Democrats will try to approve $2,000 direct checks

We get free money in Canada and it's working out pretty well for us so far.
You and your free money should stay in canada instead of poking your nose into US affairs
Thank you for your comment Mac. I intend to stay in Canada and never again go to America. I'm afraid of getting shot by a stray bullet.
And not to suggest that I don't like guns! Ask me about our guns!
But let's try to stick with talking about FREE money and what we see as responsible spending by our government. We think it's rude to refer to social spending as Free money.
Could this thread just become the one thread in which Americans don't fight each other, and rather just talk about the common good?
Perhaps we could refer to social spending by another name and not refer to it as FREE money?
Thank you for your comment Mac. I intend to stay in Canada and never again go to America. I'm afraid of getting shot by a stray bullet.
Your opinions should remain in canada also

what we do on America is none of your business
It was only given to those making under $75k per year
Such as government employees who were never laid off?

no matter how you slice it the shutdowns followed by Uncle Santa Claus tossing borrowed money from a helicopter is just insane
I think there's a valid reason to compensate people who are being asked to "take one for the team" - businesses and workers who are denied an income because of our response to the pandemic. Of course that doesn't excuse the porkfest, or Congress' habit of using every single piece legislation as an excuse to reward themselves or their lobbyists with benes.
Could this thread just become the one thread in which Americans don't fight each other, and rather just talk about the common good?
Perhaps we could refer to social spending by another name and not refer to it as FREE money?
Or perhaps we restrict the legislation to its nominal purpose - helping those who are getting screwed by the pandemic response - and save the pork for later.
It was only given to those making under $75k per year
Such as government employees who were never laid off?

no matter how you slice it the shutdowns followed by Uncle Santa Claus tossing borrowed money from a helicopter is just insane

You're not wrong there. Last Covid stimulus, my family got a decent chunk of money, even though both my husband and I have been working steadily - with overtime, even - throughout the entire year. They don't make any effort to determine who actually needs help.
It was only given to those making under $75k per year
Such as government employees who were never laid off?

no matter how you slice it the shutdowns followed by Uncle Santa Claus tossing borrowed money from a helicopter is just insane
I think there's a valid reason for compensate people who are asked to "take one for the team" - business and workers who are denied an income because or our response to the pandemic. Of course doesn't excuse the porkfest, or Congress' habit of using every single piece legislation as an excuse to reward themselves or their lobbyists with benes.
I think the stimulus, whether $600 or $2000, just prolongs the dictatorship of baby hitlers in the states

you mentioned compensating people who lost income due to a government ordered shutdown

but government workers lost no income and the certainly have no claim for compensation
Could this thread just become the one thread in which Americans don't fight each other, and rather just talk about the common good?
Perhaps we could refer to social spending by another name and not refer to it as FREE money?
Or perhaps we restrict the legislation to its nominal purpose - helping those who are getting screwed by the pandemic response - and save the pork for later.
I don't think you're understanding the concept of necessary spending for the people's social needs. There are many more needs of the people than just Covid relief.

And incidentally, have you even considered what Covid relief even means? I can tell you what it means in a broad sense but you have to be willing to listen closely.

Let's keep our respective politics out of it for now o.k??

Have you watche Charles Dickens', A Christmas Carol? It's a good time to do so because it's a primer on just about everything I have to tell you!
It was only given to those making under $75k per year
Such as government employees who were never laid off?

no matter how you slice it the shutdowns followed by Uncle Santa Claus tossing borrowed money from a helicopter is just insane
I think there's a valid reason for compensate people who are asked to "take one for the team" - business and workers who are denied an income because or our response to the pandemic. Of course doesn't excuse the porkfest, or Congress' habit of using every single piece legislation as an excuse to reward themselves or their lobbyists with benes.
I think the stimulus, whether $600 or $2000, just prolongs the dictatorship of baby hitlers in the states

you mentioned compensating people who lost income due to a government ordered shutdown

but government workers lost no income and the certainly have no claim for compensation
Talking about Americans being baby hitlers is NOT HELPFUL! Please!!
yes, tossing money from helicopters is insane.
But instead, they're sending checks, or better: direct deposit.
Its only a small fraction of whats needed for unpaid rent.
Its still irresponsible spending no matter how they deliver the money

why should government employees who never missed a paycheck get any money?

or retirees who had no job to lose?

Or "essential" workers who've stayed employed this whole time?

Mind you, I'm not sending the money back when I get it, because it's manifestly obvious the government will use it less wisely than I will.
Mind you, I'm not sending the money back when I get it, because it's manifestly obvious the government will use it less wisely than I will.
Don't try for sainthood just yet.

You could have donated it to any number charities. You could have spend it on PPE and dropped it off at your local hospital.

You didn't.

You kept it and whined
Or "essential" workers who've stayed employed this whole time?

the left is giving away free samples of crack to the public knowing that future addicts will pay them back and more
America's attitude toward addicts and drugs has caused a huge problem. But that was then and this is now and attitudes can change. And so even though Reagan had the most to do with forming that destructive attitude, can we move on and not blame the right or the left?
Pelosi put Trump's $2K request up for a voice vote and of course Republicants blocked it.

The party of nothing speaks out yet again...

They don't even support Captain Chaos
yes, tossing money from helicopters is insane.
But instead, they're sending checks, or better: direct deposit.
Its only a small fraction of whats needed for unpaid rent.
Its still irresponsible spending no matter how they deliver the money

why should government employees who never missed a paycheck get any money?

or retirees who had no job to lose?

Or "essential" workers who've stayed employed this whole time?

Mind you, I'm not sending the money back when I get it, because it's manifestly obvious the government will use it less wisely than I will.
Good and socially responsible government spends money wisely. Greedy capitalist government don't. Please stop fighting with your fellow Americans so the new presidency at least has a chance to start the healing.
You're the richest country in the world so you still have a way to go, but it might turn out that the wealth of the richest might need to be shared.
Other people's money is probably the only way out of the mess that was created by (fill in the blank)
---------------------- with your most hated president.

Should they write each of our 350 million people a check?
Good and socially responsible government spends money wisely. Greedy capitalist government don't. Please stop fighting with your fellow Americans so the new presidency at least has a chance to start the healing.

Healing???? You meant destruction I believe.
Even people like you who suggest it's a good thing to point guns at people, can change their attitudes. I would suggest you watch Charles Dickens', A Christmas Carol and take the message to heart. Baby jesus wouldn't appreciate your poor attitude any time of the year! put the guns down!
Peace and love from Canada friend.
Because it's a stimulus bill which indicates it's purpose is to stimulate the economy. Since retired people, healthcare workers, government employees all spend money, that's the intent.
the unintended consequence will be to addict the public to free money

and at some point we will have a federal budget deficit that is unsustainable

America will implode from our own mismanagement

Understood. I'm just explaining why everybody is getting money regardless if they are working or not.

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