Democrats Will Win the House and Senate Next Year

The Virginia elections this week replicated a pattern we saw in 2005, the year before Republicans got massacred in the midterms and lost control of both houses of Congress. Suburban and rural legislative seats, some of which were never even competitive in recent years, flipped from R to D and a very lackluster Democratic candidate bested a well known Republican opponent by eight points. This is hardly surprising as Republicans have failed to accomplish little of anything they promised the voters last year, combined with the constant revolving door of shady, scandalized characters in and out of the White House. Then, of course, there is President Trump, himself, the cancer of it all, with historically low approval ratings and a mouth that doesn't quit. Many of us warned the GOP that he would be destructive to the party, but the rank and file didn't listen. Now you are seeing a foreshadowing of what we predicted would happen if you elected him.
Not going to happen. The Dems would have to hold all 17 states they'd be defending plus pick off 3 from UT, WY, NE, TX, TN, MS or AL. Democrats winning in blue states is not a watershed event.
Many of us warned the GOP that he would be destructive to the party, but the rank and file didn't listen. Now you are seeing a foreshadowing of what we predicted would happen if you elected him.
That sure is how it seems, but I've long since given up making serious predictions about this stuff.

The Trumpsters are absolutely convinced that they're doing the right thing, that this Trump grenade is the only approach, and there are no words or actions or news items that will change their minds. If the GOP is slaughtered in '18, they'll say it was because there weren't enough Trumpsters in Congress.

I guess I'm hoping '18 will give us a clear picture on where the country is. Otherwise this madness will just continue.
Bullshit! Those races only showed Dems still have power on a local level. And with only 12 million in the coffers and 25 national seats up they simply do not have the cash.

The second problem is their honesty level is in question. Seriously questioned after Donna Brazil book. The money mishandling leaves donors more apt to donate local and directly NOT to the DNC.

Third you have the power issue. The Clinton's no longer have any real say in the party. Who does? Could be Sanders or it could be Warren but not the Clinton's.

Hillary is this generations Nixon and that giant shit burger is frying now!

I hate to break it to you, but Hillary Clinton is not the president.

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