Dems abandon due process as they continue the assault on liberty

What should concern us all is this issue is so easily solved if Congress on both sides wasn't a bunch of god damned idiots who are bought and paid for by various lobbies.

It's not that fucking difficult, If you want to legally own a gun, get an FBI background check, if you pass, it is no ones business what you own, if you fail, you can't even own a .22.

If you get caught with a firearm and no background check, 10 years in prison.

Renewed every 5 years at a small fee, say $50 just to cover costs.

Allow for flags that can be placed on a person suspending their ability to buy guns under certain circumstances until the FBI can verify IE you were investigated for domestic violence yeah you can't buy guns again until that's investigated.

That is called a deal. No the NRA won't be happy, and no the gun grabbers won't be happy, but who gives a fuck, it actually helps solve the problem without draconian limitations on the rights of people who have done nothing wrong.

Why in the world would anyone agree to such a thing in order to "get permission" to exercise their rights? I guess you're also a fan of poll taxes to pay for elections, right. If it is a right, you have no right to limit it. We should effectively punish people who misuse their rights, not limit the rights of people who don't. You clothe your tyranny in nice clothing, but it's tyranny none-the-less.

No, but I'm fan of having to provide ID to prove you actually DO have a right to vote.

Dumb shit every right we have is limited, but having to prove you actually are supposed to have that right, is not a limitation.

You are a funny fellow. No right is limited. Abuses of rights is limited. And, when you examine the wording of the Second, you find that it says SHALL not be infringed. I realize that doesn't mean much to an idiot, but those words have meanings.
It means no infringement...
But politically, the power of politics vowed to get back at them hippies that screwed up the Nam war for profit industry...
What should concern us all is this issue is so easily solved if Congress on both sides wasn't a bunch of god damned idiots who are bought and paid for by various lobbies.

It's not that fucking difficult, If you want to legally own a gun, get an FBI background check, if you pass, it is no ones business what you own, if you fail, you can't even own a .22.

If you get caught with a firearm and no background check, 10 years in prison.

Renewed every 5 years at a small fee, say $50 just to cover costs.

Allow for flags that can be placed on a person suspending their ability to buy guns under certain circumstances until the FBI can verify IE you were investigated for domestic violence yeah you can't buy guns again until that's investigated.

That is called a deal. No the NRA won't be happy, and no the gun grabbers won't be happy, but who gives a fuck, it actually helps solve the problem without draconian limitations on the rights of people who have done nothing wrong.

Why in the world would anyone agree to such a thing in order to "get permission" to exercise their rights? I guess you're also a fan of poll taxes to pay for elections, right. If it is a right, you have no right to limit it. We should effectively punish people who misuse their rights, not limit the rights of people who don't. You clothe your tyranny in nice clothing, but it's tyranny none-the-less.

No, but I'm fan of having to provide ID to prove you actually DO have a right to vote.

Dumb shit every right we have is limited, but having to prove you actually are supposed to have that right, is not a limitation.

You are a funny fellow. No right is limited. Abuses of rights is limited. And, when you examine the wording of the Second, you find that it says SHALL not be infringed. I realize that doesn't mean much to an idiot, but those words have meanings.
It means no infringement...

not to FairandBalanced. In his world, it seems to mean something like "if I approve". His argument is weak, so he's reduced to name calling and vulgarities...the hallmark of an inferior mind.
What should concern us all is this issue is so easily solved if Congress on both sides wasn't a bunch of god damned idiots who are bought and paid for by various lobbies.

It's not that fucking difficult, If you want to legally own a gun, get an FBI background check, if you pass, it is no ones business what you own, if you fail, you can't even own a .22.

If you get caught with a firearm and no background check, 10 years in prison.

Renewed every 5 years at a small fee, say $50 just to cover costs.

Allow for flags that can be placed on a person suspending their ability to buy guns under certain circumstances until the FBI can verify IE you were investigated for domestic violence yeah you can't buy guns again until that's investigated.

That is called a deal. No the NRA won't be happy, and no the gun grabbers won't be happy, but who gives a fuck, it actually helps solve the problem without draconian limitations on the rights of people who have done nothing wrong.

Why in the world would anyone agree to such a thing in order to "get permission" to exercise their rights? I guess you're also a fan of poll taxes to pay for elections, right. If it is a right, you have no right to limit it. We should effectively punish people who misuse their rights, not limit the rights of people who don't. You clothe your tyranny in nice clothing, but it's tyranny none-the-less.

No, but I'm fan of having to provide ID to prove you actually DO have a right to vote.

Dumb shit every right we have is limited, but having to prove you actually are supposed to have that right, is not a limitation.

You are a funny fellow. No right is limited. Abuses of rights is limited. And, when you examine the wording of the Second, you find that it says SHALL not be infringed. I realize that doesn't mean much to an idiot, but those words have meanings.
It does mean something to him. That is why he is trying to figure out a solution that won't violate the second. Give him a chance and hear him out instead of jumping all over him. It'll be more productive.
What should concern us all is this issue is so easily solved if Congress on both sides wasn't a bunch of god damned idiots who are bought and paid for by various lobbies.

It's not that fucking difficult, If you want to legally own a gun, get an FBI background check, if you pass, it is no ones business what you own, if you fail, you can't even own a .22.

If you get caught with a firearm and no background check, 10 years in prison.

Renewed every 5 years at a small fee, say $50 just to cover costs.

Allow for flags that can be placed on a person suspending their ability to buy guns under certain circumstances until the FBI can verify IE you were investigated for domestic violence yeah you can't buy guns again until that's investigated.

That is called a deal. No the NRA won't be happy, and no the gun grabbers won't be happy, but who gives a fuck, it actually helps solve the problem without draconian limitations on the rights of people who have done nothing wrong.

Why in the world would anyone agree to such a thing in order to "get permission" to exercise their rights? I guess you're also a fan of poll taxes to pay for elections, right. If it is a right, you have no right to limit it. We should effectively punish people who misuse their rights, not limit the rights of people who don't. You clothe your tyranny in nice clothing, but it's tyranny none-the-less.

No, but I'm fan of having to provide ID to prove you actually DO have a right to vote.

Dumb shit every right we have is limited, but having to prove you actually are supposed to have that right, is not a limitation.

You are a funny fellow. No right is limited. Abuses of rights is limited. And, when you examine the wording of the Second, you find that it says SHALL not be infringed. I realize that doesn't mean much to an idiot, but those words have meanings.

Having to prove you actually are able to exercise a right is not an infringement you moron. I would bet money that you support voter ID, for example.
What should concern us all is this issue is so easily solved if Congress on both sides wasn't a bunch of god damned idiots who are bought and paid for by various lobbies.

It's not that fucking difficult, If you want to legally own a gun, get an FBI background check, if you pass, it is no ones business what you own, if you fail, you can't even own a .22.

If you get caught with a firearm and no background check, 10 years in prison.

Renewed every 5 years at a small fee, say $50 just to cover costs.

Allow for flags that can be placed on a person suspending their ability to buy guns under certain circumstances until the FBI can verify IE you were investigated for domestic violence yeah you can't buy guns again until that's investigated.

That is called a deal. No the NRA won't be happy, and no the gun grabbers won't be happy, but who gives a fuck, it actually helps solve the problem without draconian limitations on the rights of people who have done nothing wrong.

Why in the world would anyone agree to such a thing in order to "get permission" to exercise their rights? I guess you're also a fan of poll taxes to pay for elections, right. If it is a right, you have no right to limit it. We should effectively punish people who misuse their rights, not limit the rights of people who don't. You clothe your tyranny in nice clothing, but it's tyranny none-the-less.

No, but I'm fan of having to provide ID to prove you actually DO have a right to vote.

Dumb shit every right we have is limited, but having to prove you actually are supposed to have that right, is not a limitation.

You are a funny fellow. No right is limited. Abuses of rights is limited. And, when you examine the wording of the Second, you find that it says SHALL not be infringed. I realize that doesn't mean much to an idiot, but those words have meanings.
It means no infringement...

not to FairandBalanced. In his world, it seems to mean something like "if I approve". His argument is weak, so he's reduced to name calling and vulgarities...the hallmark of an inferior mind.
Some can adjust, others sublimate..
What should concern us all is this issue is so easily solved if Congress on both sides wasn't a bunch of god damned idiots who are bought and paid for by various lobbies.

It's not that fucking difficult, If you want to legally own a gun, get an FBI background check, if you pass, it is no ones business what you own, if you fail, you can't even own a .22.

If you get caught with a firearm and no background check, 10 years in prison.

Renewed every 5 years at a small fee, say $50 just to cover costs.

Allow for flags that can be placed on a person suspending their ability to buy guns under certain circumstances until the FBI can verify IE you were investigated for domestic violence yeah you can't buy guns again until that's investigated.

That is called a deal. No the NRA won't be happy, and no the gun grabbers won't be happy, but who gives a fuck, it actually helps solve the problem without draconian limitations on the rights of people who have done nothing wrong.

Why in the world would anyone agree to such a thing in order to "get permission" to exercise their rights? I guess you're also a fan of poll taxes to pay for elections, right. If it is a right, you have no right to limit it. We should effectively punish people who misuse their rights, not limit the rights of people who don't. You clothe your tyranny in nice clothing, but it's tyranny none-the-less.

No, but I'm fan of having to provide ID to prove you actually DO have a right to vote.

Dumb shit every right we have is limited, but having to prove you actually are supposed to have that right, is not a limitation.

You are a funny fellow. No right is limited. Abuses of rights is limited. And, when you examine the wording of the Second, you find that it says SHALL not be infringed. I realize that doesn't mean much to an idiot, but those words have meanings.
It does mean something to him. That is why he is trying to figure out a solution that won't violate the second. Give him a chance and hear him out instead of jumping all over him. It'll be more productive.

Nope, the hard partisan idiots on the right won't do that, and THAT is exactly what gives rise to the hard partisan left idiots on this issue and that is why nothing ever gets done. Reasonable people are no longer the majority, we are the minority.
What should concern us all is this issue is so easily solved if Congress on both sides wasn't a bunch of god damned idiots who are bought and paid for by various lobbies.

It's not that fucking difficult, If you want to legally own a gun, get an FBI background check, if you pass, it is no ones business what you own, if you fail, you can't even own a .22.

If you get caught with a firearm and no background check, 10 years in prison.

Renewed every 5 years at a small fee, say $50 just to cover costs.

Allow for flags that can be placed on a person suspending their ability to buy guns under certain circumstances until the FBI can verify IE you were investigated for domestic violence yeah you can't buy guns again until that's investigated.

That is called a deal. No the NRA won't be happy, and no the gun grabbers won't be happy, but who gives a fuck, it actually helps solve the problem without draconian limitations on the rights of people who have done nothing wrong.

Why in the world would anyone agree to such a thing in order to "get permission" to exercise their rights? I guess you're also a fan of poll taxes to pay for elections, right. If it is a right, you have no right to limit it. We should effectively punish people who misuse their rights, not limit the rights of people who don't. You clothe your tyranny in nice clothing, but it's tyranny none-the-less.
scratch a large number of conservatives and fascism pops out.
Their repeated attacks on the Constitution and our civil as well as human rights continue. Their most recent attack is on the.process itself.

Democrats Abandon Due Process
This is a lie.

Which comes as no surprise because most on the right are liars.

First of all your post fails as a generalization fallacy.

Secondly it fails because it is a lie.

There are, or rather were before they went on vacation, members of Congress demanding a bill be voted on that would have taken away people's right to buy a firearm without due process via the highly secretive , and illegal, no fly list.

You partisan moron.
and you aren't ?
What should concern us all is this issue is so easily solved if Congress on both sides wasn't a bunch of god damned idiots who are bought and paid for by various lobbies.

It's not that fucking difficult, If you want to legally own a gun, get an FBI background check, if you pass, it is no ones business what you own, if you fail, you can't even own a .22.

If you get caught with a firearm and no background check, 10 years in prison.

Renewed every 5 years at a small fee, say $50 just to cover costs.

Allow for flags that can be placed on a person suspending their ability to buy guns under certain circumstances until the FBI can verify IE you were investigated for domestic violence yeah you can't buy guns again until that's investigated.

That is called a deal. No the NRA won't be happy, and no the gun grabbers won't be happy, but who gives a fuck, it actually helps solve the problem without draconian limitations on the rights of people who have done nothing wrong.

Why in the world would anyone agree to such a thing in order to "get permission" to exercise their rights? I guess you're also a fan of poll taxes to pay for elections, right. If it is a right, you have no right to limit it. We should effectively punish people who misuse their rights, not limit the rights of people who don't. You clothe your tyranny in nice clothing, but it's tyranny none-the-less.
scratch a large number of conservatives and fascism pops out.

You confuse fascism with authoritarianism and neglect to mention that there are authoritarians on the left as well.
Their repeated attacks on the Constitution and our civil as well as human rights continue. Their most recent attack is on the.process itself.

Democrats Abandon Due Process
This is a lie.

Which comes as no surprise because most on the right are liars.

First of all your post fails as a generalization fallacy.

Secondly it fails because it is a lie.

There are, or rather were before they went on vacation, members of Congress demanding a bill be voted on that would have taken away people's right to buy a firearm without due process via the highly secretive , and illegal, no fly list.

You partisan moron.
and you aren't ?

I'm neither a moron nor a partisan. You'll notice that i'm taking flack from both sides in this VERY thread.

Dumb fuck
What should concern us all is this issue is so easily solved if Congress on both sides wasn't a bunch of god damned idiots who are bought and paid for by various lobbies.

It's not that fucking difficult, If you want to legally own a gun, get an FBI background check, if you pass, it is no ones business what you own, if you fail, you can't even own a .22.

If you get caught with a firearm and no background check, 10 years in prison.

Renewed every 5 years at a small fee, say $50 just to cover costs.

Allow for flags that can be placed on a person suspending their ability to buy guns under certain circumstances until the FBI can verify IE you were investigated for domestic violence yeah you can't buy guns again until that's investigated.

That is called a deal. No the NRA won't be happy, and no the gun grabbers won't be happy, but who gives a fuck, it actually helps solve the problem without draconian limitations on the rights of people who have done nothing wrong.

Why in the world would anyone agree to such a thing in order to "get permission" to exercise their rights? I guess you're also a fan of poll taxes to pay for elections, right. If it is a right, you have no right to limit it. We should effectively punish people who misuse their rights, not limit the rights of people who don't. You clothe your tyranny in nice clothing, but it's tyranny none-the-less.

No, but I'm fan of having to provide ID to prove you actually DO have a right to vote.

Dumb shit every right we have is limited, but having to prove you actually are supposed to have that right, is not a limitation.

You are a funny fellow. No right is limited. Abuses of rights is limited. And, when you examine the wording of the Second, you find that it says SHALL not be infringed. I realize that doesn't mean much to an idiot, but those words have meanings.
It does mean something to him. That is why he is trying to figure out a solution that won't violate the second. Give him a chance and hear him out instead of jumping all over him. It'll be more productive.

Nope, the hard partisan idiots on the right won't do that, and THAT is exactly what gives rise to the hard partisan left idiots on this issue and that is why nothing ever gets done. Reasonable people are no longer the majority, we are the minority.
I'm hard right, but I'm willing to hear people out.
More liberal "thought"

"Men have the right to use a womens' restroom"
"Gun owner's don't have the right to due process"


Yeah that's the only response you have b/c you know all too many stupid liberals have espoused EXACTLY that opinion.
false! since transgender people aren't men, to be accurate some of them are, the woman to man type,.you have no real argument.
as to the gun owner bullshit if you are on terrorist a watch list you have given up right to own a firearm
if it's a mistake it can and will be corrected .
i'd much rather err on the side caution and inconvenience a few people for a short time than risk loosing more lives

NO ONE gives a shit what you rather do, you're an idiot.

You're as stupid as the moron who says "no you can't check people to make sure they have a right to buy a gun"

You're two sides of the same stupid coin and the fact that millions of morons like yall vote is exactly why we have morons in office who can't get a goddamned thing done.
wow is that partisan or what...
"Dems abandon due process as they continue the assault on liberty"

This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

The law that authorized the NICS database affords those denied the right to appeal the denial, satisfying all due process requirements.

There is no "violation" of the Second or Fifth Amendments; to claim otherwise is a lie
"Dems abandon due process as they continue the assault on liberty"

This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

The law that authorized the NICS database affords those denied the right to appeal the denial, satisfying all due process requirements.

There is no "violation" of the Second or Fifth Amendments; to claim otherwise is a lie

Due process isn't "you're punished until you appeal and prove you are innocent"

you fucking moron.
"Dems abandon due process as they continue the assault on liberty"

This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

The law that authorized the NICS database affords those denied the right to appeal the denial, satisfying all due process requirements.

There is no "violation" of the Second or Fifth Amendments; to claim otherwise is a lie

Due process isn't "you're punished until you appeal and prove you are innocent"

you fucking moron.
You beat me to it!
More liberal "thought"

"Men have the right to use a womens' restroom"
"Gun owner's don't have the right to due process"


Yeah that's the only response you have b/c you know all too many stupid liberals have espoused EXACTLY that opinion.
false! since transgender people aren't men, to be accurate some of them are, the woman to man type,.you have no real argument.
as to the gun owner bullshit if you are on terrorist a watch list you have given up right to own a firearm
if it's a mistake it can and will be corrected .
i'd much rather err on the side caution and inconvenience a few people for a short time than risk loosing more lives

NO ONE gives a shit what you rather do, you're an idiot.

You're as stupid as the moron who says "no you can't check people to make sure they have a right to buy a gun"

You're two sides of the same stupid coin and the fact that millions of morons like yall vote is exactly why we have morons in office who can't get a goddamned thing done.
wow is that partisan or what...

Wait, did you just claim that saying there are idiots on the left and the right on this issue is partisan?

LOL OMG you are beyond stupid.
Their repeated attacks on the Constitution and our civil as well as human rights continue. Their most recent attack is on the.process itself.

Democrats Abandon Due Process
This is a lie.

Which comes as no surprise because most on the right are liars.

First of all your post fails as a generalization fallacy.

Secondly it fails because it is a lie.

There are, or rather were before they went on vacation, members of Congress demanding a bill be voted on that would have taken away people's right to buy a firearm without due process via the highly secretive , and illegal, no fly list.

You partisan moron.
and you aren't ?

I'm neither a moron nor a partisan. You'll notice that i'm taking flack from both sides in this VERY thread.

Dumb fuck
false you are more partisan and more of a moron then kosher hag and offensively small minded combined you have to be to agree with anything they spew .

Yeah that's the only response you have b/c you know all too many stupid liberals have espoused EXACTLY that opinion.
false! since transgender people aren't men, to be accurate some of them are, the woman to man type,.you have no real argument.
as to the gun owner bullshit if you are on terrorist a watch list you have given up right to own a firearm
if it's a mistake it can and will be corrected .
i'd much rather err on the side caution and inconvenience a few people for a short time than risk loosing more lives

NO ONE gives a shit what you rather do, you're an idiot.

You're as stupid as the moron who says "no you can't check people to make sure they have a right to buy a gun"

You're two sides of the same stupid coin and the fact that millions of morons like yall vote is exactly why we have morons in office who can't get a goddamned thing done.
wow is that partisan or what...

Wait, did you just claim that saying there are idiots on the left and the right on this issue is partisan?

LOL OMG you are beyond stupid.
Must be someone I have on ignore who said that...I have most of the major idiots here on ignore.

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