Democrats Will Win the House and Senate Next Year

The Virginia elections this week replicated a pattern we saw in 2005, the year before Republicans got massacred in the midterms and lost control of both houses of Congress. Suburban and rural legislative seats, some of which were never even competitive in recent years, flipped from R to D and a very lackluster Democratic candidate bested a well known Republican opponent by eight points. This is hardly surprising as Republicans have failed to accomplish little of anything they promised the voters last year, combined with the constant revolving door of shady, scandalized characters in and out of the White House. Then, of course, there is President Trump, himself, the cancer of it all, with historically low approval ratings and a mouth that doesn't quit. Many of us warned the GOP that he would be destructive to the party, but the rank and file didn't listen. Now you are seeing a foreshadowing of what we predicted would happen if you elected him.
and hillary won in a 2017 landslide....:badgrin:

How is Hillary Clinton relevant to this topic?
The Virginia elections this week replicated a pattern we saw in 2005, the year before Republicans got massacred in the midterms and lost control of both houses of Congress. Suburban and rural legislative seats, some of which were never even competitive in recent years, flipped from R to D and a very lackluster Democratic candidate bested a well known Republican opponent by eight points. This is hardly surprising as Republicans have failed to accomplish little of anything they promised the voters last year, combined with the constant revolving door of shady, scandalized characters in and out of the White House. Then, of course, there is President Trump, himself, the cancer of it all, with historically low approval ratings and a mouth that doesn't quit. Many of us warned the GOP that he would be destructive to the party, but the rank and file didn't listen. Now you are seeing a foreshadowing of what we predicted would happen if you elected him.
9/11 Trutherism was at it's peak in 2006 when 1/3rd of Americans thought that Bush carried out the 9/11 attacks. The party of slavery rode the truther wave into control of congress in 2007.
The Virginia elections this week replicated a pattern we saw in 2005, the year before Republicans got massacred in the midterms and lost control of both houses of Congress. Suburban and rural legislative seats, some of which were never even competitive in recent years, flipped from R to D and a very lackluster Democratic candidate bested a well known Republican opponent by eight points. This is hardly surprising as Republicans have failed to accomplish little of anything they promised the voters last year, combined with the constant revolving door of shady, scandalized characters in and out of the White House. Then, of course, there is President Trump, himself, the cancer of it all, with historically low approval ratings and a mouth that doesn't quit. Many of us warned the GOP that he would be destructive to the party, but the rank and file didn't listen. Now you are seeing a foreshadowing of what we predicted would happen if you elected him.
9/11 Trutherism was at it's peak in 2006 when 1/3rd of Americans thought that Bush carried out the 9/11 attacks. The party of slavery rode the truther wave into control of congress in 2007.

Ummm..... no. People were tired of the neo-con war mongering.
Big uphill battle to take over the Senate, the Dims have nearly an unprecented # of seats to defend, the GOP does not.
In fact, the Dims have to defend 25 seats, the GOP only 8.
A better bet is to watch the money. Hillary spent eight to one and lost. If the democrats walked into 2020 with anything less than 100 million to start they are in trouble!

Well, Clinton is out. Sanders is out. And the reality is that the current generation of youths will to finish something only goes so far as the next reality show when there is nobody there to lead their pet peeve cause. The Republicans will show up even more than they did in 2016, if for no ther reason than to poke a stick at the Democrat voters.

VA was expected. It's a Democrat state. There will be no wave.
I don't think the revenge factor is over either. Not sure how long it will last but with two more SCOTUS picks on the table if it does it's going to be brutal!

Ha. SCOTUS the only thing I care about. Well, that and waking peopel up to this Keynesian economic system that we have. In that regard, Trump is just more of the same. He loaded the Fed up with the same old fat cats.
A better bet is to watch the money. Hillary spent eight to one and lost. If the democrats walked into 2020 with anything less than 100 million to start they are in trouble!

Well, Clinton is out. Sanders is out. And the reality is that the current generation of youths will to finish something only goes so far as the next reality show when there is nobody there to lead their pet peeve cause. The Republicans will show up even more than they did in 2016, if for no ther reason than to poke a stick at the Democrat voters.

VA was expected. It's a Democrat state. There will be no wave.

Virginia is not a Democratic state. It is a swing state and was perfectly winnable for the Republicans.

Well, we'll just have to disagree. There was a time when I would have agreed with you. I learned othewise when I was canvassing for Cuccinelli a few years back.
No cogent political analyst reads anything important into the governor races in either Virginia or New Jersey. New Jersey is and has for many years been under the influence of leftists, and the election of Christie was an anomaly. They have simply reverted to form. Virginia has become a "blue" state largely because a great percentage of the voters are government employees, dependents of government employees, government contractors, government consultants, and "minorities." Nationally, this election meant nothing. Both Virginia and New Jersey voted en masse for the Witch in 2016, and they are likely to vote for the Democrat in 2020. Yawn.

The U.S., in total, will be very reluctant to elect someone who advocates "open borders"; someone who cannot name the two genders; someone who seeks socialized medicine; someone who wholly supports gay marriage, transsexualism, abortion on demand through the 8.9th month of pregnancy, and who believes that the only reason why "minorities" are sucking the hind teat in America is "racism." And there is no doubt whatsoever that whoever the Democrats nominate in 2020, that person will believe all of this.

But if it makes you feel good to think of New Jersey and Virginia as the beginning of a Leftist tidal wave, feel free. You obviously enjoyed KNOWING that HRC would be our next president for 18 months or so a while back. Knock yourselves out.
The Virginia elections this week replicated a pattern we saw in 2005, the year before Republicans got massacred in the midterms and lost control of both houses of Congress. Suburban and rural legislative seats, some of which were never even competitive in recent years, flipped from R to D and a very lackluster Democratic candidate bested a well known Republican opponent by eight points. This is hardly surprising as Republicans have failed to accomplish little of anything they promised the voters last year, combined with the constant revolving door of shady, scandalized characters in and out of the White House. Then, of course, there is President Trump, himself, the cancer of it all, with historically low approval ratings and a mouth that doesn't quit. Many of us warned the GOP that he would be destructive to the party, but the rank and file didn't listen. Now you are seeing a foreshadowing of what we predicted would happen if you elected him.

Republicans have done nothing for years and the drones keep electing them. Dems need a fresh message.
Big uphill battle to take over the Senate, the Dims have nearly an unprecented # of seats to defend, the GOP does not.
In fact, the Dims have to defend 25 seats, the GOP only 8.

The Dems will pick up some seats. The ruckus about it should be expected.

I actually agree with Democrats (meaning the Democrat voters) on a lot of things. I don't hate em. It's their solutions that I disagree with.
Republicans have done nothing for years and the drones keep electing them. Dems need a fresh message.

If we look back on the 2014 Mid-Term elections, we had more Independent, Third-Party, Green candidate folks show up than any time in modern history. And nobody reported on it. I was amazing. That's why Trump got elected. It was a referendum vote against the establishment. And those people have not gone away. They're still around. And they're still eager to express themselves.

To that extent I would agree with the op. If that's what he means by a wave.

Is that what your'e talking about, Dont Taz Me Bro?
the Republicans will gain 10 Senate seats in 2018, whether you like it or not.

and the Bannon wing of the GOP will get a lot of new representation.
the Republicans will gain 10 Senate seats in 2018, whether you like it or not.

and the Bannon wing of the GOP will get a lot of new representation.

You're about to lose Alabama after this Moore scandal that just broke.
The SCOTUS cases on Gerrymandering are going to be a big factor as well.

The GOP rigged the system from the local level up so that although more votes are cast for Dem house members (over a million) the GOP wins more seats.

There are a few funky blue districts, those should be redrawn as well.
the Republicans will gain 10 Senate seats in 2018, whether you like it or not.

and the Bannon wing of the GOP will get a lot of new representation.

You go girl.

Why don't they just form their own party?

Cowards. Man up and do you're own thing.
Big uphill battle to take over the Senate, the Dims have nearly an unprecented # of seats to defend, the GOP does not.
In fact, the Dims have to defend 25 seats, the GOP only 8.

And the GOP will probably lose the Senate too if last Tuesday was any indication.
I saw a lady last night talking about this, and much like how many people voted for Trump because they couldn't vote for Clinton, now the reverse effect is going on. People are following Bernie Sanders' message that the best way to fix the government starts at the local level and works its way up... and voters are voting Democrat not because they want to, but because they are voting against Trump.
Every Democrat "Win" is a MAJOR defeat for the nation. P-E-R-I-O-D

(Not everyone has the intellect to realize that)

Your initial conclusion is not sound ["Every Democrat "Win" is a MAJOR defeat for the nation"].

Apparently you lack the education to comprehend basic logic.
The Virginia elections this week replicated a pattern we saw in 2005, the year before Republicans got massacred in the midterms and lost control of both houses of Congress. Suburban and rural legislative seats, some of which were never even competitive in recent years, flipped from R to D and a very lackluster Democratic candidate bested a well known Republican opponent by eight points. This is hardly surprising as Republicans have failed to accomplish little of anything they promised the voters last year, combined with the constant revolving door of shady, scandalized characters in and out of the White House. Then, of course, there is President Trump, himself, the cancer of it all, with historically low approval ratings and a mouth that doesn't quit. Many of us warned the GOP that he would be destructive to the party, but the rank and file didn't listen. Now you are seeing a foreshadowing of what we predicted would happen if you elected him.

I am sorry you actually believe what you posted. I think the establishment, Republicans stink............but what will be coming out about the Democrats through the winter will sink any chance they have, and Republican strategists already know this.

You know, Donna Barzille is probably a very, very nice woman, but she is no rocket scientist. Do you think for an instant that she knew some of this stuff, and nobody else knew? Of course they did, and Donna didn't delve into it all, TRUST me on that, for obvious reasons.

Like him or hate him, Trump is in a very, very, VERY unique position! When the left does something really shady, the right can't do much because they are shady too! It is kind of like the old gentlemens agreement------------> we can hate each other, but we never rat each other out to our wives, because we all have mistresses!

Well, for all the shady, Trump wasn't there!!!!! He was in the private sector, not in Washington. He can sink Democrats, Republicans, or anybody he wants. Let me tell ya, watch TV a little after Christmas, and watch the Democratic party run for the hills. Sure, Hillary is going to look really bad, but watch how many Democrats actually holding seats, start sinking like the Titanic.........and some of them in LEADERSHIP!

And let me tell know how the accusations are probably true? (which they are) Because whenever it is a lie, it is always an October surprise! Far enough from the election to affect it, close enough to not have enough time to disprove know, kinda like Harry Reid's dissertation on Romney's taxes, which good ole Harry admitted he lied, AFTER the election.

When it is true, the sorrid facts are not all released, because they want to GUIDE the press to the rest of the facts-) They want a constant drip, drip, drip. The only time a lie is used like this, is when it is a last ditch attempt to stop am agenda, kinda like the Obama/Kenya routine, or the Trump/Russia collusion, delusion!

Watch, get some popcorn, and enjoy. This is gonna be better than a Stephen Spielberg movie, and the Democrats are gonna cry so hard, blue states may have to be proclaimed a flood plain-)
The Virginia elections this week replicated a pattern we saw in 2005, the year before Republicans got massacred in the midterms and lost control of both houses of Congress. Suburban and rural legislative seats, some of which were never even competitive in recent years, flipped from R to D and a very lackluster Democratic candidate bested a well known Republican opponent by eight points. This is hardly surprising as Republicans have failed to accomplish little of anything they promised the voters last year, combined with the constant revolving door of shady, scandalized characters in and out of the White House. Then, of course, there is President Trump, himself, the cancer of it all, with historically low approval ratings and a mouth that doesn't quit. Many of us warned the GOP that he would be destructive to the party, but the rank and file didn't listen. Now you are seeing a foreshadowing of what we predicted would happen if you elected him.

I am sorry you actually believe what you posted. I think the establishment, Republicans stink............but what will be coming out about the Democrats through the winter will sink any chance they have, and Republican strategists already know this.

You know, Donna Barzille is probably a very, very nice woman, but she is no rocket scientist. Do you think for an instant that she knew some of this stuff, and nobody else knew? Of course they did, and Donna didn't delve into it all, TRUST me on that, for obvious reasons.

Like him or hate him, Trump is in a very, very, VERY unique position! When the left does something really shady, the right can't do much because they are shady too! It is kind of like the old gentlemens agreement------------> we can hate each other, but we never rat each other out to our wives, because we all have mistresses!

Well, for all the shady, Trump wasn't there!!!!! He was in the private sector, not in Washington. He can sink Democrats, Republicans, or anybody he wants. Let me tell ya, watch TV a little after Christmas, and watch the Democratic party run for the hills. Sure, Hillary is going to look really bad, but watch how many Democrats actually holding seats, start sinking like the Titanic.........and some of them in LEADERSHIP!

And let me tell know how the accusations are probably true? (which they are) Because whenever it is a lie, it is always an October surprise! Far enough from the election to affect it, close enough to not have enough time to disprove know, kinda like Harry Reid's dissertation on Romney's taxes, which good ole Harry admitted he lied, AFTER the election.

When it is true, the sorrid facts are not all released, because they want to GUIDE the press to the rest of the facts-) They want a constant drip, drip, drip. The only time a lie is used like this, is when it is a last ditch attempt to stop am agenda, kinda like the Obama/Kenya routine, or the Trump/Russia collusion, delusion!

Watch, get some popcorn, and enjoy. This is gonna be better than a Stephen Spielberg movie, and the Democrats are gonna cry so hard, blue states may have to be proclaimed a flood plain-)

Whats about to come out is going to rock this republic to the core.
2018 is not going to be an easy year for Democrats in the Senate, and it's unlikely that they'll gain enough seats to take control.

The House is a different story, and there's a possibility there for it to flip.

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