Demons at play- Israeli civilians block aid to Gaza


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
We have seen quite a few videos of civilians in Israel saying to kill Palestinians and kill their kids and stuff like that…. That’s in addition to the videos of israelis calling Christianity a pagan religion calling Christians “idol worshipers” , or saying the torah commands jews to kill Christians. …which is what Al-Qaeda says.

this information ^runs counter to the propaganda machine of the Israeli media and their international media allies which suggests Israel goes out of its way to save as many civilians as it can.

Then that is really the incredible thing about social media today it’s one of the benefits were seeing this in front of our faces. It is undeniable.

It’s a shame, and it takes away from any honorable Jew and Israel who is fighting or working for their country in an honorable fashion.

It’s obvious what’s going on here the US military for example, has never acted in a hateful way like how Israeli soldiers are openly acting with hatred. Yes there have been examples of war crimes, committed by US soldiers. But not similar to what’s going on in Israel meaning you don’t see some American soldiers in front of a camera celebrating sexually assaulting women like we have seed with Israeli soldiers.

It’s not all Israeli soldiers, but there is a distinct difference between much of the Israeli government, their civilians compared to how American Christians act. It’s a shame because it takes away from the many honorable Jews, who support Israel all over the world.

Was fascinating about all of this is the alleged ISIL attack in Russia. Why hasn’t ISIL ever attacked Israel? What’s up with that? Who’s really behind that group?

What about Turkey and Iran? They keep saying they’re going to do something in the holy land, and they never do. What’s up with that?

Israel can do whatever it wants.

Oct 7 may have been a false flag, it’s possible that Hamas and the IDF are working together. A lot of weird things going on. Maybe that’s not the case but seems like there are forces at play trying to ramp up extreme hatred between Israelis and Palestinians after October 7 …because just before October 7 things were getting pretty good.
One unique situation here with the extremist Jews in Israel is that they don’t believe in spreading the Jewish faith. Now this creates a unique and bizarre situation. Because in the annals of history when it comes to religious forces taking over another land, they would often offer up people to chat to convert to their religion, sometimes they would be for coexistence among different religions. But at least, if worse came to worse, there was often the chance for the conqured people to join the conquerors faith.

Now it’s not right to force somebody to convert but at least that offer was provided in history. But you don’t even have that with these demons in Israel who don’t believe in that type of ideology they don’t believe in trying to convert people to their cause, which would be a huge play, a huge game changer.

If Israel could show IDF soldiers saying “we want the Jewish faith to spread”, and we want to love Palestinian people and for them to become Jewish, it would be a game changer. Even if whatever number of Palestinians rejected it you now have a situation where people can say wow wait a minute look these Jewish people want to spread their faith. But we don’t even have that.

Takes away from the history. Ancient Judaism was reportedly a religion that sought to convert new Followers.
I'm curious do you also view Palestinians as demons because an overwhelming percentage support Hamas slaughtering jews?
Hamas is a complicated issue. They may have been an invention of Israel. Hamas is weak and incapable of protecting the Palestinian people.

I don’t view all Israelis as demons only the ones who have committed violent crimes and hold violent ideologies.

My opinion is some Israeli and Palestinians are bad, but most are good. Think that’s common sense

If Americans had to live like Palestinians, they would’ve maybe created a group more aggressive than Hamas … that’s the problem Palestinians live as second-class citizens in Palestine, they don’t have the same rights as Israeli settlers in Palestine for example. Israeli settlers have access to roads that Palestinians do not, one of a number of inequalities

For example, Americans would not be OK with Mexicans having more rights than us in America. That’s the issue in Palestine

Israel is an authoritarian Jewish country. That is their choice. There are many good people in the Israeli military. And they can do whatever they want but people are going to provide their opinion in response.

israel has different laws compared to the USA. Interfaith marriage is outlawed in Israel. Not in America. That’s just one thing of many...

Hopefully the future is good for Israel.
Hamas is a complicated issue. They may have been an invention of Israel. Hamas is weak and incapable of protecting the Palestinian people.

I don’t view all Israelis as demons only the ones who have committed violent crimes and hold violent ideologies.

My opinion is some Israeli and Palestinians are bad, but most are good. Think that’s common sense

If Americans had to live like Palestinians, they would’ve maybe created a group more aggressive than Hamas … that’s the problem Palestinians live as second-class citizens in Palestine, they don’t have the same rights as Israeli settlers in Palestine for example. Israeli settlers have access to roads that Palestinians do not, one of a number of inequalities

For example, Americans would not be OK with Mexicans having more rights than us in America. That’s the issue in Palestine

Israel is an authoritarian Jewish country. That is their choice. There are many good people in the Israeli military. And they can do whatever they want but people are going to provide their opinion in response.

israel has different laws compared to the USA. Interfaith marriage is outlawed in Israel. Not in America. That’s just one thing of many...

Hopefully the future is good for Israel.

People blocking aid to their enemies, who dump it to stray cats - are " demons"
but the Hamas rape and torture festival - is "a complicated issue"...

...don't even try to hide your two faced degeneracy.

People blocking aid to their enemies, who dump it to stray cats - are " demons"
but the Hamas rape and torture festival - is "a complicated issue"...

...don't even try to hide your two faced degeneracy.

Israel can govern itself as it sees that’s not for me to decide. But it would probably be a good idea for them to allow food into Gaza. And if they have to check the food for explosives or weapons by all means do it. That’s common sense a lot of people would say. The thing is you have this bizarre three states in one state situation in the holy land. Israel is the overlord of Gaza. So they are responsible for what goes on in Gaza. They have to figure something out there. Ultimately, a one state solution is the best idea where everyone has equal rights and everyone is serving the same military. …that situation can be had through positive thinking and hard work.

I agree that Hamas is a joke. Their leaders are a disgrace they live in rich countries while the average Palestinian is poor and is fighting for freedom. Hamas is against freedom of speech so they forced the Palestinian people to accept them. There are Palestinians who want to fight for freedom, but also who do not support Hamas. Also politicians in the USA have suggested that Hamas was created by or allowed to exist by Israel as a means of propping up Islamic fanaticism. This was done in order to convince the west to not support Palestinians. But historically speaking Palestinian resistance and Arab nationalism was secular and inclusive of different religions.

There’s many honorable Palestinians including Palestinian Christians who take up the rifle or rocks and fight for their homes just like any honorable Israeli Jew would do. It is also a fact that in the Westbank Israeli settlers have better rights compared to Palestinians who live in the West Bank. For example Israeli settlers have access to roads, and other forms of living that Palestinians do not. So this is a problem and many Israelis acknowledge it. We’re not even talking about Gazza. We’re talking about the West Bank here. The situation in Gaza is a disaster for the people. No honest American would ever live like this like we would not allow somebody from Mexico to come into America set up a settlement and have access to better roads and healthcare than we do. Israeli Settlers are allowed to carry weapons, but Palestinians who live in the same areas are not …. see that is an unequal application of justice.

I hope you can read most of my post because I read all of yours and some of the pro Israel extremists on the US message board are reactionaries. They never actually read peoples post. They just react to the first few words.

I’ve always said there’s good and bad people on both sides. I’ve made many posts about this issue not just one.

Israel can do whatever it wants I’m not an Israeli. But the United States gov is hypocritical for sending money to Israel, but not providing the same amount of aid and coverage to the catastrophic situation in Haiti or the many humanitarian crisis in Africa. Israel, cannot lose They have a much better military and access to way more weapons than Palestinians do. Hamas has proven, incapable of defending its own people.

It is a fact that a lot of people in Israel, and even some supporters of Israel in America have questioned how October 7 could’ve occurred in the first place. The most monitored area in the world. How were the Hamas people able to get over the border. Was a standdown order given by the IDF?

Furthermore, Israel has a very capable military. Palestine has no organized military. They have very weak weapons like AK-47 and rocks. Unlike the Ukrainian military, which is getting the finest weapons and military equipment from the west. So this is total hypocrisy. This isn’t the fault of the Israeli citizen. They have to do whatever they have to do. I’m talking about this from the American perspective When Americans claim to stand with the Ukrainian people by that logic, they should stand by the Palestinian people and we should be giving hundreds of billions of dollars of the finest weapons to Palestinians.

Sexual assaults happens in every country. It’s a worldwide issue. There are many questions related to what actually happened on October 7. It seems like there were crimes. Obviously people didn’t get killed. But there was also reports that some friendly fire from the IDF killed some of their own people. As for the concerns about sexual assault, well it happens in every country anyways Palestinians do it Israelis do it. I tend not to use that word right because it’s politically loaded at times same with the word terrorist.

I had a lot of respect for many people of Israel. I have met some of them during my time in Thailand and Cambodia. I also respect the many former Soviet Jews, who are living in Israel today. Many of them fought for the Soviet union against the Nazis this is very honorable. From my understanding some of the toughest soldiers in Israel are from Russia.
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Israel can govern itself as it sees that’s not for me to decide. But it would probably be a good idea for them to allow food into Gaza. And if they have to check the food for explosives or weapons by all means do it. That’s common sense a lot of people would say. The thing is you have this bizarre three states in one state situation in the holy land. Israel is the overlord of Gaza. So they are responsible for what goes on in Gaza. They have to figure something out there. Ultimately, a one state solution is the best idea where everyone has equal rights and everyone is serving the same military. …that situation can be had through positive thinking and hard work.

I agree that Hamas is a joke. Their leaders are a disgrace they live in rich countries while the average Palestinian is poor and is fighting for freedom. Hamas is against freedom of speech so they forced the Palestinian people to accept them. There are Palestinians who want to fight for freedom, but also who do not support Hamas. Also politicians in the USA have suggested that Hamas was created by or allowed to exist by Israel as a means of propping up Islamic fanaticism. This was done in order to convince the west to not support Palestinians. But historically speaking Palestinian resistance and Arab nationalism was secular and inclusive of different religions.

There’s many honorable Palestinians including Palestinian Christians who take up the rifle or rocks and fight for their homes just like any honorable Israeli Jew would do. It is also a fact that in the Westbank Israeli settlers have better rights compared to Palestinians who live in the West Bank. For example Israeli settlers have access to roads, and other forms of living that Palestinians do not. So this is a problem and many Israelis acknowledge it. We’re not even talking about Gazza. We’re talking about the West Bank here. The situation in Gaza is a disaster for the people. No honest American would ever live like this like we would not allow somebody from Mexico to come into America set up a settlement and have access to better roads and healthcare than we do. Israeli Settlers are allowed to carry weapons, but Palestinians who live in the same areas are not …. see that is an unequal application of justice.

I hope you can read most of my post because I read all of yours and some of the pro Israel extremists on the US message board are reactionaries. They never actually read peoples post. They just react to the first few words.

I’ve always said there’s good and bad people on both sides. I’ve made many posts about this issue not just one.

Israel can do whatever it wants I’m not an Israeli. But the United States gov is hypocritical for sending money to Israel, but not providing the same amount of aid and coverage to the catastrophic situation in Haiti or the many humanitarian crisis in Africa. Israel, cannot lose They have a much better military and access to way more weapons than Palestinians do. Hamas has proven, incapable of defending its own people.

It is a fact that a lot of people in Israel, and even some supporters of Israel in America have questioned how October 7 could’ve occurred in the first place. The most monitored area in the world. How were the Hamas people able to get over the border. Was a standdown order given by the IDF?

Furthermore, Israel has a very capable military. Palestine has no organized military. They have very weak weapons like AK-47 and rocks. Unlike the Ukrainian military, which is getting the finest weapons and military equipment from the west. So this is total hypocrisy. This isn’t the fault of the Israeli citizen. They have to do whatever they have to do. I’m talking about this from the American perspective When Americans claim to stand with the Ukrainian people by that logic, they should stand by the Palestinian people and we should be giving hundreds of billions of dollars of the finest weapons to Palestinians.

Sexual assaults happens in every country. It’s a worldwide issue. There are many questions related to what actually happened on October 7. It seems like there were crimes. Obviously people didn’t get killed. But there was also reports that some friendly fire from the IDF killed some of their own people. As for the concerns about sexual assault, well it happens in every country anyways Palestinians do it Israelis do it. I tend not to use that word right because it’s politically loaded at times same with the word terrorist.

I had a lot of respect for many people of Israel. I have met some of them during my time in Thailand and Cambodia. I also respect the many former Soviet Jews, who are living in Israel today. Many of them fought for the Soviet union against the Nazis this is very honorable. From my understanding some of the toughest soldiers in Israel are from Russia.

So to justify demonizing these people, you rely on other blood libels, and engaging in further double standards - because this thread has nothing to with your op or Gaza in specific.

But the cowardly demagogues exploiting conflicts abroad,
at the expense all involved, to scapegoat a minority
for their virtue signaling identity politics.

While there're real famines in the world,
so called freedom fighters complain -

"but Gazans don't have pizza!"

So to justify demonizing these people, you rely on other blood libels, and engaging in further double standards - because this thread has nothing to with your op or Gaza in specific.

But the cowardly demagogues exploiting conflicts abroad,
at the expense all involved, to scapegoat a minority
for their virtue signaling identity politics.

While there're real famines in the world,
so called freedom fighters complain -

"but Gazans don't have pizza!"

Not interested in personal attacks or making up posters views

Please respond to specific points I’ve made with quotes.

Did you read my whole post ?
So to justify demonizing these people, you rely on other blood libels, and engaging in further double standards - because this thread has nothing to with your op or Gaza in specific.

But the cowardly demagogues exploiting conflicts abroad,
at the expense all involved, to scapegoat a minority
for their virtue signaling identity politics.

While there're real famines in the world,
so called freedom fighters complain -

"but Gazans don't have pizza!"

Please respond to this

I agree that Hamas is a joke. Their leaders are a disgrace they live in rich countries while the average Palestinian is poor and is fighting for freedom. Hamas is against freedom of speech so they forced the Palestinian people to accept them. There are Palestinians who want to fight for freedom, but also who do not support Hamas. Also politicians in the USA have suggested that Hamas was created by or allowed to exist by Israel as a means of propping up Islamic fanaticism. This was done in order to convince the west to not support Palestinians. But historically speaking Palestinian resistance and Arab nationalism was secular and inclusive of different religions

Based on what I said …your accusation is not warrented it would be akin to me telling you how you think “ie your an anti Christian”
Not interested in personal attacks or making up posters views

Please respond to specific points I’ve made with quotes.

Did you read my whole post ?

I don't need to address your deflections, if you can't refute my post,
or morally justify the demagoguery in the op.

"Not interested in personal attacks"
but opens a thread to demonize,
inciting against specific people...

you ibn-Hmar is a weasel,
don't take it personally.

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