberals care about America, your kind watch it go down the drain for your beliefs.

the only thing libturds give a shit about is spending other peoples money.. "God Bless America?" "NO NO NO God DAMN AMERICA." that's who you put into office.
You seem all fired sure that God is a Conservative, when his son had dark skin and spoke like a hippie.

You seem incapable of reading or comprehension or both.


Strike 2, one more and your stupidity will be obvious.

Just what is the title of this thread. Democrats running against God, or something like that. Your comprehension is a bit shattered.
Liberals care about America, your kind watch it go down the drain for your beliefs.

the only thing libturds give a shit about is spending other peoples money.. "God Bless America?" "NO NO NO God DAMN AMERICA." that's who you put into office.

Posting lies certainly does not make you look any smarter.

[ame=]Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God Damn America" - YouTube[/ame]
You seem all fired sure that God is a Conservative, when his son had dark skin and spoke like a hippie.

Having dark skin is not a prerequisite for liberalism.

BTW, have any photo's of Jesus Christ?????
the only thing libturds give a shit about is spending other peoples money.. "God Bless America?" "NO NO NO God DAMN AMERICA." that's who you put into office.

Posting lies certainly does not make you look any smarter.

[ame=]Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God Damn America" - YouTube[/ame]

Trouble with you Conservatives is that all Blacks look alike to you.

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