Dems are very upset with Manchin derailing the BUILD BACK BETTER train

"They", "They", "They"...........................they, whoever they are, are not here.

Did you hold Trump accountable? Yes, I held Obama accountable. I am holding Biden accountable here.
"They" is the fake news media. You let Obama get away with anything he wanted.
Senator Manchin didn’t follow the demofks rules!! Listen to all the bullies going after him for him taking his constituents lives above party! Can you say demofks exposed yet again?

Manchin called the Dems liars.

Biden tries to cram through a HUGE multi trillion dollar tax and spend bill that's so far left even all the Dems won't vote for it, that's on Biden not Manchin.
BBB was never meant to pass.

It was just to distract you from the 1.5 trillion-dollar infrastructure bill Joe signed into law a month ago.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday called Sen. Joe Manchin's abrupt rejection of the Democrats' $2.2 trillion climate and social spending bill "an egregious breach of the trust of the president," and said Democratic leadership in Congress should've done more to avoid this scenario.

"A breach of the trust of the President".

Isn't it interesting that ANY DEM who has their own opinions are vilified by the left?

Manchin has been telling them for months his stance on the whole thing. They have "negotiated" with Manchin over and over and over again for months, trying to convince him to back their plan, without negotiations, accept gimmick tricks and intimidation. Manchin simply got tired of their intimidation techniques and their claiming they were "negotiating" when they really weren't.
That's what Manchin is saying.
Coal Miner's Son Joe is against the climate proposals because he owns a stake in a coal mine so who's he's bullshitting?

Biden has bent over backwards for Coal Miner Joe & to thank him he stabbed him & his own constituents, who are some of the poorest in the country in the back.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday called Sen. Joe Manchin's abrupt rejection of the Democrats' $2.2 trillion climate and social spending bill "an egregious breach of the trust of the president," and said Democratic leadership in Congress should've done more to avoid this scenario.

"A breach of the trust of the President".

Isn't it interesting that ANY DEM who has their own opinions are vilified by the left?

You mean like the Repubs and John McCain or Liz Cheany
Coal Miner's Son Joe is against the climate proposals because he owns a stake in a coal mine so who's he's bullshitting?

Biden has bent over backwards for Coal Miner Joe & to thank him he stabbed him & his own constituents, who are some of the poorest in the country in the back.
Gee, that's too bad. Go tell Ilhan Omar to blow herself up. Perhaps that will change his mind.
You mean like the Repubs and John McCain or Liz Cheany
It is because of the McCain's and Cheyney's that Progs have this much power. And war mongers on the top of it. To many RINOS and NEO CONS are in the Repub Party. Some we know. But new ones appear out of nowhere.
Maybe Ilhan Omar will get so angry she straps a bomb to herself and blows up the squad and a few media activists at a press conference.

Should Christians laugh at such?

hey, I believe God has a sense of humor... He kinda has to, eh???
It is because of the McCain's and Cheyney's that Progs have this much power. And war mongers on the top of it. To many RINOS and NEO CONS are in the Repub Party. Some we know. But new ones appear out of nowhere.
they want to cash in at the DC pig-feed trough
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday called Sen. Joe Manchin's abrupt rejection of the Democrats' $2.2 trillion climate and social spending bill "an egregious breach of the trust of the president," and said Democratic leadership in Congress should've done more to avoid this scenario.

"A breach of the trust of the President".

Isn't it interesting that ANY DEM who has their own opinions are vilified by the left?

To be fair, the GOP pounded Romney when he disagreed with them. People are no longer allowed to have their own opinions it seems?

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