Dems are very upset with Manchin derailing the BUILD BACK BETTER train

Manchin has been telling them for months his stance on the whole thing. They have "negotiated" with Manchin over and over and over again for months, trying to convince him to back their plan, without negotiations, accept gimmick tricks and intimidation. Manchin simply got tired of their intimidation techniques and their claiming they were "negotiating" when they really weren't.

Manchin is not finished. He still has a nuclear option.

Flip to the GOP and install Republicans as the heads of all committees.
The debt increased under Trump, therefore conservatives do not care about the debt.

Only a retard thinks this way.
Trump said he would balance the budget. It would be easy. 8 Trillion in new debt later...................

Yes. Trump lies. You tell us that every day. That is why you voted for Biden, because you dont like liars. What is the purpose of your post?

Do you agree that not one dime will be added to the debt if the DEM spending bills are passed?
And the left media talking heads response to this has been downright comical...

"America as we know it is over"
"Democracy is dead"
"IT is the end of our Democracy"

I believe we can pay for every American to have access to medical care.
You didn't say "we", you said "you":
Pknopp: "If you can't pay for something, don't do it."
I've stated over and over that I am perfectly willing to pay for that.
You don't have enough money to pay for healthcare for the poor, nor do you pay enough taxes to do so.
What you're really saying is you support using other people's taxes to do it.
"From those with means, to those with needs". Do you know who said that?
Trump was a fucking disaster. He failed at passing infrastructure, wrecked a good economy, and killed a half million Americans.

Hillary helped lie us into multiple wars costing how many lives?

But yes, in 2020 I didn't want Biden to win but I really wanted Trump to lose.
You didn't say "we", you said "you":
Pknopp: "If you can't pay for something, don't do it."

You don't have enough money to pay for healthcare for the poor, nor do you pay enough taxes to do so.
What you're really saying is you support using other people's taxes to do it.
"From those with means, to those with needs". Do you know who said that?

Seriously, if you have to go here, you know you have no argument. Sheesh.

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