dems anounce they have votes to push through reportations bill

Don't forget the Scottish. I believe the English owe me for what they did to my ancestors.

Right. I've mentioned them to Tommy Tainted, how the English drove the Irish and others poor, denied many the right to own land, then travelers from here brought them the potato famine, how many from the northern UK and British Isles fled to America for a better life then when they got here, they discovered that the same English from there were here as well running the coal mines and other places still trying to treat them the same way.

The Queen and Royal Family don't have enough money to pay back reparations to all that England wronged around the world.
Right. I've mentioned them to Tommy Tainted, how the English drove the Irish and others poor, denied many the right to own land, then travelers from here brought them the potato famine, how many from the northern UK and British Isles fled to America for a better life then when they got here, they discovered that the same English from there were here as well running the coal mines and other places still trying to treat them the same way.

The Queen and Royal Family don't have enough money to pay back reparations to all that England wronged around the world.
actually the potatoe famin was all over europe.
Democrats institutionalizing the culture of victimhood while giving racism new life. A two-fer. Karl Marx calls that a homerun!
if america wiped thmew out why did they come to america?

That wasn't known until long after. Besides, America didn't wipe anyone out, the potato spore was simply carried with people as ships traded between England and the Americas.

ugh we got to fight his,. this is ridiculous.
I doubt it has enough votes to actually become law.
If anyone should get them, it would be the Native Americans. The Blacks have it much better because of Slavery = they are not living in Africa.
They have been paid multiple times because government forced them off of land they occupied. Government didn't own slaves.
They have been paid multiple times because government forced them off of land they occupied. Government didn't own slaves.
They have not been paid, they've been screwed over. The blacks have been paid many times over. They are over represented in great paying jobs, even though they graduate at lower rates. Not to mention the millionaire BBall and NFL players, entertainers, etc. And they are not living in a grass hut in Africa
If anyone should get them, it would be the Native Americans. The Blacks have it much better because of Slavery = they are not living in Africa.
I think at this point the indians owe us. They have had a free ride for far too long and they are raking in hundreds of millions of tax free dollars at their casinos.
I think at this point the indians owe us. They have had a free ride for far too long and they are raking in hundreds of millions of tax free dollars at their casinos.
true0 thety also get free musicals insurance for being native american
1. It's just a study, nothing else. They ain't really gonna do anything.

2. It'll never pass the Senate anyway.
Godboy Yes, they didn't even have the wheel. If it wasn't for us, they would've been decimated anyway by other diseases, and other things

ugh we got to fight his,. this is ridiculous.
If you believe the Democrats will EVER do this, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

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