Democrats will try to approve $2,000 direct checks

Trump is a puppet of russia. What we doing about that giant cyber attack?

The best part of the Trump regime was his cooperation with Putin and Russia. America has turned out to be the evil empire, not Russia or China.

Change your attitude brain and be advised that it's a privilege to talk to a peace loving Canadian.
What would baby jesus say? best wishes.
No! The red tape and delays in determining need would completely kill the gesture. It would literally take years to figure it out. "Stimulus" money is meant to help businesses by giving consumers some extra money to spend. It doesn't matter if you need it--you'll spend it and make someone happy by doing so. People are trying to turn this into something it's not. That $1200 didn't solve anyone's problems, except maybe for a month. $600 is sure not going to either. But now that the government did it once, people are demanding more, and trying to turn it into a welfare issue.

Your country's people are in such dire straits now, so that stimulus money is necessary. You should have been questioning government when they were getting you there.

And without an attitude change, it's going to happen agains and again and again! Sometimes Americans just will not listen!

Welfare, spending, and FREE money can be good things. Ask me poliltely about it sometime.
Some people and businesses need help. This is going to give a lot of money to a lot of people whether they need it or not. The amount may be correct, but it should be going to business that were forced closed and people who lost income directly from our poor pandemic response. I know a lot of people doing better financially because there isn't a lot we can do.
Trump is a puppet of russia. What we doing about that giant cyber attack?

The best part of the Trump regime was his cooperation with Putin and Russia. America has turned out to be the evil empire, not Russia or China.

Change your attitude brain and be advised that it's a privilege to talk to a peace loving Canadian.
What would baby jesus say? best wishes.
Oh that is cute. Thanks for the wishes!
No! The red tape and delays in determining need would completely kill the gesture. It would literally take years to figure it out. "Stimulus" money is meant to help businesses by giving consumers some extra money to spend. It doesn't matter if you need it--you'll spend it and make someone happy by doing so. People are trying to turn this into something it's not. That $1200 didn't solve anyone's problems, except maybe for a month. $600 is sure not going to either. But now that the government did it once, people are demanding more, and trying to turn it into a welfare issue.

Your country's people are in such dire straits now, so that stimulus money is necessary. You should have been questioning government when they were getting you there.

And without an attitude change, it's going to happen agains and again and again! Sometimes Americans just will not listen!

Welfare, spending, and FREE money can be good things. Ask me poliltely about it sometime.
In what way was my post not polite? I have nothing against welfare. My only point is that this stimulus isn't meant to be welfare.
You're an American and you don't understand. We can work on that if you like?
Meet me in the CDZ section where we won't need to be abused by the spamming and trolling.
What a pompous douchebag you've turned out to be! Welcome to the board.
He reminds me of 320/Xelor without all the fancy words.
I'm not pompous, I'm just demonstrating that I'm worthy of being superior in ways that have to do with socially responsible behaviour.

Americans have chosen to take a back seat to the world's leading democracies, Now you'll have to eat your cake and try to scratch your way back. We aren't responsible and neither are Russia and China.
No! The red tape and delays in determining need would completely kill the gesture. It would literally take years to figure it out. "Stimulus" money is meant to help businesses by giving consumers some extra money to spend. It doesn't matter if you need it--you'll spend it and make someone happy by doing so. People are trying to turn this into something it's not. That $1200 didn't solve anyone's problems, except maybe for a month. $600 is sure not going to either. But now that the government did it once, people are demanding more, and trying to turn it into a welfare issue.

Your country's people are in such dire straits now, so that stimulus money is necessary. You should have been questioning government when they were getting you there.

And without an attitude change, it's going to happen agains and again and again! Sometimes Americans just will not listen!

Welfare, spending, and FREE money can be good things. Ask me poliltely about it sometime.
In what way was my post not polite? I have nothing against welfare. My only point is that this stimulus isn't meant to be welfare.
You're an American and you don't understand. We can work on that if you like?
Meet me in the CDZ section where we won't need to be abused by the spamming and trolling.
What a pompous douchebag you've turned out to be! Welcome to the board.
He reminds me of 320/Xelor without all the fancy words.
I'm not pompous, I'm just demonstrating that I'm worthy of being superior in ways that have to do with socially responsible behaviour.

Americans have chosen to take a back seat to the world's leading democracies, Now you'll have to eat your cake and try to scratch your way back. We aren't responsible and neither are Russia and China.
Trumpers made that decision. He will be gone soon. :)
Trump is a puppet of russia. What we doing about that giant cyber attack?

The best part of the Trump regime was his cooperation with Putin and Russia. America has turned out to be the evil empire, not Russia or China.

Change your attitude brain and be advised that it's a privilege to talk to a peace loving Canadian.
What would baby jesus say? best wishes.

Have to say, I've known and worked with many a Canadian, but none of them invoked "the baby jesus [sic]" every other sentence. Eh?
Could this thread just become the one thread in which Americans don't fight each other, and rather just talk about the common good?
Perhaps we could refer to social spending by another name and not refer to it as FREE money?

You know what it means when someone from the left says, "Let's put aside politics and not fight, and just talk about the common good?" It means, "Stop having your own opinions and just accept my viewpoint as correct and moral."

So . . . no. And no, you don't get to dictate what things are and aren't called by people who aren't you.
Could this thread just become the one thread in which Americans don't fight each other, and rather just talk about the common good?
Perhaps we could refer to social spending by another name and not refer to it as FREE money?
Or perhaps we restrict the legislation to its nominal purpose - helping those who are getting screwed by the pandemic response - and save the pork for later.
I don't think you're understanding the concept of necessary spending for the people's social needs. There are many more needs of the people than just Covid relief.

And incidentally, have you even considered what Covid relief even means? I can tell you what it means in a broad sense but you have to be willing to listen closely.

Let's keep our respective politics out of it for now o.k??

Have you watche Charles Dickens', A Christmas Carol? It's a good time to do so because it's a primer on just about everything I have to tell you!

I just heard, "You don't agree with me, so that MUST mean you don't understand!!"
You kept it and whined
Speaking only for myself, I dont claim to be immune to every weakness.

I could certainly get used to a few thousand a month just like the welfare bums

but not EVERY human weakness

if government were offering the public crack cocaine instead of cash payments I would decline

but nevertheless it would create a lot of new drug addicts for life just as this stimulus will create citizens addicted to free money from Uncle Santa Claus
You understand playing "not me" or "point the finger" solves nothing right?
You realize I don't give a fuck who, where, how, why or when right?

Hey want to hold up the Covid relief bill over pork that's in ANOTHER...entirely separate bill.

Do you understand how stupid that is?
Never been a fan of government "juicing" the economy, even in bad times. It always turns into a lobby-fest over who gets the "juice".
Who cares what "you are a fan of"?

It creates jobs and increases GDP.
You understand playing "not me" or "point the finger" solves nothing right?
You realize I don't give a fuck who, where, how, why or when right?

Hey want to hold up the Covid relief bill over pork that's in ANOTHER...entirely separate bill.

Do you understand how stupid that is?

No, there's pork in the COVID relief bill too. Regardless, they're joined at the hip. On purpose, so he can't veto just the pork.
Trump constantly ignores russian attacks. Biden and China is in your imagination, we will see.

My imagination, huh? So which of those two countries did more damage to the US? Is Russia sending hot spies to this country to bed down with important Democrat politicians, or Democrat representatives to be their chauffeur? Is Russia constantly stealing our intellectual property? Is Russia paying big bucks to American colleges to have them educate their citizens leaving less room for American kids? Is Russia trying to sneak in pregnant Russian women to have children here thus making them automatic American citizens who can come back at a later date to do us harm? Is Russia monitoring or inventing technology Americans use like Tic-toc or Zoom?
Or "essential" workers who've stayed employed this whole time?

the left is giving away free samples of crack to the public knowing that future addicts will pay them back and more
America's attitude toward addicts and drugs has caused a huge problem. But that was then and this is now and attitudes can change. And so even though Reagan had the most to do with forming that destructive attitude, can we move on and not blame the right or the left?

Dude, it's a metaphor. No one's talking about actual drug addiction. But thank you for your gratuitous, "Republicans are wrong about everything, now please don't YOU say anything negative" schtick.
yes, tossing money from helicopters is insane.
But instead, they're sending checks, or better: direct deposit.
Its only a small fraction of whats needed for unpaid rent.
Its still irresponsible spending no matter how they deliver the money

why should government employees who never missed a paycheck get any money?

or retirees who had no job to lose?

Or "essential" workers who've stayed employed this whole time?

Mind you, I'm not sending the money back when I get it, because it's manifestly obvious the government will use it less wisely than I will.
Good and socially responsible government spends money wisely. Greedy capitalist government don't. Please stop fighting with your fellow Americans so the new presidency at least has a chance to start the healing.

Please stop flattering yourself that you get to tell other people - especially other people in OTHER COUNTRIES - what to do because we're all going to fall to our knees in awe of your goodness and wisdom, as demonstrating by you telling us that you're good and wise.

I'll fight with any damned person I feel the need to, for whatever cause I think is worth it, and your approval and disapproval on it will carry every bit as much weight as a taco fart in a wind tunnel.

Furthermore, you and The Usurper can shove your "healing" right up the ol' jacksie. Didn't say a word about "let's come together and heal" the last four years? Then you don't want healing now; you want subjugation, and I'm no one's peon.

If this still isn't clear enough for you, let me know and I can be a LOT more direct.

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